Man of Destiny
Page 68
36. Ward, Closest Companion, 402.
37. Harriman and Abel, Special Envoy, 419–423.
38. Stalin to FDR, April 3, 1945, in My Dear Mr. Stalin, ed. Susan Butler (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005), 312–313.
39. FDR to Stalin, April 5, 1945, in Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 313–315.
40. Stalin to FDR, April 7, 1945, in Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 315–317.
41. FDR to WC, April 11, 1945, in Kimball, Churchill and Roosevelt, III, 630.
42. FDR to Stalin, April 11, 1945, in Butler, My Dear Mr. Stalin, 321; Harriman and Abel, Special Envoy, 439–440.
43. Ward, Closest Companion, 411–412; Grace Tully, F.D.R.: My Boss (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949), 360–361.
44. Ward, Closest Companion, 419.
45. Truman, Memoirs, 30; NYT and WP, April 15, 1945.
46. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, 881; NYT, April 15, 1945.
47. NYT, April 16, 1945.
Epilogue: FDR and the American Century
1. Henry R. Luce, “The American Century,” Life 10 (February 17, 1941): 61–65.
2. Foreign Relations of the United States: The Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945 [hereafter FRUS: Yalta] (Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1955), 797–798.
3. FRUS: Yalta, 798.
Acheson, Dean, 209–210, 361
Adamic, Louis, 345
Adams, Clover, 82
Adams, Henry, 57, 82
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, 273
Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 185, 198–200, 215, 248
Aiken, George, 335
Alexander, Will, 196
Allenswood school, 27
American Civil Liberties Union, 243
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 167, 240, 254, 269, 272
American Liberty League, 218–219
Amlie, Thomas, 223
Anarchists, 84–85, 125, 166
Ansberry, Timothy, 90
Argentina, 60–61
Arnold, Henry “Hap,” 331, 342, 351, 386
Arnold, Thurman, 273
Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 261
Astor, Vincent, 99, 216
Atlantic Charter, 332, 424
Atomic bomb, development of, 353
Avery, Sewall, 364–365
Badoglio, Pietro, 378
Bailey, Josiah, 274
Baker, Newton D., 69, 144, 151, 244
Balfour, Arthur, 382
Bankhead, William, 311
Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act of 1937, 264
Banking Act of 1935, 241
Barkley, Alben, 263, 275, 310, 368, 417
Baruch, Bernard, 166, 167, 200–201, 362, 374, 434
Batista, Fulgencio, 298
Benson, William, 71
Berezhkov, Valentin, 391
Beria, Lavrenty, 391, 422
Beria, Sergo, 391, 420
Berle, Adolf A. Jr., 145, 161, 169, 322
Beveridge, William, 367
Biddle, Francis, 364, 365
Billings, Sherrard, 17
Bingham, Robert, 145
Birse, John, 392
Black, Hugo, 186, 243, 244, 263
Black, Van Lear, 93–94
Boettiger, Anna Roosevelt. See Roosevelt, Anna
Boettiger, John, 325, 369, 391
Bogomolov, A. Y., 380
Bohlen, Charles “Chip,” 289, 373, 391, 392, 420, 422, 428
Bolshevism, 85, 380
Bonus Expeditionary Force (Bonus Army), 157–158
Borah, William, 299
Bowers, Claude G., 117
Bradley, Charles, 24
Brains Trust, 145, 161, 169
Brandeis, Louis, 63, 145, 229, 233, 235–236, 261, 262
Brazil, 288, 358
Bricker, John, 407
Bridges, Harry, 204
Brinkley, David, 371
Britain, 165, 188–189, 219, 277, 284, 296, 303, 307, 312, 313, 321, 324–325, 336–337, 346, 349, 350, 354, 367, 378, 382, 403, 418
Brooke, Sir Alan, 344, 350–352, 356, 388, 389
Brown, Lathrop “Jake,” 20, 24, 31, 57
Brown, Wilson, 419
Bruenn, Howard, 373–374, 396, 400, 429, 431
Bryan, William Jennings, 21, 47, 52–53, 60, 65, 67, 116
Budd, Ralph, 306
Bullitt, William C., 289
Burke, Edward, 274, 314
Burns, James MacGregor, 362
Butcher, Harry, 356–357
Butler, Pierce, 233
Byrd, Harry F., 251, 274, 275
Byrnes, James, 263, 310–311, 366, 398–399, 419
Calvinism, 4, 5, 7, 8, 65
Camp, Lawrence, 276
Camp, Walter, 74
Campobello Island, Canada, 10, 12, 33–34, 96–97, 191
Capone, Al, 216
Caraway, Hattie, 227
Cardozo, Benjamin, 233, 235
Carlson, Evans, 348
Carranza, Venustiano, 56
Carter, John Franklin, 201
Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, 34
Catledge, Turner, 375
Cermak, Anton, 150, 152, 165–166
Chamberlain, Neville, 192, 292, 295, 296, 298, 302, 304
Chandler, A. B. “Happy,” 275
Chaney, Mayris, 253
Chennault, Claire, 335
Chiang, Madame (Soon May-ling), 387, 389
Chiang Kai-Shek, 293, 335, 372, 387–390, 395, 425
Cholmeley, Sir Hugh, 24
Christgau, Victor, 230–231
Churchill, Winston
America, visits to, 343–345, 350–351
Cairo, international conference in, 386–390
at Casablanca conference, 356–358
communications with Roosevelt, 302
Communism, illusions about, 421
meeting with Roosevelt in Newfoundland, 331–332
meeting with Roosevelt in Quebec, 381
personal traits, 435
prime minister, appointment as, 304
relationship with Roosevelt, 345–346
snub of Roosevelt at 1918 dinner, 77, 302
speeches, influence of, 312
Stalin, conference about spheres of influence, 405–406
Stalin, view of, 380–381
strategy papers, 344
Teheran, international conference in, 390–394, 402–403
unconditional surrender, goal of, 358
US aid, request for, 321
at Yalta, 421–425, 436
Churchill, Winston (American novelist), 75
Civil Aeronautics Authority, 245
Civil Works Administration, 193–194
Civilian Conservation Corps, 180
Clapper, Raymond, 231
Clark, Bennet Champ, 275
Clark, Champ, 47
Clark, Grenville, 35
Clemenceau, Georges, 77, 423
Cleveland, Grover, 6, 7, 10, 39, 42
Cockran, Bourke, 89, 109
Cohen, Benjamin, 229, 236, 322
Colby, Bainbridge, 244
Commodity Credit Corporation, 200
Communist Political Association, 408
Communists, 265, 289, 307, 316, 328, 408, 418
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 255, 265, 266, 316
Cook, Blanche Wiesen, 30
Cook, Nancy “Nan,” 114, 253
Coolidge, Calvin, 93, 112, 120
Cooper, Alfred Duff, 296
Copeland, Royal, 274
Corcoran, Thomas “Tommy,” 229, 236, 253, 257, 269, 362, 434
Costigan, Edward, 223
Coughlin, Charles, 125–126, 162, 211, 216, 223–225, 228, 239, 251, 287
Cowles, William Sheffield, 57
Cox, James, 89–90, 108
Crater, Joseph Force, 141
Crider, John, 414
Cross, Guernsey, 127, 143, 152
Crowley, Leo, 383
Cummings, Homer, 167, 209, 217
Curley, James Michael, 152
Currie, Laughlin, 241
Curry, Charles, 140
Curzon, Lord, 77, 423
Cushing, Betsy, 124
Cutting, Bronson, 162, 168
Czechoslovakia, 277, 284, 295–296, 298, 405, 418
Daladier, Édouard, 295, 298
Dall, Curtis, 125, 133
Dana, Charles A., 88
Daniels, Jonathan, 73
Daniels, Josephus, 46, 49–56, 60–61, 65, 67–69, 73, 80, 87–88, 90–91, 119, 143, 432
Darlan, Jean, 354
Darrow, Clarence, 113, 204
Davies, Joseph, 289
Davis, Chester, 199–200, 230–231
Davis, Elmer, 111
Davis, John W., 89, 110, 112, 219, 244
De Gaulle, Charles, 356, 385, 391, 435–436
Delano, Catherine Lyman, 4
Delano, Deborah “Dora,” 77
Delano, Frederic A., 97, 130, 367
Delano, Laura, 370, 429, 431
Delano, Warren II, 4, 8, 19
Delano, Warren III, 92
Democratic convention, 1920, 89–90
Democratic convention, 1924, 110–111
Democratic convention, 1928, 120–121
Democratic convention, 1936, 251
Democratic convention, 1940, 309–311
Democratic convention, 1944, 400–401
Democratic New York state convention, 1912, 46–47
Democratic Party, 40, 46, 88, 92, 108, 218, 220, 246, 254–255, 257, 269, 277, 363, 408, 411
Dern, George, 166–167
Dewey, Thomas E., 308, 406–407, 411
Dickerman, Marion, 114, 253
Dill, Sir John, 356
Dix, John Alden, 40
Djilas, Milovan, 381
Dodd, William E., 290
Dominican Republic, 56
Doolittle, James, 347
Douglas, William O., 263, 399, 400
Dowling, Victor, 43
Draper, George, 97
Dun, Bishop Angus, 432
Durant, Will, 121
Early, Steve, 93, 162, 166, 168, 169, 311, 371, 419
Eccles, Marriner S., 241, 268
Eden, Anthony, 296, 349, 381, 392, 422
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 131, 290, 346, 351, 356, 387, 394–395
Elizabeth, Queen (consort of George VI), 298
Elmhirst, Leonard, 270
Emergency Relief Act of 1935, 231
Emmett, Grenville, 95
Empire State Democracy, 47
Fair Employment Practices Committee, 329, 361, 415
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 274
Fala, 333, 370, 409, 410, 432
Fall, Albert B., 112
Farley, James A. “Jim,” 128, 143–144, 149, 151–152, 166–167, 219, 227, 252, 256, 309–310
Farley, Tom, 142
Farm Bureau Federation, 183
Farm Credit Act of 1933, 182
Farm Credit Administration, 182
Farm Mortgage Relief Act of 1935, 245
Farm Security Administration, 264
Farmer-Labor Party, 223
Farouk, King, 426
Fechner, Robert, 180
Federal Communications Administration, 215
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 187
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), 180–181, 194
Federal Power Commission, 244
Federal Reserve System, 241, 268, 272
Federal Trade Commission, 213
Feis, Herbert, 190
Ferguson, Isabella, 73
Ferguson, Robert Munro, 28
Fields, Alonzo, 156, 345
Fish, Hamilton Jr., 218, 328
Fitzpatrick, Paul, 410
Flynn, Edward J., 124, 126–127, 149, 166, 310, 419
Foljambe, Cecil George (Baron Hawkesbury), 12
Food stamp welfare plan, 277
Ford, Edsel, 104
Ford, Henry, 203, 289
Forrestal, James, 307, 361, 374
Four Freedoms, 323
France, 75, 265, 284, 298, 304, 305, 314, 397
Franco, Francisco, 293, 298
Frank, Jerome, 198–200, 230–231
Frankfurter, Felix, 145, 229, 263, 383
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 64
Frazier-Lemke Act of 1934, 235
Freund, Paul, 236
Fumimaro Konoye, 298, 336
Fusion Party, 223
Gallagher, Michael, 225
Gallup polls, 253, 262, 278–279, 294, 303, 326, 338
Gandy, Kitty, 31
Gardner, Augustus Peabody, 57, 66
Garner, John Nance, 144, 149, 151–153, 159, 269, 299, 309–310
Garrison, Lindley, 68–69
Garry, Thomas, 310
Geddes, Sir Eric, 77
Gellhorn, Martha, 213–214
General Motors, sit-down strikes at, 265
Gennerich, Gus, 152
George, Walter F., 275, 276
George V, King, 77
George VI, King, 298
Gerard, James W., 62
Geraud, Andre, 406
alliance with Japan and Italy, 298, 314
Allied bombing offensive against, 378
attacks on US ships, 334–335
Bismarck, sinking of, 326–327
Central Power alliance, 64
Czechoslovakia, annexation of, 295
England, bombing of, 320
Hitler, rise of, 188, 285
invasion of Poland by, 300
military occupation of by Allies, 424–425
occupation of northern European nations by, 294, 296, 298, 300, 304
offensive against Soviet Union, 330, 341, 377
overtures to Mexico, 71
Paris Peace conference, 82
pogrom against Jews, 294, 296
Poland, invasion of, 300
post-World War I depression, 188
Soviet Union, nonaggression treaty with, 300
Soviet Union, offensive against, 330, 341, 377, 380
surrender of France to, 304
U-boat activity, 67–68, 71
US declaration of war on (1917), 71
US ships, attacks on, 334–335
World War I armistice, 80
Giannini, A. P., 178
Gillette, Guy, 275
Giraud, Henri, 356, 391
Girdler, Tom, 266
Glass, Carter, 167, 178, 251
Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, 187
Glynn, Martin H., 62
Gold Clause Cases, 189, 262
Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 211
Gold standard, 188–189
Good Neighbor policy, 287–288
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 375
Goodwin, Jimmy, 15, 16
Grady, Tom, 41
Grayson, Cary, 371
Great Depression, 133–136, 145–146, 150, 156–157, 164, 169, 207, 214
Green, William, 240
Grew, Joseph, 286
Grey, Sir Edward, 86
Gromyko, Andrei, 430
Groves, Leslie, 353
Guffey-Snyder Coal Act of 1935, 245
Guffey-Vinson Act of 1937, 264
Haiti, 56
Halifax, Lord, 338
Hall, Edith “Pussie,” 28–29
Hall, Mary Ludlow, 27
Hamilton, Alexander, 118
Hannegan, Robert, 398, 400, 411
Harding, Warren G., 89, 93, 112
Harriman, Kathleen, 422
Harriman, William Averell, 14, 289, 342, 343, 353, 361, 381, 392, 418, 422, 425, 426, 430–431
Harrison, Pat, 227, 263
Hart, Thomas, 337, 340
Hassett, Bill, 411, 429, 431
Hatch Act of 1938, 277
Hearst, William Randolph, 109, 144, 147, 149, 151–152, 178
Heller, Joseph, 235
Heyman, Henry, 88
Hickok, Lorena, 253
Higgins, Andrew Jackson, 362
High, Stanley, 253
Hillman, Sidney, 306, 408
Hirohito, Emperor, 286
Hiss, Alger, 422
Hitler, Adolf, 277, 294, 435–436
Hofstadter, Samuel, 141, 159
Holmes, John Haynes, 143
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 57, 176
Holocaust, 383, 384
Homeowners Loan Corporation, 182
Hoover, Herbert, 88, 90, 119–120, 122, 135, 139, 146, 155–157, 163–165, 169–170, 185, 208, 219, 246, 261
Hoover Dam (also called Boulder Dam), 194
Hopkins, Harry L.
CWA, as head of, 193
at Democratic convention (1940), 309–310
on diplomatic mission to Russia, 330–331
on diplomatic missions to London, 323, 352
FERA, as administrator of, 181
health of, 427–428, 432
at Malta conference, 419
remarriage, 368
request for son to participate in invasion of France, 368–369
as Roosevelt’s advisor and companion, 166, 318, 321, 338, 342, 348, 349, 355, 373, 386, 395, 418
at Roosevelt’s funeral, 432
on Roosevelt’s understanding of Palestine issue, 427
as secretary of commerce, 309, 321
Stalin, impression of, 331
at Teheran conference, 391–393
TERA, as director of, 135–136
unemployment, assessment of, 254
on US-Russia relations, 350
as White House resident, 321, 368
WPA, as head of, 249, 268
at Yalta conference, 422, 425
Hopkins, Robert, 368
Hopkins, Stephen, 368
Hoskins, Harold, 382
House, Edward M., 59, 71, 141