Sweet Virgin

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Sweet Virgin Page 16

by Leah Holt

  Searching the double doors for a bell, I spotted a slender white envelope wrapped with a pink ribbon. Leaning in my name was scribbled across the front.

  What the hell is this? Peeling the flap open, I pulled the paper out from inside.


  The door is open, please come inside and make your way down the left hallway. The third room on the right is yours for the weekend. Make yourself comfortable and when you're ready follow the hall back to the stairs. We're waiting upstairs and eager to meet you. – H

  I didn't know what to think, I had never seen anything like this before. With all the private parties I'd entertained in the past, no one had ever left me a note.

  Staring at the doors, I softly gripped the cold metal handle. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the door open. Heat from inside sprung out, smothering my face; it was a welcomed feeling. The air outside was cold as hell, and my cocktail dress did nothing for warmth.

  The entryway was even more beautiful than the outside. Marble tiles were laid across the floor, fitting together to form an intricate floral design. Tall vases rested against the side walls, and a wide spiral staircase spread up to the vaulted ceiling.

  The touch of Christmas was sprinkled over everything. Green garland ran up the railing and across the ceiling. Small red bows were tied against the strands with large silver bells that hung around the entryway. It was a sight to be seen, decorated for the queen. I was in awe, the entire space left me breathless.

  Closing the door, I stood listening. Why is it so quiet? If there was a party, shouldn't I hear it? I expected to hear music and laughter; men chattering and hollering at each other with the clanking of glasses ringing through the air.

  Instead, I was met by silence.

  Forcing the thought away, I realized this was a mansion. The party could probably be thriving in another area of the house and I wouldn't even know it. I'd never been in a place this large before, how the hell would I know what to expect?

  Turning in the direction of the note, my heels clicked down the hall. The echoing rang in my ears as I counted the doors. Reaching number three, I turned the knob gently, and the door swung open to biggest bedroom I'd ever seen.

  I didn't feel like myself. It was like I was looking down on my body, watching myself take in the glory of the space. There was a king size bed set inside the most beautiful wood frame. Green silk bedding laid across the top, a mountain of pillows was fixed against the headboard.

  I was pretty sure my mouth hit the floor. This is my home for the weekend? Holy shit.

  Tossing my bag onto the bed, I sat on the thick mattress and ran my fingers over the smooth fabric. Tracing the intricate designs with my fingertips, it felt like pure liquid velvet under my touch.

  This is unreal, I don't know what to think. My lip curled slightly, a playful joy filtered through my muscles. I couldn't believe where I was, even if it was only going to be for a mere blip of time. I wanted to savor everything, every feel of the riches I knew I would never have the pleasure of living in again.

  Opening the bag, I sifted through the clothing as I re-read the note. There was nothing in it to tell me what type of dress to wear, or how to approach this job. I suddenly felt very unprepared for this. My bag was filled with skimpy short dresses in a place that seemed better fit for gowns.

  Most of the time I knew if it was a bachelor party or birthday party. I'm given instructions on what the customer likes, how to get them involved and comfortable. But not this time. This time I was left in the dark to just guess.

  Pushing around the clothes I pulled out a short, tight teal dress. It was one of my favorites; sexy, but still covering all the right areas to put the imagination to work. Slipping it over my head, I peered at myself in the floor length mirror.

  The blue stood out against my hair, making the red seem bolder and really pop. I'm sure this will do the job. Not that it really matters. The men never looked at the actual dress, they always tried to look through it, fucking me with their stare.

  Running my fingers through my hair, the curls draped over my shoulders; ends tickling the slit of my breasts. It's time to get to work. Here we go. My stomach was riddled with knots and butterflies. This was a big deal for me; it was a chance to be a leap closer to freedom from what I owed Gloria.

  That's what I really wanted; I wanted my life back; I wanted to be back in the world I knew and loved.

  Closing the door behind me, I walked to the stairs. Standing at the bottom, the staircase seemed endless; curving up and around towards the ceiling. There had to be thirty steps at least, definitely more than you're typical two story house.

  I gripped the railing tightly, having no idea what awaited me at the top sent a surge of fear through my body. Prickles shot across my neck, my spine straightened as the muscles tightened around each individual bone. A heavy breath freed my lungs as my heel hit the bottom step, knuckles whitening with each lift of my foot as I squeezed harder around the railing.

  Reaching the top, I turned my head side to side. A dark hallway was to my left, but to my right was a large open arch. An iridescent glow flickered in the opening, and a subtle distant melody seemed to be creeping out from inside.

  That must be where I need to go. It's the only sign of life around here. But it's still so quiet... Maybe the real show isn't tonight? It occurred to me that I was here all weekend. It was possible that the party could be set for another night. This could have been just a meet and greet. Maybe this was where I would get any information I needed.

  But the feeling of uncertainty sat like heavy lead in my stomach. This was different, not the typical job. I wasn't in a sleazy motel room filled with barking boys, and the scent of cheap cigars swirling around my nose.

  In that moment, I wished there was someone else with me, even if that person had ended up being Fionna. Anyone would've given me some sort of comfort, I didn't care who. Just someone else so I didn't feel so uneasy, and alone.

  Walking slowly towards the light, I paused in the doorway. There was a man standing against the far wall, facing the window. I couldn't help but notice the muscles beneath his shirt. Each protrusion stood out, dipping and dancing against the fabric as he shifted his arm up to rest it on the glass.

  “Come on in. Don't be shy,” he said. His voice was muffled as his head tilted over his shoulder.

  “Hi, I'm Copper. I'm the girl you hired...” My words trailed off. I knew he was aware of who I was. “You know who I am. I don't know why I said that.” A nervous chuckle spilled off my tongue.

  “Good observation, Sweetheart.” He twirled a glass in his hand, wrist circling the liquid around the ice cubes inside. Bringing the drink to his lips, he sipped it slowly. “Help yourself to the bar, there's plenty if you're thirsty.” His eyes remained set outside, frozen in place.

  “No, thank you. But I didn't get your name, you are?” I asked.

  “I didn't give you my name.” He turned his head towards the stone fireplace on the far wall, his profile flickered in shadows of orange and red. “How was your flight?”

  “It was nice. The plane was beautiful.” I stepped forward, trying to see his face. Confusion was gripping my mind. Why won't he say who he is, or even look at me?

  “Good. Are you sure you don't want a drink?”

  “Yeah, I'm sure. I kind of finished a whole bottle of wine on the plane. A water would be good though.” Each word brought me closer to the stranger. Stepping forward, I tried to peek at his face.

  I wanted to see him, see the face that was going to pay me for the weekend. He was standing so still, staring out the window, gazing off into the stream of flakes falling rapidly.

  And yet his voice had a familiar feel to it. But I couldn't place it, as much as my mind tried to put a face to his words, I couldn't.

  “There's some in the small fridge.” He lifted his arm out, pointing towards the bar. “Did Gloria fill you in on the plans for all this?”

  “She didn't say much, just that you reque
sted me. But other than that, no.” I pulled the fridge open and grabbed a small bottle of water.

  “Excellent.” The man lifted himself away from the window. Turning to meet my gaze, my eyes must have opened as wide as the damn sun. “Surprised? Remember me?”

  I couldn't speak. No words seemed to form in my brain. I stood with a blank stare, my eyes shifting between his features. It was him, Hegan.

  “You?” The single word shot off my tongue, jaw hanging open in disbelief.

  “Yes, me.” He laughed loudly, his head cocking back to release the air from inside his chest. “In case you forgot, the name's Hegan.” The deep ominous glare hit me with such force my entire body shook.

  How could this be? The man I'd seen at Tigress was dressed like he just strolled in from a hard day on a construction site; he was cocky and self-centered. Certainly not a rich, wealthy son of a bitch.

  To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I could feel the blood drain from my face as the realization set in, skin buzzing from the lack of oxygen.

  I'd thought he was a drug dealer or just an attention starved man who brought the bankroll for show. I never expected to see his face again, but Hegan had been the one who hired me for the weekend.

  “I didn't forget your name. But why the hell am I here?” My hands fell to my hips, wrinkles forming across my forehead. “I don't see a party. Unless you're planning one for tomorrow?”

  “No, there's no party. I hired you for me.” His teeth bit down, pulling his lower lip in.

  “Why?” I asked, furrowing my brows.

  What the hell was this guy doing? He doesn't need me if he's not having a party. Why would he go through the trouble to get me here. I was sure the plane wasn't cheap, and that mansion obviously wasn't the small apartment I pegged him to have.

  “No more questions. All you need to know for now is that you're getting paid well. Isn't that enough?”

  Asshole! What a fucking asshole! Does he really think money is all I care about?

  “No. I want to know what you need me here for? I don't care about the money. I have a job I thought I was hired for, a party? Was that a lie?”

  “No, it wasn't a complete lie. I am the party, Babe.” His smile stretched the entire length of his cheeks. Strolling closer towards me, his hips shifted side to side.

  My eyes shot to the mass bulging beneath his jeans. The form of his cock was outlined perfectly, pressing against the rough material. A warmth started to fill my belly, tingles rising up across my skin.

  Stop it Noella! If he did hire you then it's work. That's it. Nothing more.

  Huffing under my breath I turned my head away. “So you hired me for what? To just dance? Because that's all you're going to get. I told you that before.”

  “Then dance. Go ahead, shake that ass for me again, maybe you'll get just as soaked as last time.” A smug smile pulled up to his ears. “I didn't say anything about wanting more. Because honestly, I have you the whole weekend...” His words trailed off. Re-emerging behind bared teeth. “Or longer.”

  “No, not longer.” I hissed, lips pursing tight. “Asshole.”

  “I didn't say you had an option.” His hand waved the glass, liquor sloshed around and spilled over the rim.

  “Excuse me?” I asked. “I'll leave right now if I want to.” I couldn't believe this guy. Who the hell did he think he was? He couldn't force me to stay here, I'm not property.

  “Oh, yeah? Is that what you think?” He asked, still beaming with a smile.

  “That's what I know.” My teeth ground against each other, the words hitting and slicing through the air.

  Hegan let out a guttural laugh, as if I'd just told the world's funniest joke. I didn't know what he thought was so hilarious. I could see he was a spoiled kid; a child who had spent his entire lifetime getting whatever it was he asked for.

  His sense of entitlement streamed from every pore on his body. The sick grin painted on his face was eating up my figure as his eyes trolled my body. He was probably used to woman giving him what he wanted. With money like that, I bet a lot of girls would throw themselves at him.

  I'm not that type of woman. I'm not just a walking hole for him to have his way with. And I have no problem telling him to get fucked.

  “You can't leave just yet, that's not what I paid for,” he said, approaching me from the side. Hegan's large hand came up and brushed the hair away from my face. “We can have fun you know, I'm sure of it.”

  I could feel my cheeks flush red, the heat rising from inside and coating my apples. Goosebumps emerged over my arms as his fingertips trailed softly over my skin. I wanted to step back, but my feet were frozen.

  His cologne floated up into my senses, the musky air filling my brain. A warmth formed deep inside my gut, spreading down to my panties. His smell, his muscles, his tender touch; all of it sent tingles rocketing through me.

  Shaking my head, I finally regained control of my legs. Quickly I stepped back, eyes fixed upon the hard stone of his. “I need to go. This isn't what I thought it was,” I said, turning to walk out. I wanted to get away, grab my phone and call a cab. I didn't want to be there anymore.

  The sheer desire that started to press my insides, the fire he was starting in my belly; it was too much. I was a dancer. No matter how hot this guy was, I needed to keep this professional.

  But I wasn't sure if I could.

  Hegan gripped my wrist, yanking me back. Pressing me into his chest, the firm hold set me in place. My fingers dipped over the ridges of his stomach, each muscle flexing as he inhaled. “You can't leave yet, look outside. The weather is shit, no planes are flying in that. Stay tonight and we can talk in the morning.” His eyes flicked between mine, looking inside me.

  I couldn't stop staring at him. The small glimmer sitting behind the glass of his eyes, the firmness of his arms as they wrapped around my waist; he was sucking me in. I let myself fall into him, let him grasp me so tightly he was holding me up.

  The butterflies began to swarm, a storm of nerves tore through my lungs. My lips parted and I wanted to tell him to let me go, to not touch me. But I couldn't speak.

  Hegan had twisted me up so tightly I almost forgot why I was there.

  The cut of his jaw was bold, I could see the light shadow hanging across his skin. He brought his mouth close to my face and the heat off his lips sent chills through my body. “I need— I need to go to bed. It's been a long day.” Breaking the lock he had on my eyes, I looked down at the floor.

  I knew he was right, I couldn't really go anywhere right now. I was stuck there, and since I hadn't actually been paid yet for the job; my pockets were empty.

  The tips of his fingers gently ran up and down the small of my back. “Go get some rest and I'll see you in the morning. We can discuss the arrangements for this weekend over breakfast.”

  Arrangements? Arrangements for what? I was hired to give a show, nothing more. Gloria knew I wasn't a girl who's going to give their body up to some stranger for money. It seemed like that's what he wanted, but he wasn't going to get it.

  I felt his arm loosen from my waist, and my body swayed as his support was lifted. Hegan turned and walked back to the window, returning to watching the snow fall. Looking over his shoulder, he nodded towards the door. “Go. Before I change my mind and make you stay up all night with me.”

  Grimacing in his direction, I whipped around and scurried out. He was an arrogant prick. I'm not his damn toy that he could do what he wanted with, and I was going to keep reminding him of that.

  Making my way back to my room, I closed the door and clipped the latch to lock it. I didn't want Hegan trying anything stupid during the night. If he'd thought at all that he got the impression I'd give in, I couldn't be sure he wouldn't try to sneak in here and take what he wanted.

  I let my body fall weightlessly onto the bed. The mattress closed in around my shoulders, my eyes felt heavy and hard to keep open.

  Hegan was sitting in my thoughts, his face re
peatedly flashed like a strobe light. The way his muscles draped every inch of his flesh, his touch and how it sent electricity through my nerves; I wanted to hate him, wanted to think he was a piece of shit for trying to force his control on me.

  Instead he filled me with excitement, curiosity; all the feelings that a guy like him should never make me feel.

  But he did.

  That single delicate touch of his fingers caused more emotions to flow through me than I'd experienced in a really really long time.

  What the hell Noella! He's a spoiled brat! A dick! He just wants to get what he can't have. You know this!

  Hegan was everything I despised in a man, I could read him like a fucking book. He didn't get what he wanted the first time, so now he's stepping it up. He was trying to make me fall into his trap. But I won't.

  I'm not a gullible little girl who sees only money and power. I needed more than that. And Hegan... he doesn't have it.

  He's a manipulator, a man on a mission. I'm a game to him, one he thinks will be easy.

  But, I don't care about his money. That doesn't make me wet in my panties, or want to bend over for him to fuck my brains out.

  Yes, he was sexy and hot as hell itself, but that was all. I could bet a thousand dollars he was your basic, generic guy. He was looking for a piece of ass; and when he was done he'd wave his hand, and send you on your way.

  I'm all set with that.

  Chapter Six


  The darkness of my eyes began to fill with light. The sun had crept in between the curtains, wrenching its nails under my lids. With one eye cracked open, I rolled onto my side, stretching my arms up.

  The throbbing inside my head beat against my skull. Gripping my temples, I forced my eyes open.

  Deciding to finish the entire bottle of scotch had been a bad idea.

  Tugging the blankets down, I slid my legs free and stumbled towards the window. The cool glass sent chills over my bare chest as I pulled the curtains back. Looking out, the courtyard was a field of sheer white.


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