Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance

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Hot Bastard Next Door: A Boy Next Door, Second Chance Romance Page 42

by Rye Hart

  “You have rooms here?” she asked, trying to distract herself from the ache between her legs.

  “Of course. You aren’t the first woman to come here looking for something like this,” he said with a grin, opening the door to one of the many rooms in the hallway.

  She stepped through the doorway and almost melted at the smell of sweet sage and sandalwood. Toby moved past her, running a finger along her cheek as he crossed the room and went about lighting candles. The flames cast a warm glow over the silk sheets and Marie stepped forward, only to have Toby pull her into his arms. He lifted her easily and moved to settle her on the bed.

  Marie sunk into the silk sheets, her eyes fluttering as she gazed at Toby. His golden eyes were shining with that same mysterious light she’d seen in the eyes of the tiger, but she ignored it and brushed her fingers over the exposed part of his chest.

  “Just lie back and enjoy this, beautiful,” he whispered.

  Beautiful. There was that word again. She hoped this was going to be a trend. She liked the way the compliment rolled off the tongues of these handsome men. She wanted to hear it over and over again until she was tired of it, which was something she didn’t expect to happen any time soon.

  He leaned down to press kisses along her face and neck, letting them linger so that she could feel their warmth. She sighed happily as he worked his way down, his hand sliding up the skirt of her dress. She swallowed thickly, lips parted as her eyes fluttered closed. Her mind wandered to her dream and she tried to shake it off, but she couldn’t. His lips felt just like they had when she was dreaming.

  Toby broke her from her thoughts, slowly lifting her into a sitting position so he could pull down the zipper on her dress, exposing her freckled shoulders and the swell of her breasts. She wiggled out of her dress tossing it aside and going in to undo the buttons on his shirt.

  Their lips crashed together and from that point on it was all over. She was done being patient. She gripped his shirt and yanked hard enough that the buttons popped off and flew across the room, landing in various places. She pushed the shirt from his shoulders, taking the jacket with it. She was thrilled when the fabric pooled on the floor, leaving his chest bare and exposed.

  Her finger’s wandered up the smooth skin, brushing the warm flesh with her finger tips. She looked up at him, her eyes half closed and her bottom lip drawn between her teeth. She leaned up and kissed him, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers.

  When they parted again, she took the opportunity to look between them, admiring him. When her eyes came to his hips they widened a little and she gasped, quickly looking back up into his eyes, her cheeks hot.

  He grinned and kissed her gently, nuzzling her and kissing her neck as he let his hands wander down her body, his fingers leaving trails of fire in their wake. When he reached her thighs, he parted her legs slowly, his fingers digging into the soft skin. It was enough to make her gasp and arch her back, eye closing as she enjoyed the strength in his hands.

  There was something about him that told her he could snap her in two if he really wanted, but she knew he wouldn’t. The gentle touches paired with his immense strength were somehow erotic. She couldn’t remember this last time someone was this gentle with her.

  Toby’s fingers dipped between her legs, brushing over her most intimate areas. When he pulled his hand away his fingers were slick with nectar and he just smirked, dropping his hand again so that he could tease her even more. He began rubbing slow circles on her most tender area, drawing soft moans and mewls from her. She spread her legs even wider, daring to hook one around his hip.

  Her toes curled and her breathing came faster as he explored places on her body no other man had ever managed to find. Each time he kissed or touched a new spot it sent fire through her veins and made her want more.

  Her fingers tangled in his hair and her hips bucked against his fingers. She nipped at his bottom lip and finally yanked him away, panting desperately.


  “What?” he asked, pulling away, slightly confused.

  She twisted her fingers in his long, golden locks, and just smirked, a rush of confidence running through her.

  “I want more.”

  He just grinned and turned his head just enough to kiss the inside of her wrist, making her shudder. “Yeah?”

  She nodded and opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, he grabbed her legs with those strong hands and pushed her knee towards her chest, exposing her in a way that made her shudder with delight.

  When she glanced down she could see his powerful shaft settled between her legs. She could feel its heat and it only made her want it more. She wriggled excitedly, licking her lips and staring at Toby with a heated look of desire.

  “Make me yours.”

  That’s all it took. He leaned over her and pressed into her warm, welcoming body and as he slid inside he stretched her open in the most delicious way possible. She’d never slept with someone this…well equipped.

  Marie wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss, arching her back as his fingers traced the round globes of her breasts. Once he was buried inside of her completely he stayed still for a moment and deepened their kiss before setting a slow, deliberate pace.

  No one had ever made her feel so complete before. Every thrust brought another moan and a plea for more until he was holding her down and thrusting into her so hard that the sound of their skin meeting echoed through the room.

  He was hitting the perfect spot every time and soon enough she had her hands on his shoulders and legs around his waist, pulling him down and trying to take him even deeper, if that was possible. The heat that had been building in her belly was about to consume her.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders and she opened her mouth in a silent scream, finally chanting his name over and over again as her orgasm washed over her. She was drowning in the pleasure, her bottom lip quivering as the molten pleasure in her belly spread through every inch of her body.

  When she finally managed to relax again her mind was spinning and she could see little dots of light in her vision from where she’d been holding her breath. Toby was just behind her, thrusting a few more times before finishing inside of her.

  He lowered himself to lay on top of her chest, groaning softly as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  “Was it good?” he asked, looking up at her tiredly.

  She nodded, sighing as her eyes slipped closed. The night’s activities had worn her out. “More than good,” she responded.

  They fell into silence after that, understanding that there was no more to say. They were both content and ready to sleep. Toby pulled a blanket over them and she was thankful for the warmth. She fell asleep with her arms wrapped around him and for the first time in a long while, she didn’t feel a deep, aching loneliness in her chest.

  Chapter Nine

  When morning came around, Marie woke slowly, her opening reluctantly. There was only a single window for light to pour in through, but it was enough to tell her that she had slept well into the morning. It didn’t take her long to realize she wasn’t in her own bed, though soon enough she remembered what had happened the night before.

  Her head was pounding and as she brought her hand to her temple she saw a quick movement out of the corner of her eyes. It didn’t seem human, but then again she was extremely hung over.

  “Good morning.”

  She jumped and turned around so quickly that she nearly fell off the bed. Toby caught her before she could tumble back and brought her back to the middle of the bed, wrapping his strong arms around her. He was still so warm and welcoming and held a cup of coffee in his hands. He smiled and offered it to her, pressing a kiss to her temple.

  They were both still naked and she couldn’t help but take in his masculine physique. He was just so damn handsome. She blushed but sipped at her coffee as he stroked her hair. It felt nice to have him in bed with her the next morning. She felt good. She felt re
freshed and she didn’t feel used. She’d almost expected to feel guilty after a one-night stand.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” he asked.

  “Better than I have in a long time,” she sighed, closing her eyes as the bitter coffee hit her tongue, waking her up almost immediately.

  “I’m glad. I really wanted to make you feel good.”

  “You did a good job.”

  He smiled and stroked her hair out of the way, his fingers gentle just like him. She cleared her throat and started to stand, covering her body as best she could. He reached up and gently pulled the covers away, exposing her.

  “You shouldn’t hide. You’re beautiful. Walk with confidence,” he urged.

  She cleared her throat, feeling the heat rise in her body once more. She nodded, deciding it was best not to argue with him. He stood with her and offered his hand.

  “Come with me.”

  Marie took it and wrapped her fingers around his, feeling surprisingly safe with this stranger. Sure they’d gone on a date, had sex and spent the night together, but in the grand scheme of things she really didn’t know much about him. Still, she followed him without hesitation and smiled when she realized they’d come to a large bathroom.

  He crossed the room and turned on the shower, motioning for her to come closer. He pulled her under the spray of the warm water and started washing her body. It felt amazing to have someone’s hands dancing over her skin. It made her feel like a goddess that was being worshipped.

  Marie glanced up at him and chewed her bottom lip. “I never would have expected this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well,when I think of paid sex or a brothel, I imagine that you pay, you have sex and you go home,” she said, meeting his gaze.

  “We aren’t a normal brothel,” he explained, “sex is an important part of human nature and human existence, but it isn’t the most important part, especially for women.”

  She nodded in agreement. “I think you’re the first guy to ever admit that.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “We’ll just say I’m a little more mature than most men.”

  Was he saying he was old? He didn’t look a day over thirty. She didn’t press, though and just let him continue.

  “Madame Osei understands that the physical part of our services is necessary but it’s important to make the person feel empowered and confident. It builds the person up and that is what we are here to do. It’s a total package.”

  “You can say that again.”

  The both shared a brief laugh before finishing their shower. They took their time, washing each other thoroughly and enjoying the physical contact. Somehow Marie felt that this was far more intimate than the sex had been. She’d missed this more than any other part of a relationship. She missed the intimacy that didn’t revolve around sex and she was happy that Toby seemed more than eager to offer it to her.

  When they finished they returned to the bedroom, wrapped in warm, fluffy robes that felt like they’d just been pulled from a dryer. Marie went about collected her clothes and glanced back at Toby, looking a bit disappointed.

  “I hope it’s not rude, but I should be heading home.”

  She didn’t want to leave but there were quite a few loose ends at home that she needed to take care of. Now that she was leaving, this was starting to feel like business again and she hated it. She wanted the illusion to last forever.

  “Of course. I understand that you have a life you have to get back to,” he said, smiling. “I’m here at your disposal. I enjoyed that you stayed the night, but I understand you have things you need to do.”

  Marie was almost surprised at how understanding he was, though she quickly remembered where she was. She was at a brothel. This was their job. Of course he wouldn’t care if she left. Suddenly, remembering that this wasn’t just a random hookup made her a little nervous. She started going through her purse, trying to find her wallet.

  “I should tip you or something right?”

  He gently took her hands and pulled them from her bag. “Leave me with a smile. That’s good enough for me.”

  She looked up at him and smiled softly, suddenly calmed by his touch. As she pulled away he offered her dress to her and zipped her into it. Once she was dressed her turned her around and kissed her slowly, holding it a bit longer than necessary.

  “I’ll see you in your dreams,” he said with another cunning smile.

  When he released her she stared at him, trying to figure out what he meant by that. She’d figured out at this point that there was something strange about this place. There was something inhuman going on, but her logical mind wouldn’t let her accept it. She was here to enjoy herself and she just didn’t have it in her to ruin that by asking questions.

  Marie walked down the long hall on her own for the first time and sighed as she approached the large golden doors. The main lobby was empty with the exception of a few cats playing near a pond. She loved that there always seemed to be animals around. It calmed her.

  She made it through the warehouse, deciding to go through the bakery and pick up something for breakfast. A bell on the door ran as she entered and Marco turned to smile at her.

  “Welcome back. Did you enjoy your evening?”

  The question made her feel a bit guilty. She could remember the look of jealousy on Marco’s face all too clearly. “Yes. I had a wonderful time,” she didn’t need to give him all the dirty details. “But it’s about time I headed home and I was wondering if I could buy something for breakfast?”

  “Of course you can,” he said, “what can I get you?”

  “Maybe a muffin? I don’t know. What do you suggest? You’re the expert.”

  He snorted. “Hardly,” he said as he reached into the cabinet and got a fruit tart, “this is something new I made. I’d be honored if you’d be the first to try it.”

  She smiled and nodded, waiting patiently for him to hand her a slice of the tart. Instead he picked a piece up with a small fork and leaned over the case enough to feed her the bite. It was one of the most amazing things she’d ever eaten in her life. It was a bit sour at first but that quickly turned to sweetness as the crust all but melted on her tongue. She covered her mouth and nodded.

  “That is what I want.”

  He grinned brightly and bagged it up for her, handing it over the counter carefully so as not to tip it.


  “I always do,” she said with a smile, paying for the food.

  She could feel his eyes on her as she left and she had to admit that she liked it. Going to Mystique was a far different experience than what she’d expected. She never thought she would feel desired in a place like that. She’d always assumed that brothels were where desperate people went when they were out of options.

  As she turned the key in her ignition, she smiled and glanced back at the building silently thanking Toby and the rest for leaving her feeling confident rather than used. It was a change of pace and one she knew she could get used to.

  She pulled out of the parking lot, leaving her old self behind.

  BestSeller: Rock Hard Daddy

  A Single Dad & A Virgin Romance


  Three months after I graduated from college, I decided that Peter Clarke was an asshole and, for that reason, I hated him with every damn cell in my being. As was expected of the valedictorian, Peter’s speech was grand and filled with triumphant words. In a confident and jubilant tone, he assured me—and our entire graduating class—that the world was ours for the taking and, therefore, we could do anything, have anything and be anything we desired. Like a dumbass, I believed him, and therein lies my problem with the guy.

  Stupid Peter.

  It turns out that Peter was full of shit, and the world was not mine for the taking. In fact, the world didn’t give a crap about me. Despite my outrageously expensive degree in Hotel Management, and 4.0 GPA, I am now left jobless, penniless, and left
wanting to crawl under a rock and die.

  The economic downfall meant that my degree, which cost enough to virtually pay off a house in Tuscany, didn’t mean jack shit in the real world. If only I had the power to predict the future - I would now be in my gorgeous Tuscan villa, in the arms of my hot Italian boyfriend, sipping a glass of red. At least that was my logic. Of course, that suggests I somehow would have gotten over my obsessive infatuation with my childhood crush, Conner Wilkes. In case, I haven’t already painted a picture of the pitiable and unrealistic fantasy world I’ve been living, my child hood crush also happens to be my Dad’s best friend. We’ll get to back Conner soon enough; for now I’ve got some more venting left in my system.

  If only Peter was here now so I could tell him flawed his logic truly was. None of the hundreds of hotels I sent my application to bothered to even call me back for an interview. It was embarrassing and left me no other choice than to collect my crap and return to the small Tennessee town I grew up - with my tail tucked between my legs.

  Stupid, stupid Peter.

  Life sucked, and I hated it, but amidst all of the frustration, there was one good thing about being back home. Dad.

  “Bumblebee,” Dad cried as soon as I walked through the gate at the airport.

  A broad, face-splitting grin formed on my lips at the sight of my father. I know most girls say that their Dad is the best, but mine actually was. He and my mother had both been twenty-one when they had me, so in a way, the three of us grew up together. Thanks to them, I had an almost perfect childhood filled with fun, forts, and smores for dinner. Unfortunately, the two of them grew apart, but our closeness remained intact.

  “Daddy,” I said as I ran toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smelled like grass, leather, and home.

  We hugged for a solid minute. Then, he pulled away to look at me.

  “Let me check the status.”

  Those words were familiar and instantly made me grow a little taller in my spine as I stood in front of him. Not caring that we were surrounded by curious strangers, Dad cupped his square jaw with his right hand and tapped his index fingers on his lips as he looked at me through mock stern eyes that made me chuckle.


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