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Sunset Love: The Bold and the Beautiful

Page 12

by Shannon Curtis

  He looked at his tall, dark-haired brother. Ridge’s sunglasses shielded his eyes, but his expression and body language said it all. He wasn’t happy.

  For some reason, that pleased Thorne.

  He walked the horse up to the porch railing and tied the reins in a loose knot before placing his hands on Brooke’s waist. He kept his gaze on Ridge’s sunglasses as Brooke slid into his arms, and he carried her up the deck stairs to the door.

  “Dad,” he said to the distinguished man who crossed to open the front door for him.

  “Hello, Thorne,” his father responded warmly, a smile on his face that didn’t hide the concern in his gaze as he looked at Brooke. “Is everything all right?”

  Thorne nodded curtly. “Ridge, Rick,” he said as he walked into his front hall, his boots echoing along the hall. He strode into the living room and placed Brooke gently on the lounge. He grabbed a footstool and placed her injured ankle on it, before winking at her. “I’m going to call Doc out.” She smiled, then gazed uncertainly at the gathered men.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?” Rick asked with concern as he stepped into the living room.

  Brooke waved his worry away. “Oh, I’m fine, Rick. I just fell off a horse, that’s all.”

  “That’s all?” Rick exclaimed.

  Thorne hurried down to his office to make the call, more than content to let Brooke field all enquiries. The local doctor was already in the area on another house call, and would be there shortly. Thorne hung up, satisfied. He’d been surprised to discover the doctor offered a house call service. This was the first time he’d had to use it.

  He stepped into the hall and almost bumped into his father.

  “I know it’s a sudden visit, son, I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

  Thorne nodded. “Let me guess, you were in the area.”

  Eric blinked. “Er, no, we flew in last night and stayed at a hotel. I wanted to see you. I miss you, Thorne. The house seems so empty without you and Aly.”

  Thorne looked at his father, saw the genuine care in his expression, and felt like a schmuck.

  “It’s good to see you, Dad,” he said sincerely.

  “So, tell me about this place—what’s new?” Eric said as they strolled back to the living room. Thorne chatted with his father about the turbines he’d introduced to the ranch as they stepped into the room.

  “Turbines, you say? Well, that’s a new one. I want to hear more about that,” Eric said, and they paused to look at the other occupants of the room.

  Ridge stood by the window, gazing out at the view. Rick sat next to Brooke on the lounge, glaring at Thorne in accusation.

  “I thought Mom would be safe here.”

  Normally Thorne would have retaliated, but for once, Rick’s shoot-first-ask-questions-later attitude didn’t bother him. He saw through the bluster to the care and love the young man had for his mother.

  “This is a working ranch, Rick,” Thorne said quietly. “There’s an innate risk in pretty much everything we do. We take precautions, but any time we’re dealing with animals or machinery, there’s always a chance of injury. We try to limit it where possible. Birds can spook horses. That’s a fact of life here and we have to take it into consideration each time we saddle up.”

  He didn’t point out that birds were the least of his problems. Come summer, when the snakes were out, or winter, when the wolves and bobcats were starving, there were risks that he felt were better left unsaid.

  He turned to Brooke. “Doc is on his way. Why don’t I rustle up some food?” He glanced at his father and brothers. “Interested?”

  Ridge waved his hand in the negative. Rick grudgingly nodded. Eric rubbed his hands together.

  “What’s on the menu?”

  “Come and look,” Thorne replied, and led his father down the hall.

  “I’ll trust you two to bring Brooke up to speed,” Eric called over his shoulder.

  Thorne pointedly refused to ask. He wasn’t working for Forrester Creations any longer. It wasn’t any of his business.


  Brooke looked between Ridge and Rick. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Why do you assume something is wrong?” Rick responded.

  She arched an eyebrow, not bothering to hide her smile. “Because you’ve all flown out to Texas, that’s why. Something important must have happened.” Her eyes widened. “Is Hope all right? Did something happen? Is that why she’s not here with you?”

  Rick shook his head. “Relax, Mom. There have been some developments with the Glamazon line, and we thought we’d come and tell you in person.”

  Brooke’s stomach tightened, like a spring wound too tight. “What?” she whispered.

  Rick smiled. “As the company in Dubai have already been working with the U.C.L.A. clinic on some trials, they’ve approached us to work with them.”

  She gaped. “What? They came to us? Are you serious?” Her gaze darted to Ridge. He nodded.

  “The U.C.L.A. report came through, and it appears they can back up everything in the research.”

  “Splendid,” Brooke said, clasping her hands together. “I’m in shock though. This is all happening so fast.”

  “Yes, it surprised me, too,” Ridge said as he turned away from the window. “Apparently they have been looking for an opportunity for a while, and had been searching for a channel to the market. They hadn’t considered anything like your product, though, and were very interested.”

  “The CEO’s mother passed away from breast cancer, so he has a personal stake in the project.”

  “Oh my goodness,” she said. One of the major speed bumps to her line had disappeared—they had the fabric. “That’s such good news.” She blinked. “Not that the poor man’s mother died. I meant that we can start orders.”

  Rick nodded. “Yes. Caroline’s worked on some designs, too, and the U.C.L.A. team are happy to carry out some product testing in partnership with us.” He leaned over to cover her hands with his. “Glamazon has a green light, Mom. You’re good to go.”


  A few hours later Brooke sat in her bed, her leg stretched out. She’d had something to eat and a shower, and now wore soft pants and a flowing silk top. The doctor had been—yes, she had a nasty sprain, perhaps some tendon damage, and they’d have to do an MRI once the swelling had gone down, but she was to keep off her feet for the next few days.

  She didn’t care. Brooke gazed up at the ceiling. Her line was going to happen. Glamazon was going into production. Sure, there were still plenty of details to iron out, but ultimately – it was going to happen.

  There was a light knock at the door. “Come in,” she called, hoping it was Thorne. He’d been playing host to his family, and had even taken his father for a quick horse ride to look at some of the property.

  It was Ridge who stuck his head around the door jamb, and she was taken by surprise by the tiny flare of disappointment that it wasn’t a certain cowboy darkening her door.

  “Ridge,” she said in surprise. “What can I do for you?”

  He shuffled in and smiled, although she saw uncertainty darken his gaze. “I came to apologize,” he said softly.

  Her eyebrows rose. The possibilities were endless. “What for?” she enquired politely.

  “I let my personal issues with you cloud my professional judgment,” he confessed. “The Glamazon line is a fantastic concept, and the designs are beautiful.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “If someone else had pitched that line, I would have thrown my full support behind it, but because it was you, I resisted.”

  Brooke folded her arms. “I see.”

  “I’m sorry for that. I should have been more supportive, particularly under the circumstances, and it’s been pointed out to me that I could have been a little more sensitive.”

  Brooke narrowed her eyes. The only person she could imagine calling Ridge to task on that would have been Caroline. The young woman had no qualms in defending anything connected to her char
ity. “Well, firstly, I would want your full support for a good concept, not because you think I might need some token approval to make me feel better, but because it has merit,” she told him bluntly. “Secondly—we’re co-vice presidents. We can’t allow our personal issues to affect decisions for Forrester Creations.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. It won’t happen again.”

  Brooke nodded. “Well, then, apology accepted.”

  Ridge’s eyebrows rose. “Just like that?”

  She smiled. “Just like that. I’m not a delicate flower, Ridge. I won’t wilt from a frown. I can move on.”

  He tilted his head as he gazed at her intently. “And have you? Moved on?”

  Suddenly she knew he wasn’t talking about the Glamazon line any longer. “Yes,” she said quietly. “I believe I have. I’ve managed to find some peace, Ridge, and I’m very happy.”

  There was a flash of something dark in his gaze, possibly pain, but it was shuttered so quickly she couldn’t be sure.

  “That’s good to hear,” he said in his husky voice.

  She tilted her head back. “So, tell me—how is Katie?”

  Ridge winced. “Missing you.”

  Tears pricked at her eyes, and Brooke blinked them away. “Tell her I miss her, too.”

  “Hey, can anyone crash this party?”

  Rick stood at the door with Eric and Thorne behind him. Thorne was so far back his face was in shadow. Her heart rate picked up. She remembered the last time he’d overheard words spoken between her and Ridge, and it had ended in their divorce.

  The remaining Forrester men entered the room. Thorne’s expression was warm, and she could see the pride in his eyes as he looked at her. He winked as he walked up to the bed.

  “Well, we’re heading back to L.A.,” Eric said, smiling. “The jet is waiting for us at the local airfield. Unfortunately we’ve got to go back and start working out the production details for a certain lingerie line, otherwise we’d be staying a little longer.”

  Brooke smiled warmly at him. “Thanks for coming to tell me personally, Eric.”

  Eric lifted a casual hand. “Oh, you deserve it, Brooke. You’ve worked very hard on this project, I thought it was appropriate.” He turned to gaze at Thorne. “Besides, it gave me a chance to visit my son.” This time he lifted both hands to encompass the ranch at large. “This place is amazing, Thorne. I was skeptical, I must admit, but I knew if anyone could do it, you could. You’ve always had an ability to give life to new things.”

  Thorne’s eyebrows rose in surprise, but he smiled with genuine pleasure. “Thanks, Dad, that means a lot.”

  “So, when can we expect you back at the office?” Eric asked, turning back to Brooke.

  She hesitated. Suddenly, the prospect of leaving the Lonesome Oak, rider-bucking Milly, a dog that looked like a bear cub, and darling little Liberty, who was still adjusting to new life, hit her. She would have to leave all this—leave Thorne. A large hand clasped hers.

  “You heard the doctor. Bed rest for the next few days,” Thorne said. His warm brown eyes met her gaze. “You’re more than welcome to recuperate here.”

  She squeezed his hand in relief. “Thanks,” she said. She turned back to Eric, who was watching the exchange with interest. “If it’s all right, I’d like to stay for a little while longer.” At some point, she and Thorne would have to face the fact that she’d have to return to Forrester Creations, but that could wait.

  “Take as long as you need,” Eric said then winked as he leaned over to kiss her goodbye on the cheek.

  Rick reached over to give her a hug. “Look out for those horses, okay?”

  She laughed softly as she hugged him back. “I’ll be careful.”

  Ridge nodded to her, his hands in his pockets. “Take care, Brooke.”

  “You, too, Ridge.” She meant it. She wished him and Katie every happiness.

  Thorne saw them out, and after a while she heard their car drive away, then the sound of Thorne climbing the stairs. Her heart thudded in rhythm to his footsteps, increasing in tempo as he strode down the hall toward her room.

  He sauntered in looking every inch the sexy cowboy, only without his Stetson.

  “So, your line has been approved,” he drawled as he approached the bed.

  She nodded. “So it seems.”

  “All that hard work has paid off.”

  She nodded as he climbed onto the bed. The almost predatory gleam in his eye had her pulse thundering in her ears.

  “They want you back at Forrester Creations,” he said as he crawled toward her. The man moved with an athletic grace that was mesmerizing.

  He put his hands on either side of her hips and met her gaze squarely. “I want you to stay here.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Time slowed, and his breathing deepened. Brooke’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened as she stared up at him. He’d surprised her.


  “Uh,” she said, and her mouth moved, as though she had more words to utter, only they wouldn’t come out.

  He trailed his lips to her ear, and bit at her lobe, satisfaction curling inside his gut at her quick, indrawn breath. Her hands reached up to his chest, but he didn’t think she was trying to push him away, not the way she was playing with the placket of his shirt. Arousal gripped his body, hardening it.

  “We need to talk about this.” Her voice was thin.

  He smiled at her weak attempt, then kissed his way down her neck. “We are talking.”

  This time her hands were firmer, and he pulled back. “I can’t concentrate when you do that,” she whispered, but he saw the vulnerability in her eyes. “My work is in L.A.”

  “No, your work is at Forrester Creations,” he corrected her. “And you’ve managed to work remotely from the Lonesome Oak for the past week. We could easily convert one of the rooms downstairs into an office. Hell, I could build you one, if you like.” He leaned forward to kiss her again. Her hands tightened their grasp on his shirt.

  “Why?” she asked, searching his face.

  He frowned. “Seriously? You need to ask that after last night?” His gaze dropped to the silk cloth that draped over her breasts, the tight peaks of her nipples showing through. “Speaking of last night,” he murmured, then sighed when she halted him again.

  “Because I seduced you?” she whispered, her uncertainty evident.

  “No, because—wait, you what?” He pulled back a little.

  “I seduced you,” she said quietly. “We both know that’s what happened last night.”

  He nodded. “I think you got it the wrong way around. I seduced you.”

  “No, I kissed you first.”

  He frowned. “I believe I kissed you.”

  She frowned back at him, and he tried to remember who made the first move. Maybe it was more a shared moment. “Let’s just say we kissed each other,” he said, lowering his mouth to hers before she could argue more over who seduced who. His plan had been in motion the moment he saw her standing like a golden angel on his front porch—but she didn’t need to know that. He slanted his mouth across hers, and she arched her back, twisting the cotton of his shirt in his hands before pushing him back once more.

  He sighed in frustration. “What? Tell me what the problem is so we can deal with it and get back to the fun part.”

  “Do you really want me here?” There was such an exposed nature to her tone, to the words, that his heart melted. He’d overheard what she’d said to Ridge. She hadn’t known he was outside the door, and he knew she was being honest, could hear it in the sincerity of her voice. His old fears regarding Brooke and Ridge had been put to bed—without her knowing that was exactly what she was doing.

  “Yes. These days, Brooke—I’ve never been happier. Working with you, talking with you, seeing you every day—this is the way I want to live. With you. I want to wake up in your arms in the morning, and come back to them at night—every night. I like the idea of living here with you, building on somethi
ng worthwhile. We’ve lost so much time, I don’t want to waste any more. I want you here, with me. Forever. The end. What do you say? Will you grow old with me?”

  She blinked, and a tear rolled down her cheek. “Yes,” she said, her voice hoarse. “Yes, Thorne.” She pulled him down to her, and they kissed. He settled his body against hers, sliding his hands over her curves, pulling her tight against his heart. He rolled, pulling her gently over the top of him, careful of her injury. She peppered his throat with kisses, and the tension in his body tightened.

  “So you’ll stay?” This time it was his voice that showed his uncertainty, his vulnerability.

  She raised her head to smile down at him, and his heart started to sing that “Hallelujah” chorus again. “How could I resist, Mr. Sexy Tex?” she said seductively, before lowering her mouth to his. His tongue tangled with hers, and his hand delved into her smooth locks. His fingers tightened, just a touch, and she drew away.

  “What?” she asked, and he smiled at her impatience.

  “Mr. Sexy Tex?”

  Her lips curled. “Yep.”

  “I’ll give you Mr. Sexy Tex,” he growled, nipping at her throat as he rolled her beneath him again, and she squealed, then sighed as he showed her just how sexy Mr. Sexy Tex could get.

  Chapter Twelve

  Brooke made the final adjustments to the back of the strap, making sure everything aligned perfectly. “Okay, turn around,” she said to the model.

  The woman turned, and Brooke eyed the bra, then smiled. “You look beautiful,” she whispered, and the woman smiled back.

  “Thank you, Brooke.” Ruth Parker reached up and touched the cups of her bra. “I can’t believe this has finally happened.”

  “Don’t you dare cry. You’ll streak your makeup and you’ll make my own waterworks start,” Brooke said, knowing she’d lost her battle for self-control when a tear rolled down her cheek.

  Ruth had decided to forego the wig, standing there in all her Glamazon glory. She’d had chemo, and her hair was growing back as a soft, blond fuzz. The bra she wore held her breast forms in place, and gave her a more feminine silhouette.


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