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The Power Trip

Page 25

by Jackie Collins

  ‘Okay, okay, the deal is I’m missing my kid,’ he confessed. ‘Hate being away from him. You haven’t seen him lately – he’s such a cute kid, Bianca, an’ I don’t wanna miss anything.’

  ‘He’s with Suga, right?’

  ‘He sure is, an’ she’s a wonderful mamasita. The best. Warm and nurturing and everything she should be.’

  ‘Hmm . . . sounds as if you’re missing her too,’ Bianca ruminated.

  ‘Hey, I’m not missin’ the sex, we gave that up pretty fast,’ Luca said. ‘But the companionship an’ the fun we had together – yeah, that’s what I miss.’

  ‘Well, you have Jeromy now,’ Bianca said sagely. ‘He seems like a laugh a minute.’

  ‘Ah . . . an’ there lies the problem,’ Luca admitted. ‘Jeromy . . .’

  ‘Trouble in Gay City, huh?’ Bianca said with a knowing nod.

  ‘You could say there’s more than trouble.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Problem is he hates Suga, an’ not only that, he never pays any attention to Luca junior. It’s driving me loco.’

  ‘That’s not good.’

  ‘No, it’s not,’ Luca said, shaking his head. ‘If you really want the truth, I think I’ve finally had it with Jeromy. It’s time for me to move on.’

  ‘Oh dear,’ Bianca sighed.

  ‘Oh dear what?’

  ‘We’re on this very special cruise, Luca. Please don’t ruin anything. Can you at least wait to dump him until we get back? Is that possible?’

  ‘I guess I can try.’

  ‘For me,’ she pleaded. ‘No dramas.’

  ‘For you,’ Luca acquiesced. ‘Only please realize that the moment we hit dry land . . .’

  ‘I know, I know. And you’re the best!’

  Luca gave a wry smile, ‘I try.’

  * * *

  ‘Dinner is served.’ Once again Guy found himself saying the words he loved to hear himself speak.

  Everyone gathered by the stairs and began making their way to the upper dining deck.

  Sierra looked around and noted that Hammond was still absent. She wondered what he was doing. Busy planning another deluge of threats? She shivered at the thought and determined to stay strong.

  Flynn was there. She decided it was best not to talk to him. Hammond was too unpredictable – who knew what he was capable of? She didn’t want Flynn getting involved in any way.

  Fortunately there were new seating arrangements. At the dinner-table she found herself seated between Cliff and Luca, which suited her fine.

  Hammond appeared before the first course was served. Barely glancing in her direction, he took his seat between Bianca and Ashley, and immediately started talking to Bianca.

  It seemed impossible, but was he going to accept the fact that she was moving on? Had he run out of threats? Was this the beginning of a new life for her?

  She could only hope.

  * * *

  After dinner there were professional flamenco dancers for the guests’ entertainment. Fierce-looking women with strong sturdy thighs, and darkly rugged men exhibiting plenty of attitude.

  Bianca sat close to Aleksandr enjoying the festivities. Her hand lingered near his crotch; the sensual dancers were putting her in the mood.

  Aleksandr absently removed her hand and turned to listen to Xuan, who – as far as Bianca could tell – was carrying on about something boring and political.

  Bianca was irritated. Couples were now sitting next to each other in the entertainment area. How come Miss Intensity always managed to find a place next to Aleksandr?

  Not that she was jealous. Oh no. The day she was jealous of another woman would be a day indeed.

  Bianca possessed extreme confidence, and rightfully so. Her beauty was a given. Her beauty had always taken her wherever she cared to go. No roadblocks. Green lights all the way. Covers on Vogue, Harpers and Vanity Fair. Puff pieces in People, Esquire, even Newsweek and Time.

  Bianca. The super-model of all super-models. A woman admired by women and lusted after by men.

  Jealous. Ha! Although Aleksandr did seem to be rather taken with the petite Asian woman. Earlier he’d told Bianca that he found Xuan to be quite interesting.

  Interesting indeed! Bianca didn’t like her, she was too serious by far. And what was with Xuan and her boyfriend? They barely appeared to notice each other. As far as Bianca could tell, there was no sexual chemistry between them, and that was strange because Flynn was smokin’ hot.

  She decided to pay more attention to Flynn, find out what his deal was. Quietly she moved away from Aleksandr, who appeared unaware that she was on the move, too busy solving the problems of the world with Miss Intensity.

  The flamenco music was loud, the dancers even louder and overly dramatic as they snaked their way around the dance floor stamping their feet and projecting fake passion.

  Bianca made her way over to Flynn, who was sitting by himself. She squeezed up next to him determined to get to know him better. ‘How’re you feeling?’ she asked, putting on her sympathetic face.

  He threw her a quizzical look. ‘Does the whole world know I had the runs?’

  ‘The runs?’

  ‘I’m quoting Ashley, a very eloquent young lady.’

  ‘With enormous tits,’ Bianca whispered, forming a bond between them.

  ‘Yeah,’ he said wryly. ‘I had kind of noticed.’

  ‘You’d be gay if you hadn’t,’ Bianca said, clicking her fingers for Mercedes or Renee, the two stewardesses who were always on duty.

  Mercedes dutifully made her way over.

  ‘Two shot glasses of limoncello,’ Bianca ordered, barely looking at her. ‘And bring the bottle.’

  Imperious bitch! Mercedes thought. Puta! She couldn’t wait to see the expression on Bianca’s face when Cruz’s men took over the yacht. Who’ll be giving orders then?

  ‘I gather we’re drinking,’ Flynn said, not averse to the thought.

  ‘You look like you need a drink,’ Bianca observed.

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Problems in paradise?’ she enquired, probing gently.

  ‘Huh?’ he said, rubbing his stubbled chin.

  ‘Well,’ she said casually, ‘you and your ladyfriend, you’re not exactly all over each other.’

  For one wild moment Flynn thought she meant Sierra. Then he realized that she was talking about Xuan. Too bad. He would have quite enjoyed relaying the saga of him and Sierra, if only to get an outside opinion. Not that he would. It was private. It was between him and the love of his life.

  Yes, he was forced to admit it, Sierra was indeed still the love of his life. And it wasn’t too late for them, was it?

  Realization dawned like a sharp kick in the gut. He wanted her back. In spite of everything, he still loved her.

  ‘Are you pissed that Xuan is spending so much time talking to Aleksandr?’ Bianca continued, leaning towards him, keeping her voice low.

  Flynn snapped back to reality. ‘Are you?’ he countered.

  ‘Am I what?’ Bianca asked, stroking a strand of her sleek dark hair.

  ‘Pissed that your boyfriend is all over my . . . er . . . girlfriend?’

  ‘Oh my God!’ Bianca squealed. ‘I can’t believe you just said that!’

  ‘Didn’t you say it first?’

  Mercedes appeared with two shot glasses and a bottle of limoncello. Bianca snatched one of the glasses and hurriedly downed the sweet liquid.

  ‘Aren’t you joining me?’ she said, fixing Flynn with a challenging look.

  ‘Tequila’s more my style,’ he replied.

  ‘A bottle of tequila,’ Bianca snapped at Mercedes. ‘And make it fast.’

  ‘So what’s going on?’ Flynn asked, sensing that something was on her mind. ‘You seem disturbed. Is Xuan annoying you?’

  ‘Are you kidding?’ Bianca said, raising an imperious eyebrow. ‘No disrespect to you, only it would take a lot more woman to annoy me. Xuan is like one of those irritating flying bugs you can’
t get rid of. She’s after Aleksandr to put up money for all kinds of dumb stuff.’

  ‘I suppose you mean the school she’s trying to get built in Cambodia?’ Flynn said dryly. ‘Or food and supplies for the hundreds and thousands of refugees in Sierra Leone?’

  ‘I’m not sure what exactly,’ Bianca said vaguely. ‘Only please understand that this is our vacation, and chasing Aleksandr for money is totally inappropriate.’

  ‘You want me to tell her to lay off, is that it?’

  ‘Yes,’ Bianca said firmly. ‘That’s exactly what I want.’

  ‘I’ll make an attempt,’ Flynn said, thinking that only a rich, spoiled and privileged woman would act in such an insensitive way. ‘Although you need to know that Xuan is extremely single-minded, and when she believes in something it’s all the way.’

  ‘Maybe you can fuck it out of her,’ Bianca said caustically.

  ‘I’ll take that as a suggestion,’ Flynn said, reaching for the bottle of tequila Mercedes brought over.

  Might as well have a drink or two – maybe it would clear his head.

  * * *

  Two hours later and Flynn was feeling no pain. The flamenco dancers were long gone, as were most of the guests. The only ones that remained were Bianca, Aleksandr, Hammond and Xuan. They were all drinking too much, and as the drinking progressed, so did the animosity. Hammond kept on making pointed remarks about journalists being the scum of the earth. Journalists, he announced drunkenly, staring straight at Flynn, were lying, cheating, pieces of garbage who continually made up stories – especially about upstanding honest politicians who wanted nothing more than to make the world a better place.

  Xuan took umbrage to everything Hammond said, and the two of them argued, while Bianca cosied up to Aleksandr and wished he would suggest it was time for bed.

  Flynn managed to keep his cool, until eventually he could hold back no longer. ‘Honest politicians?’ he said sharply. ‘That’s a fuckin’ joke, isn’t it?’

  Up until this point he and Hammond had ignored each other. But now the floodgates opened and it was all bets are off.

  ‘You can talk about jokes,’ Hammond said, rising from his seat. ‘Everyone knows that you’re nothing but a poor-ass loser, a nobody. What have you ever accomplished? Fuck all, as far as I can tell.’

  ‘Screw you,’ Flynn retaliated, also jumping up. ‘Jesus, Ham, you cheated your way through college, an’ I got a big hunch that’s exactly how you’re handling your so-called political career. Oh yeah, an’ here’s the real joke – one day you’re gonna try to make a run for the Presidency. My ass, they’ll see you for what you are way before that.’

  ‘Y’know something?’ Hammond slurred. ‘You open your mouth an’ out pours a shitload of crap.’

  ‘Hey,’ Flynn said, narrowing his eyes. ‘Talking of crap – do not think I don’t know what you did way back. But then I guess you couldn’t get her any other way, right? You had to cheat an’ lie. Fortunately you’re an expert at that, so no problem.’

  ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

  ‘Sure you do,’ Flynn taunted. ‘The photos, asshole. The fake fuckin’ photos you sent to both of us to break us up. Well, she knows all about it now, so you’re screwed.’

  Hammond’s mouth tightened into a thin line, his face reddened. ‘Whatever I did was for her own protection,’ he said angrily. ‘And let me tell you this, you dumb bastard – the truth is that she never loved you, and goddamm it – she never will.’

  Xuan leaped to her feet, all five feet two of her. ‘Enough!’ she shouted sternly. ‘Flynn, time for bed. Let’s go.’

  ‘Yes, that’s right,’ Hammond sneered. ‘Run away with your chinky piece of ass. I bet she sucks you off like a true professional.’

  Before anyone could stop him, Flynn hauled his fist back and socked Hammond square in the face.

  Hammond dropped like a dead weight.

  Aleksandr was unamused. He abruptly stood up. ‘Come,’ he said to Bianca, as Kyril miraculously appeared, placing his considerable bulk between Flynn and Hammond. ‘It is time this evening ended.’

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Cruz’s gang of Somalian pirates were a wild and dirty-looking bunch, headed by their clan leader, Amiin – the only one of them who spoke English. Amiin took his orders from Cruz, and bossed the other men accordingly. They were a motley crew of misfits who, thanks to a successful pirating operation, had become richer than they’d ever imagined. Half of them were former fishermen who had embraced their chosen profession with zeal, expressing no fear when it came to boarding a vessel at sea, ripe for the plucking. The fruits of their labours were plentiful, allowing them many of the luxuries in life that they never thought they’d see. As long as they had their precious khat to chew on, and a formidable supply of weapons, they were ready to face anything.

  Lately they’d been enjoying the good life while awaiting instructions from Amiin, who in turn waited for Cruz to bark his orders.

  In Acapulco they’d been entertained by a few chosen hookers. Now, in the guesthouse of the rented villa, they were starting to get restless and most of them were ready to go home to their families.

  There were eight of them including Amiin, ranging in age from the youngest at eighteen – Cashoo, Amiin’s nephew – to Basra, a tall skeletal man of indeterminate age with mahogany skin, sunken eyes, unkempt dreadlocks and very few teeth.

  Basra was a man to beware of. He had no compunction about shooting to kill if anyone got in his way. He’d done so twice, even though Amiin had lectured him that it was to their advantage not to leave a trail of dead bodies.

  Basra didn’t care. He was a lethal weapon – it was best to stay on his good side.

  Cashoo had been working with Amiin since he was fourteen, and he’d exhibited a fearlessness that made him a useful member of the team. He was lanky, with light mocha skin, raggedy facial hair, high cheekbones and thin lips. Cashoo’s favourite pastime was sex. He already had several girlfriends back home, but Cashoo was never satisfied.

  The moment Ina arrived at the villa, Cashoo’s libido raged out of control. Amiin saw the look of lust in his young nephew’s eyes and sternly warned him not to even glance in the woman’s direction since she belonged to the Big Boss, and as such was untouchable.

  A warning didn’t stop Cashoo: he’d never seen a woman like Ina before and he was completely smitten.

  The pirates were confined to the guesthouse on the property, although they were working on stocking their high-speed boats, loading supplies and weapons, preparing for the strike against The Bianca.

  As soon as Ina arrived, she took up a position by the pool in a patterned orange bikini that barely covered any of her considerable assets – and they were quite considerable, considering the twenty pounds she’d gained since her reign as Miss Mexico.

  Cashoo lusted from afar.

  Ina threw him a flirtatious smile.

  Cruz noticed what was going on and ordered Ina to get back inside the house pronto.

  ‘Since when’re you the boss of me?’ Ina enquired, a steely glint in her over-mascaraed eyes. ‘It’s not as if I’m your snivelly kid you can boss around.’

  There was no love lost between Ina and Cruz’s daughter, Mercedes. Ina was jealous that Mercedes got to work with her poppa, while she, Cruz’s sister, had never been asked. Plus Mercedes was younger and prettier and Cruz paid her plenty of money for – as far as Ina was concerned – doing nothing.

  ‘You cause any trouble an’ I kick your fat ass,’ Cruz warned her.

  ‘What trouble?’ Ina asked innocently. ‘You’re the one that makes trouble.’

  She knew that the men who worked for Cruz were watching her with lust in their hearts, and she revelled in the attention.

  * * *

  Meanwhile, Sergei was all business. For the last few days he’d been mulling over a decision, and now that the time to strike was almost upon him, he had to make up his mind. To hold The Bianca for ransom was m
ove number one. However, was that punishment enough for the son of a bitch who’d murdered his brother? The money wouldn’t bring Boris back. Besides, what did money really mean to Aleksandr Kasianenko? The man was richer than God.

  So Sergei had decided on a plan that would take the hijack one step further. They would certainly hold The Bianca for ransom, and once the money was paid and Cruz’s team relinquished the boat and its passengers, the authorities would find that one key passenger was no longer aboard.

  Sergei had no doubt that kidnapping Aleksandr Kasianenko was the only true way of taking his revenge.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  The talk at the breakfast-table was all about last night’s fight. News soon spread, and by the light of day everyone knew about it.

  Bianca was somewhat put out. She’d already told Luca that she didn’t want any drama on the trip, and now this had to happen. ‘You’ve got to do something,’ she’d informed Aleksandr the moment they got back to their stateroom the night before. ‘We can’t have our trip ruined by some stupid argument.’

  ‘I understand,’ he’d assured her. ‘It will be dealt with.’

  Now it was morning and everybody was trying to figure out what was going on. Why were Hammond and Flynn such bitter enemies? And who was the ‘she’ Hammond had mentioned?

  Bianca corralled Luca and gave him a blow-by-blow account of the fracas.

  Luca wanted details. Bianca supplied what she knew.

  Taye was upset that he’d missed the fight – or at least the knockout punch. Ashley wasn’t, she hated any kind of violence.

  Jeromy was relieved that something else was taking centrestage. He and Luca had yet to have ‘the talk’. Somehow or other he’d managed to avoid it.

  The previous night Hammond had retreated to his room with a burgeoning black eye only to find Sierra sleeping. They hadn’t spoken since their earlier confrontation, and when he awoke the next morning she was gone.

  Xuan had attempted to calm Flynn down, but it wasn’t possible because he was boiling. He’d slept fitfully on the couch, and in the morning had headed straight to the gym, making a futile attempt to work off his raging aggression. He stayed there until Guy appeared and informed him that Mr Kasianenko would like to see him.


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