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Sweet Virgin

Page 21

by Leah Holt

  The gentle tap of her lips together, the smack of moistened flesh as the air pulled in, shot through my ears. Waves of need surged down to my cock, the blood draining from every inch of my body to feed the enlarging mass.

  “If we do this, we both get what we want. Why is that so bad?” I was offering her a fresh a start, a world of endless possibilities. Couldn't she see that?

  Or was she just refusing to?

  “Because we're talking about a baby! A fucking living, breathing, baby. That's not selling off a piece of jewelry or a damn car. It's a huge responsibility.”

  “If we do this— which we are. I told you already, there's no option out. But, I have more money coming to me than you could possibly ever dream of. I'll make sure you never have to worry about anything—”

  “That's all you think about! Money! Get this through your small fucking brain, Hegan, I don't care about the money!” Her words hit me with such force I jolted in my seat.

  “Noella, I... I...” I was speechless.

  Maybe she was right. I was expecting all my problems to disappear if I did this one thing. But would they?

  They had to, a baby was what my dad required or I was done; finished, living on the street with nothing.

  I can't do that, I won't do that.

  “I wish I could just say that, say I didn't care. But I do. I can't have it all ripped out from beneath me, Noella. I need this baby.”

  “I'm not doing it.” Pursing her lips, she shook her head side to side.

  And even with her saying no, I still wanted to fuck her; still wanted every piece of her wrapped around my cock, around my muscles. I wanted to hear her say my name again, whisper it into my ear as I pounded her pussy.

  “You couldn't resist me in the kitchen, don't you think there's a reason for that? I saw it in your face that night at the club, and this morning.”

  “You didn't see shit. What you saw was lust, that's it. That doesn't mean I'm going to throw myself down and let you knock me up. You're fucking insane, you know that?” Her nose wrinkled slightly as her cheek lifted to her eye.

  The gentle wrinkles forming across her skin sent my stomach into knots. She was fucking sexy, in every way possible. Even when she was giving me a face of disgust, my cock stiffened in my pants, hardening with her confidence and strength.

  She was trying to pull herself from me, tear the feelings she was toiling with down and away. But she could only do that for so long, she gave in once; and now she's had a taste of what I could offer.

  A really great fuck.

  I'm not giving up on Noella. I need her.

  “I've been told that before. You're not the first. But you are the first to tell me I'm crazy after we've had sex.” A smile crept up my face, and I laughed lightly.

  Waiting for her to lash out, I was taken by surprise. She laughed with me, her sweet chuckle hitting my ears, tempering my cock. “Then maybe I'm the crazy one,” she said between giggles.

  Noella was like no woman I had ever met before. She could find humor in a situation where she was angry, she could grow a spine when she was challenged. Noella was the woman who should have my child, no one else.

  That's what I was holding onto, wrenching my fingers around and keeping for me. She was mine, in every way.

  I didn't care what she said, or thought, or wanted. She was mine.

  “You're not crazy. You're the sweetest piece of ass I've ever had.”

  “Is that all you think about? Sex?” Twisting her body in the seat, she glared at me under hooded lids.

  “No, the sex came after I saw what type of girl you are.”

  “What type of girl I am?” Veering her eyes, her head fell forward.

  “Yeah. You're not weak, you're not a bitch, even when you try to be. You have brains, and can think on your toes. It was that stuff I saw first. The sex, well that came later.” Scratching my scalp, I said, “Now don't get me wrong, the sex is what I needed. But the mother of my kid wasn't going to be some dumb bitch, who could barely operate an ice tray and wonders if the stuff in history books are real.”

  I watched her face spread a bright cherry, looking down at her knees, she said, “You saw all that in me? How?”

  “It's painted all over you, Noella. Let me ask you this, why do you work at Tigress?” Holding up my hand, I paused her answer. “I know you owe Gloria money, but why there? Why not get a job some place else?”

  “I just wanted to pay her off as quick as possible. I'd been working part time for a coffee shop, and that wasn't going to do shit to put a dent in what I owe her.” Letting her head fall towards her chest, her voice softened. “And Gloria played up the club. I didn't think I had a choice really. Especially if I wanted to get back to my life.” Twirling her fingers around each other, she braided the long digits.

  “I knew the instant I saw you that you weren't cut out for that world.” Gripping her chin tightly, I raised her eyes to mine.

  “How? How could you know?” The deep crystal of her gaze shifted between mine. Darting her eyes back and forth, she dug for an answer.

  “You had an air of intelligence. I could smell it, like the panties you were wearing that night.” My teeth bit my lower lip, tugging it in.

  Bringing my fingers to her neck, I caressed the bare flesh. Gliding them up and down, she quivered beneath my touch. Goosebumps rolled up across her skin, shooting out like tiny mountains against the snow.

  She can't resist me. She's just as drawn to me as I am to her. Otherwise, she would have high tailed it out of here. It's not like I have her locked up and cuffed.

  “Heg—” Silencing the sound about to break through, I pushed my lips against hers. Our tongues danced together, twisting and wrapping around each other.

  I had to have her, again and again. She was all I had thought about since I first laid eyes on her. Her body, her pussy; it was all intoxicating, filling my dreams every night.

  Floating my tongue across the ridges of her mouth, my fingers squeezed her shoulder blades. Pressing her chest against mine, I wanted to tear her from the seat. The giant plastic console dug into my ribs, making the rest of her hard to get to.

  Noella dragged her tongue over my lips, biting them softly. Her skin felt damp, the heat of my touch warming her body. Her hips rocked back and forth, knees opening wider as her hands trailed up her thighs.

  Placing my hand on the seam of her dress, I jerked it up. “No panties?” I said, my eyes opening wide.

  Nodding her head no, she pulled my hand down to her pussy. “What can I say? I hate panties.” Her head fell back onto the seat, rolling to look up at me.

  “Then why did you have them on when you were working, and this morning?” Cupping her mound, she moaned loudly.

  “Because I don't want just anyone looking at me. And Jeans with bare skin...” Spreading her legs as far as she could, I slid one finger over the wet center. Her thighs shook with my touch, back arching up high. “Mm, yeah.” Her moan fell out like hot liquid from her mouth.

  I had just silenced her thoughts.

  Noella draped a hand over my hard erection, following the outline beneath my jeans. Pushing firmly against the zipper, it ached to feel her.

  And I pained to have her.

  Popping the button in one tug, she slid the zipper down. Reaching her hand inside, she gripped my hard shaft and pulled it free. A soft gasp spilled from the back of her throat as I clicked faster against her clit.

  She started at the base and worked her way up. Palming the tip, she squeezed hard. I was ready to burst, even before she touched me. Noella was a sacred piece of art, a masterpiece I wanted to consume.

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I yanked her over onto my lap. Her dripping pussy slid across the top of my cock, making my eyes roll back. To feel how wet she was, it drove me wild.

  “You feel that, huh?” The soft whisper spread across my ear as she bit my lobe. “I've never been this wet before.”

  Growling from the back of my throat, I tore h
er jacket off. Ripping it down her arms, I threw it to the side like a piece of useless garbage. Peeling the top half of her dress down, her tits emerged, nipples poking out and firm.

  Squeezing her breasts together, I twisted my head side to side, running my tongue over each soft pink circle. Noella's nails scraped across the back of my neck and up into my hair, tearing at the roots. I was ready, ready to fuck the shit out of her. I wanted her to ride my cock, feel me hit her all the way up in her belly.

  Picking her up at the hips, I tried to guide my cock inside. Swiftly, she blocked it from entering. “Do you have a condom?” she asked.

  “Why? We didn't use one earlier.” Forcing my tongue up her ribs, I leaned in to bite her shoulder.

  “Which was a mistake, no condom no pussy.” Clicking her tongue, she covered her pussy with the front of her dress.

  My head fell heavy against the seat. “You know why you're here. Do you think I have any?”

  Noella's mouth flicked towards her ear as if she was thinking. “Well, looks like this isn't going any further.” Lifting her leg off my hip, she tried to guide it back over the seat. Her body twisted awkwardly, ass honking the horn as she fell back against the steering wheel.

  “Noella, don't. You can't leave me like this.” My hands gestured down to the hard-on standing up firm. “I know you want it,” I said, gripping my cock, sliding my hand up and down the shaft.

  The horn blared loudly with her ass still fixed against it, using the wheel for leverage she attempted the maneuver again. Slipping forward, she was pressed against my chest. Her hand ran over my torso, I felt each finger roll over my abs.

  Looking up at me, I pulled her to my face. She wanted to speak, her lips opened softly, her tongue raised towards her teeth. But I stopped her.

  I pushed my tongue in her mouth, tasting the words that wanted to escape but never had the chance to form. Her tongue wrestled with mine, arms firming around my shoulders to pull herself up.

  Noella didn't break the kiss. She let me consume her, let me indulge in the honeyed flavor of her mouth. If I wanted to stop myself, or have that second of thought, I couldn't.

  She was what I needed in so many ways.

  My heart raced inside my chest, beating fiercely against the walls containing it. I could feel my cock throb, pulsing against the flesh of her thigh. Her fair skin was tinged pink, the muscles of her thighs shaking with desire and nerves.

  She knew I was going to fuck her, and she was going to let me. Even with her false affection for protection. If she didn't want it, if she didn't feel it like I did, she'd be back in her seat, closed off and unwilling to keep going.

  But Noella was pushing back, grinding her pussy into my lap. The wet heat radiated, dampening the fabric of my jeans.

  Our eyes froze on each other, as her body lifted up. Sliding her pussy across the swollen tip, I drove myself inside. Her spine firmed, sitting her straight up, hands clasping around my neck.

  Every inch of my cock was buried deep inside her. Rocking her hips, she rode my length, gliding up and down. Starting off slow, she raised up on her knees. Her tits leveled with my eyes, perched like two perfect rain drops.

  Bringing my teeth up, I nibbled on her nipples. Finding her pace, my fingers slid up to the small of her back, gripping the dimples rested just above her ass. Jerking my hips up, I pushed myself in as far as I could go.

  “Noella, fuck Noella.” Biting my lip, my cock throbbed, the heat bubbling up into my stomach. If I had one weakness when it came to sex, it was having her on top.

  Trying to hold back, I felt her body quiver, a delicate coo forced out from her mouth as her head fell back.

  The tell tale sign she was about to come, about to cream all over my dick. That was all it took. My balls went taut, trembling from below, my thick shaft pulsed inside her. Pump after pump I shot my come in waves into her pussy.

  Every muscle in my body tensed, beads of sweat trickled over my forehead, dropping with soundless splashes onto her thighs.

  Lifting my head to her face, she stared at me. Her body relaxing and eating up the orgasm that just electrified her insides.

  Without her speaking I knew what she was thinking; what was running through her head in a rapid cascade of thoughts.

  We had just done what she thought she didn't want to.

  We fucked without protection, without a barrier. She had just given herself to me again, fully and ultimately with no regrets. A smile emerged from behind her eyes, growing across her face.

  “I don't know how you do this, how you get me to drop all my guards. But you do, Hegan. You do.” Her head fell onto my shoulder, chest resting against mine.

  And our breathing became one.

  One inhale, one exhale.

  In our little cocoon, the world around us was fogged out. The windows were glazed in a haze, the sounds of outside masked by our lungs.

  And in that moment, in that space, she was mine.

  No one in else in the world could reach her.

  She was exactly where I wanted her.

  Chapter Twelve


  How is he doing this to me? When I'm with him, all I want is him. But he's dangling my mother over my head. I'm supposed to hate him, but I don't.

  I want to and should... But no matter how much I think I do, he gives me feelings I've never felt before. The tingles in my belly, the nervous knots that roll around when I'm about to see him, or just plain next to him.

  What the fuck! How can this happen? How can I actually want the man who is trying to force me to have his baby? It didn't make sense, and it wasn't rational. I knew that, but I couldn't stop the feelings, couldn't halt the electricity between us.

  He's a man who's been given an option, a man who also feels there is no way out.

  And his father is a piece of shit. Trying to push on Hegan what he thinks he should be and what he thinks he should do with his life.

  It's not right.

  A parent is supposed to be there for support and encouragement. I've been lucky, my parents had always stood beside me and let me find myself; let me be who I wanted. Not once did they ever try and push themselves and their views on me.

  That's how it should be.

  Parents were there as a guide, a pillar of what was right and wrong. But in the end they gave us the tools that a child would need to make the right choices and decisions in their life.

  After lunch with Brandon and Stella, a part of me began to feel really bad for Hegan. All he wanted was for his parents to accept him for him. But they didn't.

  His mom seemed like she wanted to, but didn't feel she could. She didn't give him the same deadened look as his father. Stella had a warmer expression; a tender side that had been drowned for so long by their lifestyle, and her husband's ideal image.

  Brandon had his hands wrapped around her too, squeezing to the point of suffocation. As if she was trapped in a cocoon he had formed; an ugly, hardened shell, that held her prisoner to his ways.

  I got a first hand view into the box of their lives. Looking from the outside, seeing the tension between Hegan and his dad; they must have been battling for years. Every sentence out of Brandon's mouth was about something Hegan should do or didn't do.

  It's no wonder he felt he had no other options, he probably wasn't given any in life to begin with. Where was he supposed to go from that?

  It's sickening to see the disconnect between them. They don't have a family, not in the true form of the word. Hegan's deeper than what he wanted show; what he showed the world was only a crust he formed on the outside. For him to have told me all the things he saw in me, it melted my heart.

  Looking out the window, the snow glistened brightly under the sun. Squinting my eyes, I spotted something out in the vast yard. A large hill was set a few hundred yards away.

  I think it's time for a little fun. When was the last time Hegan had time to play?

  Throwing the door open, I ran to the bottom of the stairs. “Hegan!” I
yelled. My voice echoed off the ceiling, circling the room. “Hegan!”

  The loud clomp of his feet ran across the floor. “What? You alright?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine. Throw on some warm clothes and meet me in the back yard.” A huge smile spread across my face, teeth closed tightly inside my lips.

  “What?” he asked, arching his brow.

  “Warm clothes, outside in ten minutes.” Pointing my finger up at him, I said, “Really warm clothes.” Spinning on my heel, I didn't give him another chance to speak.

  Making my way back to the bedroom, I realized I hadn't exactly thought this through, or brought anything warmer than my jeans and jacket. Scrounging through the closet and draws to see what was there, I yanked out a large brown fur coat and held it up. Looks expensive and warm. Perfect.

  I hoped Hegan wouldn't mind me using it. But with the money his family had, I was sure they could afford another. Sifting through the drawers, I found thermals, heavy socks, and a large country club sweatshirt.

  My clothing issue was solved.

  Standing outside in snow up to my calves, I had two trashcan lids rested under each arm, holding them proudly. I'd spotted them in the garage when we left for lunch, and knew they would do the job.

  Hegan opened the door and stepped out. Dressed in black sweatpants, a heavy jacket and knitted cap, he looked like he just jumped out of a damn Charlie Brown cartoon. I couldn't contain myself, a gut wrenching laugh spilled from my lips.

  Bursting out laughing, he asked, “What?” Holding his arms out. “What the hell are those?” he questioned through chuckles.

  “Garbage can lids. Have you ever seen one before?” Smirking wildly, I held them up.

  “Yes, I'm not that sheltered. But what do you have them for?” Pushing through the snow, he stood a foot away. “Nice coat.”

  “Thanks, I found it in the closet. How does it look?” I pressed my arm into my hip, twirling my leg side to side.

  “It looks like it belongs to my grandmother.”


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