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Wes’s Light [Warriors of the Light 17] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 14

by AJ Jarrett

  “He never told me that.” Matt could understand why Hale kept that to himself and explained his frustration.

  “I’m not surprised. It’s annoying how everyone thinks I can’t protect myself against him. I’m not some weakling.” Colby smiled. “Want to know something else, but you can’t tell my fathers.” Matt agreed. “When Hale is near my powers increase. Watch.” Colby snapped his fingers, and he was gone.

  “Colby?” Matt rushed around the kitchen looking under the table and in the pantry, but he was nowhere to be found. “Colby?” Matt hissed.

  “Looking for me.” Colby tapped Matt on the shoulder, and he spun around. Colby laughed at him.

  “How did you do that?” Matt cursed under his breath. “I thought you were a vampire. How can you vanish then reappear?”

  “I’m not really sure.” Colby shrugged. “I’m guessing because Hale is my mate and he can do that therefore I can. Mates share in their strength and powers and get stronger, and Hale’s abilities then become mine. But I can only do these things when Hale is near.” Colby raised his hands in the air. “I can teleport. How cool is that?”

  “Yeah, that’s awesome.” Matt’s brain was on overload.

  “Well, not too amazing when you’re in the shower and the next thing you know you’re in the middle of a field.” Colby winced. “A little freaky.” Colby clapped his hands together. “So what’s our plan?”

  “Our plan?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, our.” Colby shoved him in the arm. “I’m not letting you do this alone. If you show up without me, you’ll be dead before you ever lay eyes on Kev.”

  “Once again, thanks for the support.” Matt hissed. He was sick and tired of everyone thinking he was weak.

  “I call them as I see them.” Colby patted Matt on the back. “And I’m sorry. You and Kevin have lost so much because of me, and I refuse to let Kev lose you too. That’s not going to happen.”

  “Thanks, Colbster.” Matt pulled his friend in for a hug. He appreciated that Colby saw the bigger picture and acknowledged what he and Kevin had already lost. “But I don’t blame you. You didn’t ask for any of this to happen.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t stop the guilt from existing inside me.” Colby squeezed Matt hard then took a step back. “I’m guessing you really didn’t have a plan, so we’ll go with mine.”

  “Hey!” Matt whined.

  “Okay then.” Colby sighed. “What was your big plan, hmm? Sneak out of the house and meet up with Hale? How would you accomplish that? This house is on serious lockdown. If you tried to leave, they’d catch you and then you’d have to explain to Wes and my dads what you were up to. And I’m going to guess they wouldn’t be very happy if they knew you were in contact with Hale.”

  Matt had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the knowing look Colby gave him. His best friend really did know him too well.

  “Okay, what’s your plan then?”

  “We teleport to where Hale wants you to meet him. We grab Kevin and zap out of there. Piece of cake.” Colby snapped his fingers. “We’ll be home before the guys wake up.”

  It didn’t sound like the best of plans, but it was all they had. Matt had to trust in his best friend to help him pull this off. Kevin was counting on him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “I love you.” Matt brushed his lips against Wes’s.

  “I love you, too, baby.” Wes pulled Matt’s naked body closer to his. Sweat slickened their skin, and they were sticking together. The smell of their combined releases scented the air and Wes loved it. The only thing that could make this moment more special was if Matt allowed him to perform the blood-sex-magic ritual but Matt was still hesitant. Wes was starting to think it was Matt’s guilt that kept him from going through with it. Matt survived, but his parents didn’t, and his brother was still missing. Wes tried to convince Matt it wasn’t his fault but it was useless. Hopefully, in time, Matt would be able to forgive himself and move on, and Wes would be right there waiting for him. “You feeling all right?”

  “Yeah.” Matt pressed a kiss to Wes’s nipple. “I just want you to know how much I love you.” Matt propped up on his elbow to stare into Wes’s eyes. “I’ve dated before and had a few boyfriends, but I’ve never felt this way about another person. It’s important to me that you know just how much I care about you.”

  “I do.” Wes sat up. A fissure of fear seeped into his bones. “What’s going on, Matt?”

  “Nothing.” Matt smiled, his bright white teeth glowing in the darkness. “I just want you to know that I mean it. I love you with all my heart. To the moon and back.”

  “Me, too, baby.” Wes wrapped his arms around Matt and lay back down, pulling his mate with him. “To the moon and back.”

  Wes was unsettled but couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t like Matt was going to run away and search for his brother. He had no clue where Kevin was and if he did, Matt wasn’t stupid enough attempt a rescue all by himself. Hale was dangerous, and Matt knew that firsthand. He had watched as Hale killed his parents and nearly killed him.

  As sleep overcame Wes, he couldn’t help but think something wasn’t right. Matt held him tight as he drifted off to sleep and Wes clung to his mate, praying that this wired feeling in his gut was just that, a feeling.

  * * * *

  Once Matt was for sure that Wes was asleep, he slipped out from under his arm and slid to the floor. He grabbed the clothes he’d hidden under the bed earlier that evening and army crawled to the bathroom. Once inside he gently shut the door and turned around.

  “Shit.” Matt clutched his bundle of clothes to his chest. Colby sat on the closed toilet lid. He looked bored and half asleep. “Colby.”

  “Shh.” Colby held his finger up to his mouth. “Be quiet, or you’ll wake him up.” Colby wrinkled his nose. “Dude, put some clothes on, will ya.” Colby quickly looked away from Matt’s naked body.

  Matt turned around and got dressed. He didn’t bother turning on the light, not taking any chance that he’d wake up Wes. This was a stupid plan but the only one they had. Matt had his fingers crossed that this teleporting thing Colby could do would continue to work. If not they were going to be sitting ducks with Hale and his men.

  “You ready?” Matt whispered.

  “Yeah.” Colby stood. “What’s the address?”

  “121st and Lockwood. Hale said it was an old abandoned peanut factory.”

  “Okay.” Colby nodded. “Give me your hands.” Matt grabbed onto Colby’s outstretched hands. “This will feel weird but whatever you do don’t let go. I’m not sure where you’d end up.”

  “Oh, that’s comforting.”

  “Stop your whining.” Colby grinned. “Now let’s go get Kev back.”

  Matt watched as Colby closed his eyes. He wasn’t sure what he should do so he just watched. Nothing happened at first then he noticed that the room started to tilt. His vision became fuzzy, and he couldn’t breathe. Matt clasped onto Colby’s hands tighter as he felt the floor fall out from under him. Wind slammed into his face and Matt opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. They were falling through the air. Colby’s grip on his hand never faltered. Matt closed his eyes and prayed for this all to stop.

  Just as soon as it began, it was over. Matt’s feet hit the ground hard, and he stumbled back a step. He hadn’t let go of Colby’s hands, and he took Colby with hm. Matt fell on his ass, and Colby was sprawled out on top of him.

  “Dude,” Colby groaned. “I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this, but I’m not interested in you in that way.” Colby giggled.

  “Oh God.” Matt shoved Colby off him. “You wish.” Matt stood to his feet and looked out. It was dark with no streetlights to light the path. The ground was covered in trash and sirens could be heard in the distance. Big empty warehouses surrounded them. Some of the windows were knocked out, and the outer walls were spray painted. “This place is—”

  “Scary looking.” Colby finished his sentence.
They both stood side by side looking up at the building. All was quiet, not even the wind was moving. Yet somehow the building seemed alive. An electric pulse sizzled in the air making the hairs on Matt’s arms stand on end. A dark force lying in wait for them to enter. “Well, I guess we need to go inside, huh?”

  “Yep.” Matt held his hand out to the side, and Colby latched onto him. “Just remember, if things don’t go as planned get Kev and get out of here.” Matt glanced down at Colby. “And tell Wes that I love him.”

  “Oh my gosh! Stop talking like that.” Colby raised his other hand and punched Matt in the arm hard.

  “Ouch!” Matt rubbed at the sore spot. Who knew his friend could hit that hard.

  “We leave together or not at all.” Colby’s voice grew stern. “You and Kevin are part of my family, and we never leave anyone behind. Now let’s go get our brother back.” Colby yanked on his hand and started walking forward.

  Matt smiled at what his friend had said. They were family and family meant everything.

  Together they walked into the dark building. Debris lay scattered on the floor. Colby pointed to a set of stairs and Matt followed him over to them. A chill ran down his spine, and Matt had a bad feeling about all this. He was scared and nervous. The metal stairs creaked under their weight.

  “I guess there goes our surprise attack.” Colby looked over his shoulder and grinned.

  “How can you joke at a time like this?” Matt hissed.

  “Because I’m not worried.” Colby winked. “We got this. Remember what I said. In and out.”

  “In and out,” Matt repeated.

  They made it up to the second floor and still saw nothing. They walked to the left, and that’s when they saw Kevin. He was sitting in a chair. His eyes were covered, his hands were tied behind his back and his legs tied to the legs of the chair. Kevin was dressed in clean and expensive looking clothes. He appeared to be unharmed.

  “Kevin.” Matt let go of Colby’s hand and ran toward his brother.

  “Matt!” Kevin shouted. “Is it really you?” Kevin’s head turned at the sound of his voice.

  “It is, kid.” Matt went to work on the ropes wrapped around Kevin’s ankles. “Colby’s with me.” Colby was behind Kevin undoing his hands.

  “Colby?” Kevin tilted his head.

  “Hey, Kev.” Colby jerked away the cloth that was tied over Kevin’s eyes.

  “Thanks.” Kevin smiled.

  Matt got the ropes around his brother’s ankles free, and once his hands were freed of their bindings, he lunged at Matt. Matt held his brother tight and breathed in his clean, fresh scent. He smelled like home.

  Kevin reached behind him and grabbed onto Colby and pulled him into their hug. Matt opened his arm for Colby to come closer. For one split second, all felt right in the world, but like all good things, it always comes to an end.

  “You guys do realize this is a trap, right?” Kevin pulled back and wiped his tears from his eyes. “I’m not sure where they went, but they’ll be back. He won’t let me go. He said so.” Tears leaked from Kevin’s eyes.

  “Well, Hale can go fuck himself.” Matt stood and put his arm around Kevin’s shoulders.

  “Not Hale.” A loud bang sounded on the far side of the room, and Kevin jumped. “Kayson.”

  “Who’s Kayson?” Colby asked looking at Matt.

  “One of my best Warriors and evil as they come.” Hale stepped out of the darkness. The tall man with the shoulder-length wavy brown hair, Kayson was right behind him. “Hello, Colby. It’s been a while.”

  “And whose fault is that?” Colby sneered.

  “He can see you?” Matt whispered out the corner of his mouth.

  “I’m allowing him to,” Colby said but never turned his gaze away from Hale.

  “Matt.” Kevin yanked on his hand.

  “That’s not the reason.” Hale started to laugh. “No my sweet mate it’s because you have stepped into my trap.” Colby and Matt turned their heads to look at each other. “This is a magic-free zone.”

  “Yeah right.” Colby laughed. “Like you would subject yourself to be powerless.”

  “I did.” Hale took a step closer into the moonlight streaming through one of the broken windows. His pale skin appeared to glow a ghostly white. “If my magic was working, I’d have you down on your knees begging for my forgiveness, but it’s a small price to pay.” Hale shrugged. “No magic means you can’t hide from me.”

  “Shit.” Colby took a deep breath. “We gotta get out of here.”

  “You think.” Matt shoved Kevin behind him and started walking backward toward the stairs.

  Kayson started to walk toward them, and the way he was looking at Kevin made Matt nervous. What did this man want with his kid brother? Kevin’s hands tightened in the back of his shirt, and he knew his brother was afraid. He could smell his fear. It was bitter and strong, and it made him want to vomit.

  “Colby, you’re looking well.” Hale removed his sunglasses. Kevin gasped from behind him and buried his face into Matt’s back. “Have you missed me?”

  “I miss the person you use to be.” Colby crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I’m the same person.”

  “No you’re not.” Colby motioned with his head for Matt to come closer. “Tell your pet to stop moving,” Colby ordered.

  “Fine.” Hale did an action that looked like he rolled his eyes but it was hard to tell because of the blackness. “Kayson, will you please stand still.” Kayson stopped moving but growled. “Thank you.” Hale turned back to Colby. “Is that better?”

  “Yes.” Colby stepped in front of Matt when he got close enough. “Why?”

  “Why what?” Hale slowly walked toward them. Colby held up his hand, and Hale stopped.

  “Why do this? You murdered my best friend’s parents and tried to kill him.” Colby’s voice cracked with his emotions. “What were you hoping to accomplish?”

  “It got your attention did it not?” Hale cocked his head to the side as if he truly didn’t understand why Colby was so mad at him. Matt’s heart broke for his friend.

  “What happened to you?” Colby lost control of his tears, and they dripped down his cheeks. “You use to be good and decent.”

  “Yeah well, that was a long time ago.” Hale sounded bored. “Things change.”

  “But why?” Colby cried. “I thought you loved me. I thought you wanted us to be together.”

  “I do.” Hale’s voice took on an unsettling tone. “And we will be together.”

  “No.” Colby shook his head. “Not like this we won’t. You let the evil in, and I can’t be a part of that.”

  “Oh but you can and you will, you ungrateful spoiled brat,” Hale shouted. “I’m this way because of you. You and your precious Warriors of the Light. I sacrificed myself to help them, but it wasn’t good enough for you. Would you have rather I let your family die? Let my mother blow them to bits?”

  “What! No!” Colby’s body began to shake.

  “It’s okay, Colby.” Matt reached out and laid his hand on Colby’s shoulder.

  “Stop touching him!” Hale screamed at the top of his lungs.

  Kevin cried out from behind him. Matt’s shirt was soaked from his brother’s tears. He didn’t abide by Hale’s words and moved to where he could hold Kevin with one arm and Colby with the other. He could tell his friend was about to fall apart.

  “I’ve lost you.” Colby wiped away his tears and straightened his shoulders. Matt could feel the cold chill of calmness that had taken over Colby. “You were once the love of my life and you will probably always be, but I can’t be with you. Not like this.”

  “Like you have a choice, Colby.” Hale fisted his hands at his sides.

  “But I do.” Colby smiled. “And I’m choosing to walk away.”

  “Like hell you are.” Hale lunged at Colby and Colby shoved Matt to the side and out of the way.

  Matt fell to the floor, letting go of Kevin as to not take him dow
n with him. Before he had a chance to get to his feet, Kayson grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him up off the floor. Matt grabbed at his wrist, claws tearing at his skin.

  Kayson shifted his grip until he had both hands wrapped around Matt’s neck. He couldn’t breathe. Matt kicked out his legs, but it was like connecting his feet against a brick wall. Kayson just smirked, his sharp teeth glinting in the darkness.

  Black spots danced before his eyes. The pressure on his neck grew tighter, and he was for certain that Kayson was about to rip his head from his body.

  “Kayson, please don’t.” Kevin’s voice sounded frightened and so small. “He’s my brother.”

  “Kev, no,” Matt grunted out. His windpipe was being crushed, and he could barely make a sound.

  “I’ll stay if you let him live.” Kevin reached out and touched Kayson’s forearm. “Please, Kayson.”

  The hard lines of Kayson’s face relaxed, and his grip loosened. Matt fell to the floor, gasping for air. Kayson turned around and raised his large hand to palm the side of Kevin’s face. Kevin closed his eyes and held perfectly still.

  Matt coughed and spit blood out onto the floor. His throat was already healing. He pushed to his feet, his mouth carved into a harsh scowl. Kevin met his gaze and Matt mouthed for him to take a step back.

  Behind him, Matt could hear Colby fighting with Hale. He needed to help his friend, but he had to take care of Kayson first. Matt looked around the floor and found a metal pipe. He bent down and snatched it up. He tightened his fist on the cold steel then raised his arms as if he was holding a baseball bat and swung. Kayson dropped to the floor, causing a cloud of dust to fly up into the air. Matt kicked Kayson onto his stomach and rolled him over. He held the pipe up over his head, ready to stab it down into his throat.


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