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The Color Of Love: A BWWM Billionaire Alpha Male Romance

Page 10

by BWWM Club

  “Good evening ladies,” Victoria said, as she washed her hands. She looked at Jane and smiled before moving to Evelyn. She gave the woman a hug before saying, “They say the measure of a person is what he or she does when there is no one watching and you have proven that you measure pretty honorable. Thank you for seeing me for who I am an not judging me from a stereotype that some people deem to be the truth.”

  Evelyn hugged back and simply nodded as there was no need for words. Turning to Jane, Victoria said, “I will pray for you Jane. I can see that you are struggling with something deeper. I hope you can be helped.”

  The gaunt woman who looked thirty but had the aura of an old witch, upturned her nose and tried to look regal. She failed miserably. Leaving the two, Victoria exited the bathroom a better woman. It always paid to know who was on your team.

  The night ended on a high note when the singer sang some Latin selections and the orchestra concentrated on its percussion instruments. Victoria and Dawson danced the night away until her ankles showed signs of swelling. It was time to take the mother of his child home.

  The kissing started in the limo and only paused when they rode the elevator to his penthouse apartment. Victoria had been here before, but tonight it seemed special. Sitting before his floor to ceiling windows and gazing at the sparkling city lights, Dawson massaged Victoria’s swollen ankles lightly while she rubbed her tummy.

  The softness of her skin and the tiny sighs of pleasure leaving her lips made his heart beat quicken and a familiar hardness formed in his pants, but he had another focus in mind before taking her to his bed once again.


  “Yes my love,” she answered

  “I want to be with you.”

  “You are already with me Dawson” she muttered sleepily

  “No, you don’t understand… I am asking you if… well will you marry me?”

  There was no answer from Victoria and Dawson shifted his eyes to her face before he heard a light snore. Smiling at the sight of the sleeping mother of his baby, Dawson decided she would answer yes. Rising from the couch he arranged a wool blanket around her thick beautiful legs. Yes… Victoria would be his wife.

  Chapter 11

  The day after the ‘reception’ as Dawson called it, A full page ad ran in the Florida Gazette announcing the happy couple of Victoria Jones and Dawson Ledger were expecting their first child. Victoria knew about it before hand and despite her initial resistance, she agreed for the first time to officially have her face plastered across the front page of the paper’s entertainment section.

  It was then that the real problems started. A man Victoria had never heard of or seen before came to visit Dawson one day when she happened to be in his office having her lunch, and because she was his future wife Dawson saw no reason to have her leave the room while they spoke. Politely, she tried to excuse herself before Dawson said it was ok for her to stay. The man was friendly enough and didn’t seem to mind her presence too much and their meeting started.

  The man whom she came to know as Kevin was several inches taller than Dawson and much heavier, was quite imposing but seemed relaxed enough in this situation. He unbuttoned his jacket before dwarfing the large chair he sat in and revealed the true reason for his visit.

  “Well, my boss received your generous contribution to his campaign and he is more than grateful, however, he has a few… concerns…” Kevin’s voice lowered considerably, and he paused to give Dawson time to react which he did after leaning back in his leather recliner and clasping his hands under his chin.

  “What challenges could your boss be having Kevin? He called me and told me his plans and pretty much sold me and my whole executive board on his mandate and intentions, so please if you can, explain to me what challenges he’s having?

  Shifting his gigantic frame again in the chair, he explained, “Well as you know, he’s a conservative candidate… religious, family oriented and number one advocate for defending American rights and freedoms. Lately he has begun to do some soul searching and he has received divine direction indicating that some of his supporters are not necessarily aligned with the same vision he has for the future.”

  Lost but still fully aware of where he was going, Dawson said, “But I too share these values. When I sent the money as a playboy and weekend lover he had no issue accepting it, but now that I am a family man he has a change of heart? Isn’t that convenient for you?”

  “Well, Mr. Ledger my views don’t count, I simply deliver the messages and my boss is asking that you reconsider any action that may affect his association with you. He also asked that I pass this to you.”

  The envelope was sealed and Kevin rose from his chair to go to the door. As his hand covered the knob, he muttered a general and curt, “Have a good afternoon” before exiting. Victoria jumped from her rest on the red couch next to the door and crossed the Persian rug to Dawson’s side where he was ripping open the envelope. Expecting the check he sent to the ungrateful man to be inside, he was surprised to find two business cards instead.

  The first card was embossed with the Name Dr. Clyde Sheffield and below was the address of his clinic. The second was that of a clinic called ‘Be Sure’ they promised fast accurate results. As Dawson and Victoria read the cards in tandem, they both understood what they meant. Dr. Clyde was a vocal advocate for the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy at any stage and the Be Sure clinic offered private DNA testing in vitro to the stars who drank too much and then forgot which groupie they may or may not have impregnated.

  A string of curse words suited for a pirate, left Dawson’s lips and Victoria sat in silence. She suddenly felt ill and left the room without saying another word. It would appear they had arrived at the legendary gray area, where values were tested and loyalty either stood the test of time or fell away like poorly mixed concrete. Victoria was certain Dawson would crumble.

  That night while they sat in silence over a dinner Victoria had no interest in, a quiet knock rapped the large door of the penthouse suite. The butler had been relieved of his duties for the evening and Dawson answered the door. The building concierge stood next to a little man with thinning hair who held a brown legal sized envelope. Before Dawson could inquire who he was and why the concierge had let him into the building in the first place, the man thrust the file into his hand and said, “Dawson Ledger, you have been served.”


  “Order… come to order. The honorable Janice Toller will be presiding over the case of Donahue vs Ledger under the charges of grievous bodily harm, threatening with intent to harm and also emotional distress. Donahue is seeking damages to the tune of ten million dollars.”

  No one expected Naomi to press charges for the incident that happened months ago. As a matter of fact, Victoria had convinced Dawson not to sue her! As expected the charges were bogus and even the judge smiled when Naomi recounted the afternoon events as she wiped tears with lace gloved hands before resting them in the lap of her Jacky Kennedy styled suit.

  According to her, Dawson had called her best friend and offered to send a chef by as a birthday surprise. The crazy African American chef then prepared a meal so spicy she was forced to spit it out and then she was left injured and had to see her doctor for treatment of the second degree burns she sustained to her mouth.

  Dawson sat next to his four attorneys while Victoria sat directly behind, finding the matter entertaining. She never understood the drama of the rich and famous, but now in a courtroom with flashing camera lights and reporters she found herself at the center of a scandal.

  When Dawson took center stage his words were crisp and clear and he spoke the absolute truth. Naomi was jealous of his current girlfriend and had used her business to lure her into a compromising situation.

  Though she was an idiot, Naomi’s lawyers were not. They dragged Dawson’s private love life over the coals and in the end he was made out to be a dog in heat humping every sexy available woman out there.

e avoided Victoria’s eyes in those moments and answered quietly the questions of his salacious romantic escapades in short clipped sentences. Victoria had received the truth about his ways without him ever telling her a thing.

  When the court recessed for lunch, Victoria excused herself to the bathroom, but then quietly slipped past reporters into a waiting cab. She was going home. From all accounts, Dawson had no less than thirty lovers in the past three years. Some lasted a week and others a few months and the longest one to date was Victoria Jones. She didn’t know how she felt. Slightly cheap and very foolish for allowing this man to get her in bed and make her pregnant. The tears were back.

  Around four in the afternoon she woke up from her sorrow induced sleep to a knock on the door. Her growing tummy stopped her from moving too quickly, but eventually she made it to the door. In stalked Dawson, who was in a rush to say something.

  “I know it’s bad Victoria. I know I sound like a man whore but I swear to the heavens that I have changed. I saw the error in my ways, especially with women like Naomi. Jesus! I am so pissed off that I keep doing this to you. Despite all my money I am flawed Victoria. I am a flawed man asking for you to work through this with me please!”

  Victoria wore only a sports bra and panties, her body could no longer handle the heat of sustaining two lives and she wore as little clothes as possible once at home. The sight of her belly swollen with his child reduced Dawson to a child himself and before long he was whispering apologies to her tummy and not her. Victoria was not in a particularly forgiving mood and waited until he got up to ask him a pressing question.

  “What will you do Dawson, when all your business partners leave you and your many investments fail because of your black girlfriend? What will I do the next time someone from your past decides I am not good enough for you and takes me out instead of only spitting in my face? What shall I say when I have to take the stand tomorrow? How do I defend a man who has been secretive about his past for so long?”

  “The Judge threw out the case after Naomi had a mental breakdown this evening. They subpoenaed the phone records between Naomi and Jasmine proving that I didn’t make the arrangements.”

  Falling to his knees under the serenity prayer where he first touched her body, Dawson looked like the most pitiful puppy. He was accustomed to being in control and command, but around this woman he was nothing more than mush. The situations he dealt with since meeting her had opened his eyes to the real facts of this cruel life. All the money in the world and yet he was a miserable human being without her. Riches were not always in the bank it seemed.

  Beseechingly, Dawson looked into Victoria’s eyes and said, “I have no idea how, but since being with you I have learned that you are a better person than me. I have been caught up with the trappings of material gain for so long that I never developed, but you on the other hand… you have taught me how to be better and if you allow me to stay in your life I will try to learn from you. That’s all I can promise.”

  Her face was only half convinced, but Dawson was intent on proving his sincerity to her. Slowly, he stroked the sides of her legs while resting his ear on her tummy, listening to the two heartbeats that had taken over his world. He felt her body relax against the wall and tiny sighs were released from her lips.

  Moving his hand slowly in the direction of the slit between her legs, Dawson savored the feel of her smooth skin under his fingertips. Victoria’s body was different in many ways. Her hips were now considerably wider and the mound of her womanhood was now fatter than before. He thought it was sexy and used his roaming hands to let her know she was beautiful.

  He liked to kiss her legs and trace the inside of her thighs with his mouth and now that she was even fuller Victoria seemed more delicious. The lips of her labia strained through the fabric of her lace panties and he couldn’t resist nibbling on the succulent skin through the impeding material. Using his lips to massage her clit through the panties added extra stimulation to her already sensitive body and he hoped she would melt in his mouth.

  Probing and prodding the sumptuous feast she offered him, Dawson became aware of his own hardness in his pants and longed to submerge his dick deep in her chasm, but he already knew this wasn’t about pleasing himself, it was about pleasing her. The whimpers had increased to moans and as she ran her fingers through his sandy blonde hair, Dawson hoped he was forgiven.

  He grew tired of her pussy being covered and slowly peeled it away from her skin before he lifted her gently down the hallway to her bedroom where he carefully placed her on the bed. Times when they made love before were hot and urgent - today he wanted to take his time. Removing his clothing one piece at a time, he never let his eyes leave hers.

  When he was fully naked, he removed the sports bra she wore freeing her breasts and filling his eyes and heart. They too had changed and the areolas were even darker now and the nipples always semi erect. As he lay behind her, he marveled at how perfectly the curves of her ass and hips fit in the concave of his pelvis - she was the missing piece to his puzzle.

  Kissing her neck and then her shoulders slowly, he closed his eyes and envisioned them melting into one - a single entity that nothing could attack or penetrate, he wanted them to be one. When his kisses reached the center of her back Victoria’s body shuddered and trembled and before long she begged him, “Dawson, I want to feel you inside me, please stop torturing me and make love to me before I explode.”

  Usually he wasn’t one to take orders, but in this instance he was more than happy to oblige. Reaching his hand down, he found his cock hard, ready and dripping. The pre cum created from anticipating her warmth and wetness made the head shiny and he smiled inside knowing that if she wasn’t pregnant already she would surely have gotten pregnant now.

  Lubricated from Dawson’s wet mouth and her own flowing juices, Victoria lay in a spooning position while he spread her ass cheeks and shifted lower to locate the entrance of her passage. The body heat emanating from the wet opening between her legs had increased over the past months and as the head of his cock rimmed her dripping hole, Dawson braced himself for the pleasure of being steeped and marinated inside her. He was right, her pussy was hotter than ever and the passage seemed smaller and tighter as her body adjusted to accommodate another human.

  He stayed still for a while, but Victoria couldn’t stop her own movements and shifted her ass and hips to feel him deeper inside her. Finally, he began to move and the feeling drove Victoria wild. Her mouth hung open, unable to form words or sounds as she received the cock of the man she loved and desired. His pace increased only slightly and Victoria felt the need to encourage him.

  “Fuck me Dawson, I am pregnant not dead, I want to feel you.” Sufficiently satisfied that he wouldn’t hurt her or the baby, he increased the speed and depth of his thrusts. His thighs slapped her ass as he impaled her and withdrew time and time again, while Victoria used one hand to reach behind and pull him into her. The other hand grabbed and released the linen sheets as she searched so desperately for release.

  Dawson grunted and panted as his cock communicated feelings of pleasure to his brain and he felt his dick growing harder still. With every stroke, Victoria’s chasm grew wetter and tighter - she was on the verge of climax. As the animalistic sound of lust and love filled the room, the two people in love uttered words of sex and passion to each other.

  The tension was mounting to tremendous peaks when Dawson whispered, “I love you Victoria Jones and I want you to be my wife. I want to make love to you like this every day and night. I want to see your face every morning when I wake up and play with our beautiful child. Say yes Victoria… Please say yes.”

  At first her response was barely audible, but as he moved inside her deeper and stronger, her volume increased. Yes Dawson… yes… yesss… yesss.” As the final words left her lips Victoria convulsed, finally succumbing to the pressure of the orgasm rocking her fruitful body. That was all Dawson needed to hear to grant him his own release. The liquid of lo
ve shot out of his shaft and into her with the intensity of a bullet and he too shuddered knowing he had officially been taken hostage by the captor called love.

  He fell asleep inside her. He never wanted to be apart from her or his child again and as he drifted into dreamland with Victoria in his arms, Dawson knew he had truly found the one.

  Chapter 12

  On the first Monday morning of December, Victoria woke up in Dawson’s apartment to a searing pain under her tummy. Knowing full well that she ate a strange combination of sardines and pumpkin smashed together the night before, her first thought was indigestion but the pain was too sharp for that. It quickly passed and Victoria breathed a sigh of relief.

  Awake and alert she got out of the bed to pee - something she had been doing a lot of recently. Sitting on the toilet and relieving herself, she yawned sleepily and contemplated taking a shower.

  When she finally mustered the strength to get up, she turned on the water and waited a few seconds for it to regulate the temperature. They were no clothes to remove because she usually slept naked nowadays. The heat along with her increased sexual appetite made clothes inconvenient and unnecessary and she smiled when she thought of an exhausted Dawson still snoring in the bed, fatigued from their early morning lovemaking.

  As Victoria placed one foot in the beautifully tiled stall, she felt something wet gush down her leg. Odd she though, she had just used the toilet and was pretty sure she didn’t have to pee again. Had the baby destroyed her bladder function totally? When she placed her second foot on the masculine blue and black tiled floor of the shower, an avalanche of clear fluid cascaded down the space between her legs and she immediately understood what was happening.

  At her last doctor’s visit, Victoria had complained of being tired of the pregnancy - she wanted it out. Like most pregnant women toward the end, she was tired of renting out space in her body to a small being who did nothing but make her eat like a glutton. Outside of that, she wanted to see her baby’s face and feel the small fingers wrap around hers. She wanted to nuzzle the tiny neck of the child she housed in her womb for so long. Two more weeks was too long to wait.


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