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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

Page 26

by Rye Hart


  “Love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  I hit END and stared at the phone, already missing my best friend.

  Chapter Twelve

  I was still a bit nervous to find myself living with a bunch of bikers. I didn’t trust them as much as they seemed to want me to, but I was getting there. It was hard to override such a primal fear that I’d always had. Although, admittedly, my views were slowly being challenged as I got to know Dylan more and more.

  A softer, more gentle side of Dylan was being revealed to me. It was almost as if he kept his true nature hidden before. It seemed a natural thing to do for someone in his position. Dylan was now kind to me. He encouraged me to go around and meet the other people in the community, though I suspected that was to get me to admit and realize that maybe bikers weren’t as bad as I thought. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to try and show me the good things his community was doing. I owed him that much for taking me in.

  I sighed and threw a pat of butter into a skillet, putting a hand on my hip as I watched it melt. I’d just come back from a long walk and my stomach was gurgling very loudly, begging me for food. I couldn’t, in good conscious, tell it no. I was thankful that Dylan’s house always seemed to be stocked with food. At least I wasn’t going to go hungry any time soon.

  Dylan poked his head into the kitchen from the living room, his hair brushed back out of his piercing eyes. His face seemed softer than it ever had.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Making food,” I said, flipping the sandwich.

  “You got a minute?”

  “I guess so. What do you need?” I asked, wiping my hands on the kitchen towel.

  “Just come with me,” he said, leading me outside.

  We exited the plantation house and when we came out there was a group of Dylan’s men gathered around a few small children. I frowned deeply and looked at the two children then at the people gathered around them.

  “What’s-,” I started.

  “Be quiet and watch,” he said, nodding towards them.

  A woman came running through the crowd of men and scooped the children into her arms, sobbing softly and stroking their hair.

  “My babies! My babies are back!” she wailed.

  “We rescued those kids.”

  “What?” I asked, eyes wide.

  He tucked his hands into his pockets and nodded towards the bar that served the patrons of the small biker town. I followed him inside and we settled on stools. He grabbed the nearest bottle of booze and poured us each a shot. He downed his in one fell swoop and I sipped at mine.

  “You wanted me to see that?”

  “You're damn right I did,” he murmured.


  “Because you think we’re the bad guys.”

  I looked away and frowned. “I’m starting to see I was wrong.”

  A moment of silence passed between us and I glanced at him. “Why are you guys so different from the rest?”

  “I inherited it.”

  “There’s more than that,” I murmured.

  He hesitated and turned the glass over in his hands and then looked at me. “When I was little, just a kid, I wanted to be a cop. My dad thought I was crazy. I was next in line to take over a biker gang and I wanted to be a cop,” he snorted at the irony. “Then I saw a cop beat the ever living shit out of a poor homeless person. My younger brother, Mikie, was extremely naïve and he wasn’t afraid of anything. He jumped in without warning to help the homeless guy and he got a bullet in the head. The cop didn’t see a lick of jail time because he said it was self-defense, but I saw everything,” he said with tears running down his face. “I gave a statement and organized several rallies, but no one listened.”

  It was a horrible thing to hear. Dylan losing his younger brother right in front of him. This was the first time Dylan really opened up to me and I wasn’t about to ruin it by opening my mouth and unintentionally saying something stupid.

  “That’s when I realized I didn’t want to be a cop. I wanted to see justice be done. My dad was the one who started this thing. We did it for Mikie. We did it for our community. We’re new kids on the scene, so to speak. Out here, women and children don’t always get justice. We speak for those who can’t speak for themselves and we protect those who can’t protect themselves.”

  I nodded and finished off my glass, filling it up again. “I’m very sorry to hear about Mikey. He must be very proud of everything you’re doing. Can you tell me about these kids?”

  “Dad was a drug dealer, but he makes plenty of money and the mom is basically homeless. She lives with us, but living with a biker gang isn’t the best thing. The court gave him custody, even though he just wants to use them as drug mules. Kids make great drug mules. We went over there and convinced him to sign over custody.”


  “We beat his ass until he agreed to sign the papers.”

  I paused and nodded. “Won’t he just go to the cops?”

  “Not with the dirt we have on him.”

  A smile came to my face and I looked over at him. “You know. You talk a big game, but you aren’t such a badass,” I murmured.

  “Says you.”

  “I mean it. Well, you are a badass, but you aren’t a bad guy. There’s a difference.”

  He nodded and smirked. “Whatever you say doll.”

  “Will you start calling me by my name?” I asked.



  “Not a chance.” He said with a smirk.

  Our conversation was interrupted when people started filing in. I jumped up and looked around, confused.

  “What’s happening?”

  “It’s Friday night, girly. Time to party!” he said, jumping up.

  Music started blaring from the jukebox and he looked at me. “You just gonna sit there or are you going to join us?”

  I rolled my eyes but smiled and stood up, going over to the dartboard and pulling the darts out. I knew I could kick some ass at darts.

  “Let's play!”

  The night went by like a blur. People kept giving me drinks and I kept downing them. Each drink got me more and more out going until I was tipsy and laughing easily. The drinks helped me to release all the pent up emotion that was building up inside of me. All of my fears and worries went away and for the first time, I was able to admit to myself that I actually felt close to Dylan. I was starting to fall for this vigilant. He started off as just eye candy, but now that I was getting to know the real Dylan. I was truly falling for this man. His heart was what attracted me the most.

  It was getting late and soft music was playing. I was still floating and smiled when Dylan came over to me offered his hand. His own cheeks were red and I had to guess that he was a bit drunk.

  “Want to dance?”

  “I guess I could spare a moment,” I said, grinning and walking over to him.

  He pulled me into his arms and I was surprised at how right this felt. I leaned into his chest and moved slowly with him, looking up at his strong jaw and stubble.

  “Why do you stay?” Dylan asked after a moment.

  “Don’t got nowhere else to go, do I?” I murmured.

  “That all?”

  “I guess you’re growing on me. You’re different - in a good way.”

  He laughed a deep throaty laugh. “You like a righteous man, do you?”

  “I like good men. Always wanted to fall in love with one.”

  He was silent for a moment as he moved together. “Am I a good man?” his voice was weak and doubtful.

  I looked up at him and my eyes focused on his face. After a moment I nodded. “Yes. You’re a good man.”

  The music stopped and we just stared at each other and he looked down at me. “You’re going to be mine. I’m going to take you as my girl,” he whispered.

  The words sent a chill up my spine and I found that it didn’t bother. There
was possessiveness in his voice, but instead of frightening me, it made a shiver and a pleasure run down my spine. I was completely drawn in and unable to hesitate any longer.

  “Then do it,” I whispered.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He didn’t waste any time. Those words lit a fire under him and he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of the bar and along the dirt path. I didn’t hesitate to follow.

  It took what felt like forever, but we finally made it to the house and up the stairs, tearing at each other’s clothes all the way to his bedroom door. My heart was racing, even though my mind was screaming that this was a terrible idea. Our lips didn’t break accept to suck in deep, desperate gulps of air.

  I knew where this was going, and while it wasn’t my first rodeo, I was far more excited for this than any other encounter I’d ever had. It was a miracle we made it across the threshold without falling over.

  We tumbled onto the bed and I pulled him into a long, desperate kiss, enjoying the way it felt when our lips finally met. I whimpered against his mouth and pulled away, pressing our foreheads together. “I need you. I need you, Dylan,” I whispered, shivering as his hands ran up my sides, his thumbs brushing along my shoulders as he pushed my bra and tank top aside.

  He was making it more than clear that he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. His touch made my body come alive in a way I’d never expected. I’d been with men before, but none of them had been this attentive or gentle. I was suddenly hyper-aware of everything, especially the throbbing ache between my thighs. My body was begging for him and the burn of it made me hungry for his touch.

  He pressed me back into the sheets and the expensive hotel silk felt good against my skin. I melted into the bed and pulled him close, moaning against his lips as he met me for another long kiss. I tangled my fingers in his hair before letting them explore his muscular back, my nails digging into the flesh.

  “How badly do you want me?” he whispered against my neck, nipping at the sensitive skin.

  I shivered and moaned softly, arching my back in a desperate attempt to get more of those delicious kisses. “I can’t even tell you,” I admitted.

  He smiled and caught my lips, kissing me deeply. We didn’t break from each other until our lungs burned for oxygen. We met each other’s eyes and in that moment we knew we didn’t need words anymore. This was how things were meant to be. He needed me and I needed him. My life was finally starting to come together.

  “Spread your legs for me beautiful,” he ordered, growling deep in his throat.

  The warmth of his breath made me shudder and I did exactly as I was told, surprisingly enjoying his dominance. I was usually the type of person to argue with being bossed around, but not today. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slid into me with a long, low groan. I whimpered and arched my back, trying to take him deeper inside me. We fit together like the pieces of a puzzle and it was more than I ever could have hoped for.

  When he was completely buried inside of me, he ran his fingers up and down my sides. As his fingers came to rest at my hips, he dug them into the tender flesh. I knew he would leave little bruises come morning, but I didn’t care. I wanted to be marked by him. I wanted the entire world to know he was mine and I was his.

  He thrusted deeper and deeper, soft growls escaping his lips. Each thrust and growl was another proclamation of his control over me. I was his. Maybe it was a little early to start making proclamations, but I didn’t care. My hazy brain knew what it wanted and it wasn’t going to back down in the face of reason.

  He wrapped his arms around me and held himself over me, whispering sensuous, erotic things in my ear. His hand cupped my breast as he rocked into me again and again, beckoning me to moan louder, which I did without hesitation. I wanted him to know how good he was making me feel. The alcohol coursing through me dulled my inhibitions. I was drowning in pleasure and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He put his hands on my hips and squeezed, groaning happily when I moved with a sense of urgency. I could feel my orgasm just out of reach and I knew I had to chase it. I gasped and arched my back, throwing my arms around him in a desperate attempt to hold him closer. I wanted him as deep inside of me as possible and as close. I needed him.

  The fire burning in my belly became too much to bear and soon I was arching my back, trying to meet his hips, while moans and pleas for more slipped from my lips. My hips rode up against his in reckless abandon.

  Stars exploded behind my eyes as my orgasm washed over me. My body shook with the force of it, wrenching sobs of pleasure from my chest. I buried my fingers in his hair and begged for more. He pumped into me twice more before letting out a long, low groan as he emptied himself into me, the pearly liquid filling me until it dripped from between my legs, staining the sheets underneath us.

  For a moment we just lay in stunned silence, hardly able to believe what had just happened. He collapsed on top of me, panting and covered in a thin sheen of sweat that made his body glisten in the moonlight. I didn’t even think twice about wrapping my arms around him, holding him close as my eyes started to flutter closed.

  I held him tight, laughing softly in his ear. He panted and looked down at me, eyebrow cocked curiously.

  “What the hell are you laughing at?”

  “I just fucked a biker,” I giggled.

  “And that’s funny?”

  I laughed again and ran my hands through my hair. “Well, if you would have asked me that question a month ago, I would have said yes,” I hummed, leaning back into the pillow.

  “And what if I asked you now?”

  “I would tell you I was very wrong about you. You’re…..amazing,” I murmured, my eyes heavy with sleep.

  He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I’ll ask you in the morning when you aren’t drunk. Sweet dreams beautiful.”

  I sighed and nodded, turning and burying my face in his chest as I dozed off into a peaceful sleep, a smile playing on my lips. He was mine. My bad boy.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I woke up to the warmth of the sun dancing across my face and a heavy but comforting arm around my waist. Dylan was still lying beside me, snoring softly, one arm slung over his face. I blinked against the bright light, the start of a headache gnawing at the back of my head.

  As I started to wriggle out from under his arm, I hesitated, turning to look at Dylan as he slept. I half expected to feel some sort of regret. I expected him to feel like a mistake, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. My chest swelled with a feeling of adoration and before I rolled out of bed to take a shower, I leaned in and smiled, kissing his cheek gently.

  I stepped under the warm spray of the shower, closing my eyes and trying to urge the dull pain in the base of my skull away.

  The curtain rustled and there were suddenly strong arms around my waist, a familiar strength enveloping me and pulling me close. I smiled and turned, pressing the palms of my hands to his chest, chuckling and leaning up to kiss his jaw gently. I traced his tattoos with one of my fingers, glancing up at him.

  He smiled and stole a kiss and I all but melted into him, sighing and wrapping my arms around his waist. He chuckled and held me close, swaying with me.

  “So, you still think I’m amazing, now that you’re sober?” he asked almost cautiously.

  “Absolutely,” I said simply, closing my eyes and resting my cheek against his chest.

  “Good. I was hoping we could do it again sometime,” he teased.

  I hesitated for a moment and leaned back, chewing my bottom lip. “I have a serious question, okay?”

  He blinked, a bit surprised by the seriousness of my tone. “Sure. Shoot,” he said, nodding and cupping my cheek.

  I took a breath and looked up at him and then away. “What is this exactly? Is this like a fling? Am I a booty call? I’m not trying to be pushy and I’m not saying we have to like be boyfriend and girlfriend or anything, but I just I think I deserve to know what this is,” I murmured.

  His face softened and he looked at me for a moment. “Can I admit something?” he murmured.

  “Of course.”

  “You were a conquest when this first started. All I wanted to do was get you into bed and you’d be another notch on my belt. It was all a game, but now that we’re here and now that I have you I think I’d like to get to know you better, but if you’re just looking for sex, I guess I’m good with that too.”

  My eyes widened and I shook my head quickly “No! No! I really want that too, to get to know you,” I said, looking up at him.

  He nodded and leaned in close, kissing my forehead tenderly. “I think I’d like that a lot,” he said with a soft smile. “We’ll give it a try, okay? No pressure.”

  I smiled and nodded, comforted by how quickly he was able to calm me down and bring me back down to earth. We enjoyed our shower, taking turns washing each other’s hair and offering kisses and caresses.

  We got out of the shower and as we did he paused and went to his closet, a towel still wrapped around his waist. We both started getting dressed when a loud knock on the door broke the silence.

  Dylan frowned but went downstairs to answer the door in nothing but jeans. I could hear whispered words, but nothing concrete. I left the bedroom and went to the top of the stairs, seeing Dylan with a serious look on his face.

  “I got to go,” he murmured

  Chapter Fifteen

  He didn’t give me too many details about what was going on. At first he tried to tell me to stay back, but like hell I was going to do that. We both got dressed and went straight back to the bar we’d been in the night before. There was a woman sitting on one of the stools, her face was bruised and her black eyes told a dark story.

  Dylan parked the bike and hopped off quickly, walking over to the group. “What on earth is going on here?”

  One of the wives, a woman named Tammy, was rubbing the battered woman’s shoulders, trying to calm her down and get her to drink some water. Snake was the one who addressed Dylan’s question.

  “This woman was running down the road, screaming like a banshee. She said someone was chasing her, trying to hurt her,” he murmured. “We haven’t really been able to get her to say much more than that,” he said, scratching the top of his head. “I think she’s in shock.”


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