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Fallen Redemption (The Trihune Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Austin, RB

  “You were in and out of consciousness by the time the doctor arrived.”

  Didn’t the whole thing put a completely new complicated spin on the supposed kidnapping? “Thanks for taking care of me.”

  Cade raised his hand. It was outstretched like he was going to stroke her face. Fingers were an inch from her cheek. His hand dropped and he stepped back. She was . . . disappointed.

  “Are you hungry?”

  A quick evaluation. “Yes and where’s the bathroom?”

  His eyebrows drew together. “I don’t—”

  “In no way should the word bedpan enter your next sentence.”

  Cade stared at her, lines forming in between his eyes.

  Emma raised her chin. He was so not winning this argument.

  Cade stood in the empty bedroom, unsure of what to do. This was his new lot in life since he’d met Emma. He already asked Jeeves for a tray of food, straightened the bed sheets and blanket, fluffed the pillows, and now paced the floor waiting for her to come back. Emma and Martha were in the bathroom down the hall.

  Her face drained of color when she stood. She’d have fallen back onto the bed if he hadn’t caught her. He’d been ready to revisit the stay in bed topic, but she’d narrowed her eyes and her face hardened with stubborn determination. Cade received the silent “Hell, no” loud and clear. So he’d gritted his teeth and lightly grasped her arms while she regained her balance.

  Why was he allowing her to dictate his actions? Cade was the leader of the house even if she didn’t know it. He was stronger, bigger, and, of course, male. The Follower should know her place. Yet here he was waiting for her return, acting like a dog, wanting to whine and sniff at the bathroom door.

  Storming from the room, he headed to the conference room. He would not heel.

  Passing the bathroom, he slowed. She may need help. Emma was his responsibility after all. His feet stopped altogether when she said his name.

  “Cade stayed with me the whole time?” Her voice was incredulous.

  Why was it hard to believe? Did she believe him to be an uncaring monster?

  Well, the monster part was accurate.

  “Yes, he did.” Martha replied.

  “Did he suspect I was going to escape? If what he said was true, I’m sure I couldn’t have even attempted to leave.”

  Cade growled at the sarcastic tone, reaching for the doorknob.

  “You were sick, dear. He was the one to bring a doctor here and to give you medicine when it was time.”

  See. Not all bad. Emma was silent. He reached for the knob again. What was her expression? Had her opinion of him changed?

  “You look much better.” Martha said.

  Emma’s response was just above a whisper. “Do you think he’ll let me go home now?”

  The vulnerability in her voice was a stab in the heart. He turned the knob then paused. Did he want her to add eavesdropper to her long list, he was sure, of unsavory characteristics? Releasing the door, he stepped back.

  “The adohn won’t harm you, Emma. I swear to you.”

  “Why do you call him that?”

  “Adohn?” There was a pause. “It is a show of respect. Similar to sir or madam.”

  Swish of clothes. “How long have you worked for Cade?”

  “Since I married my Jeeves. The adohns have become my family. Essentially I am their employee, but I sneak in a little mothering when they aren’t looking and sometimes when they are.” Martha chuckled softly.

  They fell silent and Cade continued down the hall. When her medication was complete he’d wipe her memory of the time she spent here then let her go.

  Life in the HQ would return to normal. No drama. No worrying. No Followers telling him what to do. Cade would go back to his library with the floor to ceiling bookshelves, big chairs, and soft glowing lamps. His place of comfort, solitude, and peace.

  Why did the word lonely also come to mind?

  Lucas walked into the conference room, laptop underneath his arm. Sarid was in his spot by the door. Expected. Gabe was not. Also expected. It was time to begin, so Gabe should arrive in about five minutes.

  He set his laptop on the table in front of his usual chair. Acting Leader or not, he wasn’t going to sit in Cade’s chair. Lucas had asked Sarid if he wanted the job. As second in command Sarid should be the AL, but he’d declined. Expected.

  It was Cade’s recent behavior that was unexpected. His leader avoided Followers since Lucas had known him. Victims were delegated to another brother or an ebhed. In most cases, he couldn’t get away fast enough.

  In all the centuries they’ve been together, Lucas never received a clear broadcast of Cade’s emotions. He’d catch flickers when Cade was interacting with Gabe, but otherwise he was a tight seal. When they’d stood at the nheqeba’s bed and again when the doctor visited, pain, fear, and remorse poured from Cade in waves.

  Something was happening to the Sept One’s Leader. Lucas had no way of knowing if the outcome would be good or bad. He suspected the latter.

  Gabe strolled in wearing twill trousers and a short sleeve polo. His brother’s pants were new. Prada, no doubt. Nice.

  Lucas stood and walked over to the image he’d projected on the wall. “This is where we stand with Cade’s plan of action. Elias will arrive tomorrow. We still have forty percent of the city to cover. We’re separating again since Cade is still unavailable.”

  Gabe snorted.

  “I marked today’s sections. Sarid, your area is red. Gabe, blue. I’m green.”

  “I’d like to double back on some of the areas I already covered,” Sarid said.

  Lucas turned to his brother.

  “Things have been quiet the past few days,” his ach continued. “Too quiet.”

  “I’ve noted it as well, but I’d like to continue with Cade’s method. Sweep the areas I assigned first. If there’s still time before dawn, double back.”

  Sarid nodded.

  “Luc, why are you continuing with the Boss’ plan? You know it doesn’t make sense.”

  “It does make sense, Gabe,” Lucas said patiently. “After meeting with Elias the Followers are unprotected while we recover. Cade wants us to clean house in order to prevent as little destruction as we can.”

  “We don’t need to clean house. We need to find the one making it dirty and throw it out with the trash.”

  “I understand your viewpoint, but I’m not in charge.”

  “Boss put you in charge while he shacks up with his girlfriend. You have the ability to change things, Lucas. Show Elias who needs to be in charge.”

  “I’m not here to upstage Cade. I’m here to keep things in order and running smoothly.”

  “Yeah. While he’s having fun with his nheqeba. Something he’d have kicked my ass for. Is anyone else aware he’s breaking his own rules here?”

  “It’s not my job to question. Only to serve.”

  Cade walked in the room, stopping Gabe’s response. Anger bubbled in his leader’s narrowed gaze, close to explosion. The dark circles under his eyes and pale coloring said he needed sleep and blood. He’d have no patience when it came to Gabe’s mouth.

  Gabe stood, meeting Cade’s curled lip with one of his own. Perhaps the Behns weren’t much different from the Woyrs, their werewolf brethren descended from the Fathyr.

  “If you have something to say, Gabriel, say it to my face. Don’t be a coward.”

  Gabe inhaled, his chest puffing. “You’re damn right I’ve got something to say. I’d be happy to tell you if you bothered to show to do your job, Boss. I mean, I understand, it’s been a long time since you stuck it to any nheqeba. Forget how?”

  Before Cade could answer, Lucas broke in, “Are you here to finish the meeting?”

Cade’s eyes were still on Gabe. The glare and tightly clenched fists were full of promises, but after a long moment of tension he turned away. “I came to see if you found any other vics with the same condition as Emma?”

  “Are we done here, Luc?” Gabe asked.

  “Yes. You have your coordinates. Check in with new ones when you finish your area.”

  Gabe jerked his head in a nod then stormed from the room. Sarid followed.

  Lucas’s sigh was audible. “I haven’t found anything.” He walked to the computer. After a few clicks, two grids popped up on the wall. The first one marked their victims’ areas and the other one marked the other Septs’ victims’ areas. “I even checked with the other Septs. No one heard of this reaction before.”

  Cade wasn’t even bothering to hide his frustration. Not a comforting sign.

  “Maybe there’s nothing different with the cut. Perhaps the change lies with the victim.” Lucas kept his voice soft.

  Cade turned from the grids to Lucas, the lines surrounding his eyes pronounced. Frustration changing to temper. He watched Cade beat it back. It took a few moments. If he thought Cade would accept, Lucas would offer his vein.

  Cade rubbed a hand down his face. “Yes. Emma may be a special case.”

  Lucas exhaled silently. “How is the nheqeba doing?”

  “She woke a while ago.”

  He’d figured, otherwise Cade would still be glued to her side. Lucas examined his leader’s expression before he opened his mouth again. “When do you plan on sending the Follower home?”

  “Emma needs to finish the medication first.” The response was quick. Cade crossed his arms over his chest.

  Oops. Wrong timing for that question. “Of course. How many—”

  “Four days,” he bit out.

  It’d been a necessary one, though. “Then you’ll—”

  “Yes. I’ll wipe her memory and take her home.”

  Lucas opened his mouth and closed it. Words escaped him. He wanted to ease the jumble of emotions wafting from his ach. Before he could find a word to utter, the Sept One Behns’ leader, and his brother, headed for the door.

  “I’ll be here for the After Dawn Meeting,” he called over his shoulder.

  Chapter 6

  Cade walked through the door and Emma let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding. She barely noticed Martha slipping out of the room. He changed clothes. Shaved. His damp hair was pulled back. Showered. She’d figured he ditched her. Stuck her with Martha after all. Emma hadn’t been upset. For sure. Martha had been a tremendous help.

  Emma also showered, brushed her teeth and changed into another pair of oversized sweats and shirt. She felt a hundred times better, maybe a little shaky and weak but able to go home. Ab-so-lutely.

  Cade had been silent since he entered the room. He sat in the chair by the bed. Gaze sweeping over her every few moments and then heading back to the wall. She couldn’t read the expression on his face but his stare, when it was on her, made her imagine un-kidnappee things. Cade may have taken care of her when she was unconscious but that didn’t mean the situation changed. Emma cleared her throat and said the first thing that came to her mind. “Thanks for calling Martha. I feel a lot better after my shower.” Okay, opening her mouth and speaking weren’t the greatest ideas. She shouldn’t be thanking him like this was a hotel and he was the concierge.

  His eyes focused on her lips while she spoke and appeared to get brighter. Weird. Must be the lights. “What did Jeeves bring me this time? You better believe I’m staying clear of the apples.”

  No reaction. Still doing the staring thing. This time at her neck. Emma removed the bandage in the shower. The cut was a two inch long pinkish line. Another scar in her life to cover from prying eyes. Emma resisted the urge to place her hand over it. She sighed. At least Martha talked to her. Her appetite was suddenly gone, but with nothing else to do she chose a piece of toast spread with jam. Taking a bite, she watched him watch the wall. After half the piece was gone, she threw it down on the plate.

  “What’s the matter with you?” No response. Emma snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Hello?”

  He blinked. “Sorry?”

  “You were staring.”

  Cade cleared his throat, gaze dropping. “I apologize.”

  “Are you not feeling well?” She was suddenly worried. Worried? Hello. You need to see a therapist, Emma. Stockholm syndrome, say what?

  “I’m fine.”

  When he didn’t elaborate, the wall on the other side of the room holding more interest, she offered a piece of toast. “Want some?”

  He raised an eyebrow. The toast in her hand was the one she’d been munching on.

  Heat filled her cheeks. “I mean you can have the one I didn’t eat yet.”

  Cade smiled, meeting her gaze.

  She exhaled. Stupid, stupid girl.

  “The food is for you. You need your strength. Thank you for the offer, though.”

  Annndd back to the wall staring. Lovely.

  Emma held in a sigh, taking another bite before setting it down. “Anywho, I’m feeling a lot better.” His gaze bounced back to hers. Score. When had this turned into a game? A very dangerous game. One that involved more than just losing her life.

  “I didn’t—” He broke off.

  She tilted her head. “You didn’t what?”

  Cade said nothing for a moment and she figured he wouldn’t answer. When he did speak his words were a whisper. “I didn’t like it when you were in pain.”

  That wasn’t delight running through her. “Why?”

  “I don’t know.” He still whispered like a confused boy. She found herself reaching for his hand. Cade stiffened.

  Emma sat back immediately. Idiot. She took another bite. It was difficult to swallow the dry bread past the sudden lump in her throat. Stick to the rules, girl. She was just emotional. Crazy things were going on in her life. Anyone would be the same way. Despite the nice digs and large quantities of food, she wanted to go home. Really.

  Emma took a sip of water to get the toast down. She needed her strength. No matter what, she was leaving. And soon. Why was she trying to console him anyway?

  “Emma?” The tone was soft.

  Oh no. Cade was not going to try to make it better with some soft-spoken bullshit. “When can I leave?”

  His eyes narrowed. He didn’t answer.

  Cade wasn’t going to let her go. Her heart began to pound. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him cock his head as if confused. Whatever. Most important was how could she escape? Maybe ask for Martha to come back? Pretend to fall asleep and wait for him to go? Although it was possible she may not have to fake sleeping. It was just like when she had the flu at the beginning of the school year.

  She didn’t have the flu, though. Her finger ran lightly along the puckered scar on her neck. Emma had practice with pushing unwanted memories to the back of her mind. Like the true reason of how she ended up in this place. She shouldn’t forget that. It should be on her mind all the time.

  Why did that guy cut her and then maybe-possibly-but-hopefully-not suck the blood from the wound? Was he a vampire? Why was the other guy from downstairs fighting them? Was Cade, too? Were they cops or bounty hunters? Some male versions of Buffy? Or Angel?

  Emma snorted. I’m going crazy. She needed real answers. Cade could stare at her neck all day or the wall for all she cared, really, but he was going to answer her questions. Then she was getting out of here.

  She jolted. He was sitting next to her on the bed. His face inches from hers. When the hell had he moved? Shouldn’t she have felt the mattress dipping?

  Her gaze roamed over his features. Cade may be one of the bad guys—although that thought grew more illogical the longer she was with him�
��but she couldn’t deny he was gorgeous. Slowly, like he was giving her time to move, he cupped her cheeks.

  Emma inhaled sharply. Held in her breath. His hands were cold. They felt really good over her heated skin. “What are you doing?” She whispered. Her heart thrummed in her chest. It was no longer only from fear.

  Cade couldn’t answer. He was too busy breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Remain in control.

  When he’d walked back in the room he’d nearly doubled over from the urges storming his body. Not all of them were of thirst.

  She’d offered him a piece of toast. Despite all she’d been through, she’d offered him food.

  Cade didn’t deserve her kindness. Or to be comforted. He certainly didn’t deserve to feel how soft and warm her skin was. With one touch he was struggling to hold back. Weak. How could I not see how worthless you are? Sarah had been right. Useless then and still is now.

  Her scent. The steady pump of her blood.

  The last time he had these emotions toward a Follower . . .

  Filthy murderer.

  He wouldn’t do it again.

  Yet he was sitting next to her on the bed. Emma’s face was cradled in his palms. Mouth inches from his. Breath flitted across his lips in soft, quickening waves. Her scent was in his nostrils, stirring his blood. Heavens, help him.

  Cade closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Rain. She smelled refreshing. Brought promises of life, growth, and rebirth. With eyes open, he gazed into her wide, warm ones and found the strength he’d been lacking. He would not harm her. His lips curved into a slow, wide smile.

  Emma inhaled sharply, lips parting. Inviting. Cade wanted to lower his head. Brush his lips over hers. Maybe sweep his tongue over her bottom lip. What would she taste like?

  He felt her still. Her lips were millimeters away now. When had he moved?

  He dropped his hands and stood abruptly. “I’m sorry.”

  She didn’t say anything. Just stared at him. Emotions he couldn’t read flickered over her face. What he wouldn’t give for Lucas’s gift right now? To know what she was feeling. A few seconds ticked by. Emma lifted her hand, her fingers rubbed lightly over her lips, her gaze on his mouth. It was his turn to inhale sharply. Her eyes flew up to meet his. She dropped her hand, forehead creasing. “When can I go home? My friends will be worried.”


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