Brock, Pope, 181, 227
Brown, Diva, 59
Brown, Ed, 119–120
Brown, Sam, 119n
Brownell, Kelly, 475
Brownlee, William “Pig Iron,” 150
Bryant, Anita, 257, 271, 302
Buffett, Warren, 364, 393, 404, 411–412, 418–419, 433
Burger King, 269, 326, 402, 428
Burn Energy Shots (beverage), 457
Bush, George H.W., 481
Business as a Calling (Novak), 392
Butler, Smedley, 89n
C2 (beverage), 436
Cadbury-Schweppes, 348, 362, 390, 401, 407–408
Caffeine, 22, 27
in Coca-Cola, 50, 51n, 105, 108, 110–112, 115, 121, 176, 205, 207, 223, 476
Pure Food and Drug Act and, 112–113
Caffeine-free Coca-Cola (beverage), 324
Calendar marketing agreements (CMAs), 353
Calero, Adolfo, 296, 351
Califano, Joseph, 278, 293
Canada, CC in, 89
Candler, Asa, 9, 12, 40–41, 45–65 passim, 86, 88, 91–92, 104–105, 109–110, 125, 363, 494, 498
Barrels and Kegs trial and, 81, 112
bottling CC, bottlers and, 66–69, 77–78, 129, 132
business interests, 49–51, 90–91, 114
CC advertising/marketing and, 15, 52, 53, 495
CC formula and, 7, 54–55, 289, 488
cocaine in CC and, 53–54, 83, 84–85, 498
early involvement in Coca-Cola business, 37–39, 41–43, 44, 51–52, 55–56, 61–65
family, 39–40, 47, 57–58, 119, 125
health of, 48–49, 59, 89, 92
as mayor of Atlanta, 117–119
patent medicine and, 47, 48, 49, 52
Robert Woodruff and, 143, 147–148
Woodruff sale and legacy of, 124–126
Candler, Asa, Jr. “Buddie,” 61, 89, 119, 120, 126
Candler, (Charles) Howard (Asa’s son), 47, 49, 61, 62–63, 88, 109, 119, 121, 133, 146, 157
Barrels and Kegs case and, 81, 115
bottlers’ contracts and, 128, 130, 132
CC formula and, 55, 289, 488
relationship with father, 57–58, 91, 114, 126
sale of company to Woodruff and, 123, 124
sugar prices and, 120, 132, 134
Candler, Dan (Asa’s nephew), 61
Candler, Jessie (Asa’s sister), 47
Candler, John (Asa’s brother), 34, 37, 47, 81, 85, 94–96, 103, 105, 109, 121
Candler, Lucy (Asa’s daughter), 126
Candler, Lucy (Asa’s wife), 125
Candler, Martha Beall (Asa’s mother), 46, 47
Candler, Noble (Asa’s brother), 47
Candler, Sam (Asa’s nephew), 45, 61
Candler, Walter (Asa’s son), 126
Candler, Warren (Asa’s brother), 12, 39–40, 47, 62, 88–89, 125
Candler, William (Asa’s son), 126
Candler Buildings, 90–91
Capitalism, 118, 222, 227
Caramel coloring, in CC, 207, 477
Carnegie, Andrew, 11, 12, 92
Carson, Luther, 136
Carter, Jimmy, 292–293, 296, 298, 302–303, 393, 497
Carter, Majora, 452–453
Cascal (beverage), 467
Cash, leveraging, 499
Cassia, 222n, 290, 489
Castro, Fidel, 260, 289n, 293, 335
Cavities, phosphoric acid in CC and, 250–251, 476
Celebrity endorsements, 93–94, 165, 496
Celery-Cola (beverage), 73, 116
Center for Science in the Public Interest, 445–446, 449, 457, 464, 474, 475, 477
Chain accounts, 353
Channel-stuffing investigations, 429, 436, 440
Charles, Ray, 251, 267, 365, 372, 496
Chavez, Cesar, 276, 277
Chávez, José Alberto Vicente, 462–463
Chavez, Raquel, 429
Cherry Coke (beverage), 332, 364, 390
Chewing gum, CC, 85, 85n
Chiang Kai-shek, 220, 222, 230
Child labor, CC and, 75–76, 91–92, 405, 442, 461
Children, CC and, 57, 496
CC advertising/marketing and, 100, 167–168, 241, 249–250, 383
CC-sponsored exercise programs for, 440–441, 442, 459
health effects on, 106–107, 108–109, 112, 476, 484
See also Schools
Chile, CC in, 229, 285, 370, 481
China, CC in, 222, 293, 294, 348, 360, 369, 440, 456, 465, 481
Circuit, Ted, 314
Cisneros, Oswaldo and Gustavo, 388
Citra (beverage), 390
Civil rights movement, 252–253, 263–266
Clark, Hilda, 60, 64, 284, 496
Clark, Mark, 141, 199
Clearly Canadian (beverage), 371, 376
Clifford, Anna Eliza Lewis “Cliff,” 17
Clinton, Bill, 383, 446
Clinton, Hillary, 278n, 383
Cobb, Ty, 93–94, 146, 168, 496
Coca, 20, 27–28, 54n
Coca-Bola, 20
Coca-Cola, 450
alcohol in, 105–106, 488, 490, 492
caffeine and, 50, 51n, 105, 108, 110–112, 115, 121, 176, 205, 207, 223, 324, 476
caramel coloring in, 207, 477
cavities and, 250–251, 476
chain of title to, 32–43
cocaine in, 7, 50, 51n, 53–54, 64, 83, 84–85, 107
cultural influence/image of, 9, 183, 192, 219, 258, 473, 478–480
Depression and, 164–165
early sales, 30, 51, 52, 56
ecgonine in, 149–150
efforts to ban from schools, 445–446
government investigations of, 101–115
health and, 250–251, 274–275, 405–407, 420–421, 471–478
high-fructose corn syrup in, 312–313, 476–477
history/invention of, 7–8, 85, 26–27, 28
imitators, 59–60, 95–96, 117, 122, 162, 179–180
instruction in preparing, 153–154, 155–156
mercury in, 476–477
naming/logo of, 28, 31, 52
nickel price of, 236–238
obesity epidemic and, 429–430, 436, 440–441, 474–476
phosphoric acid in, 207, 223, 226, 251, 476
push to sell in nontraditional outlets, 382–383
rivalry with Pepsi, 1, 246–247, 254–255, 328, 468–469, 496
saturation point and, 500
as soda fountain drink and patent medicine, 8, 13, 14, 51–52, 60–61
standardizing, 155–157
as substitute modern religion, 471–473, 481–482
symbolism of, 195–196, 227, 478–480
U.S. military and, 105–106, 184–200
Coca-Cola advertising/marketing, 12, 28–29, 52–53, 56–57, 85–87, 99, 133, 148, 165, 167, 242, 267, 273, 284, 326, 422, 443, 479, 495, 498
African Americans and, 167n, 265, 267
America Pauses series, 254
Archie Lee and, 137–138, 151, 152
Barrels and Kegs trial and, 112
bottlers and, 74–75, 288–289
“Catch the Wave” campaign, 342
celebrity endorsements, 86, 93–94, 165
children and, 100, 167–168, 241, 249–250
for Coca-Cola Classic, 341–342, 439
“Coca-Cola . . . Real” campaign, 422–423
“Coke Is It” campaign, 320–321, 331, 341, 358
“Coke Side of Life” campaign, 447
for Coke Zero, 439, 447–448, 455
commandments/rules for, 170–171
D’Arcy Advertising Agency and, 169–171
for Diet Coke, 380, 409, 418, 422, 423
drinking CC at home, 166–167
early 1960s, 257–259
early TV spots, 249
early 21st century, 417–418
Frenette and, 408–409
“Get Caught Red Handed” campaign, 390
> global campaigns, 454–455, 464–467
“Happiness Ambassadors,” 464–465, 500–501
“Happiness Factory” ad, 447
Herbert and, 355–356
Heyer and, 432–433
“Hilltop” commercial, 283, 364–365
image and, 495–496
“Look Up, America” campaign, 288–289
in magazines, 92–94
“Mean” Joe Greene commercial, 300–301
motivational research and, 247–248
in Nazi Germany, 203, 208, 210
for New Coke, 331–332, 334–335, 341–342, 355, 356
online/social media, 390, 443, 448, 457–458, 464–465
in overseas markets, 262, 357–360, 363
polar bears, 374, 379, 410, 468n
product placement in films and, 86, 242, 165–166, 322, 357, 478
in public venues, 356–357
radio programs, 168–169
“Real Thing” campaign, 272–273, 282–283
“Red, White & You” campaign, 355
in roaring twenties, 151–153
Robinson and, 52–53, 99–100
Sealey and, 372–375
sexuality in, 86, 151–152, 166
sports sponsorship, 228–229, 359–360, 381, 385, 390, 455, 465–467
switch from D’Arcy to McCann-Erickson, 245–247
“Things Go Better With Coke” campaign, 258, 259, 272
transition from medicine to beverage and, 60–61
“Welcome to the Coke Side of Life” campaign, 443
World War II and, 185–186
Coca-Cola Amatil, 368, 383, 399, 407, 439
Coca-Cola Beverages, 399
Coca-Cola Blak (beverage), 443, 455
Coca-Cola bottle, 177, 238, 257, 448, 478n
size of, 243–245, 455
PlantBottle, 458, 465
recycling of, 279, 484
shape of, 98, 379
Coca-Cola bottlers, 71, 94–95, 108, 156, 163, 237, 253, 313, 338, 445, 454
advertising and, 74–75, 288–289
African American employees and, 265, 266
anchor, 383–384, 407
bottlers conventions, 98, 135–137, 300–301, 326–327
CC contract, 68–69, 75, 120, 298–300
child labor and, 75–76
consolidation of, 287–288, 314–315, 317–318, 348–349, 352–353
corporate control of overseas, 347–348
Diet Coke and, 323–324
division of territory, 70–73
lawsuits and, 95, 155, 281–283, 302, 323–324, 340–341, 351–352
lobbying FDA by, 176–177
pre-mix CC and, 244–245
Thomas and Whitehouse’s plan for, 66–68
Woodruff and, 156–157
See also Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE); Parent bottlers
Coca-Cola Bottlers Association, 94
Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 68–69, 70, 71, 74–75
Coca-Cola boycotts, 350, 370, 425, 427
African Americans and, 252, 265, 272n, 319
Guatemalan labor violence and, 313–314
Coca-Cola calendar, 60, 64
The Coca-Cola Case (documentary), 460
Coca-Cola chewing gum, 85, 85n
Coca-Cola Classic, 338–340, 341–342, 379, 390, 439, 455
Coca-Cola Collectors Club, 345, 471
Coca-Cola Company, The, 43, 58, 119–122, 260–261, 295–296, 353, 470–471
acquisitions, 257, 268, 287–288, 321–322, 401, 418–419, 448, 467, 498
anniversary celebrations, 163–164, 344–345, 468–469
bottlers’ contracts and, 128–129, 298–300, 445
Coca-Cola Enterprises and, 437, 445, 466
corporate culture of, 148–149
criticism of during New Deal years, 176–177
development of new flavors/drinks, 268, 376–379, 423, 436, 439, 455, 466–468
do-good initiatives/charity of, 404, 449–450, 458–459, 459, 482–483, 483–484
domestic market, 446–447, 466–467
early history, 38–39, 53, 55, 63–65
environmental issues and, 279–280, 351, 458–459
expansion of, 61, 273–274
global issues and, 384, 400–401, 480
Great Get-Together, 300–301
halo effect and, 276, 280, 442, 458, 468, 482, 500
industrial espionage and, 443–444
joint ventures, 360–361, 368, 378, 379, 419, 443, 499–500
lawsuits against (See Lawsuits)
layoffs at, 253–254, 414–415, 428, 453
management lessons derived from, 494–501
market capitalization of, 419–420
migrant worker conditions and, 277–279
minorities and women as employees, 251, 286, 319, 405, 415, 416–417
monopolistic practices, 407, 420, 428–429, 436, 437
morale at, 354, 436, 438
Pepsi challenge and, 294–295, 315, 321, 329, 333, 355, 419
physical activity program sponsorship, 440–441, 442, 459
politics and, 292–294, 296, 302–303, 481–483
profit, 274, 317, 318
rivalry with Pepsi, 246, 254–255, 468–469, 496
salesmen, 61–62, 87–88
shareholder meetings, 415–416, 424–426, 432, 456, 482
syndicate offers to buy, 119–120, 122–124
unions and, 88, 253, 404
Whitley whistleblowing and, 428–429
The Coca-Cola Company of Delaware, 123
Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), 349, 382, 389, 400, 404, 406, 467, 411
layoffs at, 420, 454
obesity epidemic and CC and, 429–430
relationship with Company, 437, 445, 448
Coca-Cola Export, 173, 175–176, 285
Coca-Cola fiends, 51, 78, 84, 107, 474
Coca-Cola Foods, 351
Coca-Cola Foodservice Research Forum, 382
Coca-Cola formula, 32–33, 54–55, 115, 130n, 149, 340–341
bottlers and, 129, 131
Goizueta and 7X, 289–290
New Coke and, 328, 329
original, 51n, 487–490
Robinson and, 35, 37, 490–491
at World of Coca-Cola Museum, 469, 492–493
Coca-Cola Foundation, 326, 464, 484
Coca-Cola GmbH, 201–202, 206, 207, 209, 211, 212
Coca-Cola Institute, 87–88
Coca-Cola International, 149
Coca-Cola logo/trademark, 55–56
licensing of, 326, 341
protection of, 97–98, 171, 179–180, 181, 268, 497
Coca-Cola market share, 242, 243, 268, 295, 326–327, 328, 345, 366, 403
Coca-Cola memorabilia, 57, 408, 484
Coca-Cola News, 55, 58, 61
Coca-Cola overseas, 157–160, 220–228, 230–232, 316, 368–371, 407–411, 421, 470
advertising, 357–360
CC as symbol of American culture, 478–480
corporate ownership of bottlers, 347–348
Goizueta and, 346–347
Ivester and, 383–384
joint ventures, 360–361, 368
as local businesses, 158–159, 220–222, 228–229, 348, 456–457, 496–497, 500
See also individual countries and regions
Coca-Cola Overseas, 197, 230
Coca-Cola packaging, bisphenol-A in, 477
Coca-Cola Red Zone, 390
Coca-Cola Sky Field, 390
Coca-Cola syrup, 52, 59–60, 76, 103, 109–110
contract with bottlers and price of, 68–69, 132, 299–300, 411
Coca-Cola Zero, 439, 443
Coca-Colonization, 479–480
Cocaine, 54n, 326
in CC, 7, 50, 51n, 53–54, 64, 83, 84–85, 107
Coca leaves, 149–150, 173–174, 185n, 260
decocainized, 84, 105n, 115, 329, 488, 489
Cochran, Johnnie, 416
Coke I
I (beverage), 371
Cokelore, 478n
The Coke Machine (Blanding), 461
Coke PAC, 325–326
Coke Time (television program), 242, 252
Coke Zero (beverage), 447–448, 450, 455, 456, 457
Cola Clan, 284
Colas, generic/private-label, 179–180, 296, 371–372, 376
Colby, Bainbridge, 119–120
Cold War, 220, 260–261
Collingsworth, Terry, 421n, 424, 444–445, 460, 461, 462–463
Colombia, unions and labor violence and, 421, 424–426, 432, 442, 444–445, 460–461
Columbia Pictures, 321–322, 324, 345–346, 349, 363–364, 393, 498
Communists/communism, CC and, 219–220, 222, 223, 227–228, 261
Community Power Structures (Hunter), 234
Conroy, Leo, 298
Consumerism, American, 1950s and, 248–250
Consumer movement, CC and, 176–177
Consumer profiling, CC and, 326
Conway, Andrew, 392
Conwell, Russell, 11–12, 13n
Cooke, Fred, 189
Coolers, CC, 154–155, 169. See also Vending machines
Coppola, Francis Ford, 374
Corn syrup, 121. See also High–fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
Corporate Accountability International (CAI), 462
Corporate tax, 113–114
Cosby, Bill, 321, 335, 341, 357
Cott, 371–372
Crawford, Joan, 165, 255
Creative Artists Agency (CAA), 373–375, 379
Crisis management, 500
Croom-Johnson, Austen Herbert, 181
Crown cap counts, 170
Crown Cork and Seal Company, 70
Crush (beverage), 401
Crystal Pepsi (beverage), 376
Cuba, CC in, 88–89, 106, 158, 159, 160, 174, 260, 293
Cultural influence, of CC, 478–480
Cultural sensitivity, CC and, 496–497
Curtis, Carlton, 333, 383
Curtis, James, 229
Cyclamate scare, 275
Czechoslovakia, CC in, 269, 368
Daft, Douglas N., 411–434 passim, 436
annual meetings and, 415–416, 432
Dyson and, 421–422
layoffs and, 414–415, 428
SEC investigation and, 430–331
Damiana, 22–23
Daniel, John B., 96
D’Arcy, William “Bill,” 99, 100, 109, 130, 133, 148, 170, 176
D’Arcy Advertising Agency, 137–138, 151, 169–171, 185, 245
Dasani (beverage), 411, 418, 420, 422, 423, 431, 436, 448, 451, 458, 463, 464, 467
Davidson, Irving, 312
Davis, Albert “Red,” 186, 187
Davis, Billy, 283
Davis, Ovid, 266, 282
Daynard, Richard, 440, 446
Deaf employees, 76
Dean, Earl, 98
Delaney, James J., 251
Delcroix, Georges, 157
De-Lec-Ta-Lave (Candler), 49, 51, 52, 53
Del Valle, 468
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola Page 85