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Make Me a Mommy: A Mother's Day Secret Baby Romance

Page 96

by Liz K. Lorde

  A beautiful chestnut-haired woman stands next to me, squeezing in to fight for her space at the crowded bar.

  It’s a fucking zoo in here, and each person has to fend for themselves. It’s total chaos, not gonna lie. Everyone is out for the same thing: drinks, dancing and hopefully meeting someone that leads to a hookup later.

  I observe this woman with interest as she waves to the bartender, trying to flag him down. Luckily for her, the bartender just so happens to be my best friend.

  She blows out a puff of air and drums her perfectly manicured nails against the bar top, making a light tapping sound that makes me smile, although I’m not really sure why.

  She’s restless and on the verge of yelling at him to gain his attention.

  This is where I decide to step in with my fresh wit and undying charismatic charm.

  It’s perfectly evident how beautiful she is―in an obvious, apparent, and perfect kind of way. I’m sure she understands the depth of her gorgeousness, and probably uses it to her advantage on the regular.

  I can’t place my finger on it, but it’s almost as if she’s effortlessly carrying herself with poise and smooth confidence, and that fucking draws me in like a fly to honey.

  I don’t usually find myself smitten over a woman. I enjoy watching them, sure, but this woman…she encompasses true, uninhibited beauty that’s totally unmatched by anyone else swirling through the room.

  Oh, right, remember how I just said I want to swoop in and become her knight in shining armor?

  Well, she beats me to the punch and speaks first. I’m not entirely sure her words are directed at me, or just to the world in general, as she impatiently waits for bar service.

  The hot girl sighs dramatically, but in a cute and adorable way. “It sure is hard to get a guy’s attention,” she chuckles, shaking her head.

  I can’t help it. I can’t stop myself from replying. “For a woman as pretty as yourself, it can’t be too hard. He just hasn’t seen you yet.”

  She turns to face me, blushing. Really, all I can think about is how ironic her statement is, because she’s the most breathtaking woman in this whole damn place.

  She’s about to respond, but she appears to have a new distraction in lieu of yours truly.

  She smiles at me and finally notices Theo coming our direction. “Bartender!” she calls out frantically albeit politely to capture his attention.

  “Yeah.” He swiftly parks in front of her and places his hands on the bar top.

  “Can I get a cosmopolitan and a mojito please?”

  “Yeah, sure, coming right up.” Theo places his white rag over his shoulder and begins the process of pouring her drinks.

  “I’ll pick up your tab,” I state as I hold my hand out for Theo to remember.

  “Oh, no…that’s not necessary.” The hot girl shakes her head vigorously. “I don’t think we’re starting a tab anyway. I’ll just pay for these with cash.” She gives me a polite smile.

  “Then I’ll give Theo here cash.” I grin up at my best friend who rolls his eyes at me, used to my flirting antics.

  She takes a tiny step back. She would have taken a bigger one, but it’s totally fucking packed where we are.

  I can tell that she’s sizing me up.

  “You’re a persistent little fucker, aren’t you?” She grins as she teases me.

  I fucking love it.

  “I insist.” I flash her my million-dollar smile.

  “Just let him pay,” Theo chimes in with his two cents. “He’s not one to quit.”

  “You two know each other?” She points between us.

  “I’ve been enduring more years of servitude with this ole chap than I care to admit.” I wink up at Theo, who laughs in response.

  “Ditto, pal,” he quips back.

  “Well, in that case, I guess I’ll take his advice.” She nods her head in Theo’s direction. “You can buy my drinks…but just this once.” She holds up a prideful finger.

  I sit up and grab my wallet out of my back pocket. “Thank you.”

  I hand Theo a wad of cash.

  “I think I should be thanking you,” she jokes with a chuckle.

  “Sure,” I shrug humbly. “It’s really no trouble, though.”

  The sexy lady bites her lip and stares at me as if she’s trying to figure me out, but I can tell that she’s amused and entertained by me and my light humor.

  Theo hands her both drinks. She sets the mojito on the counter and clings onto the Cosmo for dear life.

  After taking a refreshing sip of the cocktail, she grins mischievously at me.

  “So, can I ask you a question?”

  “I’m an open book.” I smile.

  “I’m sure you are,” she chuckles.

  “Well?” I ask, as she keeps me in suspense.

  She takes another sip of her drink and then puts a finger to her chin. “Why is such a handsome guy like yourself all alone on a Friday night?”

  “You think I’m handsome?” I beam, teasing her with my trademark charm.

  She rolls her eyes. “Didn’t I just say that?”

  “Yes,” I grin, “I just like to hear you say it because you’re gorgeous yourself.”

  “Thank you.” She blushes, and it’s so fucking cute.

  I reflect on her question, and honestly, I don’t have a valid answer. Theo returns to other indignant customers, so it’s not like I can count on him to cast me out a safety net.

  “Beats me.” I shrug and laugh.

  “Well, tonight’s your lucky night.” She grins as her eyes sparkle flirtatiously.

  “Yeah?” I raise an eyebrow at her ambiguous and bold statement.

  “My sister always tells me I need to live a little more, but she doesn’t understand that I’m already adventurous.”

  “That’s nice to hear,” I say, wondering where she’s going with this.

  “I’m going to ask you another question,” she states, and her assertiveness is such a fucking turn-on.

  “Really? You’re going to just dive right in, huh? Not even going to ask me in advance this time?” I tease her.

  “Would you like to join me at my table?” She ignores my joke.

  “That depends.” I lean back in my seat and smile. “Are you also alone here tonight?”

  My heart drums in my chest as I anxiously wait for her response.

  “I’m here with someone…” She pauses. “It’s my sister.”

  “You are wild, just loving keeping me in suspense,” I tell her, chuckling. “I’d love to join you.”

  “Great.” She bites her bottom lip again, and fuck, she’s the fucking sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?” She taunts me with her fiery gorgeous eyes.

  “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” I grin, captivated by her sultry demeanor.

  As we make our way towards where her table is, I think, Fuck, I might be in trouble with this one.


  When we plow our way through the people and finally reach our table, I notice right away that Ethan is already sitting beside Cassie at the table, hand in hand while Cassie brushes herself up against him.

  “Hi,” I shout through the noise of the bar.

  Cassie glances up at me with a look of perplexity. I watch with amusement as the emotion spreads across her face.

  “You have a twin?” the hot guy asks and points to Cassie.

  “Um, yes.” I nod. “Sorry, it didn’t come up in our earlier conversation.”

  I turn back to the people at the table I already know well. “This is Ethan and Cassie. Guys…” I turn back to the mysterious man and realize that I don’t even know his name myself yet.


  I awkwardly extend a hand to officially and formally greet him.


  “I’m Chloe. It’s nice to meet you.”

  He laughs and flashes one of his attractive and oh so fucking sexy smiles. “Nice to meet you, Chloe. I’m Aaron Ben

  Cassie interrupts us. “Hold on a second.” She points at us and grins.

  “Chloe, did you really just bring a stranger to our table without even knowing his name yet?”

  “Well, I was gonna ask!” I exclaim.

  “When? Next week?”

  Ethan laughs at Cassie’s unfunny joke.

  “No,” I say defensively. “Actually, he bought our first round of drinks,” I say with smug satisfaction.

  So, fuck off, is what I really want to say to my sister.

  Cassie beams at Aaron. “Well, in that case, welcome to the table. You’re officially our friend now.”

  Everyone laughs lightheartedly as Aaron and I shove into the booth opposite of Cassie and Ethan.

  “Oh yeah.” I slide Cassie’s mojito across the table. “Here is your drink.”

  “Thanks again.” Cassie winks at Aaron as she holds up her glass before taking a sip through the black straw.

  “You’re welcome.” Aaron chuckles. “I’m happy to do it.”

  Cassie turns to engage her boyfriend in some mindless chatter that I couldn’t fucking care less about.

  I grin at Aaron. “You’re old news now,” I tease.

  “Not to you, I hope,” he says with a smile.

  “So far, so good.” I grin.

  He pretends to wipe the fake sweat off his eyebrow and blows out a puff of air, being playful, which makes me giggle.

  “So, what line of work is Chloe…?”

  “Colburn. Chloe Colburn.” I nod my head in response.

  “Right.” He gives me thumbs up. “So, what do you do for a living?”

  I lean against the back of the booth and take another sip of my cosmopolitan. It’s fucking delicious.

  “I’m a writer.” I stare at him.

  “Really?” His eyes widen with a recognition that I don’t understand.

  “Yep,” I giggle. “Why, does that surprise you or something?”

  “No…” He trails off and shakes his head.

  “I write for a magazine,” I add.

  “Well, you will never be able to believe this but…” he trails off and smiles. “I used to want to be a writer, too.”

  “No shit!” I slap his knee under the table, forgetting that he’s still relatively new in my life and I probably shouldn’t do outlandish things like that to spook him.

  “Sorry.” I cringe and retract my hand.

  “It’s okay.” He chuckles and a glimmer sparks in his eyes. “It seems as if the universe wants us to meet tonight.”

  “You mean because we’re both into writing?” I ask him teasingly.

  “Maybe.” He shrugs. Fuck, he’s adorable.

  He has dark hair and is cleanly shaven, which I love to see on a man. I’m not a fan of the way facial scruff or fur tickles me, especially, well…you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?

  Ok, I’m really going off the beaten path here…

  Anyway, back to our first chance, universal meeting or whatever the fuck you want to call it (or he wants to call it).

  I decide to ask him again why he’s here at the bar alone. I just can’t comprehend it because he’s so fucking attractive it makes me want to cry.

  “Are you sure you aren’t meeting a girl here tonight?” I quiz him with a raise of my eyebrow.

  “I promise.” He crosses his arm over his chest and smiles at me.

  “So, do you always drink alone then?” I am only teasing him, and I hope he doesn’t mind my third-degree round of questioning.

  “I just came in to hang out with Theo and keep him company. You know, he has nobody to talk to at the bar.” Aaron winks at me with a sarcastic humor that I love and appreciate.

  “Oh yes, you know I think I see him over there twiddling his thumbs and yawning?” I joke and crane my neck, pointing to the bar.

  It’s only funny because Theo is up to his neck with demanding, shrewd drunk people sloshing their half-empty bottles at him while they beg for more booze to forget their shitty ass lives.

  Aaron laughs, a delicious and warm sound that tinkles in my ears and makes my uterus do a fucking flip.

  “All kidding aside, perhaps subconsciously I was just waiting for the hot girl to approach me.” He stares at me, implying that I’m the hot girl he’s referring to.

  I fleetingly blush, forgetting all about Cassie and Ethan at the table. Aaron is doing a damn good job at holding my attention.

  I still have to put him in his place, though. He’s not going to snag me up that easily or quickly.

  “You know,” I twirl my hair around on my index finger, “pick-up lines don’t work on me.”

  “Says every girl ever.” Aaron laughs and takes a sip of his beer.

  “You think you have us all figured out, right?” I eye him.

  In the back of my mind, there’s something about Aaron. I can’t place my finger on it, but his sexy banter and the way he confidently smiles at me makes my heart skip a beat.

  Yes, I’m getting that tingly and warm sensation between my legs too, if you must know.

  “You are interesting,” I confess.

  “Why, thank you.” He grins and casts a half bow, only because the edge of the table restricts his access to large movements.

  “This drink is amazing.” I eye him as he meets my sexy gaze. “It’s nice and cool…sliding down my throat.”

  My voice gets heavy and silky at the same time as I spray him with sexual double entendres.

  He visibly swallows hard. I’m so thankful that I’m working off on impulse tonight, or this hot hunk might not be sitting here beside me, undressing me with his eyes.

  “You look like you’re enjoying it,” he says in a croaky voice full to the brim with arousal.

  “Only because a sexy man bought it for me.” I wink at him.

  “I can get you another after you’re finished,” he offers.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Bennett?” I feign alarm.

  “A little lowering of inhibitions never hurt anybody,” he says slyly.

  “I could drink you up,” I admit with a wink, gaining more and more liquid courage by the second.

  “Your mouth is doing a fantastic job on that drink.” He stares at my red, full lips. I know he’s probably imagining my mouth wrapped around his hard cock right about now.

  “I’m going to swallow every drop,” I whisper in his ear, relishing in the chill bumps that form on his skin.

  I honestly did want to thank him for the drinks. He didn’t have to buy them for us. I’m just thankful that Ethan didn’t get a huge territorial ego and pounce on Aaron for getting a drink for his girlfriend.

  Not that Aaron has a crystal ball or could know beforehand who I was here with, he just is a nice (and fucking hot) guy who wants to do something nice for someone else.

  Yes, I’m confident that he’s one of the good apples out there.

  After a few seconds, the music changes to an upbeat tune with lots of bass that vibrates through my chest.

  The strobe lights flicker and bounce to keep up with the beat, and everyone in the room screams and holds their hands up in the air as they move with the music.

  Aaron raises an eyebrow and glances at me with a roguish smile.

  “What?” I giggle and give him a flirty glance.

  “I want to dance with you,” he says firmly.

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” He nods with confirmation. “Dance with me.” It’s more like an order or command than a request.

  He stands up and holds up a hand for me to take. “Come on.”

  “Okay, I’m coming.” I grin at him playfully to tease him as I inflect the sexy word as it drips out of my mouth like sweet honey.

  I am over the top, outrageously and sexually charged for this guy. I don’t know what it is, but I want him to fuck me hard and I have absolutely no filter right now.

  I’m not usually like this, so don’t get the wrong idea. It’s just…been a while for me in the
sex department.

  I am overdue for a romp in the sheets.

  I’m making excuses, yes, and I realize that. I’m allowed to be horny as a confident and healthy woman.

  I set my drink down on the table and Cassie looks up at me from where she was moments ago furiously making out with Ethan.

  “Where are you going?” she questions me and gazes at Aaron and me.

  “To dance.” I wink at her.

  “Oh, have fun!” she calls out, and I wave my hand behind my shoulder because Aaron is already dragging me out to the dance floor.


  Imagine the sexiest, steamiest, most glamorous moment you could ever experience. Now double that, and you’ll be standing next to me.

  The music flows through my ears, into my veins and pulses through me with electrical currents of passion, arousal and desire. The dim lights illuminate the place and my eyes register an assortment of walls, skin, clothes, drinks. This gives the moment a hazy but intoxicating sensation that floods my brain.

  I stare at Chloe, absorbing her beautiful face as she giggles and presses her body to mine, clinging on as we move to the vibe of the music together.

  The strobe lights bounce on her face and illuminate her skin, flashing vibrant colors like red, purple, yellow and white.

  The music is hella turnt and we’re both jamming to it, moving our bodies with enthusiasm.

  This is it.

  What, you ask?

  Allow me to enlighten you. (You really need to be keeping up, though. Can’t be too slow for me).

  In this moment, the chemistry derails my mind and I’m empowered with the quest to achieve pure bliss with Chloe tonight. I’m invincible tonight, and I could have anything I want and everyone I want. Even Chloe.

  She’s endearing, tantalizing, and sexier than any girl I’ve ever seen. Even if she has a twin, everyone knows twins aren’t exactly alike in their qualities. I don’t really know, or fucking care, because I only have eyes for Chloe right now.

  The perfect opportunity creeps in and parks itself in my mind, and I know I’m going to seduce Chloe tonight. She’s already mine before I even set my mind fully to it.

  The body heat radiates between us and I want to devour her.

  I know this girl’s into me—she wants me just as much as I want her. I can tell by the way her eyes reflect seduction and lust as she bites her lip and sways to the house trance music pumping through the air.


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