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The Price of Innocence (The Legacy Series)

Page 17

by Vicki Hopkins

  When a flurry of kisses had subsided, Robert pulled back again and looked into her pleading eyes once more.

  “Make love to me,” Suzette whispered.

  “You don’t need to do this,” he protested.

  “I want you, Robert. It is the only way that I can express to you my love for what you have done for me.”

  Robert stood speechless, looking into the pool of her amber liquid eyes that flickered from the moisture of tears. Her longing was sincere, and his desire intense.

  A moment later, he began working the row of worn buttons encasing her petite form in the old dress. Robert’s slender fingers moved from top to bottom until each button freed itself through the tiny frayed eyelets releasing the prize underneath. Slipping his hands around her shoulders, he pulled the dress down, revealing her porcelain skin. Drawn to her beauty, Robert trailed kisses across her exposed flesh, as his fingers enjoyed the smooth touch of her skin that still held the fragrance of perfume.

  When he finished, he pulled the garment down to her waist and released it to fall in a heap at her feet. Underneath, her breasts spilled forth, and Robert lost all senses. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her body to the bed and laid her down on the satin coverlet with her head upon a pillow. Robert put his waistcoat upon a nearby chair and then unbuttoned his white linen shirt until it fell open in the front. He slipped his arms out and flung the garment to the floor.

  As he drew near her with his bare chest, Suzette reached out to receive him. He closed the distance until he found her lips. As the moments of desire intensified, each stripped the other of their remaining clothing. At last, Robert found himself naked upon the innocence he had protected only an hour before.

  “Do not be afraid,” he assured her between kisses. “I will be gentle.” His hands framed her face, and he kissed her multiple times, sweetly and softly, on her cheeks, neck, and lips. His tongue moved down toward her breasts until his lips suckled her nipples. He hands caressed them, and Suzette arched at the pleasure of his touch. Her response fueled Robert, and he placed one hand between her inner thighs. Suzette stiffened for a slight moment, and Robert assured her it would be all right.

  “Please, relax . . . you will enjoy.”

  His lips pressed over hers, and his hand slid slowly upward until he touched her moisture. Suzette moaned with pleasure. When he aroused her until she seemed as if she could bear no more, he positioned himself to enter her body.

  He stopped and looked into her anxious eyes and placed his mouth over hers, kissing her deeply while sliding himself into her innocence. As he broke the barrier of her virginity, she flinched and tightened her grip around his neck and moaned.

  With each stroke of gentle lovemaking, Robert made Suzette his own. He had taken that which he had paid for, and Suzette had offered herself willingly in return. He felt no remorse over his actions. In a second, innocence was lost, and both their lives changed for eternity.

  * * *

  Suzette woke the next morning, surprised to find an empty bed. She rose and anxiously glanced around the room. Her eyes caught sight of a note propped up against a lamp on the nightstand, which she snatched and flipped open.


  I hope you had a pleasant night’s sleep. Since you are in need of a wardrobe, I have departed this morning to buy you clothes. I thought you might be hungry upon waking, so I arranged for breakfast. It should be sitting on a tray table outside your door.

  Bon appetite, my dear. I shall return later this morning.


  Suzette breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn’t abandoned her, and she smiled at his endearing note. She grabbed her old dress and slipped it over her head before heading to the door. After unlocking it, she peeked around the corner and saw a tray on a small table. A silver lid covered the plate, and Suzette smelled the aroma of warm food.

  She held the door open with one foot, while she grabbed the tray and carried it inside. The door closed behind her, and she set the tray down on a table. She lifted the lid and saw Eggs Benedict with fresh fruit. Famished from not having eaten anything the day before, she sat down and began devouring the food.

  A pot of warm water was in a teapot on the side, and she poured the brew into a cup. The warmth of the liquid and food in her stomach brought comfort. When she finished, she read Robert’s note again and smiled.

  “A man shopping for a woman. This should be interesting,” she mumbled aloud. Suzette chuckled as she thought of what he might bring back, but she promised herself not to tease him should his taste in clothing be atrocious.

  She laid the note down, ran her fingers through her unruly hair, and contemplated all that had transpired. Unsure what would happen next, Suzette clung to Robert’s words that he would take care of her, though she wasn’t certain what that meant. Afraid of being alone and destitute again, she knew in her heart that things were about to drastically change.

  Her thoughts drifted back to the evening before. She had heard Robert scream at Madame Laurent through the door just after arriving downstairs. “How much?” Unable to hear Madame Laurent’s response, she wondered how much he had paid for her freedom. Robert must have settled her indebtedness and paid a hefty fee to liberate her from the Chabanais.

  As she took her last bite of food, Suzette thought about the prior evening. As Nadine had warned, she was experiencing a bit of discomfort, but strangely felt no shame over what occurred. Something had come over her, and though she knew it was morally wrong to have sex out of wedlock, she needed Robert. In the heat of their passion, consequences were not in her thoughts.

  She felt bound to him at present and somehow more secure that she had given Robert her virginity. Certainly, he wouldn’t abandon her after last night. He had been tender and wonderful, and Suzette believed he cared for her deeply. Though he hadn’t expressed it in so many words, she wanted to believe he was falling in love. There was no other reason, in her mind, to rationalize his kindness in saving her life or the amount of money he had spent for her rescue.

  Her first time had not been as painful as she feared. He elicited from her body such unabashed cravings that Suzette blushed over the thought of being with him again. A moment later a knock came at the door.

  “Open up, Suzette. It’s me . . . Robert.”

  A smile crossed her face. She quickly rose and swung the door wide open. Robert stood in the hallway with a silly grin upon his face and his arms full of boxes. He looked like a juggler about to lose everything.

  “Here, let me help you.” Suzette walked over grabbed a few from underneath his arm, and then closed the door. He walked straight to the bed, flashing a big smile along the way.

  “Here, babe . . . undergarments!” He opened one box and revealed a chemise, corset, and bloomers, along with a bottle of perfume. Suzette couldn’t help but laugh at the boyish look on his face. He opened the next box, pulled away the tissue paper, and revealed a beautiful dark blue day gown. He took it out, held it in front of her, and smiled approvingly.

  “The color is just perfect.”

  Suzette smiled when she held the garment and examined the delicate lace trim and satin. “Thank you, Robert. It’s beautiful.”

  “You are quite welcome, Suzette. I just hope it fits, but I have a pretty good sense for size.”

  The smile on his face faded, and it caught Suzette by surprise.

  “I need to speak with you. Come here and sit with me on the divan.”

  She followed him and sat down, inquisitively looking into his blue eyes. A fear of abandonment rose, and she braced herself for what was to come next.

  “I’m afraid, Suzette, I’m in a bit of pickle, like the English would say.” Robert lowered his gaze to the floor in avoidance.

  “What do you mean?” she asked in a worried tone.

  He picked up her hand and rubbed it softly. “I’m scheduled to leave for Calais today at noon by carriage, and then I board a ship for England.”

  Suzette’s eyes grew wid
e, and she grasped Robert’s hand tightly.

  “I spirited you out of the clutches of the Marquis and paid for your freedom, but I did so without thinking ahead.” He appeared sorrowful, but he wanted her to understand. “I assure you, I am not sorry for my deed. I am not sorry at all, especially after our time together last evening.”

  “What will I do, Robert? If you leave, I . . .” Suzette began to cry.

  He embraced her and pulled her close. His heart pounded in his chest, while he carefully considered his next words. The responsibility for her life was overwhelming, and there was no other way around the dilemma.

  “You’ll just have to come with me, that’s all.”

  Suzette pulled away from him. “With you?” she asked, confused.

  “Yes, with me.” Nervous agitation caused him to jump to his feet. He walked over to the window for a moment to collect his thoughts. It wouldn’t be impossible, just difficult. There would be things that would need to be taken care of, but he could manage them in secret. Convinced it was his only course of action, he turned around. Suzette’s distraught face met his.

  “You see, Suzette, I only come here to Paris on holiday. I have a townhouse in London and an estate in Surrey, where my parents reside. There are duties that I must attend to, and my father has written and called me home. I must go.”

  He heaved a frustrated sigh, and walked back to sit down next to her again. Robert held her hand for reassurance. “If I leave you here, I cannot care for you. I do not know when I shall return to Paris. My only recourse is to take you with me back to England. There, I can provide for you a proper residence and help you get back on your feet so that you are self-sufficient.”

  Suzette slid her hand away. “But you are asking me to leave my home and all I’ve known my entire life. How can I do such a thing?”

  “How can you not?” He needed her to see the wisdom of his offer. “You must see that it makes the most sense.”

  The clock chimed on the mantel, and he lifted his eyes and saw it was now ten o’clock. “Suzette, I have two hours—just two hours and that is all. You either come with me so that I can care for you, or I must leave you on your own. I could perhaps give you some money, but I’m afraid I just wrote a rather large sum to Madame Laurent for your freedom. My funds are limited at the moment, until I return to England for additional monies.” She needed to make a decision and trust him. That was all there was to it.

  As she sat motionless on the divan, Suzette’s distraught face pained him. She needed time to think it over alone, so he decided it would be best to leave her now rather than pressure her to make the difficult decision. He wanted her to come of her own free will, not because he gave her ultimatums, as Madame Laurent had no doubt done.

  “I have matters to attend to, Suzette. I must finish my arrangements for departure.” Lifting her chin with his hand, he forced her to look in his eyes. “I’ll leave you to think it over. I will return at eleven thirty to hear your answer.”

  He did not wish to seem cold, but time was of the essence. He would take full responsibility for his actions of the evening before and would care for her the best way he could. “I assure you, Suzette, if you come with me, I will not abandon your side. You can trust me to care for you as long as you need me. I just cannot do so here in Paris, as my life is elsewhere.” He wished for some acknowledgement from her silent lips. “Do you understand?”

  Suzette looked at him. She nodded but said nothing.

  “Good then.” Robert’s heart pounded from tense emotion. He was taking on a brave task to care for a woman he barely knew. Should she decide to come, he would stand by his promise, as he was a man of his word.

  “I’ll be back at eleven thirty.” He walked to the door and quietly left, slowly closing it behind, leaving Suzette to ponder her decision.

  The click of the latch echoed in the room, and Suzette’s body weighed heavily upon the divan. The dress she held in her hand was beautiful. New undergarments lay upon the bed, as well as a hatbox and shoes. His kindness in providing for her was overwhelming.

  Suzette put down the dress down, walked over to the window, and surveyed the street below. The avenue was bustling with morning carriage traffic, and in the distance was the Arc de Triomphe. Paris was the only world she had ever known.

  Her father had taught her to speak English, but her thick French accent revealed her true origin. She had never been to England and had no idea what to expect. It was a foreign world, one she had only read about in literature or history books. The thought of leaving with a man she barely knew was frightful.

  Suzette turned and walked over to the fireplace and stared into the ashes thinking of the night before. She would have died at the brothel. Suzette was sure of it. Either physically or emotionally, every ounce of life would have left her being. Robert was right. She was not a prostitute, nor did she have the makings of one. The alternatives presented to her by Madame Laurent bred fright in her heart, and it pushed her to a choice she did not wish to make.

  If I do not go with him, what will I do? Suzette feared the uncertainty and hell on the streets that awaited her return after his gift of money ran out. There were no guarantees she would find work again. Even if she did, it would most likely be in another sweatshop where she would end her days in poverty and squalor, or even worse in another brothel.

  She walked back over to the bed, picked up the dress once more, and began to unfasten the buttons. Afraid to stay and afraid to go, Suzette made her decision. She had to trust Robert. She owed him her life, and she adored him for it.

  Resolute in her choice, she bathed, dressed, and readied herself for Robert’s return. There was nothing to keep her in Paris. It was time to bury the past as her father had been buried months ago.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Robert returned to his townhouse convinced he had made a rational decision. As a gentleman, he was a man of honor, and would do just as he promised. He would take care of her to the best of his ability by bringing Suzette to England. It was the only way to keep his pledge, especially now that his duties demanded attention.

  His personal attendant, Giles, who often traveled with Robert, greeted him upon his return. He reported that everything was packed and they were ready to leave. As he entered his bedchamber, the maidservants were just closing the lids on multiple trunks, while footmen waited to load them onto the waiting carriage outside.

  Giles noted the forlorn look on his employer’s face. “Is everything all right, my lord?” He assured Lord Holland that he had performed his duties to the letter. “As you requested, your trunks have been packed, and we shall be ready to leave when you are ready.”

  Robert shook his head. “Yes, I see that, Giles. Well done, as usual.”

  The housekeepers had draped white sheets to protect the furniture from dust during his absence from Paris. Everything had been removed, even his decanter of brandy. “Do you think you can find me a drink somewhere, old man?”

  “Of course, my lord. I’m sure there’s still a bottle in the kitchen. Will that be brandy or Irish whiskey?”

  “Whiskey will do just fine. I need something to relax me before this trip.”

  “Very well,” he said, turning on his heels.

  Robert knew that, in a few moments, his assistant would return with the alcohol. He needed to explain to Giles that they may not be traveling alone. While waiting, he walked over to the window and glanced out at the gardens. Soon, the curtains would be drawn shut, and his townhouse would be sealed until his return. He was unsure whether he would even return to Paris in the near future. When he did, he had a strong suspicion that things would be much different.

  “Here you are, my lord.” Robert turned around and took the crystal glass from Giles.

  “We need to talk,” he said pensively. He took a sip and let the liquid course down his parched throat. The instant warmth soothed his tension. He glanced at Giles, knowing he could trust his him with his secrets, as well as his life.

  “You’ve been with me for many years.”

  “Yes, my lord. I’ve been most pleased to serve you since you were a young lad.”

  “Well, I might as well come to the point.” He took a swig for fortitude. Giles looked at him with an inquisitive gaze. “We may not be traveling alone to England. There’s a good possibility a young lady will accompany us, but I’ve yet to hear her decision.”

  “A young lady?” Giles replied with a tone of curiosity. “I don’t quite understand.”

  “Well, you know how I am, Giles, always picking up the strays and rescuing the needy. I’m afraid I came across a rather nice young woman who has fallen upon hard times.”

  Not wishing to go into the details of the brothel and his whereabouts, he left the rest unspoken. “I’ve offered to help her settle in England. We will be dropping by the Louvre du Hotel on our way to Calais. She is to give me her answer at eleven thirty.”

  He took his pocket watch out of his vest and flipped the golden lid open to look at the time. “It’s eleven,” he sighed deeply. “We haven’t much time.” He downed the rest the whiskey and handed the glass to Giles. “Let’s finish closing up the place and leave. Frankly, I’m a bit anxious to leave Paris and return to England. It’s been a trying holiday, to say the least.”

  “Very well, Lord Holland. I’ll see to it.”

  Giles took his glass and walked out of the room to attend to the rest of his duties. Within a few minutes, everything was in order. The footmen carried out the numerous trunks and strapped them to the top and back of the carriage. Robert stood outside on the stoop and watched the last leather binding pulled tightly down. After insuring the doors were locked and secured, he climbed inside. Giles sat next to the driver and gave instructions.

  “Lord Holland has a stop he needs to make at the Hotel du Louvre. Proceed there first.”


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