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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

Page 24

by Rye Hart

  I covered my head with my arms and let out a few choked sobs, hoping the police would come and end the fight. I could imagine the guns being pulled and bullets flying around me. My heart stuttered a bit and my eyes snapped open. I knew I needed to get out of here.

  My gaze darted around the dusty, smoky room and landed on an emergency exit. If I could make it out that door, not only would I be out of the bar, but it would also set off alarms and possibly stop the fighting. Everyone might run out, thinking there was a fire or something.

  I took a deep breath and decided I had to do it. I could be helping Gina by getting out that door. I jumped up and leapt over the swinging door, tripping and stumbling forward. The door was nearly in reach and my hands reached for it. The little ring of light that snuck in around the door frame was like a halo. I was so close.

  Before I could reach the door, strong arms snatched me off my feet. I screamed and struggled against the man who had a hold on me, my eyes wide in terror. As I turned I came face to face with the man I’d slapped earlier. He had a wicked grin on his face.

  “Where do you think you’re going, little girl?”

  Chapter Five

  I stared at the man, his face inches from mine. I could see the few crooked and yellowed teeth he had left and I could see the little brown spots along his face. They told the story of a life spent baking in the sun, though I could have guessed that just as easily by the leathery look of his skin.

  God, I wanted to say something smart. I wanted to rip him a new one, but the fear in my belly was stronger than my desire to be a smartass. I hated the way I felt right now. I’d spent my life being a petulant teenager and living on adrenaline. I’d always thought of myself as invincible, but here I was, being held in the air by a man who was ready to kill me. I honestly didn’t see myself getting out of this in one piece.

  He yanked me around and forced me to look out over the bar, which had devolved into a riot. A chair smashed through the window and a tall blonde man followed it.

  “Look what you’ve done, bitch,” he snarled. “These men are going to tear each other apart and it’s your own damn fault.”

  Suddenly I found my voice and began yanking at the man who had a hold of me. “Bullshit! I didn’t do anything! You shouldn’t have touched me!” I snapped.

  The bearded man stared at me, his eyes wide. He was clearly surprised that I’d actually spoken up for myself. It took him a moment to recover, but when he did he drew his arm back, hand curling into a fist. Oh man, he was going to punch my lights out.

  “You’re going to be sorry you said that,” he whispered.

  I screamed and squeezed my eyes closed as I mentally prepared myself for the pain I knew was coming. My heart was slamming in my chest so hard that I was sure it would burst through my ribcage. At least that might scare him bad enough that he’d let me go.

  My own scream echoed in my mind and it took me a moment to realize that the bar had gone completely silent. I was still conscious and the pain never came. My eyes flew open and I looked around the bar, surprised by the way the other men were staring in awe, their eyes following something, or rather, someone.

  He moved through the crowd like a river. Men who were still mid-fight parted to let him pass, their gazes following with a sort of fearful awe. I didn’t know who he was, but it was clear to me that these men feared and respected him.

  “I wasn’t doing’ anything wrong, Dylan! This bitch slapped me and caused this commotion,” he said, waving his arms around wildly as if to make a point.

  Damian was tall and looked to be quite a bit younger than the men whose company he kept. His hair was thick and as black as the midnight sky. It was a bit long and swept back away from his tanned face, the ends barely brushing his shoulders. His hair was a stark contrast to his icy blue eyes which seemed to penetrate right through me and the man.

  He cracked his neck a little and looked between us. “Put her down Snake!”

  “Boss!” Snake nearly whined.

  “I said put her down!” he roared, his voice echoing through the otherwise silent room.

  Snake set me on my feet slowly, glaring at me as Dylan approached me. “Did you slap my friend here?”

  “Y-Yeah,” I stuttered.


  “Because that pig touched my ass! I was minding my own business looking for my friend and he just reached out and touched me!” I snapped, pleading my case.

  Dylan’s eyes turned back to Snake. “Is this true?”

  “Well, yeah, but look at her, Boss. She came in a biker bar dressed like that! What was I supposed to do?!”

  “You know better than that, Snake,” Dylan said, sounding more like a disappointed parent than the leader of a biker gang. “You know you don’t touch a woman without her express permission.”

  “Apologize to the young lady,” Dylan growled.

  Snake babbled out a strangled apology and I huffed, turning my head away from him. “I forgive him,” I sighed, trying to sound almost bored.

  My legs were shaking still and I was embarrassed about it. There was still quite a bit of adrenaline coursing through me and while I was still shaking rather badly I wanted to reclaim a little bit of my attitude.

  Dylan smiled and released Snake, letting him slide to the floor as he approached me. “Now, as for you,” he growled, pointing a thick finger at me. “Listen, I don’t know you but you really shouldn’t get involved in a physical altercation in a bar filled with bikers. You can see from the looks of things, that shit hit the fan quick. You’re better off staying out of places like this.”

  “Look - I appreciate you stepping in but that fucker’s behavior isn’t on me” I said, suddenly upset even though this man had saved me.

  Dylan walked towards me, his eyes narrowed and his presence powerful. There was a darkness to him that scared me and excited me all at the same time. He stalked towards me and I backed myself into a wall without thinking, swallowing my fear. I didn’t want him to know I was startled by his embrace.

  He leaned in close enough that I could feel his breath on me. On my throat then up to my chin and my lips. I could hear him breathing in my scent. He smirked and put his hands on the wall on either side of my waist, trapping me between himself and the wall.

  “Sweetie. You really don’t want to get in my line of sight. I might just have to teach you a listen that you wont forget. I think that would be too much for you to handle.” he grinned, “Unless, ofcourse that’s what you want.” Finally pushing himself off the wall and stepping back to look me up and down.

  My heart was in my throat and I wanted to say something clever, but the words wouldn’t come out. My mouth was as dry as a desert. I really fucking turned on and I could feel the wetness between my legs growing. Those steely eyes drew me in for some reason, and the fact that he was so damn powerful made me want him even more. What was wrong with me?

  “I’m not going anywhere without my friend.” Right on cue, Gina threw her arms around me, gasping loudly in my ear. “Alex!” the voice whined, holding me tight.

  I knew that voice better than I knew my own. “Gina?” I looked over my shoulder to see her reddened cheeks as she held me tight.

  The girl was clearly drunk as she stumbled back, blinking against the florescent lights. “Where were you?!” she urged. “I was looking for you!”

  I sighed and put an arm around her. “I’m fine, hun,” I assured. “We must have been walking circles around each other.”

  She sniffled and nodded, burying her head in my chest. “I was scared.”

  I rubbed her back gently and nodded. I wanted to be mad at her but I knew I couldn’t. She was too drunk to remember any kind of lecture I might have given her.

  Dylan watched us, his arms crossed over his broad chest. “Maybe I’ll see you around town, hun?”

  I glared at him, but didn’t say a word and grabbed Gina, pulling her arm over my shoulder and helping her out of the bar.

  Chapter Six

/>   I stumbled through the streets with her until we were back on the tram, heading towards our respective homes.

  “He was cute,” Gina murmured, her head resting against my shoulder.

  “You’re drunk,” I countered.

  She couldn’t stop her giggle. “I might be drunk but I’m not blind!” she sang, her eyes ironically closed.

  “You have beer goggles,” I murmured. “He wasn’t that cute and he was a giant dick. He tried to intimidate me and practically blamed the whole bar fight on me.”

  “Whatever you say darling. You looked like you were ready to trip over him.”

  I didn’t like just how much truth was in her words. I was attracted to the leader of the biker gang. It had never outright been said that he was the leader, but I wasn’t stupid. He controlled the room in a way that was almost magical. His power over the other men was intoxicating. I licked my lips subconsciously, staring out the train window as lights flashed by. I wasn’t about to fall for some cold-hearted criminal I met in a biker bar.

  When the train came to a stop I helped Gina out and walked her down the sidewalk, ignoring all of her teasing about me and the biker. Jeez, she wasn’t going to let this go. I was tempted to leave her in the damn street but I cared about her too much. I sighed and helped her to her house, making sure she was inside the door before I walked away. She could crawl her way up the stairs.

  By the time I arrived home, the sun was beginning to come up. How long had we been out at that bar? I hadn’t even been keeping track of time, everything happened so fast. I sighed and pushed the front door open, glancing into the living room as I walked past.

  My dad was in his seat, head thrown back as he snored loudly. He’d fallen asleep with the TV blaring some car show. He fancied himself a handyman, but he really wasn’t good at fixing anything other than bikes.

  I snuck across the room and hit the button to turn the TV off. It was so damn loud I was sure it would keep me up. Once the house was silent I crept upstairs to take a shower, happy to wash away all of the gross bar smoke from my hair and made my way to my room. I kicked off my shoes, curling up in bed and staring up at the ceiling.

  A sigh left my lips as I threw my hands over my eyes and closed them. The sound of my fan was slowly starting to put me to sleep, the rhythmic hum bringing me comfort. I sighed and turned over in my bed, staring at the wall. The sun was already starting to make the room hot and I groaned softly.

  My eyes slipped shut and as I tried to doze off into a peaceful sleep, all I could see was Dylan’s face. His perfect, full lips and that cocky fucking smile. Why the hell was I thinking of him? I grabbed the pillow and covered my head, squeezing my eyes closed even tighter.

  As I tried to drift off I couldn’t help but consider why he might have offered his help and why I was so damn turn on by him. I couldn’t figure out the answer to either question. All I knew was I wanted to see him again. I hated it.

  Chapter Seven

  I slept through most of the morning and when my eyes finally fluttered open again, the sun was high in the sky. It was probably late afternoon and I groaned softly, knowing this was going to royally screw up my sleeping schedule. Oh well, I could just take some Nyquil and knock myself out later tonight. No harm, no foul, right?

  I slid out of bed and went to the closet, pulling out some clean clothes. I was still sore from all of the activity from the night before and I felt like death. It was sticking to me in all the wrong places. I slipped into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, opting for comfort rather than style. It was still one of my days off and my classes didn’t start until the evening, so I wasn’t really planning on going anywhere.

  I hummed softly to myself and wandered downstairs, expecting dad to be gone. He worked odd jobs as a handyman and it was enough to keep him above water, though it apparently became more difficult when I got thrown into the mix. He’d insisted I get a job the second I’d arrived in Atlanta. I moved here when I was eighteen and that was enough of a reason for me to have a job, according to him. It didn’t really matter that I was taking classes.

  When I reached the bottom step, I was surprised to find my dad in his chair, chewing on his thumb nail as he watched the TV. It was still one of those stupid car shows. God, how long did those shows run for?

  The floor creaked under my foot and he turned to face me, smiling sadly. His face was tanned and full of wrinkles and little scars here and there. He looked like a rough guy, but the bushy, greying beard somehow softened his face. It made him seem less …. scary.

  “Hey……kiddo. You finally up?” he asked, his voice surprisingly soft.

  He was talking to me like he had bad news and wanted to break it gently. I didn’t like the tone of voice and I frowned softly, looking him up and down.

  “Yeah, I uh, I was out late last night,” I murmured, looking away as I wandered into the kitchen to make coffee.

  His chair creaked under his weight as he pushed himself up and followed me into the kitchen, leaning against the door frame.

  “I was surprised that you weren’t home last night.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at him and shrugged a little, stirring the milk into my coffee.

  “Yeah, a friend wanted to go out and celebrate. She just finished her finals and she wanted to unwind,” I explained, not feeling too bad about lying to him.

  I’d spent most of my adult life lying to my dad, I didn’t see why I should stop now. Besides, I didn’t want him to know I was at the biker bar. At the end of the day he was my dad and I felt some guilt about ignoring the note he’d left for me.

  He just nodded at my explanation and glanced at my coffee. “Why don’t you put that in a to-go cup?” he said, his voice strangled and weak.

  I frowned deeply and glanced down at the coffee. “Why? Are we going somewhere?” I asked curiously.

  He took in a sharp breath and nodded. “Yeah, we’re actually going on a trip. We’ll be staying overnight at a hotel. ”

  I blinked, surprised by the statement. Mike and I avoided each other at all costs the majority of the time, and it was strange that he seemed to be showing a sudden interest in me. I furrowed my brow and looked down at my coffee, hesitant in giving my answer. I was like any other girl, honestly. I’d always wanted to be a part of my father’s life; he just wasn’t interested in me being part of his. At least, that’s how I felt.

  As I tapped my spoon on my cup I felt hope well inside of me. Were my dad and I finally going to patch things up? Was he going to try and be the dad he should have been all this time? I turned to him and smiled, finally nodding.

  “Yeah, that sounds nice. I’ll go pack a bag,” I said, running back up to my room and throwing a few pieces of clothing and my shampoo in my backpack.

  I didn’t even care where we were going. It would be nice to finally have some time with dad that didn’t include him smoking, drinking, and shooting up. Maybe we’d go fishing or do whatever normal families did.

  He offered a strained smile and I didn’t put much thought into it. He was probably hung over and crashing. He always looked just a little bit uncomfortable, mostly when he’d gone too long without a beer. I was used to the strained tone, so it wasn’t strange to me at all.

  I poured my coffee into a travel mug and followed him out to the bike but he shook his head and pointed to his work truck.

  “We’re going to be driving a while. I don’t think taking the bike is the best idea,” he said softly.

  I was a little shocked and gave the bike a second glance but shrugged and smiled a little. “Okay,” I said softly, hoping into the truck and leaning against the window, a happy smile dancing on my face.

  He looked at me, face full of guilt. I could only assume that it was over all the days he’d lost with me and all of those times he left me on my own.

  He put the truck into drive and headed down the road. “Let’s get going, Kiddo.”

  Chapter Eight

  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It was a q
uiet summer day and the birds and bees were fluttering through the trees. Everything was so green here. I hummed and tapped my fingers against the door of the truck, watching the trees flash by. After a moment I turned to my dad and smiled.

  “So where are we going exactly?”

  “We’re going to a small town near the Tennessee border,” he said, his voice stiff.

  “What are we going there for?”

  “There’s some, uh, good camping,” he murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.

  I frowned a little and sat up in my seat, eyeing him up and down. “Camping?” I asked, putting my hands on the dash. “What do you mean? We didn’t bring any camping gear.” Actually, come to think of it, we didn’t own any to begin with. “And you said we were staying in a hotel.”

  “We’re renting a cabin,” he said, his tone harsher than I expected.

  I frowned but leaned back into the seat, closing my eyes. The sun was warm and I was still a bit sleepy from the night before. It wouldn’t hurt to catch a few more hours of sleep. We were still quite a ways from the Tennessee border.

  I wasn’t sure how long I dozed off for, but when I opened my eyes, the car had come to a stop and I could hear muffled voices outside. I lifted my head and was shocked to see that we had pulled over into what looked like an abandoned farm. A group of bikers stood around my dad, chatting and smoking. Anger flooded every inch of my body.

  How could I be stupid enough to believe that my dad would actually want to spend time with me? He didn’t want to spend time with me! He was just dragging me to one of his stupid biker meetups. What was the purpose of this?

  After a moment I unlocked the car and kicked the door open, storming out to where my dad was standing.


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