For God, Country, and Coca-Cola

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For God, Country, and Coca-Cola Page 84

by Mark Pendergrast

  Books About Pepsi: Stephanie Capparell, The Real Pepsi Challenge (2008). Roger Enrico, The Other Guy Blinked (1986). Walter Mack, No Time Lost (1982). Milward W. Martin, Twelve Full Ounces (1962). John Sculley, Odyssey: Pepsi to Apple (1987). Bob Stoddard, Pepsi-Cola: 100 Years (1997).

  Selected Books for Historical and Cultural Context: Samuel Hopkins Adams, The Great American Fraud (1907). Ivan Allen Jr., Mayor: Notes on the Sixties (1971). Benjamin Barber, Jihad Vs. McWorld (1996). George Beard, American Nervousness (1881). John Morton Blum, V Was for Victory (1976). Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters (1988). Fawn M. Brodie, Richard Nixon (1981). Gerald Carson, One for a Man, Two for a Horse (1961). William H. Chafe, The Unfinished Journey (1986). Frederick Clairmonte, Merchants of Death (1988). Eric Clark, The Want Makers (1988). Robert M. Crunden, Ministers of Reform (1982). N. F. Dixon, Subliminal Perception (1971). Eddie Fisher, Eddie: My Life, My Loves (1981). Stephen Fox, The Mirror Makers (1984). Franklin Garrett, Atlanta and Environs (1954). Jack Goodman, ed., While You Were Gone: A Report on Wartime Life in the United States (1946). Sally Forman Griffith, Home Town News: William Allen White (1989). Duff Hart-Davis, Hitler’s Games (1986). Adelaide Hechtlinger, The Great Patent Medicine Era (1970). Seymour M. Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot (1997). Charles Higham, Trading with the Enemy (1983). Floyd Hunter, Community Power Structure (1953, 1963). Kenneth T. Jackson, The Ku Klux Klan in the City (1967). Michael Jacobson, Liquid Candy (2005). Haynes Johnson, Sleepwalking Through History (1991). Sam Jones, The Life and Sayings of Sam P. Jones (1907). Franz M. Joseph, ed., As Others See Us (1959). Richard Kuisel, Seducing the French (1993). Tom Lutz, American Nervousness (1991). Victor Lasky, Jimmy Carter (1979). Angelo Mariani, Coca and Its Therapeutic Applications (1886). Alice G. Marquis, Hopes and Ashes (1986). J. B. Matthews and R. E. Shallcross, Partners in Plunder (1935). Mark Megalli, Masks of Deception (1991). Peter Meyer, James Earl Carter (1978). Mark Crispin Miller, Seeing Through Movies (1990). Sidney Mintz, Sweetness and Power (1985). H. Wayne Morgan, Drugs in America (1981). W. Golden Mortimer, Peru: History of Coca (1901). David Musto, The American Disease (1987). American Medical Association, Nostrums and Quackery (1911). J. Ronald Oakley, God’s Country: America in the Fifties (1986). Ray Oldenburg, The Great Good Place (1989). Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders (1957). Richard Pells, Not Like Us (1997). Frank Presbrey, The History and Development of Advertising (1929). Douglas K. Ramsey, The Corporate Warriors (1987). Michael Schudson, Advertising (1984). Robert Sherrill, Gothic Politics in the Deep South (1968). William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1960). Milton Silverman, Magic in a Bottle (1941). Andrew F. Smith, Drinking History: Fifteen Turning Points in the Making of American Beverages (2013). Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (1976). Norman Taylor, Plant Drugs That Changed the World (1965). Richard S. Tedlow, New and Improved: The Story of Mass Marketing in America (1990). E. S. Turner, The Shocking History of Advertising (1952). Harvey W. Wiley, Harvey W. Wiley: An Autobiography (1930). C. Vann Woodward, Tom Watson: Agrarian Rebel (1963). James Harvey Young, The Toadstool Millionaires (1961) and Pure Food (1989).

  Selected Videos: The Cola Case (2010), on the legal case about Colombian murders. The Cola Conquest (1998), a globe-girdling, prize-winning three-hour documentary about Coca-Cola inspired by this book. FLOW (2008), about world water issues.

  Selected Websites:, geysers with Mentos and Diet Coke., Coke Facebook page with millions of fans., anti-Coca-Cola website., the Company website. for Coca-Cola commercials, documentaries, and other goodies.

  Manuscript Collections: The Atlanta Historical Society has the Joseph Jacobs Papers. The Baker Library, Harvard Business School, houses the R. G. Dun & Company Collection of credit reports for John Pemberton. The Benwood Foundation in Chattanooga has Benjamin Thomas correspondence. The Center for Jewish History, New York City, has Rabbi Tobias Geffen Papers. The Coca-Cola Company archives and legal library contain valuable resources open to selected scholars. The Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas, has the Eisenhower Papers. Emory University’s Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Books Library (MARBL) houses the papers of Asa Candler, Charles Howard Candler, Warren Candler, Coca-Cola Collection, William B. Hartsfield, Floyd Hunter, Mark Pendergrast’s research papers for this book, John Sibley, and Robert Woodruff. The Library of Congress Manuscripts Division has the James Farley, Averill Harriman, William Allen White, and Harvey W. Wiley Papers. The National Archives, Washington, DC, has U.S. Army, Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and other collections. The National Museum of American History, Washington, DC, has the Pepsi-Cola Advertising History Collection. The Nebraska State Historical Society has the Harry Hollingsworth Collections. Pennsylvania State University owns Harry J. Anslinger papers. U.S. Food and Drug Administration files contain Harvey Wiley material. The Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio, has Ralph Hayes and Walter C. White papers.

  Selected Court Cases: The Blood Balm Company v. Cooper, Georgia Supreme Court Records, vol. 83, Oct. Term, 1889. The Coca-Cola Co. v. John B. Daniel, Fulton County Superior Court, Spring Term 1901, #8577. Henry A. Rucker v. Coca-Cola Company, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, No. 1161, Original Record files May 12, 1902. Hudgins v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Supreme Court of Georgia, May 10, 1905, Southeastern Reporter. U.S. v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola, Supreme Court, Oct. Term 1915, No. 562. The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. v. The Coca-Cola Co., District Court, Delaware, Nov. 8, 1920. The Coca-Cola Company v. The Koke Company of America, Supreme Court of the United States, Oct. Term, 1920. My-Coca Co. v. Baltimore Process Co., in the Circuit Court of Baltimore, Sept. 2, 1924. Pepsi-Cola Company v. Coca-Cola Company, Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Queens, 1938. The Coca-Cola Company v. Nehi Corporation, Supreme Court of Delaware, No. 4, Sept. Session, 1942 Term. Shreveport Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Inc. et al. v. The Coca-Cola Co., U. S. District Court, Delaware, 1991. Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Elizabethtown, Inc. et al. v. The Coca-Cola Co., U.S. District Court, Delaware, 1991.

  Selected Periodicals and Newspapers (some are quite old or hard to find): Advertising Age, Adweek, American Druggist, American Food Journal, American Heritage, American Journal of Pharmacy, American Journal of Psychology, Americas, Amusement Business, Atlanta Civic, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta History, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta Magazine, Baltimore Sun, Barron’s, Beverage Digest, Beverage Industry, Beverage World, Boston Globe, Bottling Industry, Broad-casting, Business Week, Chain Drug Review, Chattanooga Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, Chief Executive, Coca-Cola Bottler, Coca-Cola Collectors News, CocaCola Nachrichten, Coca-Cola Overseas, Cola Call, Collier’s Weekly, Columbus Enquirer, Consumer Reports, Corporate Money, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Detroit Therapeutic Gazette, Drug Topics, Druggists Circular and Chemical Gazette, Dun’s Review, The Economist, Editor and Publisher, Emory University Quarterly, Emporia Gazette, Everybody’s Magazine, Financial Times, Financial World, Food & Beverage Marketing, Food Business, Food Processing, Forbes, Fortune, Friendly Hand, Georgia State Bar Journal, Georgia Trend, The Guardian, Harper’s Weekly, Indianapolis Star, Jet, Journal of American Folklore, Journal of Southern History, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journey (Coca-Cola in-house magazine), Ladies’ Home Journal, LatinFinance, Life, Los Angeles Times, Magazine of Wall Street, Marketing and Media Decisions, Marketing News TM, Marketing Week, Mediaweek, Miami Herald, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Montreal Gazette, Multinational Monitor, The Nation, National Bottlers Gazette, Nation’s Restaurant News, New Republic, New York Daily News, New York Daily Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, New York Times, New Yorker, Newsweek, Packaging Digest, People, Pharmacy in History, Philadelphia Inquirer, Printer’s Ink, Red Barrel, The Refresher, Sales Management, San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday Evening Post, Science Digest, Scientific American, Sierra, Sloan Management Review, Southern Carbonator and Bottler, Southern Changes, Southern Exposure, Sout
hpoint Magazine, Star Tribune, Sunday Telegraph, Supermarket News, T. O. Digest, Time, Trademark Reporter, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today, Vital Speeches, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Washington Times, Western Folklore.

  Interviews: Mark Pendergrast conducted more than 200 interviews for this book. For a list, see


  Detailed thanks to everyone who contributed to this book would take up pages. See my website,, for the Acknowledgments for the first two editions. Suffice it to say here that I am deeply indebted to everyone at The Coca-Cola Company who helped me and whom I interviewed when I was researching the first edition, which was published in 1993, and all those who contributed to the subsequent editions, both on and off the record. Special thanks to John Risse for new insights into Ernest and Robert Woodruff and the 1919 sale of the Company; to Matt Considine for sharing his research on Rabbi Tobias Geffen; to Ricardo Cortés for sharing his research on Harry Anslinger and Coca-Cola’s Hawaiian coca cultivation research; to Bob Perillo for documents and insights on USLEAP and José Palacios. And my thanks, too, to fellow writers whose work about Coca-Cola and its relations has inspired and informed me, to Coke collectors who shared insights, and to friends and colleagues who read drafts and suggested improvements. Librarians and archivists in Vermont, Georgia, Washington, DC, and elsewhere were essential to this undertaking. And I must single out Irene Angelico and Abbey Neidik of DLI Productions, whose documentary The Cola Conquest was inspired by my first edition and then helped to elucidate my subsequent efforts. Thanks to Hamilton Cain, who edited the first edition, and to Tim Bartlett at Basic Books for his editor’s eye, support, and insights for this latest edition.


  Abbreviations: CC = Coca-Cola

  Abbey Well (beverage), 457

  Acesulfame potassium (Ace-K, sweetener), 402, 439

  Acheson, Dean, 224

  Acklin, Arthur, 150, 173, 192–193

  Adams, Quint, 187

  Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 101, 102, 103, 107, 108

  Advertising 10–11, 248, 259. See also Coca-Cola advertising/marketing; Pepsi advertising/marketing

  Afghanistan, CC in, 369

  Africa, CC in, 189, 347, 348, 442, 457, 465

  African Americans, 263–266

  CC advertising and, 167n, 265, 267

  as CC consumers, 78, 83–84, 252

  as CC employees, 265, 266, 319, 405

  Afri-Kola, (beverage) 96, 121

  AIDS pandemic, CC Company and, 442

  Albania, CC in, 368

  Albany Movement, 264

  Alcohol, in CC, 105–106, 488, 490, 492

  Alderton, Charles, 14

  Alexander, M.P., 30, 33

  Algeria, CC in, 408

  Allen, Herb, 321, 322, 411–412, 413, 434

  Allen, Ida Bailey, 166–167

  Allen, Ivan, Jr., 265, 267, 271–272

  Allen, Martha M., 105, 106–107

  Allende, Salvador, 285

  Alm, John, 429–430, 445

  Alven, Dick, 294, 328

  American Beverage Association, 440, 464

  American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages (ABCB), 176

  American Idol, Coke sponsorship of, 423

  Amnesty International, 298, 314

  Anchor bottlers, 383–384, 407

  Angola, CC in, 369

  Anslinger, Harry J., 173, 174, 260

  Anti-apartheid protests, 345, 350

  Antitrust investigations against CC Company, 407, 420, 436, 437

  Aqua-Chem, 279, 326

  Aquafina (beverage), 418, 422, 462

  Arab countries, CC and, 269–271, 366, 369

  Arbenz, Jacobo, 230

  Argentina, CC in, 229–230, 366

  Arizona Tea (beverage), 445, 448

  Arnall, Ellis, 172–173

  Aspartame (sweetener), 324, 439, 446

  Atlanta, Georgia, 18–19, 29–30, 48

  Asa Candler and, 90–91, 117–119

  CC Company and, 131, 133, 484

  segregation in, 234–235, 252, 267

  Woodruff and, 233–235

  Atlanta Civics (Smith), 118

  Austin, J. Paul, 259–260, 262, 263, 268, 273–276, 285–287, 293, 299, 313, 316–317, 498

  Alzheimer’s disease and, 217, 291–292, 298, 301–302, 303, 316, 393

  Arab boycott and, 269–271

  civil rights and, 263, 264–266

  complaint regarding wife, 309–310

  environmental concerns, 279–280

  halo effect and, 276, 280, 500

  Jimmy Carter and, 292, 293, 497

  labor issues and, 277–279, 297–298

  overseas markets and, 261, 269, 282, 290–291

  Austin, Jeane Weed, 302, 309–310

  Australia, CC in, 368, 383, 407, 439, 440

  Austria, CC in, 208–209, 226, 368

  Ayoub, Sam, 312, 317, 346

  Backer, Bill, 258, 272, 282–283, 288, 300, 334, 409

  Bacon, Paul, 189

  Balam, Manuel Lopez, 297

  Barbee, Cecil, 165n, 238

  Barbee brothers (Stanley and Al), 165, 165n

  Barber, Benjamin, 479–480

  Barclay, McClelland, 151

  Barnet, Herb, 240

  Barrels and Kegs trial, 81, 110–115

  Barron, Willie, 266

  Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn (BBDO), 258, 259, 272, 294, 320, 355

  Beach, Ralph, 155

  Beard, George, 8

  Bekker, Bill, 229–230

  Belching Out the Devil (Thomas), 460

  Belgium, CC in, 226, 360, 405–407, 408, 420, 500

  Belize citrus project, 351

  Bell, Griffin, 293

  Bellingrath, Walter, 135

  Benzene, in CC drinks, 449

  Bergin, John, 259, 301, 320, 321, 328, 331, 355, 363, 374, 409

  Berlin Cameron, 422–423, 432–433, 439

  Berlin Wall, fall of, 366, 367

  Beverage Institute for Health and Wellness, 440

  Bidault, Georges, 224

  Biedenharn, Joe, 70, 163

  Big Beverage (Campbell), 72

  Bikoff, Darius, 448

  Billboard advertising, for CC, 152

  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 458, 482

  bin Laden, Osama, 468

  Bisphenol-A (BPA), in CC packaging, 477

  Black, Eugene, 229

  Black Friday, 253–254

  Black market, for CC, 196, 199–200

  Blanding, Michael, 461

  Block, Jason, 464

  Bloodworth, E.H., 37, 38, 54n

  Bloomberg, Michael, 474

  Boesak, Allan, 350

  Bogle, John, 391

  Bogusky, Alex, 475

  BonAqa (beverage), 306

  Bondurant, Emmet, 313, 323–324, 340, 349, 351, 352, 364

  Boone, Charles, 266

  Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.), 48, 49, 52, 53

  Bottle cap, crimped crown, 70

  Bottled and Sold (Gleick), 463

  Bottle deposit bills, 279, 484

  Bottlers and bottling, 69–70. See also Coca-Cola bottlers; Pepsi bottlers

  Bottom line, paying attention to, 317, 363, 498

  Bottoms, Charlie, 249, 253, 266, 274, 354

  Bouchel, Onezime, 125

  Boulet, Paul, 224

  Bowen, Gordon, 373–374

  Bradham, Caleb, 177

  Bradley, Omar, 187

  Bradley, W.C., 128, 133

  Braendle, Gene, 189–190

  Brand equity, 494–495

  Brand manager system, 273–274

  Branson, Richard, 371

  Brazil, CC and Pepsi in, 227, 230, 359, 366, 403, 405, 407, 408

  BreakMate, 354–355

  Brewers, CC and Prohibition lobby, 102

  Brinton, John, 270–271

  Broadwater, Bob, 279–280, 282, 290, 291, 294

  Brock, John, 445, 454


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