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Three Parts Fey (An Obscure Magic Book 3)

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  Smith hissed. “That would be a mistake. Harcourt looks like he can take a hit.”

  “You have no idea.”

  She glanced back at Argyle, and he was opening and closing his fists.

  “We are here.”

  Her attention was brought around to the building in front of them. “I don’t know how long I will be. If I am too late, head for the agency and send Pooky to bring me home.”

  “We will wait for you. We are a team, Benny. We won’t leave you behind.”

  She flashed a smile and left the car, covering herself in human-based magic.

  She showed her credentials to the desk sergeant. “I am here to see a woman arrested earlier this evening. Miaka Horrocks.”

  He flicked through his records and nodded. “She is in holding.”

  “I need to speak with her. I am concerned for her wellbeing.”

  He blinked. “We know how to treat our own here.”

  “She may well be a target for a demon, and I am better equipped to deal with that than you are.”

  “Why is that?” His smug look told her that he wasn’t going to let her in.

  “I was raised by one.” She let her eyes flare demon green, and then, she flicked them into brilliant fey colours.

  By the time his startled shout brought backup, she looked like a half-elf.

  It was easy to get his superior to let her in. The desk sergeant was obviously in need of a break if he couldn’t tell the difference between fey eyes and demon eyes.

  She was escorted in to the holding area, and she sought the pen. “Excuse me. She was brought in with a pen.”

  “It has been logged into evidence.”

  “Unlog it. It has her brother’s soul in it, and he will be able to keep her calm. Consider him a second witness.”

  “She didn’t mention it.”

  Benny sighed. “She didn’t know, but I explained things in detail to the transporting officers. I am guessing that they just got busy and didn’t mean to drive her mad. Please bring it and put it outside the cell.”

  Benny was let into Miaka’s cell, and the woman was rocking violently, pulling on her hair.

  “Oh, Miaka. What are you doing?”

  “He’s gone; he’s gone. He’s lost and it is all my fault.”

  Benny touched Miaka’s cheek to get the young woman to look at her. “He isn’t gone. He is nearby. Wait just a moment.”

  Benny waited until the officer opened the door for her, and she smiled politely. “Where is the pen?”

  “There is no record of it.”

  “Do you mind if I find it?”

  The officer smirked. “Go for it. The officers who brought her in are back on the street.”

  Benny held out her hand and summoned the pen, and just to be nasty, she pulled the uniform of the officer who had it on him. Dark fabric landed in her palm, and with a little investigation, she found the pen.

  The officer across from her was staring. “You took their uniform?”

  “Oh, you know XIA magic. It is messy.”

  “Can you put the clothing back?”

  Benny sighed. “I am afraid not. I don’t know who it came from. I just tracked the pen and pulled everything around it to keep it safe. I didn’t want it to snag on anything.”

  She looked at the pen and whispered, “Michael, she needs you.”

  The ghost appeared and walked through the door to his sister.

  The sobbing turned from panicked to delighted. Miaka was coming back to herself and swirling into her new reality.

  The conversation between the twins began, and Benny looked around for a safe place to put the pen.

  The officer was digging through the clothing and found the identity badge. The call was immediately placed and the nearly naked officer located.

  When the officer questioned why the pen had been on his person, Benny could clearly hear him say that he wasn’t going to take orders from an XIA agent.

  Benny raised her eyebrows at the officer on this side of the call. Colour crept into his face.

  Benny used a small charm to stick the pen to the wall next to the cell.

  “I will be checking in with her later, and I will file paperwork to get her transferred to the XIA. We actually do know how to handle our own, and we have compassion for those who end up in a place that their genetic inheritance put them in.”

  She checked on Miaka again, and the woman was eagerly speaking to her brother.

  Michael glanced at Benny and inclined his head. She nodded back and left them to their reunion.

  A small enchantment to tie Miaka to the pen was the same one that Lenora used to use so that Benny didn’t lose her homework.

  Benny inclined her head to the officer walking her around, and she left the building. One more batch of paperwork was in her future, and the sooner she got to the SUV, the better.

  Chapter Seven

  The guys saw her coming and straightened from their positions loitering on the SUV. Tremble summed it up. “Uh, oh.”

  Benny got into the seat and fired up the computer, writing a scathing report and request for prisoner transfer. When it came to the reasoning, she smirked and wrote that as the XIA agents had had to fend off the ghouls, it was their jurisdiction that had been impinged.

  The rest of the prisoner torture was recorded, including the name of Mage Guild Officer Ambrican, who had removed the pen and kept it for his own purposes.

  She outlined her summoning of the pen and the uniform that came with it, culminating with her attaching the pen to the prisoner via spell work, while the others climbed into the vehicle.

  “What happened in there?” Argyle asked cautiously.

  Smith pulled away from the parking spot and headed around the block to the XIA.

  “They had her in an isolated cell and didn’t put the pen close enough for activation. She was going insane at an accelerated rate, and the break in her spell only made it worse.”

  Tremble’s voice was soft. “So, you are angry.”

  “Furious. I would have taken her out of there if she hadn’t been on record with all agencies.” Benny kept typing until she had assembled a complete assessment of the situation and her actions. When she sent the file, she closed the computer and her hands formed fists in her lap.

  Cautiously, Argyle asked, “Why are you so angered by this?”

  Benny worked at calming herself. Her eyes were flicking between glowing demon green and rainbow fey with rapid cycling. She could feel it.

  The new change to her social structure was a source of stress. She hadn’t found a normal balance and now something was hitting one of her hot buttons. Too much too soon.

  Tremble put his hand on her shoulder again, and she breathed slowly, using his aura to calm herself. Between him and Argyle, she could probably anchor her mood to theirs and keep herself stable, but if either of them pitched a mood, she would go along for the ride. It was better to figure out a way to calm herself.

  When they returned to the agency, she headed inside with her team and changed back into her normal clothing. Her locker hadn’t been tampered with while she was gone, and it was one relief in a messed-up evening.

  “Ganger. In my office.”

  The captain’s voice rapped out. She turned and headed to the sound of the irritated commanding officer.

  “Close the door.”

  She stood in front of the captain’s desk. “Yes, Captain.”

  He looked at her and cocked his head. “Why did you do that? The Horrocks woman was off our books.”

  “She was going insane. In a matter of hours, she would have been catatonic, and from there, she would have been prime psychic fodder for the demon who was sponsoring her.”

  Matheson leaned back in his chair. “How do you know that?”

  “I was once the target of a similar pattern of attack. Demons go with what works.”

  “How was it resolved in your case?”

  She stared straight ahead. “My father intervened

  “And you intervened in the case of Miss Horrocks. Well, since you have legitimate reason to believe that a demon is involved and the Mage Guild does not want to draw the attention of one unless necessary, we are taking possession of the woman and her brother.”

  Benny nearly collapsed with relief. “I can help with warding a safe spot for her. She will need help developing mental skills and defenses to keep him out.”

  Captain Matheson held up a hand. “We call in specialists for that sort of thing, but it has been so long since there was a demon on the books that I will have to dig out the contact information.”

  “She will get help?”

  “You can come in early and check on her tomorrow. For tonight, just put a ward around the room we are putting her in. Is that acceptable?”

  Benny nodded. “Yes, Captain. Thank you.”

  Matheson sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “You were very careful to not incriminate your partners.”

  “I was doing my part as the mage-humanish part of the grouping.”

  “Well, you filled a position that we didn’t even know was lacking.”

  “Argyle and Tremble managed to keep the ghouls confined. Smith located the mage and watched my back.”

  “So, a well-rounded team. Good work for your first night; now, come on and ward that cell.”

  Benny followed him, and her team followed her. They went down to the cells, and Benny eyed the sparse room with a wrinkled nose.

  “Can I make it more comfortable?”

  Matheson raised his brows. “Can you?”

  She stepped in and thickened the pad of the bed with a whispered enchantment. The floor was sealed with a glyph that she drew with her shoe. It was warmed to a comfortable temperature, and when she had made it as physically comfortable as she could, she walked up to Argyle. “Bite my thumb, please.”

  He blinked, but obliged.

  She hissed as her skin was punctured and cupped her hand so as not to waste the blood.

  “Smith, can you give me a boost?”

  He came in after her and offered his cupped hands. She awkwardly got up and hands cupped her backside to steady her. “Thanks, Tremble.”

  Wards could be made of anything, but if you were trying to keep out a demon, it had to be blood. She pressed a dot to the corner and jerked her head to the right. They carried her to the next corner, and she marked it as well. When all four were treated, they set her down and she went to where the wall met the floor and repeated the anointing. She washed her thumb and was about to stick it in her mouth when Argyle grabbed her hand and sucked it like a lollipop.

  She knew the moment the puncture sealed. He withdrew her finger and gave her a tiny kiss and a wink.

  “Wait out there.” Benny faced the room and sent magic out to cast a web across the walls, floor and ceiling. No demon but Benny could cross the boundary, and no hostile intent could pass through the door.

  She was a little dizzy when she was done, but it was a solid piece of enchantment.

  Captain Matheson looked at her and nodded. “Smith, you had better get her home. She looks exhausted.”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  They were on their way out when Miaka and her spectral brother were on the way in. When Miaka saw her, the woman broke free and collided bodily with Benny. Her cuffs were still in place, but she whispered, “Thank you.”

  Benny teared up, and she pressed her head to Miaka’s. “You will be safe here. I will talk with you when I come back on shift.”

  “Michael can stay with me?”

  “He can. He can be with you as long as you need him.”

  The agent behind Miaka nodded and patted his pocket where the pen resided. “It will remain in an active distance.”

  Benny smiled. “Thanks.”

  She didn’t mention that the pen would move on its own now, that wasn’t something she wanted to announced considering that she had just gotten the very unstable girl into a place that respected the trauma that had created the illegal activity. She would get a fair run at justice.

  Benny backed off, and Miaka was taken down the hall to her room. She should be comfortable enough until the following day.

  Benny was in dire need of a nap. She had used a lot of magic, and since it was coming from her alone, it was taking its toll.

  Her crew was waiting for her, and they all stumbled out into the pinking dawn. Pooky was waiting, and he shepherded them home in no time. They all needed to rest, and it was no surprise that they all chose her bed to climb into. The discomfort of a jumble of limbs took second place to the need to sleep.

  Benny woke with a jolt that sent Tremble and Andrew into high alert. Argyle leaned up on an elbow and raised his eyebrows. “What is it, Benny? Something wrong?”

  The other two were looking around as if preparing for an incursion, but Argyle had it right. Something was pulling her.

  She got up and put on a robe, heading downstairs to check her phone. “I will be back in a minute.”

  The impulse that pulled her downstairs was a new one.

  Her phone was hovering above the counter where she had left it, and all the lights it had available were flashing.

  When Benny reached the phone, it quieted and settled against her palm.

  Two lines of text from an unexpected source was displayed on the screen.

  I need to speak with you about the pending case. Meet me at the Wicked Brew; I will be there all day.

  Benny blinked. “Right. I need a shower.”

  The origin of the text was unknown to her phone, but the feel of the power was eerily familiar. Jennifer Langstrom had the unusual distinction of having a mind and aura patterned like Benny’s, without the power. Benny had attempted to strip the soul copy off of Jennifer, but the layer underneath had taken to the imprint.

  One short phone call had been all they had been allowed before her lawyers had told her to stop talking to Benny. If she wanted to meet in person, it had to be important. During her training, the XIA had recommended that Benny not meet her, but something was up.

  She trotted upstairs and headed into the shower, locking out any of her companions. She didn’t want company and definitely no shenanigans before she left.

  Wrapped in a towel, she returned to the bedroom and filled in her collection. “I got a text from a friend. I have to meet her for coffee.”

  Tremble stood and headed for the shower. “I am coming with you.”

  She twisted her head toward him and followed him into the bathroom. “Why?”

  “That was way too much power for a simple request.” He smirked and pushed her out of the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

  Sighing, she headed for her wardrobe, and she pulled out her normal collection of jeans, t-shirt and underwear. When she was dry and dressed, she pulled a brush through her hair in time to see Tremble emerge from the bathroom with his hair braided for the day.

  She walked to the side of the bed where Andrew was watching her, and she rubbed her cheek against his. “See you in a few hours.”

  He blinked and rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?”

  Argyle snorted. “It is ten in the morning.”

  Benny winced. “Sorry. If it wasn’t a friend, I wouldn’t go, but she needs to talk and we can’t discuss things over the phone.”

  Andrew sighed. “Talk to you later.”

  He dropped back into the pillows, and she laughed.

  Argyle beckoned to her, and she walked around the bed to cuddle with him for a moment before Tremble cleared his throat.


  Argyle leaned back and slept instantly with a slight smile on his face.

  There was only time for a glass of water before she hauled Tremble out and into the sunlight. Pooky galloped around and became his normal sports-car configuration.

  “Sorry for the sudden need, Pooky. I got a call.” She settled her small purse between the front seats.

  Tremble slid and glanced at her. “Are you go
ing to tell me where we are going and who we are meeting?”

  Pooky started to roll down the driveway.

  “We are going to Wicked Brew, and I am going to have a conversation with Jennifer Langstrom. She has information about the pending lawsuit.”

  He blinked. “What lawsuit?”

  “Oh. Damn. I forgot this hit the fan when I was in training and you guys were on leave. Um...My parents are being sued for the wilful neglect that led to the death of the other girls and the endangerment of Jennifer.”

  Tremble cleared his throat. “You did forget to mention that.”

  “Sorry. I got distracted with the demon thing and all.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes. “Why are you going to meet with her today? I would think her lawyer would have told her to stay away.”

  Benny shrugged. “I have no idea. That is what we are going to find out.”

  Tremble sighed. “This is a bad idea.”

  She chuckled and squeezed his hand. “Like many others I have had, I am sure things will turn out fine...eventually.”

  He gave her a wry look through his rainbow eyes. “Don’t think that wearing fey eyes will make me soften on this. It is not a good idea.”

  She let Pooky drive, he was doing it anyway, and looked at her face in the driver’s mirror for an instant. “I didn’t mean to. I am guessing that things are shifting. Let’s wait and see how they work out.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jennifer was sitting with a cup between her palms in a quiet corner of the busiest coffee shop in town.

  Benny placed her order and moved to sit across from Jennifer. “You rang?”

  Jennifer’s eyes were hollow and haunted. She reached out and touched Benny’s hand, sighing in relief. “I have missed that.”

  Benny’s eyes teared up. “I am sorry, but I had to pull the copy off you.”

  Jennifer nodded and swallowed. “I understand. I didn’t want to file charges, but my parents took over.”

  “It is fine. We will get through it, I am sure.”


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