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Lost in the Mist of Time

Page 5

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Connor lifted his hands to ward off anymore of his sister’s verbal lashing. “Okay already. I still say we continue our trip. Let’s just take the guy with us. Maybe he’ll see something that looks familiar to him.”

  “That’s an idea.” Donagh smiled at his son. “Sound all right with the rest of ye?”

  “Fine by me, but don’t you think we should ask Doug?” Aislinn wasn’t at all sure if the man would agree to tag along with them. Even though he seemed hesitant to the outside world, he had squared his shoulders taking in everything he saw as he tried to make sense of it. She could tell that he was actually frightened at times, but he was able to overcome his fears and made them explain what he didn’t understand.

  It bothered her that he didn’t recognize simple things, like the light switches, cars, or even a telephone. Of course, she was not sure how amnesia worked. It could be that what he was experiencing was normal.

  “Travel along with ye?” Dougray eyed the Hennessys one by one. He didn’t know if that would be a good idea. He couldn’t remember where he belonged, but a part of him felt that he needed to stay here. But at the same time, he felt anxious to be on his way. He was supposed to be somewhere. He had duties, responsibilities, and it was driving him mad that he couldn’t remember what they were.

  These kind people had been nice enough to take him under their wing. He knew that he was in Dublin for they had told him. The name did sound oddly familiar, but a thorough walk of the city did nothing to help him jog his memory. There were landmarks that he recognized well enough, but there were added buildings that he had never seen in his life. If he were to honestly admit it, the world out there was frighteningly imposing, for he didn’t understand a thing of what these people seemed to take for granted. He sensed, rather than knew, for a fact that he was not ordinarily a man who was easily frightened, but he was most uneasy at the thought of being left alone to face the unknown. “I think that it is very good of ye to offer. I would be most pleased to accompany ye.” He pulled at his shirt that fit him like a second skin. The clothes were not what he was used to. At first he had thought their garments were different because they did not come from this land, but last night when they had walked the town, he realized that everyone about him wore somewhat similar attire.

  He nearly fell over himself, when he took in the revealing ways that some of the women dressed. Even the boyish woman, A.J., wore clothing that hugged tight to her slim figure. He glanced at her now over his cup that held the dark, bitter liquid Connor had informed him was called coffee. Of the four, A.J. was the one that made his head spin. He couldn’t quite figure her out with her contradicting motives. She seemed to like him well enough, but there was a wall that she put up that clearly spoke that she did not wish him, or anyone else for that matter, to climb over. Yet she was helpful and considerate, almost to the point of annoyance.

  She was not exactly what he would have normally been attracted to. Her dark hair was cut too short, and her eyes of midnight raked over him as if suspicious of his every move. She was a tall woman, but anything but large. He would almost say that she was rather slender for her height, but he couldn’t help but notice that her arms were well defined as though she wielded a sword on a daily basis. She had long shapely legs that seemed to go on forever. She almost stood eye to eye to him. He did not see much of her mother in her other than the coloring perhaps. Her mother was quite small in comparison and she always spoke softly and patiently, whereas A.J. seemed always to be in a hurry. She barely sat still and she could talk an ear off you,

  if you let her. Yet she could be so silent that it made him wonder, just what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.

  He noticed that she always carried a notebook, and a huge travel bag upon her back. He was most curious to know what she had in there that she needed

  to carry it with her at all times. Indeed she seemed to be an intriguingly complicated woman.

  He found that he liked that.

  Chapter 9

  Donagh sat down next to the tall stranger from the mist. He may not remember who he was, but it didn’t matter when it came to judging a man’s integrity. Memory or not that would still be intact. “How are ye doing this fine day?”

  Dougray turned to look at him. “Well, I’ll thank ye.” They were silent for a moment, but there were too many questions that raged through Dougray’s mind. “Ye’re from around these parts?” He was sure for the slight lilt in his voice was still in evidence even though he spoke the English well.

  “I was, but a very long time ago.”

  The younger man nodded. His eyes wandered over to where Aislinn had just entered. His gaze lingered just long enough for Donagh to recognize the obvious attraction.

  “I’m not sure yer daughter likes me over much,” Dougray commented making Donagh bellow.

  “A.J. is a complicated woman. She tends to pick out the weaker of the male species for she has this overwhelming tendency to coddle.” Dougray found the older man looking him over as if he were trying to decide just what category he fit into. He seemed to find him in good favor for he smiled as he spoke, “I do not think ye would want to be coddled. Aye?”

  This time Dougray chuckled. “Nay. I may not have my memory of whence I came, but I feel that I am safe to say that I am my own man and do not need

  a woman to lead me by the hand.”

  “Hmm.” Donagh touched his clean-shaved chin. “I do not think me daughter dislikes ye. She does not know what to make of ye is all.”

  “How so?”

  “Ye are a man, and she has only been surrounded by boys. Connor and I excluded.”

  “Of course.” Dougray again turned his attention toward Aislinn. She had spotted them now and was walking toward them.

  “Tread softly, young lord, for she will be worth yer trouble.”

  Before Dougray could ask Hennessy what he meant, Aislinn had arrived. Both men stood and waited for her to be seated. “Such gentlemen this morning,” she teased but her eyes showed the appreciation of the gesture.

  “As a lady, ye should always be treated so.” Dougray held her gaze making her feel slightly uncomfortable. She was confused by her own feelings toward this man. It wasn’t just his rugged good looks, though he was very appealing. It was more his demeanor that seemed to engulf her with its undeniable strength. Just before she dropped her gaze, she saw his lips twitch with a smile.

  “I’m starving.” Connor had arrived and pulled out a chair, plopping himself down. His hair was matted on one side and on the other it was sticking straight up.

  Aislinn chuckled. “Good God, Connor, you look like you just rolled out of bed.”

  Connor glanced at his watch. “Yep, just about two minutes ago to be exact. So what’s for breakfast?”

  Chapter 10

  It was already past seven, when they arrived in Sligo where Connor insisted that they hit the local pub that he had heard about from one of his friends.

  It was packed full, making it hard to move around, but Connor and Dougray had managed to find a couple of chairs up at the bar. Connor was fairly drunk and his tongue was wagging, exposing a great deal of the Hennessys’ secrets. “Take a look at this one.” He handed the camcorder over to Dougray. “That was last Christmas. Yet again A.J. has a new loser hanging on her arm.”

  “You do not care for her choice of men?” Even he could tell that she was not in love with the man that insisted on hanging all over her. She smiled, but she seemed rather annoyed with the open affection that he was displaying in front of her family.

  “My sister is a great gal, don’t get me wrong. I just worry about her, is all. She tends to find herself with men who cannot stand on their own two feet. It doesn’t help that she’s the nurturing type.” He took another generous swallow of his Guinness. “I tell you if she ever finds herself a real man, she wouldn’t know what to do with him.”

  Dougray watched the Christmas festivities on this wonder that Connor had called a camcorder. It was a
mazing, but try as he might, he couldn’t understand how the item worked. He didn’t think it was magic or some kind of witchery for he noticed on their travels that others possessed similar items. He looked at Connor who seemed in deep thought. “Yer sister seems to be a strong woman.”

  “You can say that again.” “Why would I say it again?”

  Connor laughed. “Just a saying, dude. That’s all.” “Oh.”

  “A.J. has a big heart. You remember that.” He slapped Dougray on the back.

  “Aye, that I will.”

  “She tries to hide behind a thick hide but that’s only because she’s never met anyone that has been worthy of her heart.” He snorted. “I guess I have been reading too many of her smut books.”

  “Her what?”

  “Oh, I didn’t tell you, did I? She writes romance stories. They’re not half bad either, not that these are my type of books, mind you. I have to read it if my sister wrote it, don’t I?”

  “It would be the polite thing to do.”

  “That’s what I say.” He took another gulp plopping his mug down. “I only wish that she could find the romantic hunks that she writes about instead of what she ends up attracting.” He shrugged. “She can’t help it. She’s a Hennessy. We open our door to all. We’re the helpers of the sick and needy, even if they are a helpless loser. My sister just forgot that she didn’t have to go so far as date them. I tell you, it’s like she has a bum magnet attached to her somewhere. The bigger the loser, the harder she will end up falling for him. Luckily, she wises up before she ends up doing something really stupid like marrying one of them.” He finished his drink. “Hey, don’t repeat anything of this to her. God, if A.J. knew that I told you this, she’d kick my patootie.”

  “What about your patootie?” Aislinn slapped him on the back and he nearly toppled off his chair. “Are you already drunk?”

  “Heck no, just heavily tipsy. Come to join us, A.J.?”

  She glanced at Dougray, who seemed to be studying her a little too closely. Just what had her brother been telling him? She tore her gaze away, long enough to smile at her brother. “Sure why not?” She motioned to the bartender.

  “What will it be, miss?”

  “What are you two boys drinking?”

  “Guinness,” Dougray answered. He was growing quite fond of the dark liquid.

  She nodded. “That’s what I’d like. Can’t leave Ireland without tasting Guinness.”

  Dougray noticed that there weren’t any more stools and he stood. “Why don’t ye take my seat?” he offered to Aislinn.

  “Are you sure?” She seemed hesitant.

  “Please.” He motioned with his left hand. The moment she sat down the bartender came back with her mug. She stared at the glass for a moment. “Here goes.” She took a deep breath. Lifting the glass, she took her first taste of the dark liquid and nearly choked. “Yuck. That’s awful.”

  Connor looked over her shoulder to Dougray. “She’s not a drinker. She’ll probably be drunk from that one sip. I’ll relieve you of that.” She gratefully let him take the glass from her. “I’ll get you something that you’ll enjoy. Let your big brother take care of you.”

  “That’s a scary thought.” She smiled letting him motion for the bartender. “Another?” The bartender looked at her.

  Connor spoke up, “Something different for the lady. Do you happen to know how to make a Cape Cod?” He saw the blank look the guy gave him and rushed on. “Here let me help. Do you have any cranberry juice?”

  “Don’t think so, but let me check.” He went to the little refrigerated. He looked over his shoulder and shouted over the noise, “No cranberry juice, but there’s orange juice.”

  “That’ll do.” Connor yelled back. “Put a little Vodka on the bottom of the glass and fill the rest with orange juice.”

  “A screwdriver?” Aislinn lifted a brow.

  “Yep. You can handle that. Not exactly Irish but….”

  The bartender handed her the new drink and Connor paid. She took a cautious sip. “Not too bad.”

  Someone behind them decided to start singing. At first it was hard to hear him over the yells of the others but as his rich voice continued strong and true, others began to join in.

  “We have a lively crowd tonight,” Aislinn commented.

  Dougray nodded. Everything seemed oddly familiar and yet none of it did. Had he been in a pub like this before? Possibly even this one? He looked down at the dark liquid he had been consuming. It was good, but didn’t seem to be something that he had ever had before this night.

  “What are you thinking about, Doug?” Aislinn drew his attention.

  “Just wondering if I had been here before.” He looked around the crowded room. He didn’t think he had, but possibly he had been somewhere similar to this.

  She placed her hand on his. “Don’t worry, we’ll find where you belong.” He smiled, but he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right with all this. It was frustrating that he just couldn’t put his finger on it. Like his name, he had told the Hennessys that his name was Doug Gray or rather A.J. had assumed that this was his name. Doug Gray, he said over and over in his mind, knowing it wasn’t right.

  “Hey, Patrick!” A man with reddish color hair pushed his way through the crowded pub, waving to someone that was over on the other side. “Patrick!”

  he bellowed again as he maneuvered his way past.

  Patrick? Dougray repeated the name that seemed to spark a chord of recognition. Patrick…Aye. Fitzpatrick. He remembered. His name wasn’t Doug Gray. It was Dougray Fitzpatrick of…of…” He felt that he was on the verge of remembering something important, but at that precise moment, Connor chose to topple from his stool breaking his concentration.

  “Connor!” Aislinn was already trying to pull the young man to his feet. Dougray quickly put down his glass to help.

  “I’m all right.” Connor laughed, trying to stand.

  “Sure you are. That’s why you’re sitting on the floor.” Aislinn looked over to Dougray. “Would you mind helping me take him back to the hotel?” “No trouble at all, milady.”

  Aislinn’s brows furrowed. Did the man just call her milady? She didn’t have a chance to ask for Connor leaned heavily on her shoulder nearly knocking her down. Luckily, Dougray came to the rescue before they ended up wiping up the floor.

  “Here, let me take hold of him.”

  She nodded. They were just about to head out when the older Hennessys appeared.

  “Hey, where are ye young kids going?” Donagh shouted above the noise. “Connor has had a little too much to drink,” Aislinn informed her father. “I’m fine, Pop.” He stood up straighter. “See?”

  His mother gave him a withering look. “You don’t look fine.”

  “Do ye want us to take him back?” her father offered but Aislinn shook her head.

  “That’s okay. Doug said he help me. You stay with Mom and have a good time.”

  He patted his daughter on the arm and nodded his appreciation toward Dougray.

  Connor steadied himself as they started their walk back to the hotel. “Hey, let’s go to another pub. I know this little…”

  “No!” “Nay!”

  Dougray and Aislinn spoke at the same time.

  “You guys are no fun.” He was silent for a moment then he looked at

  Dougray and then to Aislinn. “You two should go out.” “Connor, stop it.” Aislinn nudged him.

  “Why? You probably haven’t been on a date since what’s his name?” “Roger. His name is Roger.”

  “Yeah, whatever. So have you?”

  “Connor, just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.”

  “You need a suitable man to go out with.” He stopped in his tracks making both Dougray and Aislinn turn to look at him.

  “What now?” Aislinn put her hands on her hips.

  “He’s a man.” He pointed at Dougray with a sweeping motion. “I have to say with the
memory loss and all, he’s a better man than any of the other dweebs you have brought home.”

  “Dweebs?” Dougray asked not liking being grouped into the bunch, even if Connor thought he was better than the rest.

  “You know, losers. Hey, I’m in no way saying you’re a loser. You know that, don’t you?”

  “That’s enough.” Aislinn grabbed a hold of her brother’s arm and squeezed it just a little harder than she had meant to, making him wince.

  “Hey, that hurts.” But he did pick up the pace, and surprisingly he was rather quiet.

  They took the elevator up the room not wanting to chance the stairs. They finally got him in the room and he fell onto the bed. Aislinn removed his shoes and covered him with a blanket. When she turned around, she came up short surprised that Dougray was still there. His eyes were regarding her with a contemplating gaze. She spoke feeling she had to. “He’ll sleep it off.”

  “I suppose that he will.”

  Again, silence. She swung her arms and then stretched them over her head. “I think I’ll turn in.”

  “It is early.” He was still watching her wondering why she seemed so edgy.

  “It is?” She was feeling more uncomfortable, but it had nothing to do with him saying or doing anything other than standing there with the rich outlines of his shoulders straining against the fabric of his t-shirt, while looking handsome enough to…. “Do you want to play a game?” She ran to where she had thrown her backpack. “I have…let’s see…cards, chess and….”

  “Ye have a chessboard in there?”

  She looked at him. “Well not a full-size board. A travel kit.” She pulled it out and tossed it to him. “You interested?”

  He gazed at the miniature box turning it over for examination before he again looked at her. “I’m up to it.” He moved to the table to set up the game. “I’ve never seen such small pieces. Look. They stick to the board.”


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