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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

Page 4

by Rye Hart

  I need to get to the bottom of this.


  Later that evening, once I’d calmed myself down from the call with Duncan and had dinner I called up my dad. His voice was soft as he explained. “I thought it was best for you to get over it and move on. I thought of how your mother had waited for me and wasted all those years. I’m not sorry she did, because we had you, but when she died, it made me wish she’d gotten to do more, you know?”

  “So, he wasn’t lying. I’d hoped he was lying,” I mumbled.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I let that be his final words, and then I ended the call and pulled the plug.

  “Dad, I love you with all my heart but you had no right to do that. This entire time I’ve been living with the heartache of feeling like Duncan deserted me for no reason”.

  “I knew you’d be agree with me when you eventually came to find out. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me one day”.

  We ended the call at that point.

  Both of the men I’d loved tried to protect me, but along the way they caused me the biggest heartache of my life.

  At least now I could find it in me to give Duncan the time of day. It pained me inside thinking of almost a decade wasted, but one thing I knew for sure was the intensity of my desire for him was just as strong as it was a decade ago.


  I anticipated my lunch date with Rachel all morning, while I watched her work her magic on the set. She had a real eye for detail, and it was apparent how she’d landed the job. She was very meticulous in the way she wanted things placed, and seeing her work with her team was impressive. She’d turned me on taking charge, and I liked seeing her taking the upper hand with a few of her bitching helpers.

  She seemed to be close to the man she called her assistant, Jeffery. The more I watched him, he’d watch me right back, not being a bit shy about it. I wondered if he was in love with her too.

  “You two have fun,” he’d said as Rachel and I left the set for our lunch date. He’d given her a warm smile but then given me a look that told me I better behave myself.

  “What’s with him? Is there something more going on with you two?”

  Suddenly I heard a sexy burst of chuckles from her lips. I was taken aback and also a little confused. “What?” I said while opening her car door.

  “If I had to guess, I’d say he’s more attracted to you.”

  I glanced back toward the door as I shut her inside and sure enough Jeffery was stepping out with his phone in his hand.

  I hurried around to get in my car, sliding into the seat beside her as I asked, “He’s gay?” I could usually tell the type, but this man was not as easy to read.

  “Breaking the stupid stereotypes, isn’t he? I like that about him. He’s one of my best friends next to your sister, so if you’ve got an issue—”

  I held up my hands and shook my head. “I’ve got no issues. He’s protective of you. I give him credit. I just had no idea.”

  She had lashed out at me like a whip cracking, and I had to admire her for the way she loved her friends. She’d always been the type to do that, even when we were kids.

  As I started the car, her next words surprised the hell out of me. “I owe you an apology.”

  “Me? Why’s that?” She settled into her seat as I headed out into traffic.

  “Because of my father. I didn’t believe you. I should have known that he had something to do with it. He was just so supportive through everything after our breakup, and well, he was all I had, so I hated thinking he had something to do with it.”

  “I’m glad he was there for you, it’s what dads do. Like I said Rachel, I already had guilt about us being together and he just helped me the hell man up about it, so I shouldn’t have thrown him under the bus. I should have just let you think it was all me.” I hated that I had done it and didn’t want her to think I was trying to paint her dad in a bad light. Everything else aside, I knew the old bastard loved her, even if he hated me.

  “No, he shouldn’t have lied, and he shouldn’t have interfered. Look at all the time we’ve wasted. I’ve been angry with you for all these years.”

  “It has been a long time.” Silence stretched out between us as we made our way across town to a nice little restaurant that Shauna had told me about.

  “Did your sister tell you about this place?” she asked as we were driving up. I smiled and gave a little shrug.

  “You caught me. It’s just I don’t know many good places on this side of the city.” I pulled my car into the small parking lot and took the first place I found.

  “Well, I think you’ll like it if your tastes haven’t changed any.”

  I had always been easy to please in the food department and would eat anything that anyone sat before me. She’d been the picky one, and there was a time I was trying to break her of that. Perhaps I’d make it my mission again.

  We went inside and found a quiet little table in the back where the overhead light was burnt out, and the only light was coming through a tinted window and the votive on the table. She blew it out and moved it aside.

  “You have a problem with flames?”

  “Only old ones apparently.” She let loose a little giggle and then shook her head. “I’m only kidding. I hate the way they flicker. So, what have you been up to the past ten, eleven years, is it?”

  “Yeah, something like that.” The waiter came and handed us our menus and took our drink orders and then as soon as he left, I finished my thought. “I went into the Navy, just like I told you.”

  “Shauna gave me a picture of you in uniform. Your mother was so proud. I spent the next two years staring at it.” She wrung her hands on the table and then moved them to her lap.

  In the silence that followed I decided to continue. “So, after two years, I began my SEAL training. I was a bit advanced, but I wanted it more than anything in a while at that point. I figured you were starting college and getting on with your life, so I didn’t have much else to look forward to.”

  “Why didn’t you go back to your squad after your mother passed?” The waiter brought our drinks, and she immediately took a sip of hers, pulling the clear glass to her full, pouty lips. They were so soft when we used to kiss, and I couldn’t help but want to kiss them again.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t want anything keeping me from being able to be there for Shauna. She was all alone in the beginning of mother’s illness with me having my last year kicking off. After I had served my sixth and final tour, I knew mom didn’t have much longer, so I went home to help Shauna. I hoped I’d see you, but your father had moved away. I didn’t ask Shauna where.”

  She gave a little shrug and turned her head.

  “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to know where you were, Rachel, it was that I didn’t want to hear that you were married, that you’d found someone, anyone else.” She rested her hand in front of her and stroked a finger along her glass, playing with the condensation. “What have you been up to?”

  “I got a full scholarship to art school and then I had to convince my father to let me use it. We had a huge fight, and I left.”

  My eyes widened. “You left?”

  “Yes, I’m not afraid of my father like some people.” She pulled her lips in tight, and I would have been offended if it hadn’t been the cutest look on her beautiful face. She never could keep a straight face when she needed to, and I realized at that moment how much I missed her sense of humor. Her smile and laughter hadn’t changed.

  “I guess I deserved that. So where did you go? After art school, I mean.”

  “I moved out here. I’ve been here a while. My father eventually gave up and decided that he’d try Temecula to be closer. He bought a house and has been dating the same woman for a while. She’s nice.” She didn’t seem fazed either way by that, but then her mother had been gone a long time.

  “Well, it sounds like you ended up in a good place.” I thought of all that time betwee
n us, and though it had been a long spell, it hadn’t killed that connection between us.

  “That’s funny. You almost seem like it’s better this way when here I sit wishing we’d both done something different.”

  “Any path that leads me back to you, couldn’t have been all that bad, but I do wish the road had been a tad shorter.” I reached across the table and took her hand, and she let me hold it long enough for the waiter to return.

  I thought about how much I wanted to cut the lunch short and take her back to my car for some one-on-one like old times.

  One step at a time. I’m barley even out of the dog house.


  After lunch, I took Rachel back to the lot, and it took every bit of me not to show her how much I wanted her. I wanted to kiss her, but I needed to give that a bit of time. I’d waited this long, what was a little longer?

  “There you are, Rachel.” The male voice got my attention as I opened the door and Rachel walked in ahead of me. I looked up to see Jeffery giving me the once-over, but it wasn’t his voice I’d heard.

  The other man, a younger, handsome man with a boyish, devil-may-care grin walked up and put his arm around Rachel and led her in.

  “I just came by to check and see if things are running smoothly and—”

  He turned when I cleared my throat and Rachel chimed in. “Brock, this is Duncan, the head of our security for the production, and Duncan, this is Brock, our producer.”

  Brock gave me a casual glance up and down and then shook my hand. “Good to meet you, we’ll talk soon. I’ll give you the low down on the smoking hot Star Summers, who you will no doubt, be getting very up close and personal with.” He gave me a wink and a nudge, and then he scooped Rachel against him and walked away, sweeping her along with him.

  Less than 60 seconds and I knew I hated the little prick.


  It had already been a long morning by the time I heard a knock at my door. I’d been running the vacuum across every carpet and polishing every piece of wood for the past two hours and after cleaning the window blinds my shirt was covered with little fluffs of dust.

  There wasn’t any time to do anything with my hair, which was tied up in a messy bun or to run upstairs and change from my tank top and shorts into something more presentable. I went to the door in hopes that it had been anyone else or at least someone I didn’t mind seeing me in my pitiful state.

  “I’m coming!” I yelled to the door as I approached, tossing the dust rag to the coffee table. I crossed the room and peeked out my tiny window to see Duncan waiting on the other side. Shit.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him, but I hadn’t expected him at all, and I needed a shower still. Cleaning was part of my Saturday morning ritual, which started with exercising until I’d worked up a vicious sweat and then cleaning my house while I cooled down before jumping in the shower to wash all the grit away.

  As badly as I wanted to see him, I wished I could send him away or push a pause button to return in a better state, but that wasn’t happening and making him wait any longer was just rude. I opened the door a crack, and when he smiled, my heart melted. I opened the door wider and stepped aside.

  “Please come in and excuse my appearance. I’ve been cleaning.” I figured the smell of lemon furniture polish and disinfectant had told that tale, but I wanted to make it clear.

  He stopped no more than an arm’s length away and met my eyes. “You look beautiful, as always”

  “You’re still a crafty charmer. I appreciate that.” I lowered my chin and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

  “I’m serious. One day you’ll learn how to take a compliment.” He grinned ear to ear, and I recalled how he used to tell me the same thing all those years ago.

  “Yeah, and I bet you say your lines on all the girls.” I wasn’t stupid enough to think he hadn’t moved on. He’d been sexually active before we got together the first time and even though he hadn’t pressured me, I knew it had been hard to refrain.

  “Only one girl ever mattered to me.”

  “Please. There you go again.” I rolled my eyes playfully, and he stepped closer. “What did you come here for?”

  “What’s up with you and that producer?” His smile had fallen, and he was staring me dead in the eyes, his voice full of grit.

  “Nothing, he’s just my boss for the moment.” I shook my head and as I started to smile I held it back, knowing that he was serious. I had spent the rest of the afternoon with Brock after our lunch date, but that was only to work out the kinks before Star Summers decided to pay us a visit.

  “It didn’t look like nothing to me. He was all over you.”

  “He’s just that way. You can ask anyone.” I shrugged it off like it didn’t matter. Sure, he stood a little close, liked to put his arm around me, and helped himself to lead me around by my hand, but he was just that type of person. “He’s the same to all the females.”

  “I didn’t like his hands on you.” He glanced down to my feet and slowly made his way up as if he could claim me with his eyes.

  “Don’t let it bother you”. If I got offended every time some man in this industry made me feel uncomfortable, I’d never work again. I’ve known him a long time. He’s almost an old friend too.”

  “Well, if you guys had something going on together then don’t let me get in your way. I have no place to put a claim on you Rachel.”

  “I’ve never been with anyone if that’s what you’re implying.” The blush went to my cheeks, and I started to turn away, but he grasped my hand.


  “Because I only ever wanted one man, and he broke my heart and left-.”

  His mouth was on me before I could even finish my thought and his hand rested against the messy bun, releasing it so that my hair fell to my shoulders.

  He pulled away breathless leaving me flush. “I’ve wanted to do that again for eleven years, Rachel. I’ve missed every part of you, dreamed of each moment we shared and all the ones I missed. Tell me you did the same.”

  “Yes.” His mouth silenced me again, and I felt the tug at my hem as he pushed my tank up and slipped his hand beneath it cupping my breasts.

  “Do you know that I used to watch you undress every night before bed?” he asked against my mouth.

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Why do you think the curtains were always open just enough?” I answered his question with one of my own.

  His eyes flashed and he crushed his mouth against mine again, our tongues tangling in a dangerously seductive dance.

  I felt a wave of panic as things started happening so fast. One minute I was dusting my furniture, and the next I was stroking him through his pants. I pulled away and tried to catch my breath. “I’ve never.” I shook my head and gave him a shy glance as he nodded. It was as if we were young again and I felt bad for making him wait, but even after all this time, I was nervous.

  “Shh. I’ll take it slow, Rachel, but I have to have you. But first, we’re going to get on the same page.” I had no idea what he meant, and I didn’t even care. I just didn’t want his lips to stop caressing mine. I stood on my toes and weaved my fingers through his hair as I pulled him against my mouth.

  I loved the feel of him, that thick cord of muscles beneath his tattooed flesh, the taste of his tongue as it glided against mine, and best of all, the way he ground himself against me. His thick erection bulged so hard it was like iron against my hip, letting me know he had something just for me.

  “Do you want this?” His voice was a faint whisper in my ear, and I nodded as he met my eyes. His hand brushed between my legs and I panted, letting loose little moans of pleasure that caused his eyes to flash again. I fell in love with the devilish grin on his handsome face all over again.

  “That’s right, that’s the sound I’ve been dreaming of morning and night. I’m going to earn that sound again and again. I want to make it all up to you, Rachel, every last minute, every hour we spen
t apart. Tell me you’re going to let me.” He applied pressure to my mound again, and I cried out.

  “Yes, please.” I didn’t want him to stop. I’d pleasured myself many times, but it had never felt this intense. I’d waited so long to have him again, and even as I stared into his eyes, it didn’t seem real.


  I was rock hard hearing that little purring moan again. I hadn’t planned on coming in and seducing her, at least not right away, but the thought of her that asshole producer groping all over her brought out my possessive nature. I was like a wild dog needing to mark what was mine, and just as horny.

  As soon as she’d given me the okay, I’d dropped my hand between those creamy little thighs and rubbed her pussy through those little cotton shorts she wore.

  “Where’s your bedroom?” I asked between kissing her lips and making my way down her neck. She had her head thrown back in pleasure and was panting like she’d jogged a marathon.

  “Through that door.” She motioned to a door across the room, and I let loose a guttural sound as I picked her up and carried her there. She kissed my mouth and jawline and held on tight until I lowered her to her mattress.

  The covers were tidy, and I knew she was a girl after my own heart. I stood at the edge of the bed and grabbed her ankles as she looked up at me, with her own eyes lit with a feral passion as I reached down and slipped my fingers into her waistband and tugged down her little shorts. They weren’t more than a scrap of fabric, and I wasn’t happy that she’d answered the door in them. They were much too skimpy for anyone else’s eyes.

  “It’s time we get something straight.” I pulled the shorts free of her bare feet and tossed them aside, getting a nice view of the little lacy panties she had on. For someone who wasn’t letting anyone see her goods, she sure packaged them right. I cupped her through her panties and leaned down to stare into her eyes. “You say you gave your heart to me, right?”

  “Yes, it’s always been yours.” She rubbed her thighs together and crossed her knees clamping down on my hand.


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