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Rest and Relaxation (Lesbian Romance)

Page 30

by Rhavensfyre

  “No! I’m not sick. Not like you’re thinking.” Allyse fidgeted beneath Dani’s intense gaze. “You know I am out here to relax? Well there is more to it.”

  “More? How much more?”

  “Three years ago I had a heart attack. A few weeks ago I started having problems again. They adjusted my medication and then Erick decided to intervene and sent me out here to unwind,” Allyse said, reflexively downplaying everything like she always did. That wouldn’t work. She needed to tell Dani the truth, even if it shut her down...or she shuts me out. She had the right to know what she might be getting into. “Actually, the doctor ordered me to take a month off. He seemed to think a good part of my symptoms were stress related.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me? I mean what if something had happened? I would have had no idea how to help.”

  “Well, at first I barely knew you then after I got to know you better, I didn’t want you to see me as fragile or someone you had to take care of.”

  “I would never call you fragile, but what is so bad about letting me take care of you? You did it for me when my hand got hurt. You stayed with me, helped with the bandages and even opened my pill bottles. How is that any different?”

  “I guess you’re right. I just didn’t want to burden you with my issues. Especially after learning more about Jay,” Allyse said, carefully watching Dani’s face. “I didn’t want you to see me that way.”

  Dani jumped up. Raking her fingers through her hair, she looked like she was trying to physically wrap her hands around the problem. “Jesus, Allyse. I should have known. We were having sex. And with your heart?” She stopped pacing and knelt in front of Allyse. Capturing her hands in hers, Dani looked straight into Allyse’s eyes. “Did I hurt you? Have you been having problems and not telling me?”

  “No. Sweetheart, no!” Allyse exclaimed, trying to reassure the woman gazing up at her so earnestly. “Truthfully, I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I even missed a couple of doses over the last few days and…”

  “What?” Dani was up again. “Allyse you can’t do that.”

  “I didn’t do it on purpose. But since I’ve been here I haven’t been as tired and I haven’t had any symptoms at all for the last few days. Considering we did have sex…well, that’s as good of a test as any, isn’t it?” Allyse asked, a delicate smile playing across her lips. She couldn’t think about that now, not without remembering just how much of a test their lovemaking was on her heart. That sort of distraction could lose you an argument very quickly.

  “Okay, that’s great but I still don’t like it. You need to promise me that you’ll see your doctor as soon as possible and talk to him about all this.”

  Allyse huffed, irritated that Dani was telling her what to do. “Miss ‘I hate doctors’ is telling me to go see one?”

  The hurt look on Dani’s face made her realize what she said about two seconds too late. Dani backed away from her. Allyse could see her throat working, trying to swallow past her pain before she could speak. “Really, Allyse? You’re going to bring that up? You know why I hate going to the hospital.”

  “Oh, God, Dani. I’m so sorry. That was incredibly insensitive of me. You have to know I didn’t mean it like that.” Allyse was at Dani’s side in an instant.

  “I know you didn’t,” Dani said. Every muscle in her body tensed when Allyse put her arms around her waist. She couldn’t watch another loved one die, especially if there was something she could do to prevent it. “Just promise me that if you do have any issues, you’ll let me know?”

  “I promise,” Allyse said, then pulled Dani close to her and brushed her lips across hers to seal the deal. She sighed and laid her head on Dani’s shoulder, then snuggled in closer when she relented and relaxed into the embrace. “I have to remember that we’re both new to this. There’s bound to be more of this ahead. Misunderstandings and maybe even an argument or two as we learn more about each other. Are you sure you’re up to it?”

  “What kind of question is that?”

  Allyse thought about that for a moment, then gazed up at her lover. “It’s a New York question, which means it doesn’t have any place here at all. Forget I asked.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Two very tired women headed for the living room and a well-deserved break from the craziness of the weekend.

  “Whew, I am beat.” Allyse flopped down on the couch and slipped off her shoes with a relieved sigh.

  Dani had to agree. All of the drama had exhausted her, not to mention all the billion other things they had done before Erick had to leave. They had finished the girls’ room this morning. With Allyse fussily insisting on doing a last final dusting, Dani had run for high ground, carrying in the set of matching twin beds she had promised her. Allyse had insisted on placing them in opposite corners, a strategic move she said Dani would appreciate by day three and making everything ready for their arrival on Tuesday.

  As for Erick, all of the new furniture had been tagged, priced and all of the photos uploaded to the computer. All she had to do was wait for next month’s orders to role in. Erick had checked out the desk she told him about and told her to send that out as well, claiming he knew a buyer for it. From the gleam in his eye and the possessive way he ran his palm over the smooth surface she had a pretty good idea who that buyer was.

  He had left a short while ago with a promise to visit more often. Surprisingly, she met that offer with mixed emotions. She wasn’t ready to be happy about everything yet, no matter how much she wanted it. Yes, things were better between Erick and her after their little talk, but she found she wasn’t ready to give up some of her anger over the past. She had guiltily confided in Allyse, expecting her to tell her she was being silly, or worse yet—being a horrible person, but she had just nodded and told her that it would take some time and that it was okay to feel that way. What she said made sense. You couldn’t give up years of pent up anger in one weekend.

  Dani had a few things left that she should do for the farm, but her enthusiasm barely lasted the length of time it took to open and sort Saturday’s mail. She abandoned her attempt to get some work done and joined Allyse on the couch only to start drifting off to sleep to the drone of the television soon after that.

  “Are you going to stay up for a while?” she asked, hiding a jaw cracking yawn behind her palm.

  “I was just going to read for a little bit,” Allyse replied, her eyes glued to the kindle screen. All curled up in a little ball with her feet tucked under her, she looked nice and comfortable and not very willing to move.

  “Oh, okay. Well, I’m pretty tired so I am just going to turn in.” Dani stood up and started towards the stairs. Evidently that was enough to get Allyse’s attention, because she hadn’t even made it up the first step before a sharp voice stopped her.

  “Dani Saxon, get back here right now!”

  “Excuse me?” With one hand on the bannister and a foot up the stairs, she turned and looked back at Allyse. She grinned but didn’t abandon her perch, which earned her an instant scowl. Such a commanding voice for a face that appeared dangerously close to pouting, she thought. It made it hard for Dani to take seriously.

  “You can at least kiss me goodnight before you leave.”

  “I could, huh? You have such an endearingly pushy way of asking for a kiss.” Relieving Allyse of her Kindle, Dani pulled her up from the couch and into her arms. Then she kissed her, because that was what Allyse wanted, then she kissed her again because that was what she wanted.

  “Are you sure you want to stay up reading?” Dani whispered in Allyse's ear. Somewhere between the first kiss and the second, Dani had found her second wind. She was ready to go to bed, she just wasn’t ready to sleep quite yet.

  “Let’s go to bed.” Allyse said, mirroring Dani’s thoughts perfectly.

  “Good idea,” Dani rasped. Evidently, once Dani had Allyse’s attention, it didn’t take long to convince her to change her plans. Once inside the bedroom, Allyse gave herse
lf away. She had been playing possum downstairs, patiently waiting for Dani to fall into her trap while she feigned indifference. And what a lovely trap it was, Dani thought as she reached out to touch her.

  “Un-unh. Not tonight. I have other plans for tonight.” Allyse resisted Dani’s attempt to take over with a flick of her wrist. She waggled her finger at her, warning her to back down. Allyse had plans. Tonight Dani wouldn’t be the one guiding her.

  Ignoring the unspoken question flitting across a face already flush with arousal, Allyse unbuttoned Dani’s shirt, letting it fall off her shoulders to land on the floor—discarded and already forgotten. That was just the beginning. Several times she had to remind herself to continue. Dani was exquisite to look at, but she wanted to do more than just look.

  Once her task was complete and her lover stood there, bare and trembling in the dimly lit room, Allyse gently urged her to lie down on the bed. Only after Dani had positioned herself, resting casually on several pillows with her hands clasped behind her neck, did Allyse step back from the bed and undress. Dani grinned up at her, evidently preparing to enjoy her little show. So cocky.

  There was no teasing in her movements. She simply removed her clothes, not wanting to waste any time tonight. Her eyes locked with Dani’s as she stepped out of her jeans, noting how intently the other woman stared at her. There was no hiding the lust shining from those dark eyes, nor the rapid rise and fall of her chest as her breath sped up with each shed article of clothing. When Dani ran her tongue across her upper lip to moisten it, an answering rush of moisture ran hot and slick between Allyse’s thighs. Her heart pounded. She had to act now, to follow through with her daring plans, or risk losing her nerve.

  Crawling onto the bed, she advanced across Dani’s body like a stalking cat. Dani’s casual posture was a lie. Allyse could feel her body drawn tight in anticipation beneath her.

  “Allyse,” Dani started to say something, only to have the rest of her words swallowed by a kiss.

  “I know you have a few fantasies running around in that head of yours, and I promise I will do my best to make them all come true. But, tonight I want to try something,” Allyse promised, running two fingers across Dani’s full lips, then snatching them away before her lover could nibble on them.

  “Any of them?” Dani asked, remembering a certain conversation about a pair of high heels. She may not like shopping for them, but she certainly knew how to appreciate how sexy they looked on the right woman.

  “Yes. Now. Do you mind if I proceed?” Allyse asked, locking eyes with Dani to let her know she was serious.

  “Sure, help yourself.” Dani chuckled and spread her arms out like she was inviting her lover to a buffet.

  Allyse caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught sight of their reflection in the dresser mirror. So, she likes to watch, huh? Allyse thought. Well, she would give her something to watch, then.

  “Scoot up some more. I need the room,” Allyse instructed, sitting up to give Dani enough wriggle room to scoot back until her back was against the headboard. Allyse straddled Dani’s hips. Moaning into Dani’s mouth, their tongues danced in mock combat as she rocked into Dani’s body. The heat between them seemed to double, then triple as they moved in unison. Her hips jerked in response to the soft brush of fine hair sliding across already sensitive lips, threatening their rhythm with wild jolts of electricity coursing up her spine and down her thighs.

  “Mmm,” Allyse murmured, breaking the kiss before it completely broke what was left of her concentration. She had other places she wanted to place her lips, other parts of Dani’s skin she wanted to taste. A trail of kisses started their trek down Dani’s neck, making her gasp and roll her head back to expose her neck more fully. Allyse kept her hands busy, scrabbling blunt nails along Dani’s sides until they found the swell of her breasts. Firm nipples, proudly jutting out to meet her wandering hands, were promptly captured. Rolling the sensitive flesh between her fingertips, she was rewarded with a low moan that urged her on. Only when Dani’s nipples were firm and red did she lower her head to bring her lips to bear on them.

  “Ah, yes. Harder,” Dani groaned, lacing her fingers through her hair. A hand pressed against the back of Allyse’s head massaged her scalp gently. Emboldened, Allyse sucked Dani’s nipple into her mouth, letting her teeth graze along the pebbled flesh. She could feel Dani’s hips moving against her, the rhythmic movement seeking more contact. As much as Allyse’s body screamed for the same contact, the feel of flesh upon flesh, she remained on her knees. If she let herself sink onto the undulating body beneath her she would be undone. She regretfully moved away from Dani’s breasts, hearing and feeling the sigh escape from Dani’s lips when she lost the intimate contact. Scooting down, she continued to plant more kisses along the smooth planes of Dani’s abdomen, nudging her legs apart gently with one knee until she lay between her thighs.

  Breathing softly against the soft curls hiding her final goal, she rolled her eyes up to gaze at her lover. A cloud of guilt passed over Dani’s face when she was caught staring straight ahead rather than down. Allyse hid a triumphant smile. She hadn’t been wrong. Moist lips parted beneath her questing tongue and she tasted Dani for the first time. Dani’s hips jerking in response to Allyse’s tongue on her. Allyse looked up again and was gratified to see that Dani’s eyes, feverishly glittering in the dark room, were now firmly fixed on her. Nudging Dani’s legs farther apart, Allyse wiggled into a more comfortable position before dipping her head down again, her tongue seeking out the sweet nectar she had tasted only once, and now couldn’t bear waiting for again.

  She explored Dani fully, reveling in the textures and scent and feel of slick folds against her tongue and the sweet juices coating her lips and chin. Dani’s clit swelled and hardened against her tongue, begging her to take it between her lips much like she had done with her nipples earlier. Sucking gently, she lashed her tongue along the sensitive nerve endings without mercy, feeling Dani’s thighs muscles jump and strain against her. Desperate fingertips dug into her scalp, urging her on as she slipped lower, finding Dani’s center and delving deeply into the sweet wetness she found there. She wrapped her arms around Dani’s thighs, trying to maintain a hold on the writhing woman moving against her. She brought her knee up to help keep her balance. When the cool air met the damp heat between her thighs, Allyse moaned. The faint current created an oddly arousing sensation that increased when she thrust her hips into the mattress. She should have felt exposed…but all she could think of was what seeing her like that might be doing to Dani.

  “Christ, Allyse!” Dani shouted. Sharp nails scraped along Allyse’s scalp as her hips bucked uncontrollably against her lips. Another flood of moisture greeted Allyse’s tongue, a sweet victory that she eagerly lapped up until her mind registered that the woman above her was begging for mercy.

  “Get up here, now,” Dani commanded in a voice so low and eager it sounded more like a sexy growl than anything else.

  Dani delved her tongue into Allyse’s mouth, tasting herself on her lover’s lips. She had not expected Allyse to feast so totally on her body like she had. Unexpectedly talented lips and tongue had made her forget that this was no experienced lover in her bed. She had fought the urge to close her eyes, to fall into the sensations behind a curtain of eyelashes and blood red vision, but when Allyse slipped between her thighs she couldn’t bear not to watch, especially when she looked up and caught their image in the mirror. Allyse was laid out before her, the teasing glimpse of her center glistening in the dim light as her arousal spread down her thighs. When Allyse started moving in tempo to her rhythm, her hips rolling against the bed in unrequited passion, it sent Dani past the point of no return. The mind blowing orgasm that followed was frustrating only in its blinding ferocity. She wanted to keep watching.

  “My turn,” Dani announced, perversely gratified at the small squeak escaping her lover when she rolled them. Allyse lay beneath her, their th
ighs tangled together enough that she could feel just how wet Allyse was.

  “You are so hot, Allyse. I want you so badly,” Dani whispered, her voice thick with need.

  Allyse threw her head back and laughed, exposing a lovely length of throat begging to be kissed. The sheer joy in the delicate noise sent shivers down Dani’s spine and made her head spin. Warm breath tickled along her ear.

  “You have me, darling.”

  That was all she needed to hear, all she wanted to hear and Dani vowed to do her best to keep the woman in her arms speechless for the rest of the night. Sliding her arm down between them, she slipped fingers deep inside the waiting heat and wet, watching Allyse’s face transform into indescribable beauty with something approaching reverence.


  Thin sunlight poured through the bedroom window early the next morning. Even after last night, Allyse’s internal alarm clock woke her up at her regular time. Sometime late last night or early this morning they had changed positions. She was curled up against Dani's backside, one arm draped loosely across her hip. Not a bad way to wake up as far as she was concerned.

  Kissing her lover softly on the shoulder, she whispered a silent good morning and crawled out of bed as stealthily as possible and slipped into her robe. Even Callie seemed to be trying to be quiet. Her nail tapping was positively sedate until they made it down the stairs, where she must have felt it was safe to let loose. Then she did her usual dance routine at the back door, her head whipping back and forth between the door and Allyse fast enough to give her whiplash. The fuzzy little collie mix was getting used to early morning potty breaks, and unbeknownst to Allyse until yesterday, an extra breakfast. Callie was definitely looking rounder since she arrived, and a new rule had been made—no breakfast until Dani came down to the kitchen. Unfortunately, it was Allyse who had to deal with sad, starving dog eyes that could melt an iceberg. Callie was just too darned cute for her own good and she knew how to play that for all it was worth. Allyse tried to be stern, then caved in, again.


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