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Share Me_The Devil Makes Three

Page 8

by Evelyn Vox

  "What?" I asked as I dropped another sandbag by the door, "Is this not to her Majesty's standards?"

  "This is going to take forever."

  What an ungrateful little brat. I didn't trust myself to say anything more to her, so I headed back to the truck. Gravel crunched behind me as she followed me into the rain.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm helping," she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "the sooner this is done, the sooner you can leave."

  She walked over to the truck and pulled a sandbag out of the back. She grunted as she heaved it over her shoulder, but she did it. I was impressed--these bags weighed at least fifty pounds. Guess all those sessions with the personal trainer weren't for nothing. I followed suit and noticed she was barefoot and not even wearing a raincoat. God, she must have really wanted me out of here. I didn't know if I should be flattered or offended.

  After the sandbags were unloaded, we carted out the plywood I brought to cover the windows. Soon, we had everything loaded into the foyer. I almost wanted to thank her. It was faster with her help, but then I got a look at her. My blood heated. Of course, she was wearing a white tank top.

  Punish her.

  It was soaked through, and I could see every detail of her perfect breasts heaving as she caught her breath. It didn't take long for her to notice my gaze. Her neck flushed red and she looked equal parts turned on and angry. I remembered the way those breasts felt, full and firm, in my hands, and how she'd gasped when I squeezed them. My cock swelled, rising to press painfully against my fly.

  Those sea-green eyes flashed down to the bulge in my pants, and her mouth opened like a perfect invitation. Fuck. It was obvious how much she wanted this too. The attraction between us was palpable. It always had been. The only thing stopping me from taking her then and there was the fact that she'd refuse.

  The beast was growling and snarling, demanding to be unleashed on her. No. I was not interested in being rejected twice. Frustration and anger exploded inside me. I wanted to shove this woman on the ground and fuck her until she couldn't even remember her name, but I couldn't, and it was driving me crazy. I thought I'd have gotten used to this by now, but the desire never seemed to go away. It was always just bearable.


  I pulled myself away from her heavy gaze and started to work.

  "Hurry up and get out of here," she said in a strained voice before walking out of the room.


  I rushed into the bathroom to grab a towel and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe I didn't realize I was wearing white before I ran out into the rain. I run a finger up my thigh and feel the wetness between my legs. What was it with this guy? A few hot and heavy looks and I'm spouting like Old Faithful. His massive erection didn't help, either.

  This was such a bad idea. The longer he stayed, the harder it was to remind myself why I shouldn't give into this dangerous attraction between us and the forbidden desires he was waking up inside of me. As I looked at myself in the mirror and felt the wet heat between my legs, I had to firmly remind myself why I had to say no. He needed to get out of here.

  The sound of growls and barks jolted me out of my thoughts with a stab of worry. That mongrel of his had better not be hurting my babies! I rushed out of the bathroom in mama bear mode only to find the three dogs were playing, growling around the rope toy that all three had in their mouths. It was pretty hilarious.

  I looked up at the rain lashing the windows and realized the sky had darkened. The rain was coming down harder than it was just a few minutes ago. The wind rattled the windows, and I wondered if I shouldn't have taken the weather warnings more seriously.

  Derek was hammering away in the foyer and I was about to go change into the least flattering thing I could think of--sweatpants--when my phone blared a loud alarm that made me jump. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the alert:




  "Shit," Derek cursed from the other room. He clearly got the alert too. Shit was right. He walked into the room and looked at me, his expression grim,

  "Can I stay here tonight?"

  "You can't be serious," I gaped at him.

  I knew I was being unreasonable, but a night alone in the house with Derek? There was no way. This couldn't be happening! My heart raced, and I was trying not to freak, but I was failing. Totally failing.

  "They've closed the roads, Alexandra," he spat at me, his tone ugly, "it's a fucking hurricane now."

  "This can't be happening," I said out loud. I glared at him, frozen to the spot with disbelief.

  "Well, guess what, Princess?" he scathed, "It is happening, and stop looking at me like it's my fault this storm turned into a god damn hurricane."

  "I know it's not your fault," I yelled at him, my foot stomping on the floor, "but that doesn't mean I have to be happy that you can't leave!"

  "Screw this," he shouted, "I'd rather drive home in gale force winds that deal with your denial all night."

  "My what?" my voice went shrill as fury pumped hot through my veins.

  "You heard me," he challenged, "you want me. You want me so badly you can't stand it."

  "Oh, get over yourself," I said, and just because I could, just because I knew it would piss him off, I rolled my eyes at him.

  He snarled and closed the distance between us in seconds. He was inches away from me, his eyes dark with simmering anger, his hands clenched in fists at his sides.

  "Look at you. You can't even stand to be in the same room as me," he said right in my face, "because you're too afraid that you won't be able to resist this. You're a coward."

  He was trying to intimidate me, to overwhelm me with his huge presence, but I was having none of it. I met him head on, getting right back in his face.

  "You listen to me, you arrogant asshole," I said, "you don't get to make me feel bad for wanting to be loyal to my husband."

  "You don't feel bad because you want to be loyal to him," he said with steel in his voice, "no, you're just pissed because you won't let yourself give into this."

  I went stock still.

  "Her Highness is used to getting her way, and we both know if you had it your way, you'd be writhing underneath me right now."

  My mouth dropped open and my hands balled into fists of their own. I felt like a volcano about to erupt; dangerous and lethal.

  "So, don't act all noble when we both know this is nothing more than a temper tantrum from a spoiled brat who can't get her way because she won't get off her self-righteous pedestal."

  I roared in indignation as blind fury moved through my body. I couldn't stop myself as my hands landed on his chest and shoved him so hard he stumbled backward. I couldn't stop the tremor that shook me as his eyes turned wild and that demon inside of him glared back at me with carnal intent.

  I was furious, and so fucking turned on I didn't know what to do with myself.


  She fucking shoved me. My blood seared through my veins at the challenge, but she advanced towards me, prodding me in the chest and pushing me back further still.

  "Who the fuck do you think you are?" she yelled at me.

  Her nipples were hard and pointed through the thin fabric of her soaking shirt. She was rubbing her thighs together, as if trying to get some relief. That was when I realized she was just as turned on by this as I was.


  "Who I am," I roared right back at her, "is a man who is fucking sick and tired of wanting you!"

  My frustration had reached its peak. All I wanted to do was pin her against the wall and finish what we'd started. I was ready to walk back into that forbidden garden. And I couldn't. I wouldn't. Not until she said it.

  "And I'm the one having a tantrum," she huffed, pushing me again until I was backed up against the front door.

  She was so close that our bodies were almost touching. My body remembered h
ow good she felt, and the almost contact was enough to get my dick twitching in anticipation. Lust and anger mixed to create a potent cocktail in my veins. This woman pushed me to realms beyond my control.

  Take her!

  The air between us was so charged, it could power a light bulb. Hell, it could power a whole city. It took everything, everything I had not to let the animal take over. She needed to get away from me. I didn't know how much longer I could contain it. She stayed close, though, tempting me more, adding her own smoldering fire to the flames coming off of me.

  Make her scream.

  I felt her breath against my face, and my heart raced. Was she about to give into this? Our eyes locked and the tension was crushing. It started to suffocate me and I was about to lose it. I could feel my hands moving on their own to grab her, but she stepped back and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  "Get out."

  I walked out the door and slammed it so hard, the glass panes rattled. The rain was coming down so hard it stung my face as it landed. Aries could stay here for the night. It'd be safer than getting in the car with me. I was down the front steps and at my truck before I heard her over the din of the rain.


  I didn't bother to look back. I pulled open the car door, ready to get in, when, out of nowhere, she was on me. Her hands pulled at my arm until she'd spun me around and pushed me back against the car so violently it made the door crunch shut.

  "You can't drive in this," she gasped, staring up at me despite the rain lashing her face.

  "You told me to get out," I growled at her.

  "I wasn't thinking clearly."

  I released a groan of frustration and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her rougher than I should have, but I didn't care. She needed to understand.


  "I can't control myself around you," I told her.

  I was at the end of my rope, frayed beyond recognition, and there was nothing she could do now to curb that desire. "I can't resist you."

  It took everything I had to let her go. I almost winced as the beast clawed me up in its fury. I shoved her away, listening to the sound of her feet stumbling in the gravel, and had a hand curling around the door handle when she said,

  "Derek, wait."

  I felt her arms on me again. I was about to throw her off when she turned me and her lips were on mine. She kissed me like a starved woman, pinning me back against my truck. I growled into her sweet lips and lifted her up. Those long legs wrapped around my waist, her arms went to my neck, and she moaned into my mouth.

  I ground her against me. My dick was so hard it could cut glass. I was ready for her, but I'd been down this path before. I ripped my mouth from hers and stared into her eyes. The water poured down her face, plastering her hair to her forehead.

  "Say it, Alexandra," I demanded.

  "Say what?" she asked, dazed.

  "You know what."

  "I want you, Derek."

  It wasn't enough.

  "What do you want from me?"

  There was no hesitation this time as she looked up at me with certainty,

  "I want you to fuck me senseless."

  That was all I needed to hear.


  Part Two: Surrender


  "I want you to fuck me senseless."

  I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't believe I said it. When I came out here, I wasn't intending to do this, but the way he looked at me, the brutal way he wanted me--how could any woman resist that?

  Derek's mouth slammed back into mine in a bruising kiss. The rain poured off of us, and I gripped him as he walked us back into the house, his mouth never leaving mine. We were barely through the front door before he had me pinned to the floor underneath him.

  Water pooled beneath us. He pulled at my shirt until it tore off with a loud rip. His hands claimed my breasts, kneading them with savagery until he destroyed my flimsy bra with a snarl. Then his mouth was on my nipples, his teeth biting so hard I cried out.

  My hips ground against his, and I could feel his cock jutting against me, right between my legs. My arousal poured out of me like molten lava. His tongue slaked a hot trail down my wet skin until Derek was biting at my belly button before pulling my shorts down my legs.

  One more vicious tear left, my panties destroyed too, thrown in a pile with the rest of my ruined clothes. I was stripped bare, naked and blazing underneath Derek. I reached up and scrabbled at his shirt. Fuck, I wanted him so badly. I pulled so hard that buttons flew, popping off and landing on the floor.

  I was at his belt buckle. I was frantic, frenzied. I needed him. Now. I wanted him for so long that I was practically about to come already. But that didn't stop me from looking to take him all in, at long last. My eyes devoured the broad chest with the patch of dark hair that traced a line down his abs into his pants. I soaked in the big, chiseled muscles--was that an eight pack? His pelvis formed that perfect V-shape that sloped downward with a naughty promise.

  My heart hitched as he lowered his jeans and his boxers, and I finally saw his cock. My jaw dropped--like every other part of his body, it was massive; long, thick, and utterly mouthwatering. He chuckled, low and dark, at my reaction.

  Then he was on me again. He flipped me over to my stomach with a growl, making me gasp in surprise. My heart thudded to feel his hands encircle my waist as they yanked my hips into the air. He bit an ass cheek, the bastard! I was about to scream at him before he buried his face in my pussy and I lost all ability to speak. He feasted on me from behind, his tongue searching, yearning, exploring every slit and fold.

  My eyes rolled into my head. The searing torture of his tongue over my eager flesh made my legs shake and quiver. My fingers were spread on the floor before me, twitching with every spike of pleasure he gave me. When my whole body tensed, right as I reached that precipice, ready to leap into the waiting arms of my orgasm, he pulled back with an evil laugh.

  This man would be the death of me.

  "I haven't forgotten what you did last time," he said, leaning forward so his torso was flushed against my back. His cock jutted against the peach of my ass and slid between my legs teasingly.

  "What?" I asked, the picture of innocence.

  I knew exactly what he was talking about.

  "You came without my permission, Princess," he whispered like a monster into my ear, "and you will be punished for it."

  He continued to slide his huge shaft between my thighs, grazing my lips, but not going in--it was driving me crazy. My hips rose on their own accord to meet his rigid length. My clit was throbbing harder than I thought possible. I was desperate to get him inside of me. I'd do anything to have him.

  "Derek," I whispered, arching my back up to him, "I can't wait any longer. I need you to fuck me."

  "You need my cock, Princess?" he asked as he grabbed the back of my neck with one strong hand.

  "Please," I begged him, "Please, I need your cock."

  He snarled in delight.

  "Your punishment will have to wait," he said menacingly into my ear, "because I need to claim you right fucking now."

  Derek speared into me, and I shuddered as he filled me to the brim. His huge cock stretched me to the point of pain, but I liked it. I wanted more. I needed more. I pressed back into his thrust, urging him deeper. His massive body had mine pinned to the floor, his hands holding mine to the ground above my head.

  I was crushed, trapped, unable to escape him and his relentless pace as he started to fuck me harder than I'd ever been fucked in my life.

  I cried out his name as the sensations took over my body. His breathing came in short gasps as he pounded into me, over and over, his balls smacking against my ass. I'd never felt so full, so satisfied, and I could do nothing but give in to the assault of pure ecstasy as that massive cock raged into me.

  "Fuck, Alexandra," he said, "you're so fucking tight."

  I felt the rush of my orgasm building like a flash fl
ood, and when he lifted my hips off the ground to fuck me even deeper, I came undone. My walls slammed around the harder than steel length of him and my juices gushed out of me.

  "Derek," I screamed his name into the house.

  He grunted, a guttural, primal sound, and bit my neck as I quivered in the aftershocks of my orgasm. A few more thrusts and he pumped a hot load of cum into me, his own groans filling the empty rooms as he shouted with the force of his climax,


  He held me beneath him, a quivering, soaking mess, and moved to whisper something in my ear when the lights flickered. Then the power went out and we were enveloped in darkness.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I knew the power was going to go out. It always did when there were storms. If I'd been more focused, I'd have told Alexandra to get flashlights when I got here. If I'd been more focused, I'd have already finished boarding up the windows in here. But I hadn't been more focused, and as I eased myself out of the Venus beneath me, the beast humming in satisfaction told me it was all worth it.

  I didn't want to leave her. I never wanted this moment to end.

  The hurricane raging outside had other ideas. I cradled her in my arms. She was panting and flushed with a look of feminine satisfaction on her gorgeous face. I kissed her hard on the mouth before I let go and stood up. The darkness was a few shades lighter than pitch black--the sun hadn't set yet, so we could still see. For now.

  My Goddess rolled up, stretching her arms skyward, and it was an effort not to walk over there and claim those perfect breasts as they arched upwards. She spied me eyeing her and bit her lower lip. My cock lurched, already begging to take her again. But no. Storm. Responsibilities. Safety. Then fucking. So much fucking.

  "Do you have flashlights? Candles?"

  "I have a ton of candles," she said in all seriousness.

  "I only brought enough supplies to protect the foyer," I told her, scratching the back of my head, "if anything else gets damaged, we are going to be gutting it this summer all the same."


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