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Sweet Virgin

Page 5

by Leah Holt

  Curling his fingers under the hem of my shirt, he leaned into my ear and whispered. “Can I show you what I think?” The tips of his fingers spun over my skin, drawing lines and heavy swirls.

  Prickles broke over my neck, the hair standing on end as I swallowed hard. I couldn't speak, I couldn't look away, I couldn't move.

  What's he doing?

  Biting my lower lip, I nodded yes. My mouth wanted to speak, it wanted to tell him he could show me anything, he could do anything. . . But the words were lost.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy it is when you bite your lip like that?” His mouth hovered over the shell of my ear as he peeled my shirt over my head. I didn't resist, I lifted my arms and let him take control.

  I wasn't afraid to let him see me, to let him see how vulnerable and needy I was. I wanted this man for so many reasons I wasn't ready to accept.

  He made me feel, he made my body ignite, he melted my heart when he stood up for me. Kealen had taken a chance, opening his door to a woman who had nothing.

  But he didn't realize how much I needed everything.

  I had always thought that love went with sex, that being intimate meant giving more than your body in the moment. I thought your heart was the life that fed every single part of your soul. And giving yourself was a token of forever.

  But right then, all I felt was the heat between us. It was raw, natural, and I was completely at his mercy.

  The cold strands of my hair slapped down on my shoulders as he dropped my shirt to the floor. “I think there's something about you I can't figure out, something I want, something I need.” Stroking my shoulders, his fingers rolled over my neck, massaging the muscle. “I think that when you look at me, you feel it too.”

  Dragging his tongue down the curve of my ear, his fingers glided down my back and found the clasp of my bra. Excitement had swarmed my body, riding my spine like an electric charge. This was the furthest I had ever gone with a guy and we hadn't even done anything yet.

  Virgin, the word rings no sex, but I was the purest form of the word. Yes I had kissed boys, yes I had held hands and hugged boyfriends in the past. But that was as far as I had ever gone.

  No man had ever touched or laid eyes on me naked, and now I was closer than I'd ever been. I was on the cusp of being topless, of possibly going all the way.

  I hadn't even had the pleasure of seeing a real penis yet. My old roommate had thrown a dildo at me once, but I wasn't sure how close the two could compare.

  Should I tell him?

  Should he know that I have zero experience?

  To say my nerves were in overdrive was an understatement. I could feel my stomach in my throat, I could feel my thighs trembling and the muscles in my gut twining around each other.

  A cold sweat had started to trickle over my skin as I felt my bra snap open in the back, and his palm press down between the center of my shoulder blades. I was so close to blurting out that I was a virgin, but I couldn't actually form the words on my tongue.

  Say it!

  Tell him so he knows!

  Screaming at myself inside my head, I did the opposite of what my mind was telling me. Tucking my chin into my chest, I leaned my head to the side to make room for his face.

  Kealen's lips met my shoulder as his thumbs slipped the straps down my arms, dropping my bra to floor. “You're skin is so soft, I could kiss it all day.”

  “Kealen—” Before I could tell him the truth about me, his mouth crashed into mine, silencing any words that tried to come out. The kiss was long and passionate as sparks exploded between us. I could feel them all over my skin, bursting with violent snaps.

  Closing my eyes, his hand found my breast and squeezed. Pinching my nipple, I moaned into his mouth. Using his thumb and forefinger, Kealen plucked at the hardened bead. It felt incredible, euphoric, and more intense than any of the times I had touched myself.

  Moving behind me, he drew light kisses across my neck. The coarse stubble scrapped my throat, sending a thunderous wave of goosebumps over my body.

  “Mm,” I moaned, letting my head roll back onto his chest. This, it felt natural, not forced or awkward. Kealen had the power to make me feel comfortable, so I embraced it.

  All of it seemed so easy. The sounds, the movements, the way my back arched against his chest. He made me feel ready for whatever might come next. For some reason I trusted this man, I just couldn't explain why.

  It was a feeling, a sense of connecting that made it simple for me to forget we had only met a few hours ago. I felt like I had known him for so much longer.

  Sliding his hands down over my belly, he popped the button on my shorts. The metal ping of the zipper filled the air around us. I was soaked, dripping and eager to feel his fingers on my pussy.

  For all the times I had told a man no; this time it was nothing for me to say yes, to welcome his hands against my skin in any way he wanted.

  Right then, I was his.

  Hot air rolled across my throat as he let out a weighted breath. A deep growl echoed from inside his chest, turning him from man into animal. His hands grew harder, more rough and intense.

  Rocking my hips, I could feel myself getting lost in him—in this. I wasn't thinking anymore about my lack of experience or what I didn't know.

  “I want to taste you.” Shuffling my wet shorts over my thighs, Kealen let them fall the rest of the way to my ankles. “I need to taste you.” His hand came up, curling around my tit and squeezing firmly.

  “Kealen, I need to tell you something.”

  “Shh,” he hushed into my ear. “You don't need to say anything. Let me give you this.” Pressing his hand into the small of my back, he twisted my body and guided me onto the bed.

  “No, really, I have to tell you—”

  His finger flew up, pressing against my lips. “No talking.” Using the pads of his fingers, he pressed my shoulders down.

  Rolling backwards, I let him take over. If this was going to happen, if he was going to be the one to claim my virginity, I was ready.

  This is it. Holy shit

  Am I doing this?

  I'm really doing this. . . He's really doing this.

  His hands cupped my knees as he spread my legs wide open. A deep grunt escaped his lips as he knelt down in front of me on the floor.

  Leaning in, he took in a long deep breath. “Fuck, that's sweet,” he said as he exhaled.

  I was trying so hard to stop my thighs from shivering, but it was no use. Just knowing he was about to lick my pussy made the butterflies tear through my stomach.

  Flicking my panties to the side, I could feel his breath against my sex. My body turned rigid, fingers curling into the blanket and digging in. I was bracing myself for this new experience, this new found feeling of ecstasy.

  I heard his lips smack together and felt his body move in closer. The first lap of his tongue forced my thighs to slam shut around his head.

  “Touchy, huh?” Chuckling, he pushed my thighs open and swept his tongue over me again and again.

  It was incredible. Goosebumps surged over my body, my fingers gripping the blanket and holding on. I had never experienced that sensation, it was overwhelming and debilitating, freezing me in place.

  Each time the tip of his tongue met my clit another wave of tingles flowed through each and every nerve. The air around us grew hot and thick, smothering my lungs. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't lift my head off the bed, I couldn't open my eyes.

  Raking my nails through Kealen's hair, I dug into his roots and pulled. His mouth moved harder and faster, tongue wildly lapping my clit.

  My belly tightened as the orgasm bubbled up from deep inside my core. My legs tried to close, but he held my knees open. His hands wrapped around the inside of my thighs, butterflying my legs wider. Flicking his tongue faster and faster against my swelling button, it was like he could tell I was so close and all he wanted was to feel me come.

  My pussy pulsed, throbbing and ready to give in. I couldn't hold b
ack, I couldn't stop the feeling as it took charge and sent me over the edge. Biting down on my lip, my back arched high, nails tearing at the hair on Kealen's head.

  As my body relaxed and the feeling washed away, my arms and legs fell limp. “Wow,” I said through heavy exhales. “That was incredible.”

  “I'm glad you liked it.” Kealen pressed up on his knees, laying his chest on my waist and wiping his chin.

  “Liked it? I've never felt anything like that before.” Pushing up on my elbows, I blew a thin strand of hair off my forehead.

  “I'm glad I could surpass past experiences.”

  “No, I mean, I've never been eaten out before.”

  Cocking a brow, he tilted his head. “Really? None of your old boyfriends ate you out before?”

  I might as well tell him now.

  “That's what I was trying to tell you, I'm a virgin, Kealen.” I waited for his reaction, unsure of what he would say.

  “A virgin? Seriously, like through and through?” He had this look of disbelief, his eyes were crinkled tight, lips curved down in thought.

  Smiling, I couldn't help but laugh. “Does that surprise you?”

  “I guess I just figured that at this point in your life, some guy would have had the decency to give you that pleasure.”

  “It's not that no one asked, I just didn't want them to.”

  Thumbing my hips, his fingers tickled the dip in my spine. “Does that mean you've never gone down on a guy either?”

  Shaking my head no, my lips thinned. “You're the first guy to even see me naked.”


  “Yup.” Bending my leg, I pushed myself up on the bed. “You're lucky number one.”

  Bobbing his head, Kealen's eyes twinkled as he smiled. “You're going to give me a big head, like literally.” Glancing down at his groin, he flicked his face back up to me. “I might have blue balls.” Adjusting himself, his shoulder rolled forward as he wiggled his hips.

  “I'm a quick learner if you're a good teacher.” Licking my lips, I climbed onto my knees and perched in front of him.

  There was this erotic wave that rushed through my body. I wanted to suck his cock, I wanted to hear him telling me what to do and how. I wanted to feel his hand in my hair as I took his length as far in my mouth as I could.

  I didn't know what had gotten into me, but I felt different. The fear had vanished as pure woman came through, ready and eager to please my man the same way he had just pleased me.

  Kealen wasn't my man, but in my heart I was hoping this little adventure wouldn't end. Reality was worlds away from here, and I was alright with the idea of time standing still and the world never recovering.

  This. . . This could be my new life.

  Because for once, I was actually happy.

  “You think you're ready for this?” Grabbing his hardened shaft, he stroked the outside of his shorts. “I don't want you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with.”

  Crawling on my hands and knees to the edge of the bed, my eyes glazed over in sexual prowess. I was ready, I was more than ready. “Teach me.” Batting my lashes, I squeezed the trim of the mattress, letting my lips barely touch his. “I'm all yours.”

  Freeing the button on his shorts, Kealen tilted his head. “Sweetheart, I hope you know what you're getting into.” Slowly pulling the zipper down, he let them fall loosely to the floor. “Because once you start, there's no turning back.”

  My mouth was salivating, waiting to see the thick muscle he kept hidden. I wanted his cock in my throat, I wanted to touch it and stroke it, squeeze it and lick it. I wanted to know what it felt like with my lips wrapped tightly around the base, pulling and sucking.

  Plucking the band of his briefs, Kealen rose to his feet, running his fingers through my hair and resting them on the back of my head. “Spit or swallow?”

  Twisting to look up at him, I eyed him curiously. “What?”

  “This is the only option I'm giving you, do you want to swallow my load or spit it out?”

  I wasn't sure how to answer or what I thought I wanted. I had never done this before. How was I supposed to know if I wanted either?

  The two choices muddled my head, causing me to shift awkwardly on my knees. “I don't know.”

  Smirking, Kealen dug his fingers deeper into my hair. “Then I guess we'll just see what happens. You'll know what you want when the time comes.” Turning my face towards his waist, I could still feel him smiling down on me.

  His hand was hot against my head, singing my hair with need. His cock was bulging, so rigid that I expected it to burst through the fabric. His swelling tip brushed the edge of my nose, forcing a shiver through my body.

  “Go on, slip them off.” Thrusting his hips forward, Kealen tapped his dick against my face. “Don't worry, I'll be easy.”

  Curling my fingers into the trim of his briefs, I lowered them down over his thighs. Letting out a heavy breath, a husky groan spilled from his mouth. “Yeah, there you go, don't be shy.”

  His cock sprung free, bouncing lightly in the air. I felt a wave of heat surge through my core as my stomach tightened and churned with nerves. His cock was huge, thick and engorged.

  I had always wondered what a real dick would look like in person. It was amazing, sending my entire body up in flames. My sex pulsed, clenching the air between my thighs. My heart started racing as a giant lump formed in the back of my throat.

  A nervous fear began to work its way through my body. It started in my chest, causing the air to burn my lungs like the small wisp of ash off a blazing inferno. Swimming into my stomach, that same feeling forced my belly to bubble with hot steam and my toes to curl into the bed.

  My hand trembled as I lifted it towards his length, reaching out then snapping it away. I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to do exactly. Do I grab it at the tip and slide down? Do I start at his balls and work my way up? Could I hurt him if I grabbed too hard or pulled too forcefully?

  Kealen reached down, guiding my fingers around the base. Wrapping his hand over mine, he squeezed and started to stroke his cock with me. “It's okay, don't worry, I won't lead you blindly. I like it tight and firm, just like this.” His hand pumped up and down with mine, his hips rolling and moving in and out. “When you get to the tip twirl your thumb over the edge, follow the ridge, then stroke down.” His waist kept moving, rocking back and forth. “Yeah, like that, just like that.”

  Looking up, I watched his eyes close, head falling back. His hand was clasped over mine, showing me exactly how much pressure he craved. The thick veins pulsed in my palm, each throb more intense than the last.

  Kealen's hand slipped free of my hair and over the dip in my spine, clutching my ass. “That's good, really good. Now lick the tip, taste it, enjoy it.”

  Moving my tongue to the front of my lips, I watched his cock thicken. The head was swollen, glistening at the seam. Gently I let my tongue fall around the crown, exploring the salty flavor. A silky liquid spread over my lips, landing on my tongue and slipping down my throat.

  Our hands still moved together as my cheeks hollowed to suck the large bulb in my mouth. I felt the need to take in more, to explore the entire length. Sucking harder, I pushed more and more of his cock into my mouth, slurping and lapping as my tongue flattened to glide down the underside.

  “Fuck, Allie, keep going. That's perfect, just like that.” I kept moving my eyes between his face and his dick. I wanted to watch him enjoy the sensation that was riding through his body and I wanted to see the reaction his cock had as it was touched.

  His eyes had rolled back in his head, his teeth were crushing his bottom lip as his hand released from mine and firmly planted into my hair. Bobbing my head up and down, I kept stroking his thick muscle as his body moved with me.

  Lifting my hand off the bed, I ran it up his abs, scratching my nails back down. There was a sense of knowing, an impulse that my body had to move and touch him in ways I couldn't have imagined.

caressed his chest, digging my nails into his ribs while tracing the black and green lines with my fingertips. I suck and sucked, taking him deeper and deeper with each exhale. His chest was slick and damp, his grunts and groans were coming longer and harder.

  Is he getting close?

  How can I tell?

  His balls slapped against the edge of my fist, each thrust of his hips met my lips with force. I thought he was rock solid before, but I had no idea how much harder he would get.

  Tugging on my hair, Kealen moaned. “Mm, fuck, I'm close, I'm so close.”

  It was like his words were some sort of cheerleading pep talk. Knowing he was close to coming, knowing that he was enjoying the way it felt made me want to go faster. I wanted to feel him come, I wanted to feel his thick cream as it made its way down my throat.

  His cock throbbed, his balls became tighter and harder as they hit my palm. His voice deepened, turning raspy as he whispered words that I couldn't understand.

  In one quick thrust, he stopped moving completely. I felt his shaft pulse as the thick veins beat like a heartbeat against the pads of my fingers. Wave after wave of hot come spilled into my mouth.

  I didn't think about what I was going to do, I just reacted. Swallowing, the sweet and salty cream coated my throat. It wasn't nearly as bad as some of the girls from school had said in the past. It tasted better than I expected and was nothing like I had thought.

  “See, you knew what to do.”

  Sitting up on my haunches, I wiped my lips. “I had help.”

  “No, Allie, that's what you need understand. You can't plan everything, you can't set every little detail and know how this shit will go. Some things come naturally, sex is one of them.”

  Laughing, I rolled backwards and fell onto my back. “That's easy for you to say, you have experience. I'm nineteen and finally gave my first blow-job, you are my experience so far.”

  Leaning over me, he pushed his hands into the mattress on either side of my head. “It has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with emotion. If you feel it, you won't need instructions. I might have given you a little at first, but the rest was all you. You felt it just like I did.” Kissing my forehead, Kealen brushed his lips over my ear. “You can't guide feelings, they lead the way.”


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