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Take a Chance

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by Lavender Daye

  Take a Chance

  …a Private Delights novel…

  By Lavender Daye

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2014 Lavender Daye

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Special thanks to my editor, Jen FitzGerald

  Cover art via Hot Damn Stock and ST Graphics

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  About the Author

  Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Steve Gladston pulled into the lot of Simon Lindsay & Associates and parked, enjoying the early morning solitude. The glow in the east intensified as the sun made its appearance. Steve surveyed the building and formed a plan of attack. All of his ducks would be in a row by the time the owners arrived.

  One lone car sat in the lot, probably a member of the custodial crew, or maybe a security guard. Not likely, or Simon Lindsay wouldn’t have called him.

  Perfect time for a look-see.

  Considerably early for his appointment with the owner, Steve wanted to do a thorough walk-around of the premises before he worked up a proposal. Much more effective without the client following and talking while he worked.

  It was a nice piece of property, with a well-manicured lawn surrounding the brick one story building and concrete and brick steps leading up to the glass entrance. Too much glass for his taste, since it was easily breached and a definite red flag for overall security.

  He’d fix that first thing after he got the job. Steve picked up his clipboard and headed for the front door to check off the first few items on his list, primarily safety issues that public buildings were required to adhere to. Shouldn’t be an issue here, but best to check before getting to the deeper elements of building security.

  The muffled scream came out of nowhere and he stepped back to check his surroundings. When it repeated, he put his ear to the glass door.

  Fuck. It was inside. A woman shouted. A male voice spewed profanity and cried out in pain. Steve tried the door but it was locked. Not sure why anyone was locked inside, he knocked on the glass door. On the off chance he was interrupting an early morning love call, he’d at least warn them of his presence. He thumped harder, hoping to get someone’s attention.

  The response wasn’t good. The female voice shouted for help. Pulling his Maglite from his belt, he gave the glass panel next to the lock a firm tap at a sharp angle.

  He got a loud noise and another cry from inside for his trouble. Apparently, Lindsay’s glass was stronger than he’d thought.

  He doubled the force for the second attempt and the glass cracked. One more hit had a small section of glass falling into the building’s foyer. With just enough space to get his arm inside, he flipped the lock, making a mental note to recommend a keyed lock when he talked to the owners.

  Nowhere near a silent entry, but he was in. The screams continued and he raced in that direction, his work boots announcing his approach. The scene he encountered had him burning with disgust. Violence toward women went against every truth he held dear.

  The man before him wore a ski mask and gloves and was wrapped around the woman, curses coming from them both. Her arms were pinned to her body but she squirmed to get free while she kicked back at his shins.

  Steve admired her spunk even as he moved to intercept the fight. The way she moved kept the assailant from getting to the open door across the hall, even though he was taller and bulkier than she.

  Her eyes widened when Steve neared, fear intensifying, but he laid a finger across his lips and turned his focus to her attacker.

  Years of combat training took him to the man’s side in a few quick steps. Using the handle end of the flashlight, he popped the man’s head and the jerk went down like a rock. The woman flung her body forward, ending up on her knees.

  When a body shot landed in his midsection, Steve spun and engaged the next opponent. Another darkly clothed man ran past them, heading away from the front door, but Steve didn’t want to leave the woman alone until the current fighter was subdued.

  A door slammed in the distance just as Steve landed a punch to the man’s gut and he went down.

  Steve turned to check for other combatants and when his eyes finally fixed on the woman, she had a phone in her hand.

  “Police are on the way,” she told him, her breath sawing in and out. “Who are you?”

  “Steve Gladston, G&L Security. I have an appointment with Simon this morning.” The cable ties in his pocket worked well as restraints and he quickly had both men cuffed while they waited for the police. “Are you all right, miss?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Her words and her face told conflicting stories. It looked like she’d been roughed up a little before he got inside. He took a step closer, hoping like hell he didn’t scare her half to death, and put a finger under her chin. He wanted a good look at her face and, sure enough, the area below her left cheekbone was pink and splotchy, a bruise rising as he watched. Dammit.

  “What’s your name, doll?”

  “Dena Lindsay.”

  He struggled a minute to keep the fury out of his tone, unwilling to show his temper. She’d had enough for the day. “Dena, honey, can you do me a favor and turn around? Just stare at the wall for a minute.”

  Big brown eyes looked up at him, a hint of fear trickling into her expression. Shit, he didn’t want to frighten her any more than she’d already been. “I promise nothing bad will happen. Just give me a little trust for a minute, maybe two.”

  Such a pretty little lady shouldn’t have to deal with this kind of shit, and he’d definitely have a long, hard talk with her brother when he finally arrived. For now, he waited for her to turn her back.

  Swift steps took him to the intruders as soon as she looked away. They were both rousing and shifting their bodies in an effort to get loose. Not likely with the zip ties. He squatted, leaned close to their faces, and kept his voice low to spare Miss Lindsay’s ears. “Only a fucking jackass beats a woman. Remember that while you’re sitting in jail and trying to breathe.” A well-placed punch to the ribcage for both of them and the welcome sound of cracking bones ensured they’d remember his lesson.

  When he stood, Miss Lindsay’s eyes were wide and staring. “Why did you do that?” she asked. “They were a
lready tied up.”

  He moved back to her, unable to keep his eyes off of her. Damn, such a beauty shouldn’t be working in an office with little or no security. Simon should’ve at least taught her some basic self-defense. Unable to keep his hands to himself, he cupped her chin and brushed his thumb across the forming bruise. “Do you have an ice machine in this place?”

  “Why?” Rich brown eyes followed the movements of his mouth like he was giving her the benediction in church.

  “You need to put some on this pretty face real soon. Doesn’t it hurt?”

  “No,” she whispered, but he could see her body begin to tremble. Adrenaline overload was fast approaching.

  “What the hell happened here?”

  The words echoed down the hall and Steve watched her eyes drop along with her chin. Her oldest brother was in the building, probably with the other two, and she wasn’t ready to face them. He pulled a chair out from the closest workstation and planted her cute little ass in it. “Stay.” Then he hot-footed it around the corner and met the other men in the foyer before they got a look at her face.

  “Simon, good to see you again.”

  “Gladston, what the hell? You couldn’t wait until I got here to let you in?”

  They shook hands and Simon introduced him to his younger brother, Grant.

  “I did break the glass out front, and I’ll pay for the repairs, but I’m thinking I’ll make it back with my commission for your security system.”

  Grant gave him a dark look and Simon’s expression stiffened. “Tell me.”

  Steve took a slow breath to give the girl an extra minute or two. “I got here early to check the outside area before we started talking hardware. From the front door, I heard screams and a fight.”

  “Dena’s car’s in the lot.” Grant started moving and Steve stuck an arm out to hold him back.

  “She’s fine, just a little shaken up. Police are on their way.”


  “The front door was locked when I approached. I haven’t had a chance to check anything else, but your sister was trying to fight them off when I got to her. She can tell us how it began, but it might be a good idea to wait and let her tell the police at the same time.”

  A police cruiser pulled into the lot and Grant volunteered to meet the officer while Steve and Simon went back to Dena.


  “I’m fine,” Dena repeated out loud, a personal reminder that she was relatively unscathed. Her cheek hurt and her pride was skinned a little. She was breathing hard from exertion or maybe the exhilaration from the struggle, but regardless, it was time to rejoin the gym. Being a wimp wasn’t a good idea. A few other spots began to ache and she bit back a groan. Her brothers were in the building and she didn’t want to be babied in front of her rescuer.

  And what a rescuer he was. A gorgeous man had come to her aid when she couldn’t protect herself, even though she’d had a self-defense class her sophomore year of college. A hardcore refresher was in her future, even if her brothers disagreed. They wouldn’t approve. Maybe she could ask Mr. Strong and Hunky for help. He could be a buffer from her brothers’ overprotective ways.

  And there they were. The security guy was telling them all about the poor woman he saved while Simon and Grant had worry written all over their faces. So not how she wanted her Friday to go.

  She had plans. Wild party plans with friends. Knowing her brothers, she’d be locked in the family home by noon and sequestered in a convent by Monday morning.

  Dena groaned as they circled her. It had taken years of hard work to get them out of her hair enough to have a life of her own. She couldn’t let her brothers take her freedom away because of a little scuffle.

  “I’m fine,” she said, firmer this time.

  The police officer with them moved to her side. “Can you tell me what happened, ma’am?”

  “I came in early this morning to get a few things off my desk, but I’m positive I locked the door behind me.”

  “It was locked when I arrived. First thing I checked when I started the exterior inspection.” The man who’d rescued her spoke and she wished she could remember his name. He’d told her, but her brain was doing strange things with her ability to process information.

  The officer nodded in the man’s direction. “You’re sure, Mr. Gladston?”

  “Yes. When I heard the screams, I broke the glass to get into the building.”

  Dena opened her mouth to thank him, but both of her brothers said the words at the same time. She shot them both her best glare and then looked straight at her savior. “Thank you for helping me, Mr. Gladston.”

  He smiled and for a minute she thought she was back in the fight, her heart beating double time.

  “Please call me Steve,” he said. “I’m just glad I was here.” He held her gaze but directed a question to her brothers. “Is there any ice in this place? Her cheek’s beginning to swell.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered when they both took off to find an icepack.

  “It’s going to hurt for a few days, honey. You’ll appreciate the ice.”

  The endearment went straight to her heart though it was probably a habit for him. “No. Thank you for getting rid of Simon and Grant. They smother me.”

  The killer smile was back and she couldn’t hold her own mouth still. Such a charmer. He probably had a wife at home, or a long line of women waiting for their turn.

  “When the dust settles around here, I’d like to take you to dinner.”

  Her pulse flared again, but not from fear or panic, and a tiny kernel of heat formed in her belly. “I’d like that,” she replied.

  “Tonight?” The corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile. “I promise to give you a better end to this day than the beginning was. Up for it?”

  * * * *

  Steve waited within earshot while Dena told the officer what she could remember. It was a surprisingly detailed account considering the personal trauma she’d sustained, and his appreciation of the young lady went up the chart from cute and sexy to strong and courageous. Sexy was a given.

  The suggestion of dinner had been a reflex, an attempt to help her put the incident in the past. But watching her step away from her brothers, or at least attempt to do so, had him rethinking the evening.

  Simon just might kill him.

  When she finished, Simon wrapped an arm around her waist. “Grant’s going to take you home and mom’s going to keep you company for the rest of the day. I’ll send someone to your house to pack an overnight bag.”

  Steve hid a grin when she slipped out of her brother’s embrace and separated herself from both family members. “No. I have work to get done today and plans for the rest of the weekend.”

  “Now, Dena—”

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a child, Simon. I love you but I’m not going to let you push me around.” She turned to the officer. “Are we done?”

  “I still need an inventory of what was taken.”

  “Follow me.”

  Officer in tow, she strode past Steve and damn if she didn’t wink at him. With a smile to her brothers, Steve said, “Still want to walk the building and work up a bid? I already have a few ideas to make this place a helluva lot safer.”

  The brothers exchanged glances. Grant followed Dena and the officer while Simon stayed in the foyer.

  “Where do we begin?” Simon asked.

  “First thing I’d suggest is a better lock on the front door, and I’m assuming your brother’s going to call the glass company about the hole I made?”

  Simon nodded. “It’s taken care of, and thanks for what you did this morning.”

  “Just glad I was here. Now, let’s go through the place and see what we’ve got.”

  He headed back to the main entrance and picked up the clipboard he’d dropped during his messy entrance. Flipping it open, he noted the date and time, telling Simon, “First and foremost, you need a more secure entrance with an electric lock or some other
system. It didn’t take me long to get inside, but it did make a lot of noise and a mess. I have several options for us to discuss when we finish the survey.”

  He made sure Simon realized they’d moved to the business side of their relationship while they discussed possible solutions for office security, knowing the man had a distinctly overprotective attitude concerning his sister.

  Every word out of Steve’s mouth focused on the job while they moved from the hall to the first office and continued as he noted needs in each space.

  Three rooms into the tour, Simon said, “I’d appreciate it if you stay away from my sister.”

  Finally. He’d watched Simon’s expression and the set of his shoulders tighten little by little and waited for the comment. “I’m taking her to dinner tonight. She needs a little fun to take the taste of this morning out of her mouth.”

  “She doesn’t need your help with the taste in her mouth.”

  A glare came with Simon’s reply and Steve kept his expression placid. Or close to it.

  “With all due respect, the decision belongs to Dena.”

  “My sister isn’t any part of your business.”

  “I’m glad you agree,” Steve said with a smile. “What we’re looking at right now is business. You need to realize my relationship with Dena has nothing to do with G&L Security and what I can provide security-wise for your business.”

  “You don’t have a relationship with my sister. You just met her.”

  Time to get back on track. “How many security cameras do you have in the building?”

  Simon cursed under his breath but answered, as Steve knew he would. “None.”

  “That’s where we need to start.”

  Chapter 2

  Steve climbed into his truck and tried hard not to groan. Simon Lindsay was an arrogant, nitpicking son of a bitch, but in the end, he’d ponied up. He’d agreed that his business was in dire need of security and allowed Steve to suggest a wide range of top of the line measures to make the place safe and secure. The fact that his baby sister had been attacked might’ve swayed him a little and Steve didn’t argue the point. In fact, he’d carefully avoided discussing the incident.


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