The Power Trip

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The Power Trip Page 20

by Jackie Collins

  The thought of Hammond being in a position to attempt to make a run for the highest office in the land was the biggest joke of all time. How the hell had that happened?

  ‘Turn your back while I dress,’ Xuan instructed.

  He did as she asked, and started working on an excuse to get off the yacht.

  * * *

  Hammond hit the breakfast deck, and immediately sat himself down next to Lori.

  ‘You look very fresh this morning, my dear,’ he said. ‘All ready for a day of sunning?’

  ‘I get too many freckles when I sunbathe,’ she explained.

  ‘Nothing wrong with a freckle or two,’ Hammond said with a jovial chuckle and a quick peek at her breasts, perky in a pristine white T-shirt with no bra. He could see her nipples.

  Man, Lori thought. This is like the song ‘It’s Raining Men’. And they’re all wildly attractive. And I’m the only single woman on the boat apart from the Asian, and she’s no competition. Too serious. And short. I am about to have major fun. And a little light flirting for Cliff to observe might even change his mind about dumping me.

  ‘I guess us ladies can go topless when we lie out to sunbathe,’ Lori said, addressing the table, knowing full well that there was no way Ashley would like that.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ Ashley responded as expected.

  ‘Why not?’ Lori said, pushing it.

  ‘Isn’t that a decision best left to our hostess?’ Ashley said, her tone quite icy.

  ‘I think we should put it to the vote,’ Lori said boldly. ‘What do you think, Senator? Tops on or off?’

  ‘No objections from me,’ Hammond chuckled. ‘Off sounds like a fine plan.’

  ‘I’m always topless,’ Luca joked.

  Before the conversation could continue, Aleksandr and Bianca appeared.

  ‘Today we are taking a magical mystery tour on an uninhabited island,’ Aleksandr announced. ‘For all those who wish to come – and I hope that will be everyone – we gather at twelve noon. Be prepared.’

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Twenty-four hours in, and Mercedes already knew plenty. Observation was her strong suit. As a lowly stewardess, people were inclined to forget she was there. Conversations took place and she heard it all. The Senator was flirting with the redhead. The redhead was flirting with everyone. The Asian woman was an uptight bitch who considered herself smarter than all the other women aboard, and she was not sleeping with her boyfriend – who even Mercedes had to agree was quite a hunk – because one of the maids had informed her that he’d spent the night on the couch. Aleksandr and Bianca were fucking like rabbits – even getting one on in the middle of dinner. The footballer and his blonde wife were doing it too. But not the Senator and his wife – who was zonked out of her mind on an assortment of pills. Plus the Senator was a screamer, berating his wife in private, while fawning over her in public. The gay boys were an odd couple. Luca Perez was a sweetheart, and the older guy was a sly fox. And finally the movie star was just that – a dumb movie star.

  So . . . in twenty-four hours Mercedes had learned plenty about the passengers, all of which she’d reported to Cruz.

  She kept a different eye on the mostly Australian crew, and she foresaw no problems there. Her roommate and fellow stewardess, Renee, was all teeth with an eager-to-please personality. Den, the barman, was no problem. Guy was all mouth and no balls. Captain Dickson was a nonentity who’d fold as soon as Cruz and his men boarded.

  Kyril presented her only problem. The burly Russian bodyguard was a hard nut to crack. She’d visited his command room on several occasions, ostensibly to take him trays of food which he always rejected.

  Kyril sat in a chair in front of an array of security monitors and barely moved. He was certainly not up for any light conversation, and trying to flirt with him had gotten her exactly nowhere.

  What the hell? He had a dick, didn’t he? And if she couldn’t get it hard, who could?

  Kyril was an imperative part of the plan. He was the only person aboard who could potentially cause problems.

  Cruz and his team planned to strike in a few days, so there was still time. She sensed that Kyril wasn’t going to be easy, and if she couldn’t divert him sexually . . . well . . . drugs were her other alternative.

  Fortunately she’d come prepared. Horse tranquillizers. The only sure thing.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  ‘I will not be coming on the excursion,’ Sierra said, standing up to her husband for once.

  ‘You haven’t left our room all morning,’ Hammond pointed out, admiring himself in the bathroom mirror, making sure he’d combed his hair exactly the way it suited him when he appeared on TV ‘What must everyone think?’ he added churlishly.

  ‘Who cares what they think?’ Sierra replied, determined not to give in. ‘I have a bad migraine and I’m not moving. You’ll have to go without me.’

  Hammond considered the possibilities. If Sierra came with, he’d be forced to be nice to her in front of everyone and stay by her side. If Sierra didn’t come, he’d be free to spend more time with the sexy redhead and the blonde with the big tits, not to mention Miss Super-model herself with the Fuck Me lips and insane body. Then there was always the Asian piece of pie. Yes, quite a tasty cornucopia of pussy.

  Sierra not coming was really not so bad. After all, there was no press around, no photo opportunities, which meant who cared if she was with him or not? ‘Fine,’ he said, tight-lipped as he emerged from the bathroom. ‘Have it your way. However, I do expect you to be up and dressed when I return. Headache or not, I refuse to allow you to miss dinner.’

  ‘Very well,’ Sierra responded.

  Five minutes later he was gone and she could breathe again. His vitriol about Flynn had spilled over her like a never-ending gush of rancid oil. She’d listened, stayed silent, until finally he’d run out of insults.

  She’d lain awake most of the night, not having taken her usual sleeping pills, and in the morning she’d willed herself not to reach for the Xanax.

  The truth was that she had no headache. She felt remarkably clear-headed for the first time in months.

  Flynn Hudson. He was here on this yacht. And if not now, when would she ever have the chance to find out why he’d treated her the way he had? So callous. So cruel and nasty. So unlike the Flynn she’d known, the man to whom she’d given up her virginity, the man she’d once loved with every fibre of her being.

  Suddenly everything seemed very clear. If an explanation was all she needed, then maybe she could reclaim her life and become the person she once was, not this pathetic shell of a woman who yearned for a love she could never have, a woman who lived in fear of a domineering and threatening husband.

  Were Hammond’s threats even real?

  Who knew? He’d led her to believe that they were. But surely even he couldn’t be such a monster?

  Or could he?

  It was something she might be forced to find out.

  * * *

  Lori was totally psyched. A visit to a mysterious deserted island, how rad was that?

  Cliff, not so much. ‘If you don’t mind, I think I’ll sit this one out,’ he said. ‘I feel like finding a nice quiet corner and reading a script or two.’

  ‘Do you want me to stay with you?’ Lori asked, although she was dying to explore the island.

  ‘No, sweetie, you go,’ he said, throwing her a quizzical look. ‘Only you’d better watch out for the horny Senator.’

  ‘Excuse me?’ she said, startled.

  ‘That randy bastard has had his eye on you ever since we got here.’

  ‘Who?’ she asked, as if she didn’t know.

  ‘Aren’t you listening? The Senator, babe. Politicians got it goin’ on. Ever since Clinton they think they’re all movie stars. Only don’t forget that I’m the real deal. Okay?’

  There were times when Cliff totally endeared himself to her, and this was one of them. He’d noticed! And he was – well, if not jealous . . . at le
ast aware.

  ‘Oh,’ Lori said, suppressing a smile. ‘I can handle him. J.F.K. he’s not.’

  Cliff laughed. Lori was such a good sport and fun to be with (not to mention the world-class blow-jobs), so much fun that he was seriously considering keeping her around for another year. Who needed the hassle of breaking in a new girlfriend when an esteemed Senator seemed to get off on the one he already had? Lori was hot stuff, and she never pushed him on marriage or any of that crap.

  ‘Go have a blast,’ he said, patting her on the ass. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

  She turned around and planted a big fat kiss on his cheek. ‘I’ll miss you,’ she said, genuinely meaning it.

  He gave her one of his famous grins. ‘Try not to miss me too much.’

  ‘I’ll try.’

  ‘Good girl.’

  ‘Oh, and while we’re on the subject of flirting,’ she added, ‘do me a favour and steer clear of Miss Blonde Big Tits. Okay?’

  ‘She’s married!’ Cliff objected.

  ‘So’s the Senator.’

  ‘Get outta here,’ Cliff said, starting to laugh again. ‘The blonde’s all talk and no blow. Besides, I prefer me a hot-blooded redhead.’

  ‘Hmm,’ Lori said, putting on a mock stern voice. ‘Let’s make sure it stays that way.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am!’

  * * *

  ‘I have decided not to go,’ Jeromy said, pursing his thin lips.

  ‘Why not?’ Luca wanted to know.

  ‘Because I am perfectly happy staying on the yacht and relaxing, thank you very much. I have no desire to start traipsing around some stupid island. It doesn’t appeal to me.’

  ‘You’re missing out,’ Luca said mildly.

  ‘I think not.’

  Luca shrugged and gave up. Jeromy was not the outdoors type. Mr Milton-Gold preferred indoor activities, with a martini clutched in his manicured hand and his body clad in an expensive designer outfit.

  ‘If that’s the way you want it, then I guess I’ll see you later,’ Luca said, anxious to get going and join the others.

  ‘You’re still leaving then?’ Jeromy said, surprised and irritated that Luca didn’t elect to stay with him.

  ‘You bet your ass,’ Luca replied enthusiastically. ‘Wouldn’t miss it.’

  Jeromy scowled. He didn’t like the idea of Luca running off without him, although the thought of sweating his way through some hideous deserted island was enough to make him stick to his original decision. This was supposed to be a leisure trip, not some screwed-up version of the TV show Survivor.

  ‘Well,’ Jeromy said testily, making the most of an annoying situation, ‘try to enjoy yourself without me.’

  ‘Yeah,’ Luca said, looking forward to some time away from Jeromy. ‘I’ll do that.’

  * * *

  The Bianca had two luxurious tenders, each able to accommodate several crew-members and eight passengers.

  The guests gathered, ready to disembark from the big yacht.

  Guy, along with Renee and Den, was also on the trip, prepared to cater to the celebrity guests’ every need. Guy had wanted Mercedes to come too, but when several passengers had elected to stay on board The Bianca, reluctantly he’d left her to take care of them.

  ‘You’re in charge of seeing that these people have everything they need,’ he’d warned her. ‘I do not wish to hear one complaint.’

  ‘Got it covered, boss,’ Mercedes had said with a cheeky tilt of her chin.

  ‘Do not call me boss,’ Guy admonished, not sure if he liked this girl or not. There was something about her he couldn’t quite warm to. Maybe the Captain was right – she wasn’t the perfect fit. ‘Mr Guy will do nicely.’

  ‘Yes, Mr Guy,’ she said, teetering on the edge of sarcasm.

  ‘And don’t forget to see if the Captain would like you to bring him lunch,’ Guy said, frowning. He would not be hiring this one again. She was too fresh – and not in a physical way.

  ‘I’ve got it covered, bo— uh, Mr Guy.’

  Both tenders were loaded with supplies. Several bottles of champagne, soft drinks, snacks, and an elaborate picnic lunch.

  ‘Where’s your boyfriend?’ Hammond asked as he followed Lori onto one of the tenders.

  ‘He’s decided to stay on board and read,’ Lori said. ‘How about your wife? Is she coming with?’

  ‘Headache,’ Hammond answered shortly, admiring Lori’s long tanned legs, no freckles in sight.

  ‘Poor thing,’ Lori said, her eyes following Taye as he made his way down the ladder onto the boat, followed by Ashley, clad in some kind of flimsy leopard-print cover-up – which actually revealed more than it covered.

  Bianca, Aleksandr, Luca, Xuan and Flynn were already in the second tender.

  As the two boats took off, Captain Dickson appeared at the side of the yacht, and waved them on their way. ‘Have a wonderful day,’ he shouted.

  ‘We plan to,’ Bianca shouted back.

  And then they were off.

  * * *

  Cliff found a quiet corner on the top deck where he settled with a pile of scripts. A peaceful afternoon suited him just fine, as it wasn’t often he had the luxury of spending time by himself. His life consisted of making movies, followed by travelling the world promoting them. There was no way he could estimate how many interviews he’d given over the last two decades, nor how many photo sessions he’d posed for. Not that he was complaining, for the rewards were plentiful.

  Still . . . a full afternoon where he didn’t have to play Cliff Baxter, charming movie star, was sheer bliss.

  Mercedes brought him an iced tea and jotted down his request for a light salad lunch.

  ‘Will you be eating with the other guests?’ she asked.

  ‘I thought they’d all gone on the trip,’ Cliff replied.

  ‘No. The Senator’s wife is still aboard. So is Luca Perez’s companion.’

  ‘I’ll stay where I am,’ Cliff decided, in no mood to be social.

  ‘Yes, Mr Baxter,’ Mercedes said, acting as the perfect little stewardess in her neat uniform, a practised smile on her face.

  One down, two to go. The Senator’s wife was still in her cabin, and Mercedes wasn’t quite sure where Luca Perez’s significant other was.

  The truth was, she didn’t much care for the gays. She considered being gay a waste of manpower, although she’d had an experience or two with girls. However, girl-on-girl action was different. Besides, Luca Perez was crazy hot, so what was he doing with some old douche who seemed to be about as much fun as a box of tampons?

  With most of the guests gone, she planned on doing a quick sweep of their rooms to check out the jewelry and money stash. She’d already ascertained that the limey blonde was into diamonds, and that the footballer had several expensive watches. Nice. But the real prize would be in the main stateroom where she’d already discovered a hidden safe.

  No problem there, for amongst her many other talents, Mercedes knew how to crack a safe with the best of ’em.

  As soon as the maids were safely out of the way, she slipped into the master suite and headed straight for the safe with her handy box of tools. Fifteen heart-stopping minutes later she was in.

  What a bonanza! A stack of cash. Papers – boring. And a small black jewel box containing the most exquisite ring she’d ever seen. A magnificent emerald surrounded by dozens of sparkling diamonds.

  Mercedes almost salivated.

  Oh yes, when the time came, she planned on cleaning up.

  Why shouldn’t she grab what she wanted? Cruz could do his thing, and she’d do hers. It was about time she seized the opportunity to make a killing and strike out by herself.

  Yes, she had an agenda. No more Daddy’s little helper.

  Mercedes had her own plans.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  The deserted island was a magical place. A glorious oasis in the middle of the sea. Pristine white sands, crystal-clear blue water, pockets of unusual rock formations, lush greenery a
nd groves of palm trees heading inland.

  The Captain had arranged to have a tour guide meet them on the island, and the Mexican man was already waiting when they arrived.

  ‘Wow!’ Bianca exclaimed, jumping off the tender and running straight onto the sand, throwing off her T-shirt to reveal a barely-there orange bikini. ‘This is fanfuckin’tastic! And no hidden paparazzi. I’m in heaven!’

  Aleksandr smiled. There was nothing he enjoyed more than watching Bianca indulge her childlike tendencies. He found it refreshing.

  ‘C’mon, Ashley,’ Bianca called out. ‘Join me.’

  Ashley, who was gingerly stepping off the tender, trying not to get her Dolce sandals wet, nodded.

  ‘This is like a friggin’ dream,’ Taye said to Luca. ‘Jesus, mate, it’s a bloody long way from the old Elephant.’

  ‘You had an elephant?’ Luca questioned, trying to keep his eyes away from Taye’s fully stocked crotch.

  ‘No way, man,’ Taye said, breaking up laughing. ‘The Elephant an’ Castle is the part of London where I was born.’

  Luca was even more confused, but he shrugged it off as he helped Lori from the tender.

  After checking out the view, Lori wished she’d brought her camera as this was without a doubt the most stunning place she’d ever seen. Cliff should’ve come, he would’ve loved it.

  Den, Renee, and several of the crew members were busy unloading the tenders, setting up umbrellas and giant beach towels and erecting a food and drink station, while Guy supervised.

  Manuel, the Mexican tour guide, watched in stoic bewilderment. Tourists. They never failed to dumbfound him with their endless extravagances. It was staggering, the money they must have to throw away on non-essential things. When he’d been hired for this job, he’d been informed that these were very important people. They didn’t look that important to him. The women were half-naked, something that didn’t seem to bother the men. He would be shamed if his wife or daughters ever exposed themselves in such a blatant fashion.


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