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Page 14

by Melissa Collins

  “Oh, God,” he groaned. “Please,” he begged. “Fucking hell, Park.” There was something in the shortening of my name. Whether it was some nickname he’d either worked out for me ahead of time, or simply an abbreviation created out of need and lust, it turned me on either way. No one had ever called me anything other than my proper name, and the familiarity of it all, the way in which it conveyed his wanton desires for me, made me shove my dick through my hand even more forcefully.

  Licking the palm of my hand, I commanded him to do the same. “Let’s see who can get there first,” I challenged, knowing that we’d both clearly be the winner.

  The squelching noises of his wet palm moving over his cock made my own harden more than it should have. “Liam,” his name rolled from my mouth as the first jets of my orgasm rolled over my hand. “Come with me. Now. I’m coming now.”

  “Fucking hell,” he cursed. Bed sheets made noise on his end as white ropes of my orgasm jetted over my stomach, all the way up to my chest. “Shit, I’m coming, Park. Hard. Let me come.”

  “Do it, Liam. Do it now. Come just like I did.”

  “Ah, shit,” he cursed again, the only noise other than his moaning and groaning, was the sound of him thrusting into his wet hand as he shifted on his bed.

  Once his breathing returned to normal—at least somewhat, I asked, “How far?”

  “Huh?” he replied, obviously confused.

  “How far up your hard body did it go?” My own hand was trailing through the droplets that had reached the midline of my pecs. It was by far the most powerful orgasm I’d enjoyed to date.

  Imagining him rolling his eyes, blushing, and avoiding the question, made my chest swell with some unnamed emotion. Finally he spoke, saying, “It’s on my neck, right below my jaw.”

  “Holy shit. That’s some potent shit right there.” Honestly, I was impressed and all too eager to see his talents in live action.

  “Yeah.” He chuckled, a relaxed sound. “Never happened like that before.”

  “You have phone sex often?” I asked, half-kidding, half-jealous.

  “Of course. Being a mechanic pays for shit. How do you think I pay for my sprawling mansion?”

  We both let out a loud, full laugh. Something in the back of my mind told me, This is how it should be. Orgasms and laughs. That’s the stuff that matters.

  “So this doesn’t change things for Tuesday, does it?” Liam’s question was full of nervousness.

  “Yeah, a little.”

  The line fell silent and I waited a few moments before taking my joke too far.

  “It changes everything, in fact. Now I know what you sound like when you come. And I’ll be damned if I’ll be able to get that out of my head before we get any work done. Is that okay with you, Liam?” My last question came out more tauntingly than I’d intended, but I was being honest. Because Tuesday when I saw Liam, all I’d be able to picture was his face, twisted in pleasure as he called my name while I plunged into and pulled out of him.

  “Yes,” he answered quickly. “All of it. It’s exactly what I want.”

  “Good, then it’s exactly what you’ll get.” Ending the call, I found myself smiling. For a day that had been monumentally miserable, it ended spectacularly perfect. Looking down at the mess sprayed across my body, I laughed softly.

  If this is what that man was capable of doing to me over the phone, I couldn’t wait to see what would happen when I finally got my hands on him in person.

  “Here you go, ma’am.” After handing the keys to the woman on the other side of the counter, I filed her receipt for the oil change and tune-up she just had on her car. The bell above the door clanged loudly as she closed it behind her.

  The day was coming to a close and most of the other guys had gone home. I’d already told Paulie I would be using the shop after hours to help Parker get started on his car. When the rest of the guys had cleared out, it was just the two of us left in the shop. Finally, I had his ear and issues, which I knew were none of my business, made their way to the surface.

  “You guys have fun the other night? Was Annie surprised?”

  “Hell, no.” Paulie laughed. “She had the whole thing figured out a week ago. I’ll never be able to get anything over on her, but she had a good time.” As he put away some tools laying on the ground, he casually said, “You looked like you had a good time, too.” He was fishing for something just like I was.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “Parker seems like a good guy.” Yeah, he was most certainly fishing.

  “What do you want to know, Paulie? Just ask it.”

  “The same could be said for you, you know.” Keeping his eyes focused on the computer, he shut down the system which we used to test the computer-run functions on cars. “You seemed more than a little pissed off at something.” He finally looked up, glaring at me over the screen of the computer he’d just shut down.

  “Annie didn’t drink.” There was no question, just a statement of what I’d noticed, but he knew what I was getting at.

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “Cut the shit, Paulie. Is she or isn’t she?”

  Maybe it was the anxiety in my voice that made his shoulders slump. Maybe it was the worry twisting my face that made him finally crack. “She is,” he admitted, his words a garbled mess of fear and happiness. He sunk into a chair at the edge of the bay and I pulled one up next to him. Resting his elbows on his knees, he cupped his hands and let his head fall forward. “It wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. She’s thrilled, but I’m scared shitless.”

  His fear made my anger vanish. “It’ll be okay.” Clapping a hand to his shoulder, I tried my best to reassure him of the things we both knew couldn’t be reassured. “She’ll be fi–”

  “Don’t finish that sentence,” Paulie cut me off. “You know I don’t do well with bullshit.”

  “Okay.” Deferring to his need for honesty, I straightened in my chair and faced him. “So then let’s be real. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “We could lose the baby. I could lose her.” His words were full of pain and fear.

  Trying my best to keep a level head, and to calm him, I squeezed his shoulder once more and swallowed my own worries. “I’m not going to lie. I don’t know much about being pregnant and I only know what I know about Lupus from you guys, but this can’t be the first time someone with Lupus has had a baby. There has to be some answers out there for you and Annie.”

  “We have an appointment with a high risk specialist on Thursday.”

  “That’s great,” I encouraged. “You’ll get some answers and maybe feel a little better.”

  We sat there in silence for a few more minutes, letting the potential gravity of the situation sink in. It was in that silence that I realized, in all my own anger and confusion, I hadn’t said the most important thing. “Congratulations. You guys will be awesome parents. I’m really happy for you, man.”

  “Thanks.” He cracked a small smile.

  “I didn’t mean to be such an–”

  “Asshole.” He finished my sentence for me accurately and we both laughed.

  We walked back into the office of the garage and Paulie grabbed his keys and jacket from behind the counter. “So, about you and Parker?” He began fishing again.

  “Not much to tell,” I lied. Partly because it was easier than getting into it right now, but mostly because I couldn’t yet wrap my head around the enormity of what it could potentially be just yet.

  As my luck would have it, Parker pulled up to the garage just as Paulie was walking out the door. “Not much.” He laughed. “Yeah right.”

  They exchanged a few words as they passed each other in the parking lot, but the smile on Parker’s face let me know that Paulie hadn’t given him the tenth degree. Not that it was really Paulie’s style, but it was clear that he wanted to know Parker was a good guy.

  “Hey,” I greeted, holding the door open for Parker.

  Without saying anyt
hing, he slid past me and my brain stopped functioning for a minute. In jeans and a T-shirt, Parker had been hot—really fucking hot. But here in my garage, in a three-piece suit that was clearly made just for him, he was mind-numbingly perfect. Though I would put money on the fact that he started the day clean-shaven, a light scruff of a five o’clock shadow covered his jaw.

  With my feet glued to the spot, I watched him take off his jacket and vest and then carefully drape them over the back of a chair. He caught my stare as he rolled up his sleeves, exposing the corded muscles of his forearms. Walking toward me, he loosened his tie. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  “Hey yourself,” he finally said when he stood right in front of me. He’d unbuttoned the top two buttons of his light blue dress shirt, exposing a small patch of his chest, lightly covered in pale blond hair. My fingers itched to touch it, but I didn’t move. I didn’t speak. I couldn’t really. “Cat got your tongue?” he joked, his lips pulling into a cocky grin. “What are you thinking?” He inched closer to me, leaving almost no space between us.

  Swallowing hard, I admitted, “How good you look in that suit, here in my garage.”

  With a light brush of his thumb along my jaw, I let out a low sigh. “If you think I look good in the suit, you should see me out of it.”

  His lips took mine in a soft kiss. It quickly escalated, making it impossible to catch my breath, to see straight, to feel anything but the heat of his body in front of mine. My fingers twisted in his hair, angling his head so my tongue could plunge deeper into his mouth. The need to taste him, to lick every inch of his perfect mouth had grown exponentially since last night. Knowing what he sounded like when he came only made my need to see it greater. Being with Parker had become an insatiable desire that even this sinful kiss couldn’t quench.

  “Now, please,” I begged, his lips smiling against mine.

  With a gentle caress, he cupped my jaw and laughed softly. “Later.” And then he pulled away, clearly amused with teasing me. “I want to get to work first, and then we can have some fun.”

  The bastard changed tactics. Adjusting my erection behind my jeans was no easy feat, but it was more than a turn-on to see that Parker was also suffering from the same problem. “The car is in the back bay.” Walking past him, his smile grew wider.

  As I pulled back the tarp covering the Mustang, Parker watched on like a little kid seeing his Christmas presents. “So where do we start?” he asked with an enthusiasm that was so contagious I couldn’t help but smile back at him. “The engine? Tranny?”

  “Slow down.” I laughed. “The first thing we’ll need to do is make a list of everything that will need to be restored. I have some vendors in mind, but of course, I wanted to make sure you were okay with everything before I made any calls.”

  “I guess I got a little ahead of myself, huh?” Parker rested his arms atop the hood, looking over at me.

  “Yeah, a touch, but that’s okay. It’s good you’re excited, because by the looks of it, we’ll be at this for months.”

  “Months?” He was clearly shocked.

  “Longer than you were ready to commit to?” There was a double meaning to my words and he clearly heard it.

  Shaking his head, he smiled at me. It made his face look young and carefree. “I’m in it for the long haul. Whatever it takes.”

  And though he was talking about the car, I heard the implication of his words. It was something that both scared and exhilarated me.

  “All right then. Let’s get to work.”

  He pushed up his sleeves a touch further, excitement flashing in his blue eyes. “Let’s do it.”

  Looking over the list we made, we matched up the vendors I knew of and spent the rest of the time researching other reliable people to help us out. Of course, Paulie said he could keep the car at the shop, so storage wasn’t an issue.

  Parker looked down at his watch. “Shit, it’s late. I didn’t realize we’d been at this for so long.”

  It was just past ten and I had enjoyed working with Parker so much that I didn’t even realize I hadn’t eaten since this afternoon. My stomach growled almost at the same time Parker’s did. “So I guess we should eat then, huh?” I asked above the combined noises of our hunger.

  “We could order some take out. Pick it up on the way back to my place,” Parker suggested.

  Tossing my grease-covered rag into the bin in the corner of the office, I nodded. “Sounds like a plan,” I agreed as I grabbed my keys from under the counter.

  As we walked out of the shop, Parker placed an order at the local all-night Chinese place. Walking beside him, I listened in awe as he ordered more than half the menu. When he ended the call, he caught a glimpse of my astonished face. “I don’t have much at my place,” he explained, sliding his phone into his pocket. “Besides,” he added as he winked at me, “we’ll need all the energy we can get.”

  With an easy sensuality, Parker strutted away from me and slid into his car. Following behind him in my own car, a nervous energy flowed through my veins. And even though I was anxious to see what he had in mind for me, I was going willingly, and I couldn’t wait to be destroyed by the man taking me there.

  That frisson of discomfort I’d felt the first night I saw Parker’s house returned as my car lurched to a stop behind his in the driveway. Burying it down, I tried my best to focus on the things in my control, and not on our differences. They didn’t seem to be all that important to Parker, so I chose to adopt the same line of reasoning.

  Following behind him into his house, the air changed. Heat sparked the moment I crossed over the threshold. His body, once carefree and loose, instantly transformed, becoming harder, more angular. “Come with me,” he said over his shoulder, leading us toward the kitchen.

  Decked to the nines, it looked like it belonged in a restaurant. He knelt down and placed the two bags of takeout into the oven, then turned back to me. “Suddenly,”—he gripped my belt, jerking my body forward, closing the minimal gap between us—“now that we’re here, I’m not hungry anymore.” His lips crashed into mine, demanding and needy, full of lust and desire. When he pulled away from me, I groaned, missing his mouth against mine. He tugged at my jeans, pulling me toward the steps.

  Leaving me no choice but to follow, I walked behind him, loving the way his ass moved in front of me. When he opened the door to his bedroom, leading us to the attached bathroom, my mouth went dry. Speaking became impossible, but I didn’t need words. I simply let him lead the way. “First we shower.” He reached into the shower and turned on the hot water. Steam filled the room, fogging up the glass. “I’ve been dying to get you naked since the moment I met you. And now you’re here.” His eyes roamed over my entire body with predatory need. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt, but left it draped over his body. He finally said, “I don’t think I can wait much longer,” before pulling my T-shirt out of the waistband of my jeans.

  His nails grazed over my skin, leaving red lines of passion in their wake. Flicking his thumbs over my nipples made my knees weak. Keeping his eyes locked on mine, his fingers worked at my pants as I did the same to his. In unison, we kicked off our shoes, toed off our socks, and let our pants fall to the floor. Pushing his shirt over his shoulders, it joined the growing pile of clothes at our feet.

  As I slid my finger along the waistband of his navy blue boxer briefs, I admitted, “Neither can I.” Pushing the fabric down past his hips, his dick sprung free, jutting out from his body. As my hand worked over his hard length, I plunged my tongue into his mouth, nipping and biting at his lips.

  With no subtlety, he pushed me down to my knees. Bobbing under its own weight, Parker’s cock was only an inch from my lips. Jerking him with one hand, I played with his tightening balls with the other. In one long, hot sweep of my tongue, I licked him from base to tip, swirling my tongue around the thick ridge of his head. “Oh, hell, Liam,” he groaned, wrapping his hand around the back of my head.

  “Now. I need to taste all of you
now.” I looked up at him, my eyes begging permission to take him to the back of my throat. When he nodded, giving me the permission I needed, it was as if something deep inside of me was set free. Holding him steady at the base, I took every last inch of his cock into my mouth, only stopping when I gagged.

  He only let me take him deep like that twice more before he pulled me to stand before him again. “You keep doing that and I’ll be coming way before I want to.” He opened the shower door and stepped under the hot water, leaving me no choice but to join him.

  “You’ve had this streak of grease, or dirt or something on your neck all night,” he said, almost absentmindedly as he poured some body wash into his hands. “Turn your head to the side,” he directed me, running his soapy hands over my neck and shoulders.

  His hands felt so good I couldn’t stifle the groan of pleasure falling from my lips. “You like that?” Parker’s voice was toying with me, playing with every emotion I had, ramping up my need with its deep richness. With hardly any effort on his part, he shoved me up against the tiled wall, where I stood, spread out and completely at his mercy. “Stay like that,” he demanded.

  And of course I did. It’s what I wanted with Parker from the moment his lips met mine. For him to take me, to control me, to make me forget about the world from where I came.

  Adding more soap to his hands, he lathered up my back and shoulders, rubbing out the knotted muscles. “You’re so tense,” he mumbled into my ear before nibbling on the lobe. “Relax.”

  His hands sliding over my body was so much more than I thought it would be. “You’re hands aren’t smooth,” I said, sounding every bit the fool.

  “Sorry to disappoint.” He laughed, pressing his chest up against my back. The rough bristles of his hair felt like I’d imagined they would.


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