Wes’s Light [Warriors of the Light 17] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Wes’s Light [Warriors of the Light 17] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 13

by AJ Jarrett

  “Ben, I know you don’t want to hear this, but we need Hale on our side in order to destroy Athena. What better way than to give him access to Colby? Athena needs Hale’s energy to grow stronger, and if Hale decides to fight on the side of good, then she’ll weaken.”

  “But you’re hoping that Hale wants to be good, Klaus.” Ben shook his head. “Have you ever thought that Hale likes being evil and wants to turn Colby to the dark side? What chance of salvation will the world have if my son becomes evil?”

  “Ben’s right, Klaus,” Wes spoke up. “It’s too risky. We’ll just have to find another way.” Wes stood and headed for the door. “I just hope that Kevin has that kind of time.”

  Wes walked out of the room, not waiting for a response. He was upset and wanted to tear the heads off a hundred Dark Warriors. He was sick and tired of feeling useless. His mate was suffering, and there was nothing he could do to help. Even if they were able to find Kevin what then? Hale had an army of Dark Warriors at his beck and call.

  Evil was growing stronger. In the past two weeks since Wes had his encounter with the Dark Warriors, there had been more sightings. Unexplained deaths and people who claimed to have seen black-eyed monsters roaming their streets. Something was happening but no one knew what.

  “You okay, Wes?” Astrid asked as Wes passed him in the hallway. Wes was so angry he hadn’t even seen the other man.

  “Not even close.” He sighed, trying his best to calm down. It wasn’t Astrid’s fault, and he didn’t need to take it out on him. “We can’t get a location on Kevin but even if we did there’d be no way to fight all the Dark Warriors Hale has at his disposal.”

  “I know.” Astrid tucked a stray hair behind his ear. “Klaus and I’ve talked about it. Hale is a wild card. We just don’t know what he’s planning. Lucian is sick over this, and so is Ares. Hale’s a little boy lost in some ways. We just have to hope he finds his way back.”

  “I got my fingers crossed.” Wes didn’t have much hope in that. Hale murdered Matt’s mom and dad for no reason. If Hale was truly jealous of Matt why not just go after Matt. No, Hale took pleasure in causing Matt pain. In fact, Hale wanted to kill Matt. Had it not been for Colby’s blood still coursing through his veins, he’d be dead now. That angered Wes beyond belief, but it made him wonder why take Kevin? What did Hale have to gain by keeping that kid alive? So many questions and zero answers.

  “I hate to be intrusive but have you and Matt completed the mating ritual?” Astrid asked. His pale cheeks flushed a bright pink.

  “Not yet.” Wes slumped against the wall. “Every time I bring it up he finds a way to change the conversation around.” Wes grinned. And oh how he loved the ways Matt distracted him. The long, lingering blowjobs that Matt gave him could last for hours, and Matt never seemed to get tired. Matt let Wes fuck him for hours upon hours and never wanted to stop. Matt was insatiable, and Wes loved that about his mate.

  “I bet he does.” Astrid giggled. “But in all seriousness, you should do it and soon. I have a weird feeling in my gut and it's not Miles’s cooking. Klaus thinks its gas or something. I’m just worried. A lot is going on, and that’s probably just got my nerves all a mess. I’d feel better if you two were mated. The bond makes you both stronger, and if Hale shows his pasty ass, we’ll need all the strength we can get.”

  “Pasty ass?” Wes chuckled. “You’ve been hanging around Klaus a little too much. That mean bastard is rubbing off on you.”

  “Maybe, but in a good way.” Astrid leaned in close to hug Wes then walked away humming a happy tune. If Wes wasn’t mistaken, it was the new Bruno Mars song. Wes shook his head a laughed. Astrid was one of a kind.

  Wes headed up the stairs. He found Matt in his bedroom. He was sitting in a chair by the window, and he’d fallen asleep. Wes walked over toward him, pulling the ottoman beside the chair and sat down. He stared at Matt, taking in all his handsome beauty. Matt wasn’t some soft wilting flower. No, he was strong and rough. Wes loved that about his mate.

  Matt’s shaggy blond hair hung down covering his right eye. His hands were resting on his stomach, and his legs were sprawled open. He looked relaxed, and Wes didn’t want to wake him up. He was content just to stare at his mate.

  “You know that’s creepy, right?” Wes laughed. Matt peeked open his left eye. “This vampire hearing is a pain in the ass. Every little sound wakes me up.”

  “I can relate. We wolf shifters have the same affliction.”

  “That’s right.” Matt sat up in his chair and rubbed at his eyes. “Do you know, in the time we’ve known each other I have never seen your wolf form? What’s it like? Are you like, half man half wolf, or are you in total doggy form?” Matt’s eyes lit up.

  “Why don’t I show you?” Wes stood. He reached behind his head to grab his shirt to pull it off over his head.

  “What? Right here?” Matt caught Wes’s shirt when he tossed it to him.

  “Why not?” Wes flipped the button on his pants then shoved them down his legs.

  “I don’t know. I just assumed you want to do it outside.” Matt’s gaze lowered to stare at his body and Wes flexed his muscle to give his lover a good show.

  Wes kicked off his boxers and pushed them to the side. He closed his eyes and called upon his wolf. The animal rose to the surface, and a tingling heat rushed over his skin. Wes fell to his knees as his legs popped back in the opposite direction. He heard Matt gasp, but he didn’t stop. He let the wolf come out. His face stretched and his snout filled in. Fur tickled as it grew from his pores to fill in his soft black coat. Wes craned his neck back and felt as his spine popped. In just a matter of seconds, it was complete.

  “Holy shit.” Matt fell to his knees and reached out to touch Wes’s furry head. He hesitated, giving Wes an uncertain look. “You can understand me, right?”

  Wes nodded and stepped closer to nudge his nose against Matt’s hand. He raised his hands and began to comb his fingers through his fur. Wes closed his eyes. He enjoyed feeling his mate’s hands on his body no matter what form he was in.

  “This is amazing,” Matt said in awe. “I wish I could do this. Kevin is going to freak when he sees this.” The smile fell from Matt’s face. “That’s if I ever see my brother again.” Matt’s hands fell to his sides. His head hung down between his shoulders.

  Wes whimpered and pawed at Matt’s chest. He could feel his mate’s anguish and wanted to take it away. Wes quickly shifted back and kneeled naked on the floor in front of Matt.

  “Hey, now.” Wes pulled Matt into his arms. “It’s going to be okay. We’re going to find him, baby.”

  “I’m so scared, Wes.” Matt wound his arms around Wes’s waist and squeezed tight. “I just want him back.”

  “I know.” Wes rubbed his hands up and down Matt’s back and kissed his neck.

  They sat like that for a long time. Wes was happy to comfort his mate, and Matt seemed willing to accept it. The sun started to lower in the sky, and the room grew darker, but Wes never left Matt’s side.

  “I feel like everything I love is being taken from me.” Matt sat back to look into Wes’s eyes. “I’m scared I’ll lose you, too.”

  “You could never lose me, Matt.” Wes smiled. “The love I feel for you is unbreakable. Nothing will tear us apart.”

  “How can you say that?” Matt shook his head. His chin began to tremble. “We barely know each other.”

  “I know enough to trust my heart.” Wes cupped his hands against Matt’s cheeks. “I’ve lived for many years, and I’ve never felt this way about another person before. You are the love of my life.”

  “You’re only saying that because we’re mates.” A tear leaked out the corner of Matt’s eye. “If you were smart you’d pick someone else to give your love to.”

  “I am smart, and I chose you, Matt. Fate might have brought us together but you are mine, and I’m never giving you up.” Wes put his finger under Matt’s chin to raise his mouth up to his. He kissed him gently. “I love you,
and nothing will change that. Nothing.”

  Matt lunged toward Wes and wound his arms around his neck. Wes held on tight, taking in all his mate’s fears. Together they’d find a way to get Kevin back and live that normal life Matt wanted to give to his brother. One way or another Wes would make that happen.

  Chapter Twenty

  The entire next day Matt felt as if he were walking around on eggshells. He kept waiting for Hale to show up and tell him the location. Matt didn’t know how he’d get out of the house to meet up with Hale. He also didn’t know how he was going to explain not having Colby with him. Matt was doing his best to come up with a plan.

  Last night Matt barely got any sleep. After making love to Wes for what could possibly be the last time, Matt stayed awake to watch the gorgeous man sleep. For the past few days, Wes had been trying to bring up the topic of completing the mating ritual, but Matt avoided that conversation like the plague. He couldn’t allow Wes to be a part of him for fear he’d stop Matt from going through with his plan to save Kevin and because if they were mated and Matt died, he’d be condemning Wes to the same fate.

  Matt had held out hope that Ben and the others would find Kevin before Matt had to go through with any of this but still no luck. Wherever Hale had Kevin, it was secure and hidden from the rest of the world. Matt wanted Kevin found so badly, but he didn’t want any of these nice men who had taken him to risk their safety to do so. Matt might not have asked for this life, but he refused to regret being alive. He was Kevin’s only chance at freedom, so he had to be strong.

  Matt walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. He was hungry and anxious. Matt hoped some warm blood would make him feel better. The house was pretty quiet. Once again Wes and the other Warriors were in the room off the main entry discussing possible strategies to locate Hale.

  The other night in bed Wes had told Matt about Klaus’s suggestion about using Colby as bait. It was a terrible idea. There was no telling what kind of life Colby would be subjected to if he went with Hale.

  Guilt flooded Matt’s chest. It was only days ago he too had thought about handing Colby over to Hale just to get his brother back. In the end, Matt realized that would accomplish nothing good. There was no easy outcome to this situation, and that was why Matt had to take matters into his own hands.

  Matt opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bag of blood. He shut the door and reached to open the cabinet that held the mugs.

  “You do know drinking straight from the source is so much better, right?” Hale was there. His nose scrunched up in disgust. “I mean hell, you got that hot fucking man in your bed every night. Drink from him.”

  “If you must know I’m still learning self-control,” Matt whispered as he poured the blood into the cup and stuck it in the microwave. He pretended like everything was normal just in case someone walked in on. “I was wondering would you’d show up.”

  “Oh did you miss me?” Hale grinned. He was dressed in all black today from head to toe, and he’d neglected to put on his sunglasses. It was sad to say, but Matt was getting used to those cold, dead eyes.

  “Not hardly.” The microwave beeped, and Matt took out the mug and sipped the dark red liquid. “How’s my brother?”

  “Alive.” Hale shrugged. “And bossy for such a young human.” Hale tsked.

  “That would be Kevin.” Matt smiled. If Hale was telling the truth, then Kevin was okay. “Let’s cut the crap. When and where?”

  “So assertive.” Hale laughed. He stared at Matt for a moment too long then his smile fell. “There’s an abandoned warehouse on the east side of town at 121st Street and Lockwood. It’s an old peanut factory. I’ll be there tonight with your precious little brother. Be there at midnight or—”

  “You don’t have to threaten me,” Matt interrupted Hale. “I know what’s at stake here.” Something occurred to him. “If you know where we are, why not come to the house?” Matt’s hands started to shake. If Hale knew of their location, he could attack at any moment.

  “Boy, you’re smarter than you look.” Hale pointed a finger at Matt. “I’ve been able to narrow down your location to the Omaha area but can’t find you or Colby. I can smell my uncle’s magic all over this one.” Hale made a face of disgust. “It sickens me that he would protect you people.”

  Matt sighed in relief. At least they were protected from an attack.

  “What are you going to do with him?” Matt asked. He was curious as to Hale’s plans for Colby had the man ever got a hold of him. Could some as evil as Hale ever truly love someone?

  “That’s none of your concern.”

  “But it is.” Matt turned around to rest his hips against the counter. “He’s my best friend.”

  “And he’s my mate,” Hale said through gritted teeth. “He belongs to me, and that’s all that you need to know.”

  “He is a person.” Matt glared over at Hale. “He’s allowed to choose what and who he wants.”

  “That’s what is wrong with you humans.” Hale chuckled and shook his head. “Given too many choices and you make the wrong ones. Colby is mine, and I take what’s mine. He’s of no concern to you.” Hale stood up straight and shook out his arms. “Be at the warehouse at midnight and don’t be late because I’d hate for Kevin to lose a finger or a hand because of you.” And with those parting words, Hale was gone.

  Matt’s hunger was suddenly gone. He set the mug in the sink and rested his hands on the counter, staring out the window. What was he going to do when he showed up without Colby? Would Matt have a chance to fight off Hale and his goons long enough to allow Kevin to get away? God he hoped so. He’s been working with Benedict and Asher every day since he arrived here. Hopefully that training would be enough.

  “How long has he been coming to you?” Matt jerked around at the sound of Colby’s low and steady voice. The normal smile Colby typically wore was vacant from his face.

  “Colby, man.” Matt clasped a hand to his chest. “You nearly scared the life right out of me.” The words Colby had said registered in Matt’s brain, but he wasn’t sure what to say in response. Hale had told him no one could see him.

  “I highly doubt that.” Colby stepped closer to him. He kept glancing over his shoulder. “Does anyone know?”

  “Know what?” Matt forced a smile not wanting to give anything away.

  “Matt, I’m not stupid, and I’m actually pretty insulted that you and my mate would think that I was.”

  “Colby.” Matt shook his head. “It’s not like that.”

  “I don’t care what it’s like.” Colby closed his eyes, and his nostrils flared as he sighed. “What does he want?”

  “He…” Matt didn’t want to lie to his best friend, but he also didn’t want Colby to do the noble thing and turn himself over to that monster. “I can’t tell you.”

  “He wants to trade, doesn’t he?” Colby’s voice was eerily calm as he spoke. “Me for Kevin.” Matt nodded. “And you were going to try and trick him.” Matt nodded again. “You stupid fool. He’ll kill you and not care. He already tried to do it once before, Matt.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t just ask you to do something like that,” Matt snapped. “I’m stronger than I was before. I’ll fight him and if given the chance kill that motherfucker.”

  “Spoken look a true naive moron.” Tears filled Colby’s eyes. “He’s not like you and the others. He’s more powerful than anything we’ve ever seen. Do you really think he would let you kill him?”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, man.” Matt was offended that Colby would think him so weak.

  “It’s not about that, and you know it.” Colby rubbed his hand over his face. “You’re my best friend, and I care about you a lot. You’re the first person outside of my family and the other Warriors that I’ve ever befriended. I trust you and have complete faith in you, but I’m not going to lie and tell you that you can defeat him. Hale is a powerful force that cannot be broken.”

  “Why are you so sure abou
t that?”

  “Because he and I are connected.” Colby jumped onto the counter to sit. “He’s my mate, and he knows what will happen to me if he were to be killed. He may be a Warrior of the Dark, but he still wants me, and because of that he’ll fight like the devil to protect me.”

  “Colby, I’m sorry to tell you this, but from the way Hale speaks of you, he doesn’t want to love you. He wants to control you. Own you. I’m not sure he knows how to love.”

  “And that’s the problem,” Colby mumbled. “Everyone perceives love differently, and Hale’s version of love has been warped by his mother. I don’t think he’d ever intentionally hurt me but what his and I’s version of love are completely two different things.” Colby met Matt’s gaze. “I’m not sure I can save him, and that scares me the most.”

  “And that’s why you can’t get anywhere near him, Colby.” Matt grabbed Colby’s hand. “I want my brother back, but I won’t ask you to sacrifice yourself to do that. This is my battle, and I’m fighting it alone.”

  “I can’t let you do that, buddy.” Colby tightened his grip on Matt’s hand. “Either you let me help you, or I tell my dads who will then tell your mate. Do you want Wes to know what you’ve been hiding from him?”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I would, and it’s because I love you.” Colby smiled.

  “Colby, I appreciate it but how can you help?” Matt rolled his eyes. “The only thing you’ll do is get captured by Hale. He’ll then be getting exactly what he wanted to begin with.”

  “See, this is where everyone underestimates me.” Colby let go of Matt’s hand. “Aren’t you curious as to how I know you’ve been communicating with Hale for these past few days?”

  “Yeah.” Matt nodded. “Very.”

  “I can sense his presence.” Colby pursed his lips and scrunched up his nose. “It’s like a change in the air. My heart flutters and I feel like I can’t breathe.” Colby glanced over at Matt. “I felt it when we were back on campus, but at the time I wasn’t sure what it was. Then when you came to me in my room that morning, I knew exactly what was happening. Hale is strong, but I’m just as powerful. I’m sure Hale didn’t tell you, but he can’t see me. I’m protected by magic. He can sense when I’m near, but he can’t find me. Even if I was standing right next to him, he would be unable to see me. I have to allow it. So when he comes to visit you, he can see everyone in the house but me.”


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