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Sweet Virgin

Page 18

by Leah Holt

  How can I hate this man and still want him? It's wrong! I wanted to slink away, tear myself from his eyes. But I couldn't.

  Hegan had me glued in place, my panties wetting to his voice, to his touch. Every inch of me was screaming at myself to stop; but a carnal desire had filled my belly.

  I wanted him, wanted to feel him inside me. Maybe it was my alter ego taking control, wanting to send me into a world I never dipped a single toe in. I wasn't sure, but he was everything I hated and all I wanted.

  Hegan brought his lips just above my collarbone, barely touching my flesh; but breathing heavy enough so I could feel him there. He forced his presence onto my skin, goosebumps jetting up instantly.

  My arms hung by my sides, limp and motionless. I knew it was wrong for me to want him this way, this badly. My head tried to push the pause button, halt the feelings floating up into my body. But I couldn't stop it.

  Gripping my wrists, he pulled them into his chest. My fingers rested gently against his hardened muscles, slowly dragging over each mound. Dipping into the creases and trailing down to his abs, his skin was smooth steel, firming with my touch.

  My body had betrayed me, quivering to his mouth as it laid a gentle kiss against my throat. I should have been resisting him, instead I molded into his form. Feeling his lips, soft and heated across the small piece of bare skin; my head fell back, eyes closing tight.

  “You taste sweet, Babe.” His tongue danced up my neck, reaching my jaw line. “Now I'm wondering how your mouth tastes.” Pressing his lips firmly onto mine, his tongue pushed deep inside my mouth.

  And I did what I never expected I would.

  I kissed him back, swirling my tongue around his. Heat melded my body, mixing with a raw desire. It swept from my head down to my toes, pooling in the fire growing between my thighs.

  What the hell am I doing? What is he doing to me?

  This was so out of character for me, so far from the person I was. I felt like Copper had cemented her grip around my soul, driving me into the life I had been hiding and fading into.

  But I didn't want to stop, I didn't want him to stop.

  Hegan's hands crept up my back, wrenching around my roots and tugging my head back. He stared into my eyes for a brief second, then threw his mouth onto my throat, nipping and biting at my skin.

  My lungs had seized, trying to inhale, but getting nothing. I couldn't breathe, every muscle was frozen, resting there for him to caress.

  He dropped a single hand, tearing open my top. The buttons did little to keep me concealed. The fabric ripped open easily, exposing my breasts. My nipples were hard, poking through the thin lace fabric of my black bra, his thick fingers thumbed the hardened beads.

  A hushed moan fell off of my lips as I dug my nails into his scalp. Tugging hard, I twined deeper inside his hair. “Hegan,” the hot whisper expelled into the air. Arching my back I felt his cock press into my thigh as my legs parted.

  “That's it, Babe. You're going to enjoy what's coming next.” Slipping his shorts down, his hard-on bounced out from inside. He palmed the swelling length, squeezing around the base.

  I knew I shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be falling into the man who had just told me I was bought like a piece of meat. But everything about him chimed around me, gliding over my skin in waves.

  His hand ran across the edge of my jeans, stopping at the zipper. In one swift tug, he tore my pants open. Sliding them over my hips to the floor, panties following them down in unison.

  My body was buzzing, electrified and charged. A wild heat burned through my bare thighs, creeping its way up to my chest. I don't think I blinked once the instant his cock was out; engorged and shiny, ready to fill me.

  Before I realized it, Hegan slid his hands under my ass, lifting me onto the counter. The cool stone chilled my flesh as he pushed my thighs open. My brain was melting inside my skull, words were lost among the sparks and colors shooting off inside.

  Inhaling heavily, my lungs tried to force oxygen down. The new air hit my ribs like hot needles, piercing my breaths between gasps.

  Any thought that even tried to brush my mind for him to stop, washed away. I wanted him to fuck me. My pussy was dripping, glistening wet. A white haze had seeped over my eyes, my body craving every inch of his cock.

  Dancing my fingers across the thick muscle, I stroked him up to the ridge, padding the tip with one finger. A drip of pre-cum rested at the edge, swirling it over the head, his neck craned back as he moaned loudly. Sweat trickled over his chest, the bare flesh now shining in the light.

  Hegan had torn my brain to bits, carving into the muscle, flicking the switch that turned me animalistic. I was lost in him, ready for whatever he threw my way.

  His thick cock pressed against the pastel flesh of my bare pussy, teasing his way up the center, he tickled my sensitive button. In one quick thrust he had split me open; my pussy greedily pulling him in, sheathing the mass.

  Arching my back, my ass swayed with his pace, forcing him deeper. My walls rippled around his pulsing shaft, thighs clenching around his waist to keep him inside.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me!” I yelled, the words were built mostly of air as they thrashed out from the back of my throat.

  Grunting loudly, Hegan dragged his fingers over my thighs, catching my hips. Holding me in place, his cock buried into my soaked pussy. Colors lit up behind my lids, my body trembling as he sent me into climax. The orgasm coated me in molten lava, pouring from every pore.

  “Fuck, that's sweet. Your cunt needed this.” His dick pulsed inside me, filling me with his warm cum. Pulse after pulse it poured into my pussy. Hegan twitched, slumping forward to rest his chest on my shoulder. The loud inhales drowned out my moan.

  Every sense of right and wrong flew weightlessly around in my head, bouncing off the walls without regret.

  I was walking on air.

  Wow. Holy shit... Wow.

  Staring up at him under hooded lids, the world around me started to settle. Realization was sinking in, and clawing up my spine.

  I had lost control, let my pussy lead the way. Hegan had solidified what he wanted, the dominance he expected to have.

  And I let him. I wanted him to.

  He just fucked me, in this mansion, and we didn't use a condom.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  What the hell did I just do?

  Chapter Eight


  My arms flew up and shoved Hegan away. Jumping off the counter, I swiftly grabbed my clothes from the floor. Jerking my head up, he was watching me with a smile. His teeth shined, skin tinted a light pink, muscles still beating as they cooled down.

  Huffing under my breath, I said, “You're an asshole.” Jumping on the balls of my feet, I slipped the jeans up over my hips in one quick tug.

  “Wow, that's harsh, don't you think? I show you a good time, and I'm an asshole?” His body shifted against the granite, elbow jetting out to the side to hold him up.

  “Fuck you,” I hissed, pulling my shirt over my arms. The thumping of my heart beat like church bells against my ears, drowning out my own voice.

  “I think we just did that. You were there, don't you remember?” He chuckled loudly, muscles tensing with each inhale of air.

  The anger surged through my body. I hated him and was even more pissed at myself for letting him pull me in. I was repeating in my head how he had lured me here, paid my boss for me, and now this.

  What did I do? Noella! What the hell were you thinking?

  Tossing my hair from my face, my hands came down to land on my hips. “I want to leave. You can't keep me here. You got your sex, now I'm ready to go.”

  Hegan laughed, rolling his eyes, head following in suit. “I told you it was more than that. You can't leave, I won't let you.” Shaking his finger, it wagged in my face. “I'm not done with you yet, Copper.”

  Veering my stare, I felt my face burning. I wanted my words to turn into knives, cutting through the air and into him. “I won't st
ay. I'm done here, done with you.”

  “Unfortunately you don't have a choice. If you leave now what are you going to do about your mom?” he asked, arching a single brow.

  Standing silent, he might as well have just thrown a brick at me. The weight barreling down on my chest made it difficult to breathe. How does he know about my mom? What does she have to do with any of this? “What did you just say?” Shock filled my voice, my throat struggled to find the air to speak.

  “Yeah, sweetheart. I know all about that. And if you go now...” His words trailed off. Shaking his head side to side, each vein bulged with the contortion of his neck. “Gloria is going to pull out. Maybe you should have read that contract, huh?”

  I could feel the blood drain from my face, an ice cold sweat trickled down between my shoulders. Why? Would she really stop helping me? There was only one more treatment left, one final borrow from Gloria's pocket. And I've been paying on it every night since I started working for her.

  Suddenly I felt very small, the room around me grew like a fungus. The air had thickened to a harsh paste, the brightness now dulled as my head spun with questions and fear.

  “Why? Why would she do that? How did my mother get brought into this? This has nothing to do with her.” Gritting my teeth, I could feel each one grinding together. Swallowing hard, I was certain the sandpaper sensation was bits of broken teeth scraping my throat.

  He had no business interfering with my mother, and the care she needed.

  Hegan shifted his gaze to the floor, eyeing the dark stained wood. “It doesn't have to involve her, not if you just stay and do what I paid for.” His hand ran through his hair, a single strand making its way back down. “At this point, nothing is changing for your mom. But if you leave, it all will.”

  “This isn't fair. It's wrong!” Red started to drain into the back of my eyes, my feelings turning from confusion to rage.

  How dare he try to control her and her treatment! He couldn't do that. Could he?

  “Then stay and do as I ask. That's it. And your mom, your family, you'll all be set for the rest of your lives.”

  “I had sex with you! What more do you want? How long do you need me for?” I spat between my teeth, hands flailing around wildly. I couldn't understand what else there could be.

  He had his fun, made his way into my pants. There was nothing left for him to gain from this, from me. I gave him the only thing I ever kept away from my job, sex. Hegan had been the one and only guy to ever make me cross that line.

  I'd found myself caught between hate and a lust filled desire. He was hot, had muscles that wrapped every inch of him. The small dimple in his chin, his green eyes that sparkled when he smiled. All that pulled on me, pulled me into him.

  A loss of control that I've never had before.

  “Copper, I need you for something bigger than that.” Bridging the gap between us, he stepped behind me. His thick fingers stretched over my shoulders squeezing firmly. Bringing his lips to my ear, he softly said, “You're going to carry my child.” The hot whisper flamed inside my skull.

  What did he say? Did he really just say I'm supposed to have his baby?

  The room began to spin, the static walls now whirling around each other. A purple fog began to fill my vision, weaving in and out of my eyes. The sweltering haze coated my body, a thin tunnel transformed in front of me, and then...



  Bright light filled the back of my lids. A buzzing sound radiated around the inside of my head, the noise extending to a dull voice in the distance.

  Slowly my eyes peeled open, blinking rapidly, my mind was a page of blank pictures. Forcing my vision to clear, Hegan's face hung just above my nose. His mouth was moving but his sound was a mess of blurred words.

  Shaking my head, the dark images seeped back in. Where I was, who I was with, and the words that crushed my soul.

  'Carry my child.'

  'Carry my child.'

  The three words clammed together playing on repeat. Over and over they imprinted themselves like a tattoo in my head. Branding the idea, the sick joke he had to be playing on me, into one giant burn.

  Have his baby? Was he serious? He can't be, that is the most obscene demand anyone could impose on a human being.

  “Copper, are you alright? Copper?” The words strained against his tongue, forced out anxiously. A look of worry was painted on his face. His eyes were popping out to their limit, brows standing straight up.

  I pushed myself up from the floor, scrambling back on my hands. Resting my back against the cupboards, a searing pain surged through my neck and shoulders. The back of my scalp stung, rubbing the area I could feel a knot swelling beneath my hair.

  Hegan asked me again, “Are you okay? You hit the floor like a sack of rocks.” Raising up onto his knees, he leaned in closer. “I've never seen someone go down so fast, except for when my fist's involved.” Cracking a smile to his ear, he gripped the edge of the counter and lifted to his feet.

  Narrowing my eyes, I asked, “How can you joke right now?” My fingers spun across the floor, following the grains embedded in the wood. The other hand continued to massage the egg growing at the base of my skull.

  “Let me get you some ice.” Hegan filled a baggie, the sound of the ice bouncing against each other as they fell inside echoed through the headache I had forming. Pinching the edge of the plastic closed, he lowered back down to me.

  I didn't want to look at him, fear I might throw up on the floor if I looked into his eyes churned inside my gut. It was hard to swallow the thoughts filling my mind. He had told me he hired me to have his baby.

  What is wrong with him? I'm not doing that. He's crazy if he thinks I'm going to have his child!

  “I'm not doing it,” I said sternly.

  “A thanks for the ice would have been nice.”

  “I'm not having your baby. I don't even know you. And I don't care about the money, that's too much to ask of me.”

  “I'm not asking. You're doing this, you don't have a choice.” He tossed the bag of ice down onto my lap.

  “Everyone has a choice.” Forcing myself to look at him, his face was still as stone. Every muscle sat in a temporary suspension, the cold glare fixing firm on me.

  “How are you going to help your mom if you walk out of here? My deal with Gloria is set. She's banking on you having the baby. If you do, like I said before, your family will be set for life.” Folding his arms across his chest, he thumbed his chin. “If you don't, Gloria still makes out fine, but your mom's treatment will have no more green going into it.”

  How could he do this to me? He didn't know anything about what we went through, or how much of a toll the illness had already taken on us. This was a callus move, a bold way for him to throw his power down.

  I didn't want my family to suffer. To have gone this far only to watch the entire ordeal be for nothing... Could I do that? Could I leave my mother to suffer gravely?

  I wasn't really sure I could.

  Or would.

  “Why? You still haven't answered that. Tell me why you need this. I deserve that, don't you think?”

  His lips formed a thin line, eyes wildly searching the ceiling. Scratching his forehead, he leaned onto the island in the center of the kitchen. “You want to know why.” Hegan rolled his thumbs together, scrunching his nose. “Because I don't have a choice. If I don't do this, then I'll lose everything too.”

  A softness had emerged over his face. He looked lost, like a small boy in a store looking for his mother. The strength and confidence that had spewed from every inch of him was shrinking.

  I could tell he didn't like this anymore than I did. He wouldn't look me straight in the eye. They zigzagged side to side, up and down. His hands rolled together, fingers twining around each other.

  Exhaling a labored breath, he slapped the island. “Well, we have a big day today. We're supposed to meet my parents for lunch later. You should go get cleaned up.” Spinning on
one heel, Hegan turned and walked out the door in the back of the kitchen. Dipping his head back in, he said, “Oh, and don't mention any of this to them.”

  Before I could speak he was gone. Sitting motionless on the floor, ice held tight to my head, I was still in shock. Reliving the entire ordeal and what he expected me to do. I had a decision to make.

  Run, run far away and never look back, or do something that could change my parents lives and in the process... My life forever.

  There's no way he can be serious. This has to be some type of test or challenge. Right?

  If Hegan actually thought he could blackmail me with money to have his baby, then he had to be fucking crazy.

  But, if he's serious...

  Do I risk my mother's health, her treatment, her life?

  My head was spinning wildly with questions and a fucking headache.

  I didn't want to see everything my mom had already been through be for nothing. And Gloria, that fucking bitch. She only cared about the money, that's obvious now. If she was willing to pull out, Hegan must be offering her double what I owed her.

  I don't know if I can risk this. Gripping the counter, slowly I pulled myself up. The room spun slightly as I shook my head and closed my eyes. Holding tightly on the granite, I followed it to the edge.

  I don't think I've ever fainted before. I feel hung over, the room's spinning and a damn truck's driving over my brain.

  And now I'm having lunch with his family. This is like something I'd see in a movie, not in real life, not my life.

  Using the wall for balance, I made my way back to my room. Get yourself together Noella! You're not weak.

  And I never will be.

  Closing the door behind me, I slid down the wood. Resting my back against it, my head hung in my lap. I didn't know what to do, or what to think. I had just been slapped with a life changing decision.

  Pressing my fingers into my forehead, my mind was a jostled mess. Get yourself together! You have to think clear, figure this shit out.

  How stupid was I?

  I had sex with him, unprotected, condomless sex. And that's just what he wanted.

  Hegan needed a baby, but why? His answer was useless. He seemed to have everything; what was he losing?


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