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Three Parts Fey (An Obscure Magic Book 3)

Page 10

by Viola Grace

  “I don’t like to speak of it, but she lost a few months of memory after she came home. She recovered, but never got the memory of the worst time of her illness back.”

  “Were there any other changes at that time?”

  “Dad turned green and scaly with horns. Is that enough?”

  “Thank you, Miss Ganger. You may return to your seat.”

  Benny got up and handed him the orb on her way down. She resumed her seat with Argyle on one side and Smith on the other.

  The defense spoke to her dad. “Mister Ganger, how is it that the soul of your daughter came to be split into nine pieces?”

  The gargoyle handed the orb over to Harcourt. He sighed.

  “I had marking to do for my class, and I went home to finish it so I could get back to the hospital to be with my wife and daughter. At that time, I was teaching at two local universities and consulting at five colleges.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

  “Lenora was agitated when I left. It had not been an easy birth, and Benny had not been strong when she made it into the world. Lenora was worried, and I left her anyway.” He flexed his hands and his face showed his regret.

  “When I came back, she was in bed, her hands tight together and her lips white. She said she had done what she had to, to protect our baby. Benny was safe and her godmother would look after her if Lenora didn’t make it. I told her she was being silly, but she was haunted. We brought Benny home, and Lenora got better, but I always remembered what she had said. She had kept them from finding her so Benny would be safe.” Harcourt’s voice broke and he gather himself.

  “When she was dying, she told me what she had done. I had told her I was worried about Benny’s slow development in the magical arts. With us as her parents, I was expecting her to show more power at an earlier stage. The spell for division of power explained it all. Benny could get by on one-ninth of the power she was born with, and the others would benefit greatly.”

  The attorney nodded. “What happened to your wife?”

  “She got cancer, and there was nothing that we could do. We had to wait until it ran its course, and then, I was able to put demon magic to use. Unfortunately, using the magic left the stain on my body.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I used demon venom to key her to my body and burned the cancer out of her body. I brought her back using the control I had to spark her life, and from there, her own magic took over. I lost my human aspect, but I kept my love.”

  “Did you resume teaching?”

  “No. Lenora and I continued consulting as researchers, but we didn’t walk out of the house much. Our friends came to us, and those that didn’t mind my new appearance became regular visitors.”

  Benny held Argyle’s hand as her father was asked to show his demon aspect. The familiar features came and went.

  Harcourt was dismissed, and Lenora was called to testify. She confirmed all of what had already been said.

  “When I first held Benny in my arms, I was terrified of what the world would deliver to her. I wanted her safe, but I remembered how hard it was for me growing up. I wanted a better life for her and less power was the way to do it, at least at the time.” Lenora sniffled. “It was all I could think of.”

  The gargoyle nodded and seemed at a loss for words. “Thank you, Missus Ganger. You may be seated.”

  The prosecutor looked befuddled, but the judge had a serious expression. “Court is in recess while I assess the testimony of those here today.”

  They all rose and left, the waiting room was quiet and Benny walked over to hug her parents. “I love you both.”

  Lenora stroked her cheek. “Thank you for understanding, Benny.”

  Her dad gave her a firm bear hug. “You did well, Benny. It is better that we get things out in the open. Time to stop hiding.”

  “One way or another?”


  They waited for two hours until the chime rang again. When it pealed, they got up and walked back to the courtroom.

  The judge sat, and he stared at everyone, slowly making eye contact with the defense and the prosecution. “This decision has not been an easy one. At this time, given the statute of limitations, there are no charges that would be relevant to the case at hand. While the families may pursue punitive damages, there are no criminal charges to be laid.

  “Harcourt Emile Ganger is free to return to his home. His only crime is not investigating the actions of his wife when they were still at the hospital. Once the infants had left the building, there was nothing else to be done.” The judge looked over those assembled.

  “As the prosecution granted immunity to Lenora Ganger, there are no charges to pursue. If we were inclined to do so, the spell was cast on her own flesh and blood out of a post-partum protective instinct and therefore is not one that can legally be pursued. She has recovered, and her daughter was not materially harmed by the spell, the side effect has worn off with the death of the other women. All has reset to the point at which fate would have had it.

  “I dismiss all culpability in this case on behalf of all the Gangers and wish them a more serene future. Case dismissed.”

  The prosecutor nodded, and his shoulders slumped with relief. The defense attorney smiled, and his wings opened as he stood. Her parents had paperwork to fill out, but they would be home before dawn.

  Benny let the guys escort her out, and she braced herself for the court of public opinion. The courthouse steps were covered with folk waiting to see what was happening.

  Jennifer was waiting with her family, and when Benny smiled at her, she rushed forward and hugged her. “I am so relieved.”

  “Your parents are free to sue mine if they choose to.”

  “I don’t care. The tutor you set me up with is amazing.” Jennifer mumbled it in Benny’s ear.

  “I am glad. He knows what he is talking about.”

  “We are looking into going into business together.”

  “Really?” Benny leaned back in surprise.

  Jennifer grinned. “A coffee shop. We are thinking of naming it the Patchwork Dragon.”

  “I swear to be there on opening day.”

  “I will hold you to it. At this point, it is a few months away. It should be up and running just after winter holidays.”

  Benny was surprised. “Why so long?”

  “I need to get my seer’s license. A coffee shop run by a licensed seer would have had a certain cachet, and it means I can use my talent without going anywhere. All the magic will come to me.”

  “Good. If there is anything I can do, let me know.”

  “I will. Thanks for this new start. Good luck with your own.” Jennifer winked and let her go.

  Freddy came up and hugged her as they walked down to the sidewalk. The thud of hoof beats rang through the parking lot. They got on their steeds and took off for home. Folk may have been staring, but nothing was thrown. It was hard to hate the Wild Hunt. They were such beautiful horses.

  A gallop through the wilds outside of town was just what she needed. When they got to the meadow, she was feeling soft satisfaction in the events of the night and far less panic.

  News reports went over the bits of the case that were recorded and reported, as well as images of all of the Gangers were spread across the news and websites.

  Benny spent time with her family, greeting old friends at the big house and introducing them to her new partners. Family came by, friends, acquaintances and a few curious folk who managed to work their way through the wards at the end of the street.

  The new portions of their family also came by. The lions arrived and enjoyed a backyard barbeque as well as space to run around in whatever form they chose.

  The vampires came with their own food and spent time socialising with the Gangers.

  When the fey arrived, it was a party. Magic flared, enchantments spun and it was an experiment in who could make the most indecent-decent outfit. The combinations got peculiar.
r />   As Tremble’s sister pulled her aside, Benny knew what was coming.

  “When are you going to have a wedding?”

  “We are trying for the next full moon, but we might have to wait until we can find a way to make it legal. My parents are in full research mode.”

  She laughed, a light, lilting sound. “So, we are not the only eager parties?”

  “Nope. Anyone who isn’t in our party wants to know when we are getting married, and we have to wait for legal matters to catch up. We need a blood-bound dispensation, but for now, we are bonded and know it.”

  “True enough. Well, you are an interesting sister-in-law. I have never felt so much magic in such a small package.”

  Benny had come to grips with being short next to the other races. It was the most human thing about her.

  “Does he really ride a member of the Wild Hunt?” His sister’s tone was sly.

  “Sure. Did you want to meet one?”

  And so, the rest of Benny’s night turned into arranging pony rides for elegant fey. It was not what she had expected, but it was something to kill time.

  Arranging weddings with more than four distinct traditions was going to take some time. Lenora threw herself into it and into the new requests for both her and Harcourt to lecture at a number of nearby schools.

  The lawsuits were also pending for using the babies as camouflage, but they could ask for what they wanted. If the families didn’t have a history of financial success before the soul split, they would have to deduct all of the wages earned since their deceased daughters had begun working.

  It was the same for the other young women. The pattern of success was a stain for those suing. Benny made money in a very specific way, and if her counterparts made money in the same method, their earnings belonged to her.

  It was way too complicated.

  Benny just wanted to get back to work, but they had to wait for the call. She hoped like hell that the call came soon.

  Planning a wild wedding and defending a lawsuit at the same time was bizarre, and she desperately wanted a small sliver of normal back. Pretty please.


  The assembled XIA commanders and councillors kept their eyes fixed on the group.

  In uniform, with her new badge highly polished, Benny stood with her partners and waited to find out what would happen next. Their little gathering had already had a number of job offers, consulting for a variety of species in regards to law enforcement and investigation, but they had all agreed that if they could, they would remain with the XIA.

  The chairman of the meeting folded his hands in front of him. “Agents Smith, Tremble, Argyle and Ganger, this council has come to a decision regarding your continued employment by this agency.”

  Benny felt the tension fill her partners, and she mentally confessed to her own. They had not been asked for their opinion so—for once—Benny didn’t offer it.

  “While the circumstances of Agent Ganger’s bloodline are unusual, they do provide us with an opportunity that the XIA has never had before.”

  Benny could feel Argyle perk up. His attention was well and fully captured. The other two were wary. She was willing to hear what was being offered.

  “Since all charges against you and your family have been dropped as time served and there is still a bit of public unrest with your demon status, we have worked out an alternative.”

  A female councillor cleared her throat. “We are in need of a liaison to travel to cities and towns where new creatures are not being welcomed or are committing offenses. We need a gathering that can look human, go in and do what is necessary to secure the peace.”

  Benny blinked. “You want look human?”

  The councillor smiled. “We are aware that you can manage it and have managed it. The sharing of characteristics that you and your companions can engage in is on the record.”

  Benny wrinkled her nose. “Fair enough. May we discuss this for a moment?”

  The council nodded and the woman said, “Of course.”

  Benny consulted her partners for a moment. They must have seemed strange to the watchers, but a heated debate raged across their joined thoughts. When they had a consensus, Argyle spoke.

  “We agree to the arrangement on principle, but we will need to see a document outlining our available courses of action. It will be held in confidence, but we wish to have the backing of this council when we act against the laws of a local area.”

  The serious folk looked at each other, and the councillor cleared her throat. “That is what we were attempting to tell you. While we will be able to offer you protection once you have entered the XIA territories, we are not welcome everywhere, and in those areas, you will have to protect yourselves. With that stipulation, will you consider this a new branch for investigations?”

  Tremble eased forward. “When would we commence our new branch of investigations?”

  The captain leaned down and heaved up a box of files. “Each of these files contains a person or persons in a settlement who is hiding who they are from a town or family that would persecute or destroy them. The extra-naturals need to be removed, rescued or arrested, and the locals are not able to manage it. If you accept this arrangement, you begin immediately.”

  After another silent consultation, Benny smiled, “Show us the contract and let’s get this started.”

  One by one, they signed a contract that was hiring them as investigative consultants under the banner of the XIA. There were new extra-naturals coming into power that needed their help, and there was nothing like a well-balanced team to help out when it was needed. It would get them out, let them travel and give the steeds a chance to run.

  Benny put her signature and a spot of blood beneath that of her partners. She was doing it for the steeds, really.

  After all, Benny had all the opportunities to exert herself that she could want.

  Author’s Note

  Whew! Well, I did it. I planned for the first three books in the Obscure Magic series and they were done.

  Personally, I had a problem during this book. My father passed away suddenly, halfway through. I tried my best to keep it going, but my heart wasn’t in it.

  An Obscure Magic returns Jan. 1, 2016. We will delve into the lives of some of the ladies we have met on the way...and Benny and the boys will pop up when you least expect them.

  Ritual Space, Hell in a Handbag, Defying Eternity, Chosen and Slain, are a few of the titles lying in wait.

  In the meantime, there is a holiday series of nine books beginning on Oct 26 and culminating on Dec. 24. The first book is titled Dear Santa, Get Bent. When the reindeer have had enough of enforced celibacy, they break out and make a run for the human world in an effort to...socialise. The elves of the Naughty and Nice list are sent out in Operation Reindeer Retrieval, to bring the ladies home by whatever means necessary.

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  About the Author

  Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specialises in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.

  An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it; she always goes for the cheap laugh.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


nbsp; Author’s Note

  About the Author




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