The Power Trip

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The Power Trip Page 19

by Jackie Collins

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ he said, raising his eyes. ‘Was I staring?’

  ‘Only a little,’ she said with a bold smile. ‘However, I never said I minded.’

  * * *

  And while Lori and Hammond were embarking on a flirtatious journey, Xuan and Aleksandr were involved in a deep discussion about Russian politics and the fall of the Soviet Union in the early nineties.

  ‘Without that happening you would never have amassed the fortune you have today,’ Xuan pointed out.

  ‘Maybe. Maybe not,’ Aleksandr countered. ‘It’s all relative.’

  ‘Tell that to the people who lost everything.’

  ‘Have you ever been to Russia?’ Aleksandr asked, intrigued by this opinionated and quite smart Asian woman. His old friend, Flynn, had picked well.

  ‘Once,’ Xuan replied. ‘I was researching a story on a Russian pop singer, supposedly your version of Lady GaGa. We walked through Red Square in Moscow accompanied by a camera crew and her army of bodyguards.’

  ‘Ah, you must mean Masha,’ Aleksandr said. ‘She is quite the personality.’

  ‘Personality or not, her bodyguards shoved and threw people out of the way as if they were garbage. And no one objected. No one complained. It was as if they were resigned to the fact that being treated like shit was perfectly okay. I didn’t like seeing that.’

  ‘In Russia, people know their place.’

  ‘You mean people without money and status.’

  Aleksandr shrugged. ‘Never judge a country until you have lived there.’

  ‘I prefer not to.’

  ‘Not to what?’

  ‘Live there.’

  ‘I’m not sure I was inviting you,’ Aleksandr said, quite amused.

  ‘And if you were,’ Xuan retorted. ‘I’m not sure I would accept your invitation.’

  * * *

  Later, when most of the guests had gotten to know each other, liqueurs, coffee and dessert were served on the upper deck.

  Partners reunited under the starry sky. Bianca sat on Aleksandr’s lap rubbing the back of his neck, thinking of the love they would make later and revelling in this amazing trip that was all in her honour.

  ‘Cliff Baxter is such a nice guy,’ Ashley confided to Taye, still tingling with the pleasure of sitting next to the movie star.

  ‘Yeah, so’s that Luca bloke,’ Taye responded. ‘Knows a lot about sport, an’ y’know somethin’? He doesn’t come across as gay at all.’

  ‘But he’s with Jeromy,’ Ashley said, glancing across the deck to see who Cliff was speaking to.

  ‘So are you,’ Taye pointed out.

  ‘I’m in business with Jeromy,’ Ashley insisted. ‘I’m not sleeping with him.

  ‘That’s a relief,’ Taye joked.

  ‘Anyway, you know what?’


  ‘I’ve been thinking that it’s about time I branched out on my own.’

  ‘C’mon, toots,’ Taye groaned. ‘I’m not puttin’ up more money.’

  ‘Why not?’ Ashley said, bristling. ‘Don’t you think I’m worth it?’

  Tread carefully, Taye warned himself. If you want some nookie tonight, be mindful of what you say.

  ‘’Course you are, sweetheart,’ he assured her. ‘You’re worth every penny in my pocket.’

  ‘Then can I do it?’

  ‘I can’t give you an answer now. We’ll have to talk to my business manager an’ shit.’

  ‘But you’re sayin’ that you’ll think about it?’ she pressed.

  ‘Sure, toots.’

  Ashley gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. ‘I have a feeling that Cliff Baxter fancies me,’ she said, preening.

  ‘Why wouldn’t he? You’re totally shaggable.’

  ‘You think?’ she said, going all coquettish on him.

  ‘You heard it here first.’

  And yes, tonight he would get lucky, for Cliff Baxter had already done the groundwork for him.

  Thanks, Mister Big Shot. I owe it all to you!

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Another spectacular morning. Clear blue skies, the Sea of Cortez calm and inviting, a light breeze wafting in the air.

  Breakfast was laid out on the upper deck. Mercedes and Renee were standing by, ready to be of service. Den stood behind the bar, Mimosas at the ready.

  Lori was the first up, leaving Cliff snoring in their room. The Sexiest Man Alive indeed. Surely they meant the Loudest Snorer Alive? Lori giggled to herself as she imagined the headline on the cover of People magazine. How many of Cliff’s adoring public would believe their icon was a major snorer? Not so many.

  Lori remembered the first time she’d spent the night with Cliff. She’d been in shock at the noise he’d made. The sound emitting from his mouth was like a freight train rumbling through a station, in tandem with a snorting pig. And when she’d mentioned it to him, he’d casually said, ‘You don’t like the noise, stay out of the bedroom.’

  So she’d purchased extra noise-blocking earplugs, and now she hardly noticed.

  At this point in time she was filled with mixed emotions about Cliff. She resented the hell out of him for what he was about to do to her when they got back. On the other hand, she still had feelings for him. It was hard not to, because when he was nice, he was very, very nice. And there was no denying that they’d shared many wonderful times together.

  Marriage would solve everything.

  Fat chance. Cliff was the most vocal anti-marriage advocate on two legs.

  Random thoughts. I hate him. I love him.

  What was a girl to do?

  Renee offered her coffee. Idly she watched the Australian girl fill her cup. That could be me, she thought. In fact, it was me. Waitressing. Only not on a luxury yacht with a bunch of famous billionaires. More like Vegas with a bunch of randy gamblers.


  Lori glanced up from her place at the breakfast-table to see the Brit footballer, Taye. And what a hunky sight he was. Striped board shorts concealing a multitude of goodies, a sleeveless tee, glistening black skin, and arms with muscles that defied description.

  Wow! Lori thought. Sex on a stick. What a pleasant way to start the day.

  ‘Any sign of my wife?’ Taye enquired, helping himself to a plate of fruit from a long table where all kind of breakfast choices were laid out.

  ‘Haven’t seen her,’ Lori said, still admiring his impressive physique while thinking that the magazine ads didn’t do him justice. ‘I think I’m the first up.’

  ‘No,’ Taye boasted, sitting down next to her. ‘I’m the first up. Already worked out in the gym for half an hour, and had a dip in the pool. Forty lengths. Not bad.’

  ‘Not bad at all,’ Lori murmured, as Mercedes poured him a glass of juice.

  ‘You been in the gym here?’ Taye asked politely, thinking that she looked like the athletic type.

  ‘Not yet.’

  ‘Try it. It’s real hi-tech. Lots of fine equipment.’

  ‘Sounds great.’

  ‘It is – gets you all souped-up for the day.’

  ‘I’ll give it a shot tomorrow. Maybe I can persuade Cliff to join me.’

  ‘You won’t regret it,’ Taye said, stretching his arms above his head, thinking that last night had been solid. Ashley had been as randy as he was, and they’d had a shitload of fun in bed, more than they’d had in a long time.

  ‘Cliff is kind of lazy,’ Lori offered. ‘Although he does like to keep it all moving.’

  ‘Don’t we all,’ Taye replied.

  ‘I’ll second that.’

  ‘So, Lori,’ Taye said politely. ‘What do you do? You a model or somethin’?’

  ‘Actress actually.’

  ‘Yeah? Have I seen you in anythin’?’

  ‘Well, if you had, I hope you would’ve remembered,’ she answered, artfully dodging the question.

  ‘We don’t get out to the movies much,’ Taye admitted, ‘what with work, practice, appearances, commercials, an’ our six-yea
r-old twins. They take up a ton of time an’ energy.’

  ‘Twins!’ Lori exclaimed. ‘That must be amazing.’

  ‘If you fancy goin’ without sleep for a couple of years,’ he said ruefully. ‘Yeah, then it’s amazin’.’

  ‘I’m sure it’s worth it.’

  ‘Of course it is,’ he said with a wide grin. ‘Although I have to tell you, they’re two right little ravers. It’s never dull around our house. Keeps me an’ the missus in top shape.’

  ‘I can see that,’ Lori murmured, once again admiring his spectacular physique.


  ‘Well . . . you look . . . uh . . . fantastic.’

  ‘Thanks. I do my best,’ he said, trying to ignore the fact that she seemed to be coming onto him. Ashley did not appreciate any woman flirting with him, so he was more than relieved when Luca put in an appearance.

  Luca was enjoying himself. He’d been working hard all year on two new albums and a worldwide tour, and this short break was a welcome one before continuing his South American tour. He was impressed with the group Aleksandr had gathered. In fact, he was honoured to be included.

  Jeromy did not seem to be as impressed as he was, but then Jeromy was riding high on a major bitch-fest. He hadn’t liked either of his dining companions the previous evening, whereas Luca had experienced a fine old time.

  Lately, Jeromy was starting to get on his nerves. At the beginning of their relationship things had been quite different. Luca had looked up to Jeromy as being someone who could teach him things, improve his mind, and protect him from the gay mafia who were jonesin’ to get a shot at him. With Jeromy – a respectable, cultured, older English man as his partner, he’d believed it put him out of reach. Not exactly on a pedestal, but hardly a boy to be trifled with.

  So after bravely emerging from the closet, he’d fallen straight into a relationship with Jeromy. At the time he’d thought it was the safest move to make, only lately he was experiencing doubts. Jeromy was not the man Luca had thought he was. He was way too promiscuous, and that side of him somewhat unnerved Luca, what with all the diseases out there. Jeromy was also a rabid social climber, and a caustic and sometimes cruel critic of people when they didn’t live up to his impossible standards.

  Luca, who was extremely easygoing, had finally come to realize that Jeromy Milton-Gold was a big snob – especially when it came to Suga. Luca adored his ex-wife and would do anything for her. After all, it was Suga he had to thank for giving him the chance to have such a fantastic career. She’d discovered him, nurtured him, loved him, made sure she’d surrounded him with the best managers and producers in the business. And even after giving birth to his son, she’d let him go with never a cross word, no bitterness or ill-will. Suga was a truly wonderful and selfless woman who genuinely cared about him.

  Only Jeromy didn’t see it. Jeromy seemed to take great pleasure in putting her down. Why is she so grossly fat? Her career is definitely over. She’s the worst dresser I’ve ever seen. What’s with that god-awful hair? Can she even sing any more?

  Jeromy’s snide comments were endless, even though he knew Luca didn’t appreciate hearing the disturbing and bitchy things he had to say about Suga.

  As for Luca junior, whenever the young boy was around, Jeromy more or less ignored him. This hurt Luca a lot for he adored his son, and he would have liked his partner to feel the same way.

  ‘Hey,’ Taye said, greeting the singer.

  ‘Hey back atcha, an’ good morning everyone,’ Luca responded. ‘I guess we’re the early group.’

  ‘That we are,’ Lori said cheerfully. ‘Cliff was still asleep when I got up.’

  ‘Ashley too,’ Taye said, joining in. ‘That woman can sleep the day away.’

  Mercedes sprang into action, offering Luca coffee, tea or juice.

  He chose juice. ‘Well, isn’t this a beautiful day!’ he exclaimed to his table companions. ‘How lucky are we?’

  ‘I know,’ Lori agreed. ‘If paradise existed, this would be it.’

  ‘Very poetic,’ Luca said, grinning. ‘I think I feel a song coming on.’

  ‘Really?’ Lori said.

  ‘Just kidding,’ Luca said, recalling Jeromy’s rant about Lori when they’d returned to their cabin the previous night. Jeromy – ‘Why the hell was I the one stuck next to that redheaded idiot? She’s a nobody. Why should I even bother wasting my time? It was insulting.

  Luca actually liked Lori. He found her to be refreshing and pretty with her amazing red hair and great body. So what if she wasn’t important or famous? Who cared?

  Jeromy did, and that pissed Luca off.

  * * *

  True to his promise the night before, Aleksandr had satisfied Bianca until she’d begged him to stop. Aleksandr could do more with his tongue than most men could do with a seven-inch erection.

  Bianca luxuriated in bed when she finally awoke. How incredible it was to be away from it all. No phones. (Aleksandr had insisted everyone gave up their cell phones when they’d boarded the yacht.) No hovering paparazzi. No fashion fittings. Photo shoots. Branding meetings. Personal appearances. Just pure sheer nothing to do except nothing. She was in heaven.

  Aleksandr was sitting out on their private terrace eating breakfast. Bianca slid her naked body from between the sheets and strolled out to join him.

  His eyes took in every feline inch of her. ‘Exquisite,’ he observed.

  ‘And it’s all yours,’ she said, tossing back her blacker-than-night hair.

  ‘To do with as I will.’

  ‘Ah, but you already have,’ Bianca said, licking her full lips.

  ‘You make me want more,’ Aleksandr said, his voice a husky growl as he reached for her.

  ‘Shouldn’t we be joining our guests?’ she ventured, taking a step back.

  ‘They can wait. Come sit with me.’

  She moved closer and sat on his knee. He cupped her breasts with his large hands, caressing her nipples until she began sighing with pleasure.

  ‘Shall I make you come?’ he said. ‘Would you like that?’

  ‘Only if you let me return the favour.’

  Aleksandr roared with laughter and stood up, tipping her off his knee.

  ‘Later,’ he said. ‘You’re right, we should be joining our guests.’

  ‘You are such a tit-tease,’ she said, feigning indignation. ‘You’re leaving me all revved up with nowhere to go.’

  ‘Take a shower and put on your bikini,’ Aleksandr commanded. ‘Today we go exploring.’

  ‘Exploring what?’

  ‘You’ll see.’

  * * *

  On her way up to the top deck for breakfast, Ashley ran into Cliff. She had on a pink jumpsuit with plenty of cleavage, her long blond hair tied back in a jaunty ponytail.

  ‘Oh my God, talking to you last night was such fun,’ she said, pouncing. ‘You’re so down to earth and lovely.’

  ‘What did you expect?’ Cliff asked, raising a caustic eyebrow.

  ‘Well, um, I thought, with you being such a big star, that you might be all up yourself.’

  ‘I try not to be,’ Cliff said, faintly amused. ‘Lori keeps me grounded.’

  ‘Lori?’ Ashley questioned.

  ‘My girlfriend.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ Ashley said. ‘I forgot that you’re with someone. I mean, in the magazines you’re always referred to as being single, so . . .’ she trailed off. She’d chosen to ignore the fact that he was with a girl, although this one was probably only temporary like all the rest she’d read about.

  ‘You’d better not let Lori hear you say that,’ Cliff chided, as they approached the breakfast deck. ‘She’s very sensitive.’

  ‘Well, I can see that it must be difficult for her.’

  ‘She can handle it.’

  As if on cue, Lori jumped up to greet him, planting a kiss on his mouth, while throwing the blonde with the big tits a ‘keep off’ look. Last night at dinner she’d observed Ashley drape herself all over Cliff. Poo
r Taye, he must have his hands full with his flirty wife. But not to worry, because Lori was going to make sure that Ashley didn’t get anywhere near Cliff, not on her watch.

  Besides, Ashley had the gorgeous footballer husband. Surely he was enough to keep her busy?

  * * *

  By the time morning arrived, Flynn had a backache from hell. He’d elected to sleep on the couch, while Xuan had commandeered the comfortable double bed. ‘We’ll take turns,’ she’d crisply informed him. ‘Tomorrow night you may have the bed.’

  He was grateful she’d agreed to go along with his plan that they presented themselves as a couple. ‘I wouldn’t ask if it didn’t mean a lot to me,’ he’d assured her.

  ‘It is interesting to see you so vulnerable for once,’ she’d observed. ‘This woman must have really hurt you.’

  ‘She did,’ he’d muttered.

  So the couch it was. And since he was six three, and the couch was somewhat shorter, it had not been a comfortable night. Plus his head was spinning, thinking about Sierra.

  He had imagined he was over her.

  He had thought that if he ever saw her again, it would mean nothing.

  Of course he was wrong.

  Seeing her in person was not the same as seeing her photos in magazines – the politician’s stylish wife, so beautiful, so popular. He remembered the shock he’d felt when he’d read about her and Hammond getting married. The love of his life had married his arch nemesis, Hammond Patterson.

  Really? How the hell had that happened?

  Then he’d remembered the sickening photos someone had sent him of Sierra: in one of them she was in a compromising position with Hammond. Jesus Christ.

  He’d burned the photos. Obliterated them.

  Now here he was, stuck on a yacht in the middle of the Sea of Cortez. And what he had to do was come up with a clever excuse to get himself off the boat.

  Xuan was in the shower. She emerged with wet hair and a towel tied around her petite body, sarong-style.

  ‘You hungry?’ he asked.

  ‘I could be.’

  ‘Get dressed and we’ll go for breakfast.’

  ‘You don’t have to wait for me.’

  ‘That’s okay,’ he said restlessly, willing to hang out until she was ready.

  He was not prepared to risk a further one-on-one conversation with Sierra. And he certainly didn’t want to run into Hammond. They’d barely spoken. A brief ‘How are you?’ and that was it.


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