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The Color Of Love: A BWWM Billionaire Alpha Male Romance

Page 6

by BWWM Club

  They increased as the happy new couple got closer to the carpet. She would not answer questions, but Dawson was an attention hound and couldn’t resist. Yes, he was happy with the success of DMC Theater live. Yes, this was the start of new artistic ventures for DMC.

  Who was the exotic beauty accompanying him this evening one reporter asked and even though her eyes told him not to he still answered. “This stunning young woman is Victoria Jones, Owner of Palette and soon to be creative food and beverage manager of my cinemas and theater.”

  Victoria was certain her eyes were bigger than saucers when he made the announcement. She was not aware she was employed by anyone but herself. This revelation was news to her.

  The questions from the reporters were now being targeted at Victoria, who simply smiled and squeezed Dawson’s hand. She needed to get out of there. Knowing she was uncomfortable, Dawson bid the reporters good night and stepped inside the foyer of the club.

  The fire in her eyes had reached white hot heat and Dawson knew he was in trouble. He may enjoy his punishment more than she would think. Holding her by the waist, he put on his most boyish smile and said, “I am sorry Victoria, I should have warned you about the press. “

  Her response was almost a hiss, “You could have warned me that I had a job as well. I don’t like surprises and if you must know, I would never work as an employee of yours. You are a prick.”

  Passersby may have mistaken it for a lovers embrace and Victoria’s smile would have confirmed it. Dawson, however, knew otherwise. Forgetting about the issue for a while, Victoria decided to enjoy the evening, even with the egotistical Dawson in company. The main room was brightly lit and a large area in the middle was reserved for dancing while colorful linens draped the intimate table settings. It was gorgeous.

  The club was half full and bustling. Waiters and waitresses moved to and fro with trays of sparkling liquid and bite sized treats while the guests mingled and chatted. The live jazz band created a mood of harmony and all attendees seemed happy. Their entrance didn’t go unnoticed - well, maybe to Dawson, who didn’t really care, but Victoria noticed the looks as people observed their tightly clasped hands. Tonight would certainly be a lesson for her.

  The reason for the celebration was the thirtieth Anniversary of Project Generation, an organization aimed at teaching entrepreneurship in schools. Victoria got the impression the funds went to the private schools of the privileged - she never heard of such an entity at any public ones.

  From established young models to old business tycoons milled about the room while even more rich people entered. Dawson was pretty recognizable and stopped every three steps to speak with someone. Despite all her judgments, Victoria had to admit he was a gentleman. Every person he spoke to was introduced to the creative director of Palette. A few of the faces recognized her from the opening night and promised to call for quotes. There were definite benefits to be had from mixing with this crowd.

  It was the older women who shot the nasty looks, but a few of the younger ones contributed glares as well. Victoria, acted like the lady she was, ignoring the silent daggers until one strikingly beautiful young woman approached them - well, Dawson.

  Turning away from an older gentleman to acknowledge the tap on his arm, Dawson took a step back when he realized who had interrupted him.

  “How are you Dawson? It’s been a while…” her voice dripped.

  “I am wonderful Naomi.”

  The bold woman reached out to fix a ruffle in Dawson’s color and he all but jumped back to avoid her touch. Shocked, she spewed a direct insult to Victoria.

  “Is this what you have come to? Walking around with a lady who doesn’t look after your every need? Pssshh …I think you could have done better.”

  Dawson interjected because he was well aware that Naomi had no idea who she was dealing with. His tone was low and laced with warning, “I don’t know what you are playing at but I think it's best that you go back to whatever snake pit you slithered out of. Consider yourself cautioned.”

  Gently, he tugged on Victoria’s hands leading her to the dining area. It seemed the odds were conspiring against their happiness and as the holes bored in his back from Naomi’s hateful gaze, he knew to expect more trouble from her. It would be unfair not to explain to Victoria who she was and though she accepted the explanation he could see she was annoyed.

  Inside, Victoria was absolutely mystified as to why Dawson would invite her somewhere with his untidy loose ends. It was clear that the woman wanted to have him in her clutches and Victoria wasn’t into the fighting game. Dawson Ledger was more of a complicated man than she thought.

  Not letting the incidents of the day mar her night was a magnificent feat, but one Victoria accomplished with much effort. At least the food was good. Standing just inside the foyer, waiting for the car to be brought around, Victoria chatted with several people about business and art while Dawson did the same. Maybe race didn’t matter, and they were not all judging her. She could blend in.

  The drive home was pleasant, but it was obvious there were things to discuss. Once inside the apartment, Dawson broke the ice. Victoria on the other hand collapsed on the couch, spent from having to smile and pretend with so many people.

  Being a socialite was tiring. Dawson found a seat on the coffee table so he could look her directly in the eye. He started with a question that made her suspicious.

  “Do you trust me Victoria?”

  “I am not certain Dawson… I really am not. It seems you are more layered than even me and you love the limelight… I on the other hand… not so much.”

  “Well I am asking you to,” Dawson said sincerely. “I want you to know that even though we are very different, we have similar passions and goals. We all want to be the very best at what we do and enjoy the fruits of our labor. I want you to run the food and beverage department of DMC Theater live because you have what it takes. I know your business comes first and I will never ask you to compromise that, but I think this move can help more than hurt.”

  As Dawson clasped her hands in his, he continued, “Naomi is an empty headed blond with an agenda. Unfortunately she is too dumb to know what it is.”

  They laughed at the beautiful but silly woman’s expense and it was only then that Victoria thawed. She had to be honest with Dawson and sooner rather than later.

  “The possibility of a relationship with you scares me immensely. I notice that you have a way with getting what you want and that’s a challenge for me. I am not in the habit of doing what others want me to do and this may be an issue with the way you run your ship. I like to control my own destiny and the fact that you are a white man trying to add a black girl to his collection concerns me. Jungle fever attacks white men at different times in their lives. I have no desire to fulfill any passing fantasy.”

  “You are a fantasy Victoria, but not the kind you think. The fact that you are driven and determined is such a turn on and you know where you are going in life… it’s something I want to be a part of. Please let me into your world.”

  For good measure, he added, “I promise not to be too white or too controlling…unless you want me to.”

  The humor in his voice didn’t escape her and she fell back into the soft couch trembling with laughter. Eyes squeezed shut in laughter at the suggestion he would change, Victoria enjoyed the joke. Recovering from the comedy, she found him inches from her face and serious. The kiss he shared with Victoria was deeper than and just as erotic as the one they shared before. This time there was no party to attend and no work to do. This was the time.

  Chapter 7

  Hot and feverish Dawson covered Victoria’s mouth with his and invaded it with his curious tongue. Her essence was deeper and richer than he remembered from the kisses they shared before and instantly Dawson was addicted. The curve of her neck seemed a perfect place to nuzzle and her tiny whimpers only encouraged him to explore more. The dress exposed her smooth shoulders and chest - areas he thought were especially

  Dawson’s movements became more urgent when he shifted the top of the dress below the strapless bra, and traced the curve of her breasts with his fingertips… why was she so perfect? Her hands were running through his hair now and it was distracting him from his exploration of her dark areolas and chocolate drop nipples. Grabbing her wrists without coming up for air, Dawson suspended Victoria’s hand movements, causing her to arch her back even more. The licking and sucking on her nipples drove her to the brink of insanity and the fact that she couldn’t touch him made her crazier. “Let me touch you,” she murmured. Dawson never responded.

  Releasing her hands when he had savored enough, Dawson stood and removed his jacket while Victoria tried to massage the bulge crawling down the length of his right leg. Aggressively, he snatched her hand away and instructed, “You will wait until I am ready for you to touch me.”

  Surprised that he would take that approach, Victoria lay back quietly. He had broken his promise to change in less than half an hour. Taking advantage of his perch on the coffee table, Dawson, now free of clothes above his waist, cupped Victoria’s full legs and dragged her toward him. Pushing the dress up around her waist displayed the glorious slip of fabric she wore for underwear and with the expertise of an experienced lover, he nudged it aside with his teeth exposing a very wet slit. Her clit was directly under his warm breath waiting to be suckled.

  As his lips closed over the small mound of flesh a cry of release left Victoria’s quivering lips and when his tongue darted in and out of her pussy, the heavens began to sing. Quietly at first and then rising as Dawson nibbled and licked the place where all her nerves converged causing her immense pleasure. She knew she was wet when his finger slipped into her with ease.

  Removing his cream covered finger and inserting it into her chocolate chasm repeatedly stimulated Dawson in ways unimaginable. Oh how he loved the torture of waiting to sink his cock into her. The lips of Victoria’s pussy were closed together like an unopened flower and that was something he loved. Once hiding the entrance to her passage, they now lay separated as both his tongue and fingers impaled her and the cream flowing out of her assured him that he was doing something right.

  She was trying to crawl backward, away from the insane pleasure, but Dawson could have none of that and soon Victoria found her legs locked in a tight hold as Dawson dined on her offerings. He ate like a hungry man. She wanted to touch him and taste him too, but escaping his grip proved impossible. Did he know what he was doing to her? Did he know she lost a little bit of her mind with every orgasm? Knowing Dawson, the answer was a resounding yes and he enjoyed every moment of it.

  When his fingers became trapped in a muscle contraction he knew she could handle no more and it took several minutes for Victoria to relax enough for her pussy to release him. He was going to enjoy fucking her. She had been shuddering for a while now, but she would have to suck it up and take it - Dawson was not done with her yet.

  Standing again, he removed his shoes, pants and boxer briefs himself while she lay on the couch with her pussy and breasts on display for his eyes alone. Only when she caught sight of his dick did her face become animated again. Impressed that the rumors she had heard about white men were not true, Victoria writhed in anticipation of his shaft disappearing into her.

  He decided to take his time. Back on the coffee table, Dawson massaged the length of his member while using his free hand to flick Victoria’s clit between his thumb and forefinger. A new flow of orgasmic juices began to trickle from her pussy and then Dawson knew she was ready.

  Pausing when the head of his cock became enveloped in her warmth, Dawson sharply inhaled. Her passage was deliriously sweet and one needed to take their time with matters like these. Inch by inch the pale shaft disappeared into Victoria’s dark chasm, filling her as she called out to the Gods for rescue. Looking down and seeing his golden pubic hair next to her dark, swollen mound did something to his thoughts and suddenly he felt the urge to hammer away.

  After the first few thrusts Victoria moans turned to shrieks, her hands clutched at any possible surface. Finally she tried to move his hands that held her legs open. Forgetting that Dawson didn’t like that would be something she would pay for. With one large hand he held her wrists, but with the other he stroked her clit in unison with his thrusts.

  “Dawson,” she cried over and over, but his concern was with ramming his hard cock into her and being held down made the encounter more stimulating to both of them. His dick slipped in and out of Victoria with the assistance of the abundant juices flowing from inside her at first, but now it seemed to be more difficult to get more than half his cock inside her.

  Her pussy clenched much like it did with his fingers and soon Dawson found himself trapped in Victoria’s tight slit. She started to tremble and shake and he knew she was cumming. With glazed over eyes and a tossing head, Victoria exploded her orgasmic juices all over Dawson’s cock and it looked to him like she had stopped breathing.

  When her eyes fluttered open again, Dawson leaned in and covered her mouth in an urgent kiss. Now it was his turn to cum. Finally releasing her wrists, he gripped her waist and closed his eyes - this was a fuck to remember. The speed was urgent and his movements fast as he rammed his cock into her pussy with a vengeance. His once perfectly groomed hair thrashed from side to side as he began his accent to mount orgasm.

  With ragged breathing and violent convulsions Dawson clutched her waist and called on the same Gods who had brought Victoria release to help him. Seconds later his prayers were answered. The thick white liquid spouted onto Victoria’s breasts and torso as Dawson shook and trembled. It was a colorful release that satisfied both Dawson and Victoria. The kaleidoscope was beautiful.


  Dating a rich billionaire had its benefits but also its disadvantages. Over the past three weeks, the newspapers had published several articles about their suspected love affair and had printed photos that could be misconstrued as romantic. Of course they were dating and the media wanted news, but at Victoria’s request, Dawson kept the details under wraps.

  She decided to move Palette to DMC Theater live because with all the increased work, she needed the space. Abby had returned, but she alone wasn’t enough to handle the volume and the women were forced to contract several freelancers to work when deadlines were near.

  Victoria would never forget the day the whole ordeal started. It would be forever etched in her mind forever. The virtual assistant had been replaced with a live person in the small office next to the kitchen. She took and scheduled all consultations before booking the client. On rare occasions rush jobs were taken without meeting the person - there was an extra fee attached of course.

  On the day in question, a woman by the name of Jasmine called to say she needed a birthday cake for her friend who was turning twenty nine the next day. She all but begged, saying the birthday girl’s wish was to have a cake from Palette. Somewhere in the conversation she slipped in finger foods and dessert and the green assistant grudgingly obliged.

  Now telling her boss, Victoria, the news was going to be the trouble. The conversation led to a two day suspension of the assistant and a headache for Victoria. She never liked it when people superseded her command and the assistant should have used her common sense in booking the appointment.

  After the dye was cast, Victoria had no option but to follow through. Her rules had not changed and once the person made the request she couldn’t turn them down. The details were not that complicated anyway. The cake was to be of a party scene with depictions of different alcoholic beverages. On the top was a figurine of a long legged blonde model. The words would read, happy birthday superstar. Fifty cupcakes accompanied the main one with a similar pink and lilac color scheme throughout.

  Finger foods consisted of spicy coconut shrimp along with grilled vegetable skewers. Dessert was left up to Victoria and she chose Oreo cheesecake topped with caramel. The decadence was enough to make the guests lick thei
r fingers.

  The DMC Theater live debuted a new play that night and all hands were on deck for the presentation but Victoria had to make a delivery. Under Dawson’s suggestion, there was a fee imposed for having her make guest appearances. At one thousand dollars per hour, the fee was set to deter the time wasters. Jasmine paid her fee upfront.

  A suburb address was provided and the delivery men with her in the new black van circled a few times before finding the small cottage like house. Victoria got out of the vehicle and opened the gate in the picket fence before walking up the quaint cobblestone path to the stained wood front door. After she knocked and waited, Victoria was greeted by a slender raven haired girl who identified herself as Jasmine.

  Shaking her hand vigorously, Victoria introduced herself and gestured to the delivery men that this was the spot. Quickly her team was directed inside to the set up area on a back patio. The cake took center stage and the other foods surrounded the display. Jasmine informed her that the guest of honor would be there soon. This whole party was a surprise, it appeared and Victoria was a part of the package.

  Victoria’s presence there was strictly to entertain. The shrimp had been cleaned and marinated and the portable gas stove was set up and ready to sizzle and pop just to make the guests go ‘ohh’ and ‘ahhh.’

  The women in the room were the blonde type even if physically their hair was different. Victoria made a mental note to change her hair color. The conversations ranged from, who wore what to the last affair to who was dating whom. It was only later that it occurred to her that Dawson’s name was never mentioned.

  One slender girl with deep dimples and wispy brown hair came running into the room whispering, “She’s here!” And spontaneously the others ran to hide. Victoria stayed put. Unassuming, the lady of the hour walked onto the patio where everyone yelled, “Surprise!” There were two people clutching their chest in shock at that moment- Victoria and the woman they were all waiting for - Naomi.


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