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Lost in the Mist of Time

Page 28

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  “When ye learn to say something that I wish to hear, then ye may.” She turned away from him then, but he would not let her go.

  “Nay. Ye are not going to take this out on me.” He pulled her into an embrace covering her lips with his. “Now.” He released her only to caress her face. Her expression had softened, as did her temper. “This is more of the greeting I had expected.”

  “It is not a bad way to greet.”

  Her smile could always set his blood afire.

  “Let go.” Aislinn tried to pull away from his steel-like grip, but he seemed not to be listening to her at all, as he continued to pull her behind him. She had no choice but to keep up, for she had no doubt that he would just drag her all the way back to the castle.

  He did not say a word the whole way. He made her climb the spiral stairs and proceeded to drag her to the library, practically throwing her down on the hard wood bench, backpack and all. He turned away from her only long enough to slam the doors shut, so that they would not be disturbed.

  “Have ye lost yer senses?”

  Anger singed the corners of her control and she didn’t hold back her retort, “I was going to ask you the same question.”

  He ignored her sarcasm and continued his ranting. “I have obviously given ye too much credit. Ye are an educated woman, and yet ye refuse to use yer brain.”

  “Do you mind letting me know what in the hell you’re talking about?” Her voice had risen to match his bellowing.

  “Yesterday, when ye helped to start up a fire, what did ye use?”

  She had forgotten about that. “Moira is the only one that saw me,” she defended herself.

  “And be glad that it was only Moira, for the lass likes ye. She only told me about it because she was in awe over the magical contraption that ye possessed. Now let me have it.” He held out his hand expecting her to just relinquish it.

  “I will not.” She tried to stand, but he firmly pushed her back down.

  “Uh uh. Ye will hand it over now. Is it in that backpack?” He knew that it probably was and tried to take it from her. She kicked him in the shins for the effort, quickly moving out of his way. His bellow rang through the room. “Ye little….” He went after her, and even though he was limping, he managed to catch her. “So help me, Aislinn, if ye kick me again, ye will rue the day. Now are ye going to hand over the backpack or do I have to tie ye up to take it from ye?”

  “It’s mine. You have no right to my private property.” She struggled to hold onto it and he being the stronger finally tore it from her hands. Never had he had someone so unafraid of his authority. The woman was unbelievable. “Now sit!” He was so thunderously commanding that she did as she was told though she was definitely not happy about it. She folded her arms defensively against her chest, as she saw all of her possessions that she had left in the world being dumped onto the table for his inspection.

  He paused for a moment when he saw the many items that were completely foreign to him. “Why would ye need all this?”

  “I need them. That’s all you have to know about it. I don’t go through your personal items deciding what you may have.”

  “My possessions will not have me burned at the stake.” She made a very unladylike snort.

  Hairbrush, toothbrush he threw back into the pack. He held up the bottle of Penicillin reading its contents.

  “Hey, we might need that. It’s medication that can fight off infections.” She was relieved that after a moment’s consideration, he decided not to discard it. His next item under inspection was the notebook. He desperately tried to think of a good reason why she couldn’t have it.

  “Don’t you even think you’re going to take that away from me.” She jumped to her feet.


  She did, but if looks could kill, he’d be deader than doornail. Reluctantly, he put the notebook back in the pack. “The inkless pen will have to be relinquished.”

  “You can’t do that. What am I going to use to write with?”

  He ignored her and continued to go through her items. He came across the lighter, but he wasn’t quite sure if that was what it was, until she so ungraciously confirmed it.

  “That’s what you were looking for.” Her voice held a definite edge.

  He scrutinized over the strange looking item. Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to try it out. After about the third attempt, he happened to get lucky. The sudden flame had him leaping back with a quick breath of astonishment. He heard her suppressed chuckle and he flashed her a thunderous glare, quickly silencing her.

  “I didn’t say anything.” She shrugged innocently, but her eyes still flickered with amusement.

  He picked up something that he couldn’t even begin to guess what it was, but she seemed to have quite a few items like that.

  “I need those.” She jumped toward him, trying to grab for it but he was quicker and held the item out of reach.

  “Tell me what it is, and I’ll decide if ye can keep it or not.”

  “It’s a…” She suddenly felt timid about sharing the fact that he was holding a tampon.

  “Go on. It’s a…” He waved his hand for her to continue the explanation. “It’s personal,” she finished knowing he would not be satisfied with that answer.

  “If ye won’t tell me, it goes in the fireplace.”

  “Damn it, Dougray.” She stomped her foot. “Don’t you understand the word private?”

  “Into the flames it goes then.”

  “No.” She sounded positively desperate even to her own ears, but she couldn’t help it. She had very few of those blessed modern conveniences. “What a curse it is to be a woman here,” she declared under her breath.


  “It’s a tampon, all right!” She threw up her hands like this explained everything to him.

  “What is a tampon?” He looked at it a little more closely. “What do you do with it?”

  “It’s made for a woman. You know, a woman has…you know….” He looked at her wondering why she just couldn’t say what she meant. “You do know about a woman having monthly cycles?”

  He was getting just a little perturbed. “Aye. And?”

  “That’s used…so…God, do I have to spell it out? It would be quite an inconvenience without it.”

  “I still don’t….” Then all at once he realized what she was trying to tell him. “But where do ye….”

  “Damn it, Dougray, use yer imagination.”

  He just stared at her with a puzzled frown. She knew the moment it finally dawned on him how it could be used. “Dar Dia!” He threw the item into the pack, glad to have it out of his hands.

  “I tried to tell you.” She shook her head and sat back down to wait for him to finish. He was quicker now, not dwelling on how the item might work. If

  it looked suspicious, he took it. It was as simple as that. Finally, he was finished. He walked over to her and handed her the now considerably lighter bundle. She nearly tore it out of his hands.

  “Now that wasn’t so bad.”

  She shot him a cold look. “If you call being violated not so bad.” He sighed heavily. “I do this for yer own good. I am….”

  “…responsible,” she finished for him. “Yes, yes, yes. I know. God, you’ve been saying that over and over again. I can’t take it anymore.” She jumped to her feet ready to make her exit, but his hand touched her arm halting her.

  “Don’t be angry with me, Aislinn.”

  She moved away. “And why the hell not or do you have the corner on my emotions too?” She made it to the door without him stopping her.

  Dougray ran his hand through his thick hair. He didn’t know what else he

  could have done. Surely she would come to see this and later thank him for it.

  “I hate him!” Aislinn was still fuming. She was pacing her room while Moira just stood by not knowing what she could do to make things better. “I’m sorry, milady. I didn’t know that he would be angry that
ye had the magical item.”

  Aislinn stopped her ranting for a moment to look at the young girl. “It is not your fault, Moira. I’m not angry with you. It’s that infernal man that has me pissed off. Who does he think he is anyway?”

  “Lord of the keep,” came the answer from the door. Both women turned to see Dougray filling its frame.

  “I never have any peace from you!” Aislinn threw up her hands and Moira just looked horrified that her mistress had spoken so rashly.

  “Ye may leave us,” Dougray addressed the girl, who quickly ran from the room.

  “You frighten her,” Aislinn accused.

  “And ye don’t think ye do? I could hear yer complaints clear as a bell being rung at the chapel.” He went over to the drapes to let some light in. With his back turned Aislinn made a face at him, sticking out her tongue. He happened to choose that precise moment to turn and witness it.

  “Quite childish.” Dougray chuckled.

  “Well what do you expect when that’s the way you treat me?” Again she took her defensive stance folding her arms against her chest, her lower lip sticking out in a pout.

  “I come with a peace offering.” This threw her off. “A what?”

  He showed her the wooden box that he had brought with him. “It’s for ye.” She slowly walked over to him. “What is it?”

  “So suspicious, Aislinn. Take it and see for yerself. I think ye will be pleased with it.”

  He watched her open it seeing her face light up with delight.

  “Oh, Dougray! I can still write.” She held up the ink and quill. “What is this for?”

  He stepped closer to see. “That is the sand.” She looked at him blankly and he explained further. “Sprinkle a little on the ink to help it dry. Ye are pleased then?”

  “Oh, yes!” She turned nearly leaping into his arms, startling him with her show of affection.

  “I just wanted ye to have it,” his voice was a low husky whisper, his breath hot against her ear. Automatically his hands went around her waist. Her soft curves molding perfectly to him.

  She stilled as she realized the intimacy of their embrace. She took a deep unsteady breath, pulling back to meet his gaze. There was a faintly eager look that flashed in his eyes sending a shiver of wanting down her spine.

  “Aislinn?” It was a hopeful question, but she shook her head backing away breaking that invisible web before it fully spun around them. When she turned away, she thought that she heard him heave a sigh. “I should be going.” When she didn’t answer, he started for the door.


  He turned to look at her, his eyes somehow touching her even from that distance. Her heart pounded against her chest, causing her voice to change, becoming drenched with emotion. “Thank you. It was so very thoughtful. Thank you.” She held the box close to her.

  He smiled, and with a nod, he made his leave.

  She immediately sat down at the desk and took out her journal. It took a few attempts for her to get used to the quill, but she managed. “So the rugged, handsome lord of the keep has a heart after all….”

  Chapter 32

  Padrig had finally finished the sword for Aislinn. He felt proud that he had been chosen to make such a prized item for the lady whom so many called the Scathach. He was a blacksmith, after all, and dedicated to the goddess. He ran his large hand over the fine steel, as he whispered the final blessing that would protect the owner of the sword. He called on the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, as he had always done in the past when making a weapon that he was about to present to its owner.

  Aislinn watched as he preformed the ritual. Then Padrig handed the sword over to her with reverence, bowing slightly as he did so. Aislinn was in awe. Tears sprung to her eyes and her throat constricted with the overwhelming emotion that surged through her.

  “It’s beautiful.” She turned the weapon over in her hands, the metal catching the light.

  “Try it,” Padrig encouraged.

  She gripped it in her right hand and swung it with fluent ease. A smile spread across her face as she met Padrig’s gaze. “A perfect fit.”

  “Aye. Is it not what I told ye? With a little patience, I can create a lasting piece that will serve ye well.”

  Teige walked over to Padrig. “The sword ye crafted for me has never let me down.” He clasped his hand in a friendly gesture on the older man’s shoulder before he addressed Aislinn. “Are ye ready for a real lesson, A.J.?” He already knew that she would be a quick learner.

  “I’m ready. En garde.” She pointed the sword at Teige in a grand gesture. He unsheathed his own weapon.

  “As ye wish, milady.”

  Aislinn had needled Dougray until he finally relented, agreeing to let her visit Neala if she took Teige and Dermot with her as her escorts. She wasn’t thrilled about the arrangement, but refrained from saying so, not wanting to press her luck and have him change his mind.

  “Ye brought friends I see.” Neala lifted her ancient eyes toward the two men, making them both stumble backwards trying to put as much distance as possible between them. Neala laughed. “Scared they are.” She jerked her head in their direction.

  “They just don’t know you.” Aislinn sat down ready to hear more about the Druidic lore. She opened her backpack pulling out her journal. Neala had encouraged her to keep a record so the stories would not all be forgotten.

  “Tháinig an scéal ó bhéal go béal aniar ón tseanaimsir.” She always started her stories this way. “The story has been handed down from olden times.” Today, though, she was interested in seeing the sword that Padrig had designed. “Fine work, Nuada’s sword from Findias.” She saw Aislinn’s blank look and she went on to explain. “The Tuatha De Danann were the children of the Goddess Danu. Some legends say they came from the sky. They were skilled in poetry and magic. With them they brought us great treasures.” She handed Aislinn her new weapon. “Nuada brought the sword, Lugh the terrible spear from Gorias, Dagda a cauldron from Murias, and the Stone of Fal from Falias. They landed on Beltane, hidden by magic used by the Morrigu, Badb and Macha.”

  “Beltane, Rhiannon mentioned the event.”

  “Aye, Rhiannon will be present this year as well. It is on the first of May, the first full moon of Taurus. It is the time of the Horned God and the Lady of the Greenwood. It is a time to give honor to the house guardian…” Then she smiled. “…a good time to find a love.”

  Aislinn had to smile. “Rhiannon told me it was for coupling.”

  “Aye, that too. But some wed, and in a year’s time decides if it will work.” “And if it doesn’t?”

  Neala shrugged. “They part company.”

  “That’s not very promising.” Aislinn wondered why they would bother with such a ritual, but who was she to judge? In her time, people made similar arrangements that were not permanent.

  “I see yer face. Ye are thinking of the failures and nah of the ones that last.”

  They talked for a while longer before Aislinn decided that she would like to bathe before she went back to the keep. Teige and Dermot stayed out of view, but not so far away that they couldn’t hear her if she cried for help. She didn’t feel uncomfortable with their presence, trusting them to respect her privacy. She undressed quickly and entered the cool water.

  Neala looked up when the young lord came through the trees. She had expected him earlier and wondered what had kept him. “How goes the day, old woman?” He handed her a bag full of what she was sure were treats.

  “Ye spoil me of late, milord.”

  “It is nothing.” He looked around disappointed that he did not find Aislinn with her.

  “Are ye looking for something milord?”

  He glanced back at her, feeling a little foolish. “Nay.” He sat down then. “It is a little warm today, is it not?”

  “Aye. Maybe ye would want to take a swim to cool down.” “Not a bad idea. Do ye mind?” He stood.

  “Ye go ahead, young lad. I’ll be here waiti
ng on yer return.”

  Dougray started to walk down to the left, but Neala halted him. “Milord, why nah go toward this bank.” She pointed to the right. “I find that the moss

  is nah so thick, so ye won’t lose yer footing.”

  “Thank ye.” He headed in the direction that she indicated. He went as far as the first indentation before he paused to remove his clothing. He entered the cool water letting the wetness soothe every part of his body. He leisurely waded farther out, and as he did so, he happened to notice that someone else was in the lake with him. He was about to swim the other way wanting his privacy, but as he turned, he realized that it was Aislinn’s lone figure gliding gracefully through the water. He could not tear his gaze from her. She looked somehow freer, more at peace. He found that he was drawn to her, as if she was a water sprite beckoning him forward. Ye knew, old woman, that she was here, Dougray thought. What are ye up to, Neala?

  He knew that he should make his presence known, but he wasn’t quite ready to do so. He swam closer dunking under the surface before she would notice him. He resurfaced inches from her side startling her so much that her instincts were to lash out first, ask questions later. He fended off her attack the only way that he knew how by grabbing hold of her and drawing her against him. “Aislinn, it is only I.” She stilled, her eyes widening as she realized who held her captive. Then for propriety, she hit him again.

  “What was that for?”

  “For scaring me half out of my wits.”

  He chuckled. “I didn’t mean to, lass. I remember well what happened to those that frighten ye.” He reached out and lightly fingered the loose tendril of hair on her cheek. He felt her tense as she realized he had not let her go. She nervously ran her tongue over her generously curved lips, fingers subconsciously tightening on his arms.

  The coolness of the water was oblivious to them for their blood coursed hot within their veins warming them instantly, and the only sound to be heard was of the ripples of the water lapping against their shoulders…and the thudding of their own hearts.

  His hands were around her holding her closer making it painfully obvious to Aislinn that every inch of his powerful well-muscled body was pressed against her bare skin. His hand gently caressed the small of her back sending a multitude of emotions coursing through her veins. His handsome face was kindled with a sort of passionate beauty that made her long for more. She knew the moment that he had decided to kiss her, for she saw sheen purpose lying within the silvery blue of his eyes. So conscious of where his warm flesh touched hers that she could barely breathe, he dipped forward ready to claim her lips.


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