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Bringing Home Danny

Page 22

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Does he have any idea where he is?”

  “ Not yet.”

  “ Where's TJ?”

  “ Working the front desk for me.”

  “ Get someone to cover for him, and send him home. I'll give Jason a call.”

  Antonio patted Ricky on the shoulder. “Relax, honey, I'll be right back.”

  Antonio met Mitch in the office. Mitch shook his head as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Antonio sighed knowing this wasn't going to be an easy sell.

  “ Do you have any idea what you're doing?”

  “ Mitch, what did you want me to do? Leave him in the hands of that maniac?”

  “ There are shelters.”

  “ Really, Mitch? You go in there and tell that poor boy we're sending him to a shelter.”

  “ Antonio, those places are set up for people in his situation.”

  “ Those places are only so safe. Besides, how many are really out there for men? Once Ricky gets a restraining order, that's when the real danger begins.”

  “ Once Brendan finds out we are providing him with sanctuary, all of us are at risk. I wouldn't mind if it was only the two of us, but we have TJ and Danny to consider.”

  “ Don’t you think I have thought about that? I'm sick with worry. But how would you feel if it was TJ or Danny in his situation? Think about Danny in particular. He is bound to leave us soon and start adult relationships of his own. What if he was being hurt? Wouldn't you want someone to help him?”

  “ He has someone to help him, he has us.”

  “ That's right, and Ricky needs us, too.”

  Mitch groaned. There's no reasoning with this man at times.

  Antonio and Mitch waited for TJ to arrive home before bringing Ricky to Jason's private practice. TJ was late again. Just when they were all about to run out of patience, he strolled in, not a care in the world. Then he saw Ricky, and everything changed. It didn't take a detective to figure out what was going on.

  “Hey, man, are you okay?”

  Ricky lifted his head up shyly. He felt awkward having all this fuss made over him. “I didn't mean to interfere with everybody's plans.”

  “ Don't worry, sweetheart. You are not responsible for any of this,” Antonio told him.

  “ Speaking of which, Brendan left the gym right before I did.”

  Ricky felt sickened by those words and began to panic. “Did he say anything? Did you tell him where I was?”

  “ No, of course not.”

  “ You're safe with us,” Antonio reminded him.

  “ TJ, do me a favor and bring Danny downstairs," Mitch instructed. "I want to speak to the both of you,”

  When TJ came back into the room with Danny, it took a moment for it to dawn on Ricky where he had recognized the boy from.

  “ Danny?” he asked. Ricky was embarrassed that the kid had to see him like this.

  “ Hi, Ricky,” Danny said sheepishly. He was mortified that Ricky came in while he was in the corner.

  “ Boys, have a seat. Ricky is going through a rough spot, and will be staying with us for a little while. TJ, you are going to be sharing your old room with him. So bring a few of your things into the master bedroom to give him more space.”

  “ No problem,” TJ responded readily.

  “ Good," Mitch said in approval. "Now, we are going to be tightening up restrictions for the time being. We will be discussing them in further detail when we get back from the doctor's.”

  “ Okay,” TJ agreed.

  “ Danny, that goes for you in particular.”

  “ I didn't think they could get any tighter,” Danny grumbled.

  “ Continue to push your luck, and I'll tether you to a harness and attach it to my hip.”

  Mitch stared poignantly at him until he answered with a cursory, “Yes, sir.”

  “ I need you to stay here with Danny,” Mitch said to TJ. “I don't want either of you to answer the door or the phone. In fact, stay off the phone completely in case we need to contact you. Use it only in case of an emergency.”

  “ Call us immediately if anything suspicious arises,” Antonio added.

  “ Sure, we'll be fine,” TJ reassured.

  Even though Ricky was comforted by the precautions they were taking, he also felt immensely guilty at having inconvenienced everyone.

  “ I appreciate all you're doing for me, but it’s not necessary to go through so much trouble. I have a little money. I can stay at hotel until things settle down, and then I'll make an appointment with my own doctor.”

  “ Ricky, we are no longer discussing that as an option. I have already made the appointment with Jason. He will be sensitive, thorough, and confidential. He is also a busy man, so we don't want to keep him waiting.” Mitch issued his order, in his take-charge mode.


  Mitch greeted his old buddy with a handshake and a friendly pat on the shoulder. "I appreciate you fitting us in on such short notice. Antonio has a young friend here that needs to be checked over.”

  Jason quickly scanned Ricky sitting in the waiting room with Antonio. “Who's responsible for using him like a punishing bag?” he asked.

  “ His boyfriend.”

  “ Poor kid. I imagine he's been battered for a while. Why don't you have Lucy set him up in a back room. Are there going to be charges pressed?”

  “ We're considering it.”

  “ I'll get the camera. Will a rape kit be necessary?”

  “ I'm not sure. He's awfully skittish as it is.”

  Mitch and Antonio walked with Ricky to the back room, and Antonio assisted him up on the examining table. Jason wasted no time in knocking on the door.

  “ Come in,” said Mitch.

  Jason took Ricky's hand gently in his. “Hello, Ricky, I'm Dr. Phillips, but you can call me Jason.”

  “ Hello.”

  “ What happened to your hand?”

  “ I broke three of my fingers.”

  “ Where was it treated?” Jason asked, as he turned them delicately to inspect the splints.

  “ At the ER.”

  “ I have someone I can recommend to make sure they heal properly.”

  Ricky mumbled a quiet thank you.

  “ So, what else are we checking on today?”

  Ricky was overwhelmed by the process and shrugged apologetically.

  “ Mitch tells me you got pretty banged up, and from the looks of things he's right.”

  “ Honestly, I think I'm all right, just a few bruises.”

  “ Well, that's quite a shiner you got there,” Jason remarked. Tilting Ricky's head back, he examined his eye with a light. “Have you been icing it?”

  “ Not really.”

  “ I'm a little concerned about the blood near your cornea. Lets' keep an eye on it,” he said, with a wink.

  Ricky attempted a small laugh, but it hurt too much.

  “ Can you get your shirt off for me?”

  "I can try."

  Ricky began to wince when he raised his shirt above his chest. Jason helped by gently pulling it over his head.

  “ You have a lot of contusions. Is it difficult for you to lift your arms?

  “ A little.”

  Assessing the amount of bruising covering his arms and chest, Jason determined that a full examination was going to be necessary. Pressing his hands against Ricky’s chest he asked, “Does it hurt to take deep breaths?”

  “ It's a bit sore.”

  "Let me have a listen." Jason delicat
ely placed his stethoscope to Ricky's chest. “Take a little breath if you can.”

  Ricky breathed in and winced.

  “ There is some swelling here. Your ribs are definitely bruised, but I don't think anything is cracked. You will need to be careful not to injure them more.” He ran his hands over his bruised arms, and detected swelling. “How did you sprain your elbow?”

  Ricky gave his rehearsed automatic response. “I fell.”

  Jason nodded knowingly, not willing to press the issue.

  “ Did you ice it?”

  “ Some.”

  “ Okay, Ricky, let me help you get into this gown. It's what all the most fashionable men are wearing these days,” he joked, in an effort to ease his tension. "Should we ask your entourage to leave?”

  Ricky nodded nervously.

  Antonio smiled reassuringly at him. “We'll be waiting in the lobby,” he said.

  “ How have you been managing with three broken fingers and a sprained arm?” Jason asked, after they left.

  Ricky shrugged and said, “I had help.”

  Jason refrained from making a disparaging comment about the person he assumed helped him to sustain the injuries in the first place.

  “ If it's okay with you, I'd like to do a full physical.”

  Jason helped Ricky to lie down and ease off his pants. Ricky closed his eyes and grimaced. He played his favorite Kalbalvsky cello and saxophone rhapsody in his mind to distract himself from the intrusive exam.

  After the difficult procedure was completed, Jason invited Antonio and Mitch back in.

  “ I spoke to Ricky about the importance of taking it easy. He's to get plenty of rest for the next few weeks. I would like him to ice his eye, rib cage, and elbow several times a day for the next forty-eight hours. Then a warm heating pad can be used to help with the pain. He should take an anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever as needed. I have a few here he can go home with. I recommend he wears an eye patch and sees an eye doctor if the redness in his sclera isn't gone by tomorrow. I also recommend he uses suppositories and refrains from sex for a week or two."

  When nobody commented the doctor continued, "I'm going to put his arm in a sling to help with the swelling and to keep it stable. There is not much we can do for the ribs, other than for Ricky to take it easy and to keep them protected. There should be no lifting or strenuous activities for a month. I assume it goes without saying that I recommend he not be in contact with his boyfriend while he is healing.”

  “ Yes, we'll make sure of that,” Antonio said, directing his gaze at Mitch.

  “ Let me know if you are planning on pressing charges. I will be more than happy to send you with a medical report and pictures of the injuries.”

  “ Thank you, Jason. We will take those with us just in case,” Mitch said.

  “ Good luck, Ricky, and take care of yourself.”

  “ Thank you, Doctor.”

  “ Antonio, why don't you bring Ricky up front with this note? There will be no charge, but I would like a follow up appointment.”

  “ Of course, Doc. Thank you.”

  “ Mitch, I'd like to speak to you a minute.”

  Mitch nodded as he watched the two leave.

  “ What's going on with all the rescues?”

  “ My boys keep bringing home strays.”

  Jason shook his head ruefully at his friend. “Well, you certainly have your hands full. Speaking of which, how is young Danny doing?”

  “ He's adjusting.”

  “ I'm glad to hear it. I'm concerned about this one, though. He's a nice boy, but he seems so passive.”

  “ Yes, he does,” Mitch agreed.

  “ I've seen situations like this more than I care to remember. They almost always go back to the abuser.”

  “ I'm aware of that. We'll do what we can to make sure it doesn't happen.”

  “ Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.”

  Once they were out of the medical building and heading to the parking lot fear began to grip Ricky, completely immobilizing him. Unable to take another step he turned helplessly to Mitch and Antonio. “Please don't be angry, but I don't want to go to the police station to press charges. I don't think I could handle that right now.”

  “ We're not angry with you, sweetheart," Antonio reassured. "No one will make you do anything you're not ready to do.”

  “ Either way, I think it is a good idea to have a restraining order in place. I'll call my attorney, and we'll see what he can do,” Mitch said.

  Antonio and Mitch brought Ricky home. There was no longer a question about where he belonged. Mitch was learning to take these additions to his life in stride. What choice did he have? The only thing more powerful than Antonio's will when his mind was set on something, was the force of his love when his heart was locked in.

  Antonio set Ricky up in the living room with ice packs, a pain reliever, and some refreshments while Mitch called his attorney. He gave Mitch a little time before joining him in the office. As soon as Mitch set the phone down, Antonio closed the door behind him. He was finally able to release the anger he was suppressing all afternoon.

  "You'll need to come with me when I speak with Brendan. Otherwise, I'm likely to smash his head in.”

  “ I wouldn't have you alone with that man anyways.”


  Early the next morning, Mitch and Antonio drove to their gym together. It had taken many good years of heart and sweat to get their business up and running successfully. Now, they were the proud owners of one of the most reputable health and fitness centers in the city. They unlocked the doors together and waited by the lobby for Brendan. He was always one of the first arrivals, and as soon as he approached, Antonio confronted him. "Before you get any closer, you need to know you are no longer welcomed in our gym. We will be severing all business ties. You will be given a full refund.”

  “ What the hell is going on? Do you know where Ricky is?”

  “ Ricky is in a safe place, and is no longer your concern.”

  “ How the hell can you say that? What have you done with my boyfriend?!”

  “ It's more about what you have done to him.”

  “ I haven't done anything to him other than love him. What has he been telling you?”

  “ You will be receiving a restraining order. You are not permitted to be within a hundred yards of him,” Mitch stepped in to inform Brendan.

  “ What?!”

  “ I don't even think it is a good idea you're in the same state as him,” Antonio followed up.

  “ Ricky wouldn't have done this to me. You have no right to interfere.”

  “ Are you listening to me?” Antonio asked.

  “ This is a misunderstanding. If you let me speak to him I'm sure I can clear things up.”

  “ If you try to contact him, or if I see you anywhere near the vicinity of him, you will have to answer to me.”

  “ You're not threatening me are you? I have a right to live here.”

  “ Oh, it's no threat. It's only my promise to Ricky that's keeping me from hurting you at the moment. But if you go near him again, you will live to regret it.”

  “ What about my career? It's here in New York.”

  “ Not anymore it isn't. You go peacefully and I will wipe my hands clean of you. If I see you around, I'll call all of my connections and have you blacklisted as a troublemaker and a steroid user.”

  “ I can't believe this! That stupid little cunt is ruining my life!”

  Antonio tensed and Mitch put a calming hand on his shoulder. “I suggest you pack your t
hings and leave town, or your career will be that last thing you'll need to be concerned about,” Mitch warned, through clenched teeth.

  Brendan felt the ground drop out beneath his feet. The world as he knew it died, and the dream for his future was spinning out of reach. He needed control back and swung around in an attempt to find something to latch on to. There was nothing there but empty space on either side of him, and a fortress standing in front of him blocking forward movement. In a moment of hysteria, he envisioned himself lunging over the desk for the computer - for anything nearby to throw, to destroy, to tear down to the ground with him.

  Mitch and Antonio surrounded him before he could put any of his crazy thoughts into action. They swiftly escorted the stunned man out of the gym, advising him not to cause more problems for himself by creating a scene. They were wise words, and Brendan was smart enough to heed them. He knew he lost the first battle, but the war was yet to come. He just needed time to gather his strength and come up with a plan. Once out on the street, in neutral territory, Brendan lobbed a few hateful threats at them before getting into a cab.

  With nothing left to do, Mitch and Antonio turned their backs to his cursing and walked back towards their establishment.

  “ Thanks for helping me to keep my cool. I don't think I could have done it without you by my side.”

  Mitch put his arm around Antonio. “Where else would I have been?”

  Ignoring his usual reservations about kissing in public, Antonio pulled Mitch's face towards his and kissed him passionately under the archway of M & A's Healthy Heart Fitness Center .

  Chapter Seven

  A Matter of Trust

  Ricky rested on the couch with ice packs in various locations as he watched the coming and going of four very distinct and animated men. Normally, he would have felt out of place in such an atmosphere. Fortunately, everyone had been so kind that he never felt like he was taking up needed space. Antonio continued to offer him things that Ricky politely declined.

  Eventually, Antonio sat by Ricky's side and rubbed his knee. “Are you sure I can't get you anything?” he asked.

  “ Really, you have done more than enough. I promise I'll be out of your way shortly.”


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