Sweet Virgin

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Sweet Virgin Page 15

by Leah Holt

  The plane was stunning. Six leather seats, plush and shiny, filled the small cabin. A deep maroon rug spread across the floor, detailed dark wood lined the trim. I couldn't tell you what type of fancy wood was used, but the gloss and etched design told me it was expensive.

  The man tucked my bag into an overhead compartment and told me to sit where ever I would like. I was speechless. This was the last thing I expected and I wanted to savor every second.

  When would I ever have the chance again to fly in a private jet? Never.

  The seat formed to my body as I sat down. Staring out the window, I watched the large commercial planes line the runway. The roar of the engine rumbled through my bones as the plane reversed and headed for departure. I noticed we had a completely different runway to use. One set off to the side, just for us.

  “Would you like some wine, Miss?” the steward asked.

  “Yes, please.” I wasn't really much of a drinker, but this occasion called for it.

  If this was how my weekend was going to start, I couldn't imagine what else was to come.

  “Here you go. My name is Jeff, and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask,” he said, handing me a glass and filling it with wine.

  Staring at the bottle, I noticed the crystal glass was adorned in gold designs. “Wow, this looks expensive. What kind of wine is this?”

  His lips pulled back in a thin line. “It's Thistle Gold, Miss. And yes it's not cheap.” Placing the bottle inside a bucket filled with ice, he said: “Mr. Alexander requested the best for you.”

  Mr. Alexander, so that's the name of the man who hired me. Where does Mr. H come in? Maybe I was hired by a couple of guys, setting up a bachelor party for a friend.

  When I asked Gloria if she knew anything about the party or who hired me, she would only say, 'All you need to know is you'll be making a shit load of money. The rest are minor details that don't matter.'

  A piece of me had found it strange that she didn't give me more information, no guidelines to follow, no list of instructions.

  Every party had some sort of requests or priorities that the guys wanted done. I'd been asked to sing like Cher, wear a pink wig and do the chicken dance- that time was weird- And once, I was at a bachelor party where the groom genuinely loved Miss Piggy.

  You can imagine how that one went.

  But this time there was nothing. Maybe, this was a first time hire? I had thought. It was possible that they'd never hired a stripper before, so maybe they didn't know what to expect.

  I didn't recognize the name and frankly, I didn't care. This was fucking awesome. I was sipping gold wine on a jet sent just for me, a temporary star.

  The engine turned into a high pitched thunder. Buckling my seat belt, I watched the ground around me shrink. The world below disappeared as the dimming blue sky and puffy white clouds lifted me into a high I had never felt before.

  My nerves were running wild with anticipation; my mind was blistering with wonder of what else I should expect from this weekend.

  Already I had been treated like a fucking queen.

  I'd spent my entire life working my ass off for everything I had. I wasn't given handouts; if I wanted something, I had to earn it.

  My family had lived your typical blue collar life. Both my parents worked full-time, my dad drove a beat up old minivan- which I hated- and in the chaos of our day to day existence, we were blind-sided by my mom's cancer.

  Her getting sick, that put a wrench in our ordinary lives.

  Looking around the cabin, a piece of me felt sorry that my mother had never been able to experience anything this nice before. The struggles she had gone through in life to give me and my two sisters everything she could; it was worth so much more than what she gave herself.

  It's something you can very easily take for granted. Have you ever sat back and thought about what it takes to provide for someone else? To give to them and never yourself, because they needed it more?

  I didn't, not until life was something my mother had to work for now.

  That's a tough pill to swallow.

  The realization that her entire existence had been spent giving to us, and we only took from her. It was that idea, that thought that made me want to do anything I could to help her.

  She deserved it. For everything she had gone through.

  A twinge of jealousy seeped into my gut. To see how some people had it so easy made me cringe. I bet this man never had to once go without or have to choose between paying the mortgage or a hospital bill.

  As the jet leveled out, I unclasped my belt. Resting my head back, I sipped the glass of alcohol, and let myself embrace this feeling of a lavished lifestyle.

  I wasn't going to fall into any self-pity. My world was mine, regardless.

  And if I hadn't been through some of the things thrown my way, I wouldn't be me.

  But this weekend wasn't for any of that. This weekend I was going to enjoy being my alter ego.


  Chapter Four


  It's almost time, I thought, checking the clock. The plane was set to land at eight. I had a limo sent to pick up Copper at the airport, let her experience a bit of my life, a little tease of what I had to offer her. I even went as far as to call every taxi company in the state to make sure that if a young woman called to be brought to the airport, I was going to pay her fare.

  I could give her anything she wanted, anything she ever needed or desired. If she had my baby, her world would never be the same. She'd never have to worry again about a fucking thing.

  That was the idea, show her the life she can have.

  Now, I'm not saying I want to be tied down, but if she was the mother of my kid... Copper would know what it felt like to be gold.

  My plan had been set in motion. And so far, everything was easy as a fuck.

  Her boss practically forced the damn girl down my throat when I called. I'd barely finished my first sentence, and the woman was ready to send her out on a plane that night.

  I had expected her to hang up on me, tell me to get lost. Who calls and asks to buy a fucking woman? I did. And it went smoother than silk over skin.

  When I told Gloria who I was and what I was willing to pay, I'm pretty sure the phone fell from her fingers. I heard her scrambling around on the other end, mumbling to herself words that were inaudible to me.

  It's sad really; money truly was the root of all evil.

  And I was going to take full advantage of it.

  Walking over to the bar, I grabbed a short wide glass, and poured myself a drink. Scotch, it was a liquor that had been the primary stock in my father's cabinets since I was a child. Now, it's my go to.

  I remember the first time this liquid hit my tongue. I wanted to throw up, it burned my throat and singed my stomach. I was sixteen, and left alone, again. That was typical for me; my father traveled a lot on business and Mom spent so much time keeping up the family name with social events, I was left to my own devices.

  Which I can't say is entirely bad, I had a lot of freedom. Freedom most kids that age would give a fucking testicle for. Give a teenager an endless bank account, a car, and all the freedom they could handle...

  Fun didn't even cover it.

  That first drink, first few drinks I should say; I think I ended up drinking half the bottle that day. For hours after I was heaving over the toilet and all the maids thought I'd caught the flu.

  Lifting the glass to my mouth, the stinging sensation buzzed across my skin. A welcomed feeling to take my mind off my dad. The hot liquor hit my throat, easing my nerves and burning my gut all in the same instance.

  For once I was happy my dad had bought this place. My family only ever came here in the summer. That's when the island was streaming with life and excitement. At least that's what he used to say.

  Every year we would come here for weeks at a time. My parents roamed the island, waving their riches in every step. And what did I do? I sat around grumbling, drink
ing my father's stock of alcohol.

  Lucky for me, it was Christmas time and not a soul was around. This was going to be the perfect place to get what I wanted. There were no maids or butlers here right now, and the groundskeeper was off for the next week. Which meant pure, uninterrupted alone time.

  And if I expected to have her, the way I wanted to, it had to be this way.

  Copper's image spread like wild fire into my head. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. Her red hair, fuck it was amazing, my favorite color. I wanted to wrap my fingers in it, tug at her roots till she screamed my name.

  She wasn't the type of girl my father expected me to be with. He wanted me to find a girl that came from riches, one that fit the supermodel build— tall and ridiculously skinny.

  Copper, she had curves. An hour glass figure I could ride for days. And let me just say, that's what I planned on doing.

  Pacing around the large living room, I walked repeatedly from the bar to the front window. The crystal clear glass reached from floor to ceiling, spanning the entire wall. A thick oriental rug covered the wood flooring. Even though this was my family's summer house, no expense was spared.

  My head began to spin, the scotch starting to dig into the muscle of my skull. Bracing the edge of the bar, I let my head fall to the cool surface. Resting my forehead against my hands, my mind ran with thoughts.

  A kid, a fucking kid! I need this, it has to happen. She can't leave here without being pregnant. She has to carry my child.

  And I won't let her go until she does.

  I wasn't sure how she was going to react to my demand, to the idea that she was needed so I could have a baby. The one thing I did know— making the baby would be the best part.

  When I met her at the club, I knew she was different. She didn't want to throw herself on me, fuck, she didn't even recognize me. That made this all the better. She had no idea who I was, the money I waved her way had no reaction.

  And when the ivory of her tits and light pink flesh of her nipples flashed in front of me, I wanted her more than any woman I had ever seen. She was sexy, a redhead that had a body I was going to spend hours tracing with my tongue.

  Every inch of her, from head to toe, was going to be tasted by me.

  I'd imagined what it would feel like to slide deep inside her. Was her pussy bare? Did she maybe have a nice trail of hair that thinly lined above her clit? It was going to be incredible to find out.

  I'd never been with a redhead before. It was my favorite color and I'd never had the pleasure of fucking a woman with natural locks that shade.

  Waves of excitement began to stream down to my cock. Stiffening firmly behind my briefs, I grabbed the swelling shaft and adjusted it.

  The crackle of tires against the pavement shot me from my haze. Quickly I walked to the window; the bright lights of the limo shined across the glass. Bringing my hand up to shield the glare, I watched the limo turn and park out front.

  Here she is. The one I'm making mine.

  The driver walked to the rear door, opening it slowly. Snow had begun to fall; the small white flakes fell delicately, coating the ground. The white layer spread across every surface, the blanket of Christmas.

  My early present had arrived.

  Copper seemed to exit in slow motion. The skin of her leg peeked out first, followed by the deep arch of her hip. Her legs seemed endless, miles of pure inviting flesh for me to nibble. My cock thickened with need. The desire to bite, claw and plain maul the shit out of her clenched around my shaft. Shifting my dick, it throbbed painfully against my zipper.

  Right there, I was ready to fuck her till she couldn't feel her legs. I wanted them wrapped around me, squeezing my ribs as I drove myself in deep.

  She has no idea what I'm going to do to her. And how much she's going to enjoy begging me for more.

  My eyes shifted to her tits as the rest of her stepped into view. The dark jacket covered her shoulders, the plumped up flesh of her breasts still broke through the top of the buttons.

  Copper came dressed to impress, ready to work. A black overcoat hid her clothing; dipping in at her waist, it accentuated her hips. Running my tongue over my bottom lip, I watched her calves flex in her heels as she stood.

  I knew she had no clue what the real plan was. I had made it clear to Gloria that Copper was to get no information about our deal. If she slipped and told her anything, then her cut was gone.

  Gloria had no issues with keeping secrets. Especially with the money she could walk away with.

  Her hand came up and tossed the long curls over her shoulder. Peering up at the window she looked like a small innocent doe. Her eyes widened with the massive house in front of her, arms hanging weightlessly by her sides while the driver retrieved her bag from the car.

  Copper's head was wrenched so far up, I almost expected her to topple backwards, the weight of leaning back throwing her heels off kilter, sending her onto her ass.

  Carefully she walked up the granite steps, checking her footing to make sure she didn't slip. I chuckled, thinking that she looked like this was the first time she ever adorned her body in shoes like that. Her legs shook to keep steady, arms held out for balance. It was as if she was crossing a tight rope over a gorge, one wrong move and she was going over the edge.

  Originally, I had thought about meeting her at the door, opening it and gracing her with a smile. But that would've been too easy. I wanted to tug on her nerves, make her question what powerful figure she would lay eyes on.

  This was a game, my game. And I couldn't wait to claim my prize.

  But this had to be methodical. I knew throwing out the demand for a baby wouldn't work on her. Offering her money would probably be met with a slap—if I didn't get one already for telling her she was having my child.

  Copper was the one I wanted, and I wasn't going to give her an option to say no.

  I had the idea to leave a note pinned on the door, guiding her into the house. It told her where to go and where to come after she got settled. I was all about the dramatic effect, which I'd like to think was going to blow her fucking mind.

  Maybe, if she saw what I could offer, this opportunity would be seen as a promise of good fortune.

  And for me, the chance to keep what was mine.

  Did I want a baby? No. But if I wanted to keep what was rightfully mine, then I had no choice.

  And she wasn't getting one either.

  My father was an asshole for doing this. I hadn't said more than three words to him since that day. And I didn't care if I spoke to him after this was over either.

  He's been riding my ass for as long as I can remember, and all I ever really wanted was to live some sort of normal life. But, he had other plans.


  Pressing my face to the glass, I watched her lift the note from the door. Glancing around over her shoulder, her eyes shifted up the massive windows.

  Quickly I stepped back, I didn't want her to have even the slightest view of me. I couldn't imagine what she was thinking; what was going through her head as she read my letter.

  Gloria had promised me she would give her the bare details. And to not worry, it was going to be easy.

  Did she know Copper as well as she thinks? I hoped so.

  She was fairly convincing that all I needed to do was a little swooning, a little spoiling, and the girl would be putty in my hands.

  This couldn't fall through. It had to happen, my time was running out.

  The papers said I had one year. One single year to meet a woman and produce an heir. I didn't know what type of shit my dad was smoking when he came up with this, but if I failed...

  I won't, this is going to happen. I didn't care to ever run the company, be the ceo and have all those fucking people barking up my ass all day. But I wanted what was mine, my cut in the business.

  That was what I deserved, what was owed to me.

  Peeking out the window, I realized she had come in. Copper had actually followed the di
rections on the note. That was a good sign, if she felt wary she would have hailed down the limo and run with her tail between her legs.

  But she didn't. She came in, and I couldn't wait to come in her.

  Flopping down in the over sized recliner by the fire, I spun my thumbs around each other. How long would she take to come up here? I wondered, nervously wiping my clammy palms on my jeans.

  Taking a deep breath, I watched the fire crackle inside the stone. The sparks lit up like tiny fireworks, popping as snowflakes melted down the chimney and hit the heat.

  Every color reminded me of her; the reds and oranges, the flames burning inside me.

  She was the sexiest woman I'd ever laid eyes on, and I couldn't wait to peel her clothes off and reveal all of her to me.

  Copper had walked right to me, nibbling on the trails of bread I left for her.

  Now she was here, here for me.

  And any answer other than 'yes' wasn't going to be heard.

  She had no choice, just like me.

  Chapter Five


  Wow, that house is fucking huge. My eyes expanded as the limo drove up the half-mile long driveway. I'd never seen anything like it in my life. When the tree line opened to reveal the house, my jaw dropped. Pictures of mansions do no justice until you're up close and personal with one slapping you in the face.

  There had to be twenty windows, maybe more. Every piece of glass had a single light flickering inside it, a giant wreath hung from the large center window. The yard; speckled with statues and shaped bushes; was dusted with snow, illuminating everything under the moon light, making it glow brighter. It was a picture from a magazine and I was about to walk onto the page.

  My small existence in the world suddenly seemed even tinier, I felt like a little girl again. The world around me was scooping me up and engulfing my body, cupping my small frame like a child covers a captured butterfly.

  The snowflakes fell gently, resting on my hair and melting to the warmth of my body. Carefully, I made my way up the steps. I was scared I would fall, slipping on the steps and spraining an ankle. I couldn't afford another medical bill, my measly twenty-five percent cut of what I made barely paid the bills I had now.


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