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Rescuing His Mate

Page 15

by M. L. Briers

  “Sex, sex, sex and more sex….” She admonished him lightly as she skimmed her hands up his chest and tipped her head to one side to give him better access to her neck.

  “And food, and then more sex.” His deeply growled chuckle made her toes curl against the carpet. God, she could lose herself in his arms for a very long time, forever. Safe and protected, loved and sated, heaven.

  “I get to eat too? Bonus.” She ran her fingertips down over his shoulders, his biceps, when his tongue ran down her neck and over her shoulder, finding the mark he’d placed there, she squeezed against the hard muscles. She wasn’t sure how the hell his tongue could feel so damn good, but it did. It fired a need within her that scorched her blood with its intensity.

  “Are you hungry for anything in particular?” He growled against her ear, but it was the way his hand flattened against her lower back and he eased her towards him, the feel of his hard shaft against her body that really sent her mind racing and her blood pumping through her veins.

  “If you had less clothes on…” She started and felt him pull back from her. She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips as her mate took to striping off his clothes, not a sight that she wanted to miss as her eyes devoured his hard body, the odd sound of tearing making her giggle harder. Then he was reaching for her, yanking and pulling until she was just as naked as he was.

  Isaac stepped towards her. His hand slid around her waist and he pulled her against him. His hardness twitched and throbbed with a life of its own and she couldn’t have ignored it if she’d tried. She went to bend her knees but Isaac claimed her mouth with fast, hot kisses that claimed her as his and made her damn knees weak.

  His large hands roamed her body until they finally settled on her backside and he lifted her against him. He could scent her arousal and when the wet heat of her sex rubbed against his length as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he could have just taken her to the hilt without another thought. He stalked towards the bed and tipped her world backwards as he lowered them down to the mattress, only then did he break the kiss.

  “Still hungry…” She teased against his ear, before her teeth nipped the lobe and he growled out a gentle warning.

  “Never bite an Alpha unless you’re ready for the consequences…” He growled each word gently down at her, but his eyes were alive with the fire of desire and his muscles were tensing under her touch.

  “Not even if I’m really hungry?” She grinned up at him. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, there was absolute trust within her heart for him, and yet he chose to deliver her a warning anyway.

  “Not unless you want the wilder side of me to come out and play, and right now, that means bonding…” Isaac cupped her face in his hands and saw the flash of excitement within her eyes.

  “I’m staying, Isaac. With you, here…” She saw the rush of relief within him. The way his body unclenched from the tension that had wracked it since he’d first met her, and then he tensed again.

  “Are you sure?” His hands tightened against her cheeks and he searched her eyes for more. “You have to be certain before I bond with you…”

  “I know there’s no going back, yada, yada, yada, Yoda…”

  “Yoda?” He looked confused. If he didn’t know who Yoda was, she wasn’t even going there.

  “The point is, between you, your brother and the damn Vampire, I know.” She assured him, wide eyed and aware of every inch of his skin against hers as he shifted his weight to lower his body completely over hers. Propped up on his elbows he stared down at her, taking her in. She could see the turmoil that worked behind his eyes.

  “I don’t want you to rush into…” Isaac was cautious. Hours ago she had still been talking of leaving; now she was telling him she was staying. His heart hoped, his head warned him to be careful.

  “Isaac, I accept that you’re my mate. I now even reluctantly accept that Fate exists, thanks to spells and witches and curses.” She shuddered at the thought of being cursed, of almost dying three damn times; it sort of had a way of clarifying what was important in life. “So if you’re my mate and this is Fate, you do the math, because I’ve done it and it means I’m staying, we’re bonding and stop trying to talk me out of it now.” Her brows drew down and she got a couple of little crinkled ridges that were wedged just over her nose.

  Isaac bit down on a grin. She was fiery when she wanted to be, just like his mother had been. She might not be Fae, but she was close. He couldn’t resist the temptation to sooth those lines with the pad of his thumb.

  “Alright, little Miss Snappy…” Isaac moved his hips and she felt the hard silk and steel of his arousal move over her sex. She hissed in a breath as her body clenched and jolted with the sensation of needing him. “Have it your way. But there is no going back from me bonding with you. I won’t let you leave me, I’ll cage you beneath my body and take my pleasure as I see fit…” He was growling down a warning at her.

  Kerry’s heart skipped and danced within her, but she rushed to chuckle at his words. “Are you trying to scare me, Alpha?” She gave him her best devilish smile, something she’d picked up from the Vampire. “If a blood sucking Vampire couldn’t do it, what makes you think that a soft and cuddly puppy like you could?” She added for good measure and watched as her mate growled out, offended by her words.

  “Perhaps the Vampire’s heart wasn’t really in it. If you tried to leave me, mine would be.” He growled down again, this time with a little more force.

  “Oh shut up and get to the bonding part already.” She admonished him, but the fact that she squirmed beneath him, rubbing against his length only made him growl all the deeper, but this growl wasn’t a warning, more of a pleasure, a temptation. He snatched her wrists and pushed her hands up the bed.

  “You know to bond with you I have to bite with my fangs…” He listened for the tell-tale sign of her heart skipping within her, racing off, and it was there, just her whole demeanour didn’t say fear, it said excitement.

  “Let me see them…”

  “If I let my beast push forward, I guarantee he isn’t going anywhere until we’re bonded…” Isaac warned. His beast was prowling inside him like the caged wild thing that he was right now.

  “Let him out, I want to see you like that…” She tried to pull her arms lose, but he held her firmly. She was already tempting his beast in ways that she couldn’t imagine, if she touched him now, he’d probably lose it.

  “Not yet…” Isaac buried his face against her neck and took in her scent. It was becoming all too much for him. She was calling his beast and his beast was answering.


  “Bond with me, Alpha…” She was breathless with her need, her desire and his beast howled to be released within him. Lifting his hips he pressed the tip of his hardness within her body. He wanted to taste her, to nip, to bite, to tease, but she’d already called him out. Now he needed to ease the beast’s way, because when the animal was released within him he would take her hard and fast.

  “Do I need to run from you to see your beasty side?” He pressed deeper into her, making her catch her breath. The wet heat of her body opened around him, her muscles contracted, welcoming him, sending him groaning in pleasure back to her lips.

  “You’re tempting…”

  “Fate?” She caught his bottom lip with her teeth and nipped him.

  ‘Mine.’ His beast pushed forward and his hips took her as deeply as he could. He already had her wrists against the bed and her body trapped beneath his and he was damn well going to take her as his.

  He pulled his head back to stare down at her. His black eyes taking her in as he pulled his hips back and thrust back to the hilt. Her eyes locked onto his as she tried to bring her hips up to meet him, but found she was locked solid to the mattress. His hard body was a cage that she’d never be able to escape, and she had no damn intention of doing that.

  When she noted the ridges at his mouth her breath caught within her chest. Fangs. His dam
n fangs are down. “Show me…” She almost begged for the sight of him like that. She wanted to meet his wolf, and this was the next best thing, half man, half wolf. When he thrust deeply into her again he opened his mouth and growled his pleasure. Her eyes took in the fangs and even though she’d been expecting them, they still made her pulse race.

  “You won’t hurt me…” It wasn’t a question. She looked deep into his eyes and saw the passion within, but more, she saw the love. “ And I’ll never leave you.” She assured him. She heard the possessive growl roll through his chest and out of his mouth. He was amazing.

  “I will bite.” Isaac knew it was the one time he had no choice but to cause her pain. In order to bond with her he needed to bite deeply and he regretted that action, but not the reason for it.

  “So I’m told. What are you waiting for?”

  ‘Mine.’ The beast could take no more talking. He pushed his will forward on Isaac, but Isaac was already one step ahead of him. His hips started to move faster. He might not have done this the right way round, but he had to make her climax before he would bite her. That, there was no debating.

  He nuzzled into her shoulder. His tongue sought the mark he’d placed within her skin and teased it to life. With each long, deep stroke inside her body his tongue touch a point in her shoulder, an invisible puncture wound that she responded to. Her body was open for him, eager to take the length of him and he shifted his weight, running the length of his shaft over and back across the sensitive nub of nerves that was driving her wild.

  Her hands were fisting the air against his grip. Her toes were curling against his hips and he took her over the edge with long deep thrust that made her body almost convulse as she cried out with the intense pleasure that tore through her.

  Isaac bit hard and deep into the soft flesh of her shoulder. He felt her body trying to rear up beneath his, fighting the pain and he kept her locked in place. The taste of her blood on his tongue fired the beast within him and it roared its victory. She was his, his mate for life.

  Isaac reached for her with his mind. Human, but still he found a semblance of a link between them. Joined, forever. He released his fangs and swept his tongue over the wound that smelled so sweet to his senses, tasted so damn good on his tongue. He felt her body ease, the pain giving way to the throbbing remnants of her orgasm. Her inner muscles still clenched around his length and he growled with the carnal need within him to finish the bonding ritual and spill his seed within her.

  He released her wrists and pulled up onto his knees. With an arm around her back and one under her neck he brought her up to him. Sat astride his lap, her forehead rested against his chest as she gasped in the air she desperately needed. Isaac’s hands bit into her hips and he raised her up the length of his shaft, holding her in place, he started to thrust into her, over and over, faster and faster. He took her hard and deep.

  The palms of her hands rested on his shoulders, her fingers curled against the straining muscles as he took her towards another release. She moaned with every deep thrust. He felt so good, pounding into her, back and forth over the internal nub of nerves that sent her body wildly spiralling towards an orgasm she wasn’t sure she was ever going to come down from. She thought he’d been carnal before, but this…

  He growled with every thrust, taking her faster and faster as he sought his own release. The feel of his mate’s body tightening in his arms, her inner muscles closing around his length, tightening her hold on him, was like fanning the flames of his desire. He could feel her body so close to release and he growled long and hard against her neck. She almost screamed with the intensity of the orgasm that tore through her, so hard and fast that her breath was taken from her and she made no sound.

  Her inner muscles clenched and released the length of him, hard and fast, sucking the very orgasm to the edge of the precipice, and then he tossed his head back and roared, bucking up hard against her as her body milked the seed from within him. Over and over, he spilled deep within her body until he felt as if he was on fire; as if the ecstasy that flowed through him would never let him go. Then he heard her whimper against his chest and his beast pulled back. His body calmed, and his orgasm rolled away.

  Isaac rested back on his legs. His muscles were quivering and he’d bitten his own damn lip somehow. He found the strength to run his hands up her back as she lay spent against him. He cupped her face and tipped her head back so he could see her. He searched her emotions looking for pain. Had he hurt her badly? He’d certainly lost control at the end to his beast.

  “Kerry, come back to me sweetheart, I need to make sure you’re ok.” He brushed his thumbs down her cheeks and listened to the calming beat of her heart as it powered back down. Her breath was ragged and her body was still being claimed by the after ripples of the orgasm, but she just whimpered at him in between breaths.

  Isaac wrapped one large arm around her back and moved them up the bed. He gently laid her head against the pillow and stared down at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes closed and his heart hurt knowing that she was hurt.

  “I’ll get Tobin to come and heal you.” Isaac growled out, about to move when she gave a long hard growl of her own.

  A fecking Vampire! Seriously!

  She forced her eyes to open, even if it did take her a very long moment to be able to make him out. She guessed he was the big fuzzy haze right in her face. She lifted an arm that felt like someone had strapped one of those stupid gym weights onto it and slapped her hand against the side of his face. It was unintentional, but it kind of served him right for saying he was getting the damn Vampire.

  “Can’t-a-girl-get-away-from-the-damn-Vamp…?”She spat out in between panting breaths.

  “You’re hurt.” Isaac growled again.

  “Not.” It was all she could manage. Her hand slipped from his face and hit his shoulder on the way down to the bed.

  “You were whimpering.” He watched her roll her eyes in a half hearted attempt, but then they closed again.

  “Enjoying.” She bit out. All she wanted to do was curl up in his arms and sleep for a week.

  “You didn’t make that noise before.” He growled down at her. If she hadn’t been almost comatose she would have chuckled her arse off.

  “Guess-you-weren’t-that-good-last-time.” The dopey grin that spread across her lips made his heart sing. His mate was practically asleep and yet she was grinning like an idiot.

  “Are you sure you’re not a damn Fae?” He growled down at her gently as he scooped her up against his chest and turned them in the bed, bringing the length of her body to his as he curled around her protectively. He heard her snort a giggle.

  “You-bring-that-Vamp-in-here-and-I’m-off.” She stretched out as best she could before nuzzling in against him. The warmth of his body was all she needed to send her off to sleep, and yet the gentle growls and the hard beat of his heart didn’t hurt either.

  “How much stuff did you bring with you for a week’s holiday woman?” Isaac had expected a reasonable sized suitcase, not four huge ones. His mate didn’t believe in travelling without every bit of clothing that she owned, or at least he hoped this was all she owned or he was going to have to build two extra wardrobes just for her clothes.

  “God, you sound so male.” She snipped back at him and he gave her an amused look.

  “Well, it’s lucky that I am a bloody male then.” He lifted the first suitcase up and could have sworn she’d put bricks and not clothes in there. How had she lifted the things?

  “You’re doing it again.” She shot out of the side of her mouth and he scratched his head.


  “The ogre meets big old gruff troll under the damn bridge thing.” She shot back, turning her back on him and giving him a smile inducing view of her rounded backside in skin tight jeans.

  “You should keep Verna’s jeans. I’ll buy her some more.” Isaac saw her turn just her head and she caught where his eyes were locked and growled at him.
r />   “Doing it again.” She snapped at him and he took a step back.

  “That was neither trollish nor ogreish.”

  “No but it was male.” She zipped the case shut and stood up, turning and cutting off the landscape of her backside he seemed so taken with.

  Isaac’s brows drew down over his eyes and he chewed the inside of his lip in a show of contemplation. “So, my mate is set to change me?”

  “I hear you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” She bit down on the smile that threatened her lips as he growled at her. She’d learnt to push his buttons quite nicely over the last few days, and she liked it when he got all me Tarzan and you Jane, it tended to lead to other things, and other things were very, very good.

  “Be careful what you wish for, or ye shall surely get it.” There was a glint in his eye, mischievous, but Joel had said that their mother was a Fae and the Alpha was prone to be mischievous when the mood took him. She didn’t trust that look.


  “Perhaps I’ll become more like Tobin and…”

  “Don’t you dare.” She snapped back at him with a hard stare and watched as he turned away on a chuckle.

  “We’ll see what Fate brings.” He shot over his shoulder and she groaned. One Vampire and his antics was more than enough. He’d taken to hiding in odd places around the house so he could jump out on her when the mood took him. He seemed desperate for her to admit that she was fearful of him in some way, but the knee in the groin he’d received yesterday morning when he’d jumped out of the kitchen closet seemed to have subdued him in his efforts slightly. The fist in his face that her mate had followed it up with as he helped him off the floor probably hadn’t helped either.

  Kerry stood by the car and looked out over the windswept landscape. It was blowing like a wild thing again today and she eyed the point far away where she’d first met Isaac. Craggy Point. Stupid name, and she hadn’t seen it on any damn sign posts either.

  Isaac loaded the last of her cases in the car and slammed the boot. Coming to stand by her side he wrapped his arms around her and stared out following her gaze. He felt her body lean back against his as she melted in his arms. That was how he liked her best, warm, soft and melting into him, although the little spats they had were good too.


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