Wes’s Light [Warriors of the Light 17] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Wes’s Light [Warriors of the Light 17] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 12

by AJ Jarrett

  “Grandpa,” Colby groaned. “Big beautiful muscles. Really? That’s so gross.”

  “I’m a healthy gay man.” Asher chuckled. “I can appreciate a good-looking man when I see one, and I always thought Matt was a hottie.” Asher winked at Matt.

  Matt’s cheeks blushed. He couldn’t count how many dreams he’d had that involved both Asher and Benedict over the past two years. To know at least one of those men found him attractive was a good boost to his ego. Of course Matt didn’t take any of it seriously. He was flattered, but he only had eyes for Wes.

  Wes was an unexpected surprise. To know that they were mates was beyond words. Matt still wasn’t sold on the whole fate thing that dictated that he would be with Wes but he couldn’t help but be happy that he had the man in his life. It had only been a couple of days, but Matt felt as if he had known Wes his entire life. He filled a void in Matt’s life and gave him the courage to go on.

  “Granddad.” Colby looked toward Benedict. “Can you please control your mate?

  “You’re joking, right?” Benedict started to laugh. “I’ve known Asher for over a thousand years, and the one thing I’ve learned is you cannot control that man. He’s a free spirit who says and does whatever he wants. I just take heart in knowing I’m the only man he wants.” Benedict walked over to Asher and wound his arms low on his waist. “Isn’t that right, baby?”

  “You know it.” Asher raised up to give his mate a kiss.

  Matt couldn’t help but stare. It reminded him of the love his mom and dad had for one another. Matt wanted to have that, and he started to think he could with Wes.

  “Stop drooling.” Colby smacked Matt in the arm. “They’re too old for you, and besides you have Wes.”

  “Yes, I do but they’re still hot.” Matt couldn’t resist, and Colby didn’t disappoint. His friend made a gagging noise and bent over at the waist.

  “You guys are sick. All of you.” Colby said as he stood. “Maybe I should tell your mate that you want to bang my grandfathers.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Matt. Colby won't rat you out to Wes,” Asher said. “I’m flattered by the way. It's sweet that you think I’m hot.”

  “He was talking about both of us.” Benedict poked Asher in the side.

  “Oh please.” Asher waved his hand down the front of Benedict. “I make this hotter. Without me, you’re just a grumpy, snarling man.”

  Benedict lunged at Asher and took him to the ground. They were rolling around wrestling while sneaking kisses in between jabs.

  “Come on, Matt.” Colby smacked him in the arm. “They’re going to be a minute. You want some water?”

  “Yeah sure.” Matt walked toward the other end of the yard where a punching bag hung from a tree.

  He put as much space between him and Benedict and Asher as possible. They were getting louder, and the smacking of their lips was distracting.

  Matt heard the door shut behind Colby as he went into the house. He raised his fist and started pummeling the bag. No matter how hard he hit the bag, it didn’t hurt for long. His knuckles didn’t bleed, and his hands didn’t get sore from the force of which he was hitting the bag.

  “It’s funny to see them like that.” Matt whirled around to see Hale standing against a tree. He was in a purple T-shirt and black jeans. His jet-black hair was styled perfect but didn’t move in the wind. He had his sunglass back on today. “My mother told me stories about how they use to hate one another but look at them now.”

  “What are you doing here?” Matt whispered.

  “Just checking up on you.” Hale pushed off from the tree and walked toward him. “Wanted to make sure you didn’t tell anyone of our little plan.”

  “I haven’t.” Matt turned back to the bag and punched it a couple times. He wanted to slam his fist into Hale, but that wasn’t an option yet.

  “Good.” Hale looked up at the house. “So is it true what Colby said. Are you and that sexy wolf shifter mates?”

  “It is. Not that you care.” Matt raised his leg and kicked at the bag, sending it swinging into the air.

  “You’re right I don’t, but I wanted to warn you.” Matt caught the bag as it came toward him. He locked his gaze with Hale’s. “Don’t complete the mating ritual.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if you do, then you’ll be connected to Wes on a more deeper level. He’ll be able to sense your thoughts and even locate you when you’re lost.” Matt’s eyes widened. He hadn’t known that. Colby had said that two mates did have to perform a ritual of sorts but not that it would somehow magically link him to Wes. “They haven’t told you that. Interesting.” Hale stepped closer to Matt. “If you complete that ritual you’re only putting your dear, precious mate in danger. Wes is a Warrior, and he’ll want to protect you at all cost. And let’s face it, the Warriors of the Light are in no condition to go up against me. So if you want Wes to live then don’t do it. You can fuck like bunnies all you want, but if I were you, I would refrain from doing the blood-sex-magic ritual. I’m sure the last thing you want is any harm to come to Wes.”

  “You’re a monster.” Matt wanted to scream. Wes was his mate, and the one thing that would cement that connection could ultimately get Wes killed. Matt wouldn’t risk it. It was just another thing Hale was stealing from him. “I want to see my brother.”

  “Well, I want my crazy mother to get off my ass, but we can’t always get what we want.”

  “Huh?” Matt reached out steady the bag with his hands. “What does she have to do with any of this?”

  “That hag doesn’t want me to be happy.” Hale jammed his hands into his pockets. “She thinks that Colby will bring out the good in me.” Hale laughed. “Yeah like that will ever happen now. I’m a killer through and through. There is no saving me.”

  “Do you love him?” Matt asked as he punched the bag again.

  “What is love really, Matty?” Hale laughed. “It’s a foolish emotion that fades. I don’t believe in foolish things.”

  “You’re lying.” Matt gazed at the hazy image of Hale standing in front of him. “A person doesn’t go through all this trouble if love isn’t involved.”

  “Please, Matty. Don’t get any romantic notions about me. I’m evil, and the things I have in store for my do-gooder mate is anything but pleasant.” Hale’s words dripped with venom. A chill ran down Matt’s spine. “I have to go now, but I’ll be in touch.” Hale turned around and walked away into nothingness.

  “Matt, you okay?” Colby asked from behind him.

  Matt spun around to see that Colby was staring off out in the backyard where Hale had vanished into. He wondered if his friend could see Hale, but that wasn’t possible. Hale had said that Matt was the only one who could see him and he believed him. Had that not been true Benedict and Asher would have attacked Hale, but they were still lying on the ground laughing and cuddling together.

  “I’m great.” Matt took the water Colby handed him.

  “You know if you ever need to talk I’m here for you.”

  “I know, bud.” Matt wrapped one arm around Colby’s shoulders and pulled him close for a hug. “And I’m here for you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Harder, Wes,” Matt moaned. “Fuck me.”

  It had been over a week since Matt’s life had been altered. His brother was still missing, and he hadn’t seen Hale since that day in the backyard. Matt was going crazy on the inside and felt as if he were going to explode. The only thing that seemed to calm him down was Wes.

  Matt was on his hands and knees, fisting the sheets in his hands. Wes was behind him slamming his hips so hard into Matt’s ass that the bed banged against the wall. Wes’s huge cock burrowed deep, and Matt’s toes curled from the sensation.

  The small bite of pain only added to the pleasure. Wes had added so much lube that his fat dick slipped in and out easily. The wet sloshing sounds filled the room. Matt could barely breathe. He swore he could feel Wes’s thick shaft poking at his throat

  “Oh God, yeah.” Wes smacked his hand down on Matt’s ass cheek. “So fucking tight.” Wes leaned over Matt’s back. “You’re wet for me aren’t you, baby?” Wes mumbled against Matt’s ear just before biting down with his sharp teeth. “You want me to fill that hole up nice and good, don’t you?”

  “Fuck yes.” Matt clenched his cheeks around Wes’s cock, and that only seemed to encourage him to go faster and harder. “Touch me, Wes. Fuck! Make me come.”

  Matt went to grab his own shaft when Wes didn’t move fast enough. Wes slapped his hand out of the way and wrapped his hands around Matt’s wrist, pinning them to the bed. Matt growled in frustration. His fangs hung down and drool dripped from the ends.

  “You come when I say you can.” Wes punctuated each word with a stab of his cock.

  Matt nodded. He thrust back to meet every forward push of Wes’s hips. His cock grazed over his swollen prostate causing pre-cum to ooze from the tip of his cock.

  “Come on, Wes. I need it,” Matt whined.

  “I want you so bad.” Wes sucked along his neck and shoulder. “Want to taste you.”

  “Then do it.” Matt tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck. In all the times they’d had sex, Wes had never bitten him. Matt had bitten Wes several times. Even when sucking his cock Wes would let him bite his inner thigh for a sip of his blood. Wes was open and giving with his body, and Matt wanted to do the same but couldn’t really. Every time Wes brought up the bonding, Matt would find a way to change the subject. Matt wanted the same thing but not if it was going to cost Wes his life. But until they got Kevin back and things were safe, he’d only allow Wes to bite him with no exchange of blood. “Bite me, Wes.”

  Wes didn’t stall. Matt felt the hot breath on his neck then the sharp sting of teeth slicing into the area where his neck and shoulder connect. Matt’s dick twitched then shot out a big creamy load onto the bed beneath him. His body jerked and tensed as pleasure coursed through his veins.

  Wes bit down harder and snarled into Matt’s flesh, and that’s when he felt it. Heat flooded his abused channel and Matt came again. He loved feeling Wes inside him, but more than that, he liked having his cum so far up inside him Matt always got to keep a piece of Wes with him even when they weren’t having sex.

  Matt collapsed on the bed, and Wes slowly pulled out. He flopped down beside Matt and put one arm behind his head. Matt turned onto his side to stare at the beautiful man that was his. Matt wanted to hold on to this moment forever, but he knew that this wouldn’t last. Nothing good ever did.

  “Do you miss it?” Wes asked.

  “You have to be more specific, babe.” Matt cuddled close and laid his hand on Wes’s sweat-smooth chest.

  “I know you miss your parents and your brother but what about your life in Missouri?” Wes lightly caressed his fingers down his back.

  “I do. My family is a big part of that, but I miss it.” Matt traced his fingertip over Wes’s nipple. Wes hissed in pleasure. “I miss going to class as stupid as that sounds. Football practice, games on Saturdays. I miss the mundaneness of it all. I had a schedule, and I followed it.” Matt pressed a kiss to Wes’s side. “This life is different. I might be stronger and be young for the rest of my very long life, but I’m also scared. There are forces at work here that want us dead, and it’s a fight I’m not even a part of, but I am now. It’s hard.”

  “I get that.” Wes hugged him close. “I hate that your life has changed so much. I’d do anything to take away all your pain. It’s not fair.” Wes kissed the top of his head.

  “It’s not, but most things in life aren’t. Hell, look at poor Colby. He has a mate but one that is pure evil.” Matt shuddered at the memory of seeing those cold dead black eyes. Matt couldn’t imagine sweet, innocent Colby being stuck in a life with that man for any length of time. If Matt had any choice in it, he wouldn’t.

  “Yeah, that’s horrible. Sometimes I wonder what fate has in store for all of us. I mean think about it. What are the deciding factors that pair us together?” Wes asked.

  “Good sex?” Matt teased.

  “No, I’m serious, babe.” Wes laughed.

  “I know but maybe were not meant to know.” Matt propped up on his elbow. “I’m new to all this, but maybe we should just be happy to have found one another.”

  “Very true.” Wes put the back of his hand to Matt’s neck and pulled him down to kiss him.

  “What about you?” Matt asked. “What was your life like before this?”

  “Well, for most of my life I lived in Missouri near the Lake of the Ozarks. Our pack still resides there. When Garrett left to be with Lachlan, I went with him,” Wes explained. “In a way, it was the same type of life. I went from protecting my pack to helping protect the world from the Warriors of the Dark. After the incident in Texas, I went on to live in Chicago where I became a cop.”

  “How come that doesn’t surprise me?” Matt grinned. “Always the protector.”

  “Hey, it’s what I do.” The smile fell from Wes’s face, and he grew serious. “What do you want after all this is over? What does Matt Clawson want out of life?”

  “I want to find my brother and be with you,” Matt answered honestly. “I want Kev to go back to a normal life, going to school and playing sports.”

  “What about you? Do you want to go back to college and play football?”

  “I don’t think I can go back to MU. Hale and his goons have made that impossible for us now.” Another reason Matt hated Hale. If by some act of God Matt were to survive this and get Kevin back, they’d have to start over somewhere new. “But I’d like to finish school. It doesn’t bother me if I don’t play football again but I want to give Kevin the opportunity to do that if he wants to. He’s a good athlete, probably better than me.” Matt smiled. “I want to give him as much of a normal life as possible.”

  “Then we’ll do that together.” Wes sat up to be eye level with Matt. “I want to help raise Kevin with you, and I want you to finish school. I want us to have a normal life together.”

  “In this normal life will you be a cop again?” Matt leered. “Because the thought of you in a uniform is super hot.” Matt reached down and cupped his palm over Wes’s rapidly growing cock.

  “God. I can’t get enough of you.” Wes rolled over on top of Matt, and before long, his heated shaft found Matt’s tight hole and they made love again.

  * * * *

  “Hey, Matty,” someone whispered in Matt’s ear. He reached up to rub at the side of his head. “Wake up, Matty.”

  The voice got louder, and Matt opened his eyes. It took him a moment to see in the darkness but when his eyes focused he saw Hale sitting on the edge of the bed. This time he was in a pair of loose pajama bottoms, his hair was messy and no sunglasses. It was a frightening sight, those eyes. It was as if Matt was looking at a demon.

  “What do you want?” Matt whispered. He glanced over to see that Wes was still asleep.

  “Well, I’d say to watch the show, but I think it would only upset you to know that I’ve been watching you.” Matt narrowed his eyes. It pissed him off that Hale would intrude like that. “I’ve actually been watching all of you. You all seem rather happy considering. It’s odd.” Hale cocked his head to the side. “One would think you’d be more concerned about your brother.”

  “I am.” Kevin was never far from Matt’s mind. The Warriors had been working around the clock to find a way to locate Kevin, but all their leads turned up nothing. Ben and Klaus had gone to one location and had been attacked by the Dark Warriors. It wasn’t safe and time was running out.

  “Funny way of showing it.” Hale yawned. “Anyway, I came to tell you two days.”

  “What?” Matt shook his head.

  “I’m securing a location to make the trade. I’ve got my mother locked up literally.” Hale smiled. “She won’t be an issue for the time being.” Matt wanted to ask what that meant but was afraid to hear the answer. “I’ll come to you with a time and
address. If you want to see your brother again, I suggest you and Colby meet me.” Before Matt could respond, Hale was gone.

  Matt sat up and rubbed his hands over his face. What was he going to do? He knew that getting out of this house on his own was going to be near impossible, but he had to try. Kevin was counting on him. He just had to come up with a plan.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “So what are we going to do?” Wes asked Ben. “Hale has my mate’s brother and what am I supposed to tell Matt? Oh sorry, honey, but we can’t find him because we haven’t got a fucking clue as to where he is and even if we did it’s too dangerous to get him back.” Wes was beyond agitated. It wasn’t Ben’s or anyone else’s fault, but Wes felt helpless.

  “Wes, man, I understand your frustration,” Ben said. “I feel worse because this monster that is connected to my son has done all this. I want to find Kevin just as bad as you do but at what cost?”

  “I get that, Ben, but what about the cost Matt has already paid? What about Kevin? He’s just a fucking kid mixed up in this fucked-up situation. Do you really want to sit there and tell me to just give up?” Wes shouted. “If this was your mate or your son you wouldn’t take that as an option. You’d find a way to save them.”

  “The only option to us right now would be to use Colby as bait.” Klaus slouched in his chair and sighed.

  “Are you insane?” Ben roared. “That will never be an option, Klaus.”

  “Why not? That’s what he wants. You and I both know it. Hale did all this out of jealousy. I’m just surprised we haven’t received a ransom note from Hale asking for Colby in exchange for Kevin.” Klaus turned to look at Ben. “Your son is the only person that could possibly control Hale. Maybe Colby would have a positive impact on Hale, and he’ll change for the better.”

  “That’s a lot to gamble my boy's life on.” Ben banged his open palm on the table before him.


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