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Wes’s Light [Warriors of the Light 17] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 8

by AJ Jarrett

  Garrett had a point but still the worst timing ever. Dark Warriors were making their presence known, and Hale even showed his evil little face, and that made Wes worry. Was Athena getting her army together to attack or was it too late and the world was doomed?

  “Yeah, man. You’re right.” Wes took a deep breath and clenched his eyes shut. His wolf slipped further inside him, and Wes had control of his body.

  “Come on.” Garrett opened the stall door. An older man was heading into the stall next to them and gave them a funny look. “He hates to do his business alone.” Garrett winked at the appalled man. Wes followed Garrett out of the restroom laughing.

  Once out in the hallway, Wes saw the others off to the side waiting for them. He was able to take another long look at the man destined to be his mate.

  Matt didn’t look like a vampire, but he did have that sweet coppery smell mixed with the peach scent that surrounded him like a halo on his head. He looked like the all-American boy next door, tall, blond hair, and a million-dollar smile. Wes often wondered what his mate would look like, be like if he were ever to meet him and now he knew.

  Wes let his gaze lower, and he took in the thick body. God he couldn’t wait to get the man naked and lick every inch of that hard body. Wes’s cock pulsed behind his zipper, and he wanted to reach down and grab it but held off. He tried to clear his mind of all things sexual because this wasn’t the time. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to get Matt underneath him hot and begging for his fat cock to fuck him harder.

  “Dude, calm down.” Garrett elbowed him in the side then glanced down at the bulge in the front of Wes’s jeans. “Focus, man.”

  “I’m trying.” Wes took a deep breath and shook out his shoulders.

  He allowed Garrett to guide him over to the others.

  “There you guys are.” Lachlan put his arms around Garrett. “Matt, this is my mate Garrett and our friend Wes.”

  “Nice to meet you both.” Matt smiled and nodded.

  Wes noticed how the blond’s light blue eyes lingered on him for just a moment too long. That was a good sign. Even if Matt was born human, the vampire in him would recognize Wes for what they were to each other or so he hoped.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Benedict looked to his left then to his right. “Less time we’re out in the open the better. Until we know how Hale found my grandson, I’m not taking any chances.”

  As they made their way toward the exit, Wes stayed close to Matt. He didn’t touch him or make it weird in any way, but he had this overwhelming urge to keep the man safe, to ease his pain. The bond between them was growing by the second and Wes wasn’t sure how long he could hold out before doing something drastic. Something he’d be unable to take back.

  Chapter Eleven

  The moment Matt stepped off the plane something felt weird. Not a bad feeling, but a tingling sensation rippled over his skin, and a dark, earthy scent of coffee and pine needles engulfed him. It was strong and had a strange effect on his body. His teeth started to grow again so he kept this mouth shut and when he did smile it wasn’t one that reached his eyes.

  They were greeted by a handsome man. He was tall with short blond hair. His name was Lachlan. They stood off to the side to wait for Lachlan’s mate Garrett and their friend Wes to get out of the restroom.

  Matt held on to the straps of his backpack tightly and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. He was nervous. He’d never been to Omaha before or Nebraska for that matter. This was a whole new world to him, and Matt wasn’t sure he liked it. He already missed his home and the people in it.

  Matt saw the most handsome man exit the bathroom. He got one quick glance then looked away. He didn’t want to make it obvious he was staring then his palms began to sweat when he realized the man was heading in his direction. The rich, dark scent seemed to roll off the man in waves, and it made it harder not to stare. For one brief moment, they locked eyes, and a warm, comforting feeling filled Matt. It gave him hope.

  Lachlan introduced the men to him, and Matt wanted so badly to reach out and shake Wes’s hand, but he didn’t. God only knew how old Wes was or what he was for that matter. Wes didn’t need some messed-up college kid drooling over him.

  On the flight here Colby had given Matt a rundown of different types of shifters and also told them they could live forever. Sure some died due to being killed, but Matt had the potential to live forever, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He’d lost his family. Did he really want to be reminded of that and miss them for all eternity?

  On the drive to Lachlan and Garrett’s home, Matt, Colby, and Miles rode with Wes in his SUV. Matt sat in the back behind the passenger seat. He kept stealing side glances at Wes. The man wasn’t as tall as him but close to six feet. He was thick with muscles, more so than Matt. He had light mocha-colored skin and bright green eyes. His hair was shorn close to the scalp but what little growth he did have looked soft.

  Between Wes’s gorgeous good looks and intoxicating scent, Matt couldn’t keep his dick from getting hard or his teeth from poking out the bottom of his upper lip. He was able to hide his erection by placing his hands over his bulging crotch, but the teeth were a thing he couldn’t hide.

  “Are you still hungry?” Colby asked in a gentle voice.

  Yes! I am but not for blood. Matt swallowed down those words. He wasn’t about to make a fool of himself.

  “I’m fine. Just nervous is all.” Matt told the partial truth. He was nervous and sick with worry. He couldn’t explain why he was so entranced by Wes when he had only just met the man.

  Matt had more important things to be concerned with. The sudden infatuation with Wes did help take the edge off the pain he felt in his chest every time he thought of his family. Wes was like a balm to his aching heart. He wasn’t sure what it meant, but he’d take it. It was nice to have someone help unburden that load.

  “We’re almost to the house.” Wes turned to look at him and grinned kindly. His hard face was made up of straight, hard lines. He had a frightening aurora about him but when he smiled his eyes lit up, and he had a dimple on each cheek.

  Stop being selfish, Matt. Matt shook his head at that inner voice that echoed inside him. You just lost everyone you care about, and you’re sitting here eye-fucking this guy you just met. Do you have no heart? Selfish bastard.

  Matt was shocked by that voice. His conscience had never been so blunt or cruel, but it was right. Matt was alive and only by luck. He should be mourning his parents and searching for a way to find his brother. Whatever this feeling brewing inside him for Wes was would just have to wait.

  Miles was sitting in the front seat. He gasped and stuck his nose in the air, sniffing it. Miles snapped his head to the side to look at Wes then quickly turned to gaze upon Matt. Miles gave him a curious look.

  “Everything all right, Miles?” Matt asked. He felt as if he was being examined and he didn’t like it.

  “Yes. Of course.” Miles smiled then turned back around. “It’s just been a long day hasn’t it, Wes?”

  “If you only knew,” Wes grumbled.

  For the next hour, Matt stared out the window. His mind wandered back to happier times. Friday nights from when he was in high school playing football. His folks would be in the stands cheering him on. Then Sunday evening dinners. Matt loved just sitting around with his family, listening to them talk and the funny stories Kevin would tell. That kid had always had one hell of an imagination.

  Matt’s eyes began to tear up again. He quickly wiped them away. He refused to cry because in doing so that would mean giving up. And that was something that Matt couldn’t do. If there was even a little bit of a chance that Kevin was still alive, he had to have the hope he could find him.

  “Matt, come on.” Colby put his hand on his knee and gave him a little shake. “We’re here.”

  Matt shook himself from his melancholy thoughts. He hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped moving. He opened up the side door and cl
imbed out. In front of him was a large house. It stood on acres of bright green grass with no other houses for miles. It was pretty and kind of reminded him of home. The sun was setting in the east, and a warm breeze drifted over his face. Matt took a deep breath, taking in all the new and exciting smells he’d never noticed before. Life was pulsing in everything that surrounded him. He could hear the sounds of croaking in the distance at a nearby pond. The flap of the bird’s wings as they took flight. The erotic scent coming off Wes.

  “Matt.” Miles touched his elbow to get his attention.

  Matt pulled himself together and headed toward the large wraparound porch. Wes stood by the front door watching him, and Matt looked down at his feet to keep from making eye contact. It was like an invisible force pulling him closer and closer to Wes. Matt just brushed it off to being the stress of everything that had happened. No way was he falling for a guy he just met and among such great tragedy. Matt was in no condition to begin a relationship with anyone.

  Once inside, Lachlan and Garrett showed them to their rooms. The house was big and furnished as if just waiting for them to arrive. Maybe this was how it was done in their world, always preparing for the worst and extra house guests.

  Matt sat alone in his room. The bed was comfortable, and the windows looked out upon a large backyard. Matt had left his bag by the dresser, not bothering to unpack. He wasn’t going to be here long or so he thought. If things went as he’d hoped, they’d find Kevin and Matt would take him back home to live. They’d rebuild on the property that the original house had sat on. He’d do his best to give Kevin the most normal life he could.


  Matt knew who that dark and husky voice belonged to before turning around to see Wes standing in his entryway. He was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans that looked to have seen better days, brown scuffed-up boots, and a dark gray T-shirt. The smell that followed Wes around like a bad habit filled Matt’s room. He took a deep breath and let the scent calm his nerves.

  “Hey,” Matt said back.

  “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Wes held back by the door, not stepping inside.

  “No.” Matt shook his head. “Not at all.” He shifted on the bed to sit back against the headboard. He kicked his legs up on the bed. “You can come in if you want.”

  “Okay.” Wes blinked but didn’t move a muscle. It was almost like he was having an internal debate with himself.

  It made Matt a little uneasy. Was this man stable? Was he going to attack Matt if given the chance? Finally, after what felt like hours, Wes stepped into his room. The big man seemed to relax, and he slowly closed his eyes and smiled.

  “So.” Matt pursed his lips. He didn’t like the long stretch of silence that dragged out between them. “You’re friends with Colby and all them?” Wes nodded. “And you’re a Warrior of the Light?” He nodded again. “Is it rude to ask what you are?”

  “I’m a wolf shifter.” Wes looked around the room then let out a sigh. He sat down on the foot of Matt’s bed.

  “Oh.” Matt’s eyes rounded. “That’s…exciting?” Matt wasn’t sure what else to say. He was still getting used to all this.

  “It can be.” Wes chuckled. “More exciting than being a vamp,” he said in a teasing tone and winked.

  “I’ll have to take your word for it.” Matt clasped his hands together. “I’ve only been one for less than two days. It still hasn’t set in yet.”

  “I’m sorry, Matt.” Wes reached out his hand but stopped himself before he could touch Matt’s leg. He put his hand back in his lap. “Before I was a Warrior I was second in command of Garrett’s wolf pack. I was born this way, and for paranormals born with these afflictions, it’s easier to deal with. I couldn’t imagine living a life as a human then stumble upon all this.” Wes raised his hands. “It would have to be hard. Especially the way you discovered us.”

  “Yeah, it was a bit of a shock.” Matt huffed. “I survived something that should have killed me, and now I have a craving for blood all the time. I’m still not sure I believe it, but I’m here right?”

  “It’ll get easier, Matt.” Wes reached out this time and did touch him. His heavy hand was a stabling force on his skin. “Time helps, and as paranormal beings all we have is time.”

  “That’s what Miles keeps telling me.” Matt was annoyed. He was tired of everyone telling him that this would get easier. How was that supposed to happen? He’d lost so much and for what? For being friends with another guy. Matt never asked for any of this. He’d been happy to have gone on about his life without ever knowing this shit existed. But that was a fool’s dream. “And I’m really sick and tired of hearing that. Nothing about this will ever get easier. I’m a monster living in a world with other monsters. My mom and dad are dead because of all this, and my brother has been abducted. God only knows what he’s going through while I’m sitting here and talking to you.” Matt didn’t mean to take his anger out on Wes, but he was the only one in the room. Someone had to be held responsible.

  “You’re not a monster, Matt.” Wes’s jaw clenched, and Matt could hear him grinding his teeth together.

  “Oh really.” Matt opened his mouth wide and pulled his upper lip up high exposing his sharp teeth. “These beg to differ.” Matt tapped a finger to one needle-tipped end. “I could rip your throat out in a blink of an eye if I wanted to.”

  “You think?” Wes cocked his head to the side, his eyes narrowed.

  “I know so.” Matt wasn’t sure why he was being so argumentative and nasty, but it made him feel better. “Like everyone else in this house I’m a freak with the ability to kill.”

  “Spoken like a true baby vamp.” Wes smirked then stood. “And a spoiled brat.”

  “Excuse me?” Matt leaped to his feet so fast his head spun. He still wasn’t used to his superhuman strength yet. “You don’t know me.”

  “You’re right, I don’t.” Wes crossed his arms over his broad chest. “And I’m not sure I want to. You got dealt a shitty hand, Matt. I get that, but you can’t sit in here and whine about it and blame others. That’s not the Warrior way. The Warriors of the Light fight and protect those who can’t. If you want to give up, that’s on you but we won’t.” Wes turned to leave. “Your brother needs a hero right now. Question is, are you going to be that hero or would you rather sit here and act like a child?”

  “I’m not a Warrior,” Matt snapped.

  “Yeah.” Wes chuckled. “That much is obvious.”

  “Fuck you,” Matt snarled.

  “Not a chance, kid.” Wes turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

  Matt opened and closed his fists. He reached down to grab a pillow and threw it at the closing door. God he was angry. Angry at himself and angry at Wes for being right. Kevin needed him, and Matt wanted to be the hero that saved the day because his brother deserved that.

  Chapter Twelve

  “What were you doing in there?” Miles asked as Wes walked down the hallway.

  “Just checking on him is all.” Wes stopped by Miles’s open door. The vampire was leaning on the wall beside it.

  “Is that right?” Miles rolled his eyes and laughed. “Do you think I’m stupid?” Wes cocked his head to the side and gave Miles and innocent look. He wasn’t going to confirm or deny anything. “Wes, I know. I sensed it in the car ride over here. Either you both are just really hot for each other, which I highly doubt since that poor boy just lost his entire family, or you’re his mate. I’m sure sex is the last thing on his mind. So that only leaves one option that could cause all these sexually charged pheromones floating between the two of you. He’s your mate, isn’t he?”

  “Uh…” Wes lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head. Did he want to answer that question?

  “Hey, guys,” Garrett said as he walked toward them. “Everything okay?”

  “I don’t know.” Miles crossed his thin arms over his chest and tapped his foot on the floor. “Is everything okay, Wes?

  “Miles, please stop,” Wes groaned.

  “Garrett’s your best friend. Tell him,” Miles ordered. “Tell him what Matt is to you.”

  “Oh thank God someone else knows.” Garrett exhaled a big sigh.

  “Garrett,” Wes snapped.

  “What?” Garrett pointed toward Miles. “He’s already figured it out so don’t be angry at me. I didn’t tell him shit.”

  “Come in here you two.” Miles grabbed both men by the wrist and yanked them into his room. “I hate to state the obvious here but terrible timing, Wes.”

  “You don’t think I know this, Miles? Fuck man.” Wes sat down in the chair by the door. “I’ve waited over a hundred years to find my mate.” He looked from Miles’s soft face then to Garrett’s rugged one. “To finally have what you guys all have and this is what I get. A mate who’s mentally a mess.” Wes held his hand up when Miles began to open his mouth. “I understand why but he is still a hot fucking mess. He hates what he’s become and he thinks were all monsters.” Wes grew up with the stigmatism of what humans thought of his kind. Humans wanted to kill and destroy what they didn’t understand, and he didn’t want to be with a man who thought he deserved to be tied to a tree and burned alive. Not all paranormal beings were evil.

  “Put yourself in his shoes, man.” Garrett shrugged. “It can’t be easy what he’s going through. He hasn’t even had proper time to grieve. Matt was thrown into this life.”

  “And Hale and his goons have his young brother.” Miles’s eyes grew red and watery. “Kevin is only fourteen years old. I can’t imagine what he’s going through. I remember when I found out about all this paranormal bullshit and the fight between good and evil. I was an adult, and I was scared shitless. Imagine being a kid and this happening to you.”

  “I think we all can agree it’s a crap situation but what can we do?” Wes stretched out his legs and tilted his head back to look at the ceiling. “Fucking Hale. Why couldn’t that bastard stay hidden?” He sat up and looked at Miles. “And the more important question is how did he find Colby? Ares, Klaus, and Ridge cast a spell to hide us from them. Is it not working anymore?”


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