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The New York Times Book of World War II, 1939-1945

Page 165

by The New York Times

  at Ardennes, 97

  at Brenner Pass, 134

  at Compiègne, 111, 112

  death, 511, 530, 531

  body not found, 532–533

  dead or alive?, 557

  decrees law of “New Europe”, 144

  Mein Kampf, 56

  mental illness of, 44–45

  on war crimes list, 512

  Operation Blue, 249

  Sixteen points, 36–38, 44

  speeches, 118, 179

  Hittler family in Bronx change name, 476

  HMS Hood (ship), sunk, 151, 167, 168–169

  HMS Prince of Wales (ship) sunk, 227

  Hodge, Courtney, 511, 526

  Hoffman, Theodore H., 201

  Holland. See Netherlands.

  Hollywood Victory Committee, 302–303

  Holocaust, 285, 297–298

  Home Secretaryship, 135

  Homma, Masaharu, 249

  Hong Kong, 209

  surrenders after siege, 232

  Hoover, Herbert, 9, 356

  Hore-Belisha, Leslie, 78

  Hotel Pierre, New York, 505

  Hubert, Benjamin F., 120

  Hull, Cordell, 44, 45, 85, 98–99, 145, 198–200, 217, 221, 222, 303

  Hungary, Jews slaughtered, 443

  Hurricanes (planes), 121, 122


  Iceland, 210

  Ichi-Go offensive, 431

  Ickes, Harold L., 330

  Ie Shima, 511, 521–523

  Imphal, battle of, 411, 421, 422, 532

  India, Congress Party, 247, 275–276, 281, 320, 556

  famine in cities, 386–387

  Nationalist leaders arrested, 275, 276

  push for independence, 53, 60, 67, 68, 140, 267, 275–276, 281, 315, 325, 539, 556

  “Quit India” campaign, 263

  role in war, 247

  self-rule, 454

  partition of, 576–577

  Indo-China, 126, 134, 156, 175

  occupation by Japan, 189

  pact with Japan, 163–164

  liberation of, 532

  resists return of French, 539, 560, 561

  accord signed, 592

  Indonesia, unrest in, 565

  Industry reconversion in U.S., 553

  Iran, postwar independence, 400–401

  surrenders to Allies, 199

  Iraq, British in, 164, 171, 172–173

  German interest in, 161

  Ireland, neutrality of, 38–39

  partition of, 38–39

  Iron Curtain, 563, 572–573

  Israel established, 584, 585, 586

  Arab Israeli War, 586, 588–589

  Italian Republican Fascists, 489

  Italy, 2–3, 41, 335

  Allies in, 335, 338–340, 346–347, 350–356, 359, 368–369, 397, 411, 522, 523

  Armistice with Allies, 371, 372

  censure against, 15

  declaration of war with Great Britain and France, 85, 108

  Germans in, 369–369, 373, 375

  German surrender in, 529–530

  in Egypt, 130, 147, 148, 155, 411

  in Greece, 139, 140, 141

  in Libya, 147, 151, 155

  invasion of, 359, 383

  Italo-French armistice, 111–112

  killing resistance fighters, 489

  Mussolini resignation, 354–355

  neutrality, 41

  Republican Fascist Government setup, 359, 374, 375

  Surrenders, 371, 372

  Tri-Partite Pact, 115

  trade with, 14

  war against Ethiopia, 3, 14, 15

  Iwo Jima, battle of, 493, 505–507

  Mount Suribachi photo, 493


  Jackson, Robert H., 531

  Japan, 3, 8, 193

  assets frozen, 175, 187

  atomic bombs dropped on, 539

  belief they will win, 504–505

  bitter after defeat, 549, 550

  call for reversal of U.S. policy, 212

  condolences on Hitler’s death, 533

  in China, 3, 8, 53, 67, 78–79, 83, 126, 267, 300–301, 441–442

  embargo by U.S., 131, 175, 212

  fire bombs dropped on, 540, 541

  help to Germany, 131

  in Indo-China, 126, 131, 136, 163–164

  map, 83

  quits League of Nations, 12

  negotiations with U.S., 199–200, 216–217

  occupation of, 550, 551

  oil supplies, 123–124

  peace feelers, 537, 540

  postwar conditions, 549–551

  scorn for Atlantic Charter, 196

  soldiers in Philippines, 233

  Tri-Partite Pact, 115

  surrender, 539, 547, 548, 550, 551

  watches European War, 100–101

  war in Pacific, 209, 218–233, 234, 244–247, 249, 25–252, 256, 264, 267, 276, 282–283, 493. See also Pacific theater of war; individual battles.

  Japanese planes shot down, 420

  Japanese-American combat units, 337

  Java Sea, Battle of the, 235

  Jeeps, 157

  Jerusalem, 585

  Jewish immigration to Palestine, 539, 556, 581, 582

  Israel established, 584, 585, 586

  Arab-Israeli War, 586

  Jews, 3, 11–12, 13, 23, 176

  from Paris interned, 166

  in Poland, 52, 67, 76, 77, 133, 148, 149, 297

  mass killings (genocide), 193, 285, 297, 298, 303–304 324, 329, 356–357, 443, 568–569

  Star of David wearing, 202. See also Holocaust.

  Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, 454, 576

  Jodl, Alfred, 97

  death, 575

  Jodl, Gustav, signs German surrender, 534


  Katyn Forest massacre of Poles by Germans, 569–570

  Kay, David, 499

  Keitel, Wilhelm, signs German surrender, 535, 536, 537

  Kellogg-Briand pact, 8, 14, 19–20

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 73

  views on war, 146

  Kharkov, Soviet Union, 249, 258

  Kido, Koichi, 445

  Kiev, recapture by Red Army, 383

  surrenders, 201

  King, Ernest, 133, 146, 262, 276–277

  Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Fleet, 228, 229

  King, Mackenzie, 42

  Knox, Frank, 118, 207, 238, 327, 328, 329

  Kohima, battle of, 411, 421, 422

  Koiso, Kuniaki, 513

  Konev, Ivan, 493, 511, 524

  Konoye, Fumimaro, 131, 200

  Korea, 539

  protests division into two zones, 560

  Soviet Union shoots down U.S. B-29, 557

  Koritza, Greece, 140–141

  Krebs, General, death, 530

  Kremlin, Moscow, 191

  Krupps works, Germany, bombed, 120

  Kurusa, Saburo, 145, 221

  Kushchevka Ring threatened, 274

  Kwajalein atoll campaign 415, 416

  map, 416

  Kyushu Island, Japan, bombed by Allies, 440–441


  La Guardia, Fiorello, 390

  Langdon, Grace, 270–271

  Langsdorff, Hans, 75–76

  Latin America, 67

  Laurence, William L., 539

  Laval, Pierre, 139

  death, 568

  Laveleye, Victor de, 187

  Layton, Geoffrey, 204

  League of Nations, 2, 5, 14, 15

  expulsion of Soviet Union, 74

  Lebanon, Allies occupation, 185–187

  Leclerc, Jacques-Philippe, 453, 560

  LeMay, Curtis, 493

  Lend-Lease, 133, 151, 155, 156, 175, 181, 205, 211

  text of, 153

  Leningrad, Russia, fighting near, 175, 207

  Leopold, King of the Belgians, 103

  Leopoldville, Belgian Congo, 138

  Lewis, John L., 330–331

  Lexington (ship), sunk, 249

yte Gulf, Battle of, 473, 477

  Li, Pao-shan, 273

  Library of Congress, rare materials, 328

  Lidice, Czechoslovakia, destroyed, 249, 262–263, 265

  Lidice, Illinois, 265

  Lindbergh, Charles, 51, 121

  cooperation beliefs, 115, 121

  isolation speech, 51

  Lipmann, Walter, 563

  Litvinoff, Maxim, 184, 218

  Lodz, Poland, Jews in, 77

  liberated, 497

  London Underground shelters, 135

  London Zoo animals destroyed, 40

  London, blackouts, 47, 48

  Blitz, 115, 122, 128, 129, 135

  East End, 128

  fashion shows, 158

  halts evacuations, 466–467

  press, 135

  U.S. servicemen waiting to go to theater, 466

  V-2 bombings, 480–481

  Louvre paintings requested by Italy, 117

  Low Countries, battles for, 91–93, 95, 102

  bombings by Allies, 411, 425

  Lublin, Poland, Jews in, 77

  Ludendorff, Erich von, 7, 11

  Luftwaffe, 420–421, 499–500

  failings, 352, 353, 526

  Lusitania (ship) sunk, 18

  Luxembourg, invasion by Germany, 91

  Luzon attacked, 225, 226, 233, 240, 249

  recaptured, 493, 496–497


  MacArthur, Douglas, 175, 188, 189, 219, 225, 239, 246, 250, 256, 344–345, 378–379, 424, 477, 557, 590–591

  leaves Philippines, 235, 249

  made Chief in Far East, 188–189

  reconquest of Philippines, 473, 476, 477, 478–479, 496–497

  receives surrender of Japan, 547, 552

  map, 476

  Mafia captured in Sicily, 372

  Maginot Line, 99

  Makin, battle for, 396, 397–398

  Malaysia, 209

  battles in, 220, 244–245

  Malmo, Sweden, Danish Jews in, 387

  Malta, 249, 256

  Manchuria, China, invasion by Japan, 3, 8, 53–54

  postwar status, 402

  Manhattan Project, 539

  Manila, attacked, 233, 235

  recaptured, 493

  Mannerheim Line, 73

  Mao, Zedong, 556, 579

  Map sales, 49

  Marianas, battle of, 431, 440

  Market Garden operation, 453

  Mark currency devaluation, 7–8

  Marseille, 291–292

  liberation of, 453

  Marshall Plan, 563, 577, 578, 582–583, 590–591

  Marshall, George C., 105, 203–204, 312, 317, 376–377, 383, 384, 385, 407, 408, 563

  Matsuoka, Yosuke, 156, 187

  Matthews, Herbert L., 431

  broadcast to Rome, 352

  McAuliffe, Anthony, “Nuts” retort, 473, 491

  McNair, Lesley J., death, 449–450

  Medicine, postwar, 482–483

  Mein Kampf, 56

  Menzies, Robert G., 43

  Mers-el-Kebir, Algeria, sinking of French ships by Britain, 115, 116–117

  Metz, fall to Allies, 468–469

  Meuse, Battle of the, 99, 103, 463, 473

  Middle East, 539

  Middleton, Drew, 85, 115

  Midway Island, battle of, 249, 262

  Mikhailovitch, Draja, 318–319

  Milan, Italy, 529

  Miller, Glenn, missing, 489

  Mindoro, battle of, 473, 479

  Mine strikes, 328–329, 330, 331, 340, 342–344

  Minh, Ho Chi, 592

  Minsk, captured by Soviets, 431

  Missouri (ship), 539

  Japanese surrender on, 550, 551

  Mitchell B026 bombers (U.S.), 290

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 27, 54–55, 68, 163, 345, 558

  Montanari, Franco, 371

  Monte Cassino, battle at, 411, 417

  Montevideo harbor, Uruguay, 67, 74–75

  Montgomery, Bernard L., 285, 335, 407, 435, 453, 464, 473, 493

  Morgenthau, Henry, 155, 447

  Mornesnet, Germany bombed, 425

  Morocco, Spanish, 16–17

  Morrison, Herbert, 135

  Moscow, battle for, 211, 280

  bombings of, 191

  German troops surrendering, 380

  map, 207

  Moslem League, India, 68, 247, 281, 454

  Mountbatten, Louis, 532

  announces partition of India plan, 576–577

  Munda, New Georgia Island, fight for, 362

  Munich Agreement, 18–19, 20–21, 22

  French reaction to, 22

  Munich, 7, 144

  bombing of, 143

  Revolt of 1923, 10–11

  Murphy, Robert D. at Cairo Conference, 395

  Mussolini, Benito, 2–3, 5, 6, 15, 18, 21, 41, 42, 59, 85, 108–109, 111, 371

  at Brenner Pass, 134

  death, 335, 511, 529

  in Mediterranean theater, 133

  resignation, 354–355

  rescue from prison by Germans, 359, 374, 375


  Nagasaki, atomic bombing, 539, 546

  Namsos, Norway bombing, 91

  Naples, bombed, 140

  caves used as shelter, 377

  harbor wrecked by Nazis, 376–378

  Narvik, Norway occupied, 86, 87, 88

  National Defense Act (U.S.), 63–64

  National Defense Program, 85, 100

  National Negro Council, 222, 315, 329

  National Socialist Party. See Nazi Party.

  National Urban League, 364

  National Young Women’s Christian Association, 336

  Native American code service, 148

  NATO, 563

  Navajos become Marines, 269

  Nazi Elite Guard, 489

  Nazi Party, 2–3, 9, 10–11, 129

  riots by, 23

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 247, 576

  arrested, 140, 275, 276

  Nelson, Donald M., 277

  Netherlands Indies Government, 123–124

  Netherlands, aid by Allies, 92, 95

  government in exile declares war on Japan, 222

  invasion by Germany, 85, 91–93, 95, 98–99, 102

  liberation by Britain, 466

  Nevins, Allan, 31, 49

  New Deal, 90

  New Guinea, 235, 249, 299–301, 319

  allies landing on, 404, 405

  New York City, blackout rules, 226–227

  dimout ends, 389, 390

  New York Tuberculosis and Health Association’s Social Hygiene Committee, 316

  New Zealand, at war, 43

  sending supplies, 137

  Newfoundland, 193

  sending supplies, 137

  News in wartime, 58

  Newspapers oppose entry into war, 194

  Nile, Battle of the, 148–149

  Nimitz, Chester W., 262, 396, 424, 439, 443, 451

  Nisei from Hawaii, 337

  Nomura, Kichisaburo, 144, 145, 146, 221

  Nordic Nations Act, 79

  Normandy, landing, 431, 434, 435, 436, 437, 442, 444, 449–451

  interior battles, 454–455

  map, 444

  Norsk Hydro Plant, Norway, sabotaged, 315, 326

  North Africa, battles in, 151, 152, 267, 268, 287–288, 290–291, 304–305, 315

  map, 152

  Soviet Union seeks control of, 558

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization. See NATO.

  Northwest Africa landing by Allies, 285, 291, 298, 315

  Norway, 315

  British force in, 91

  invasion by Germany, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91

  map, 89

  neutrality of, 79

  Quisling made Premier, 243–244

  Quisling executed, 572

  resistance in, 326–327

  Nuremberg anti-Jewish laws, 13

  Nuremberg, 7

  war crimes trials, 563, 568, 569, 570, 574, 575,

  Nye, Gerald, 193, 200, 201

  Nygaardsvold, Johann, 79


  O’Gara, Bishop Cuthbert, escape from Japanese camp horrors, 387–3889

  Oak Ridge facility, 539

  Odessa, battle of, 195–196

  Ohrdruf camp, 514

  Operation Barbarossa, 175

  Operation Cobra, 431

  Operation Dragoon, 453

  Operation Gomorrah, 335

  Operation Overlord, 383

  Operation Torch, 285

  Operation Uranus, 285

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 570–571

  Orleans, France, internment camp, 166

  Oswiecim, Poland, camp, 535

  reopened by Soviets postwar, 571


  Pacific theater of war, 63, 175, 209, 217–233, 244–247, 250–254, 265, 282–283, 332–333, 362, 378–379, 383, 396, 397–398, 411, 412, 424, 473, 476–479

  Palestine, Jews in, 556, 581

  Pan American World Airways, 564

  Panay Island, 252

  Pantelleria, Sicily invaded, 338–340

  Panzer Division, 85

  Paris, 4

  compared to Berlin, 82–83

  battle of, 107–108

  fall of, 85, 107–108, 109

  collaborators rounded up, 465

  German soldiers in, 292

  Jews interned, 166

  liberation of, 347, 453, 461, 462

  refugees from, 107

  Parker, Ralph, 175

  Patton, George S., 325, 335, 443

  in France, 453, 460

  in Germany, 465–467, 473, 500–501, 509

  in Sicily, 350, 351

  postwar attitude, 564–565

  Paulus, Friedrich, 285

  Pearl Harbor attacked by Japan, 209, 218, 219, 220–223

  map, 219

  Peiping. See Beijing.

  Peleliu, battle of, 473

  Percival, Arthur E., 204, 245

  Pershing, John J., 4

  Petacci, Clara, death, 511, 529

  Pétain, Philippe, 116, 139, 291, 292

  Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, 403

  Philippine Sea, Battle of, 431

  Philippines, 188–189

  attacked, 209, 219, 225, 226, 233

  surrender, 256–257

  Allied bombing, 468–469

  Allies landing on, 496, 497

  recaptured, 493

  Phillips, Tom S.V., 227

  Phony War, 67–83; 84

  Piazzale Loreto, Milan, 511

  Pinkston, L.A., 120

  Pitschen, Germany, 29

  Pius XII, Pope, 58, 346, 352–354

  apartment bombed, 352

  Ploesti, Rumania, oil refineries bombed by Allies, 360, 361

  Poindexter, Joseph B., 221

  Poland, 2–3, 23–24

  hangings in, 72

  Katyn Forest massacre, 569–570

  invasion by Germany, 3, 26, 27–29, 31, 32, 34–35, 44, 46, 50, 52, 67, 72

  invasion by Soviet Union, 55–56, 414–415

  Jews in, 52, 67, 76, 77

  map, 35, 37

  postwar status, 401, 408–409, 414–415, 493, 503–504, 506

  Polish government in Exile in London, 449, 453, 469, 474, 493, 494–495


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