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For God, Country, and Coca-Cola

Page 88

by Mark Pendergrast


  banning soft drinks in, 440, 445–446

  as markets for CC, 167–168, 383, 409–410, 421

  obesity epidemic and soft drinks in, 429–430

  Schwartz, Murray, 324, 340, 351, 364

  Schwartz, Tony, 292–293

  Scott, Robert L., 195

  Sculley, John, 295, 315

  Sealey, Peter, 322, 334n, 345, 372–376 passim

  Securities and Exchange Commission, channel-stuffing investigation, 429, 430–431, 440

  Seely, Fred L., 109

  Service stations, as CC outlets, 154

  Seth Fowle & Sons, 55, 68, 71n

  7-Up (beverage), 257, 298, 322, 324, 326, 345, 379

  7X (CC formula), 54–55, 173, 209, 222n, 289–290, 488, 489–490

  Sexuality/sexism in advertising, 86, 151–152, 166, 267

  Sherman, Mary Newman, 62n

  Sherman Antitrust Act, 281, 402

  Shillinglaw, Cliff, 263, 289, 290

  Shirer, William L., 204

  Short sale, Woodruff and CC stock, 160–161

  Sibley, John, 132, 150, 172, 179–180, 181, 205, 206–207, 313

  Simply Orange, Simply

  Lemonade, Simply Apple (beverage), 419, 457

  Sims, Claire, 251

  Sinaltrainal, 425, 444–445, 460

  “Singin’ Sam” (Frankel, Harry), 168–169

  Sin taxes, 102

  Sisler, Don, 200, 212, 213

  Six-box, of CC, 155, 166

  “Six Keys to Popularity” contest, 153

  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (Broadway show), CC-sponsorship of, 289, 294

  60 Minutes (television program), 353, 475

  Sizer, J.B., 112, 132, 133

  Sledge, Delony, 239, 240, 241–242, 246, 247, 252, 264

  Slogans, CC, 138, 151, 152

  Smartwater (beverage), 448

  Smith, Bessie Linn, 118–119

  Smith, (Constance) Dianne, 309, 310n

  Smith, J. Lucian “Luke,” 277, 287, 288, 291, 299, 301, 313

  Smith, Mrs. Herman, 180

  Snapple (beverage), 371, 376, 378, 382, 391

  SoBe (beverage), 419, 457

  Social media, CC and, 457–458

  Soda fountains, 13–15, 164–165. See also Fountain business

  Soda Fountain Service (film), 153

  SodaStream (beverage), 480n

  Soda taxes, 464, 474, 484

  Soft Drink Interbrand Competition Act (1980), 314, 405

  Soft drinks, 447

  trend away from, 418, 445–446

  increasing competition among, 371–372

  Somervell, Brehon, 186

  Sommers, Joanie, 258, 259

  Somoza, Anastasio, 230, 296

  Sony Corporation, 363, 450

  Sorg, Dusty, 457–458

  Soriano, Andres, Jr., 318

  South Africa, CC in, 275, 345, 350, 366, 370, 382–383, 391, 465–466, 481

  South America, CC in, 158. See also individual countries

  Southeastern Parent Bottler, 71, 131

  Southern Cordial (Pemberton beverage), 17

  Space shuttle, CC and Pepsi on, 341, 384

  Spalding, Hughes, 172, 233–234, 235, 238, 241, 259

  Spanish-American War, 88, 89n

  Specter, Michael, 441

  Sports sponsorship, Coke and

  Pepsi and, 228–229, 359–360, 381, 385, 390, 402, 455, 465–466

  Sprite (beverage), 257, 287, 345, 379–380, 390–391, 408, 420, 422, 443, 456, 465–466

  Sprite Remix (beverage), 423

  Spurlock, Morgan, 436

  Squibb, E.R., 51n

  Squirt (beverage), 390

  Srivastava, Amit, 460

  Stahl, Jack, 384, 399, 414, 415, 421

  Standard Electric Cooler, 169

  Stanford, Bob, 294–295

  Stare, Frederick J., 251n

  Staton, Al, 150

  Staton, John, 150, 154–155

  Steele, Alfred N. “Pally,” 238–240, 255, 315

  Stephens, Rob, 43

  Stetson, Eugene, 123, 124

  Stevenson, Adlai, 478

  Stevia (sweetener), 468

  Stop the Food & Beverage Tax Hikes coalition, 464

  Storm (beverage), 402

  Story, Richard, 415, 416, 417, 437n

  Stout, Roy, 323, 328, 329, 333, 335, 338

  Strategic philanthropy, Goizueta and, 392

  Strategy for the 1980s, 317

  Stuart, George, 111

  Stubbs, Roy, 175

  Subliminal advertising, 248

  Sudan, CC in, 293, 369, 453

  Sugar Blues (Dufty), 286

  Sugar industry, CC Company and subsidies to, 293

  Sugar prices, CC and, 68–69, 128, 130, 132–133, 237

  Sugar rationing, CC and Pepsi and, 120–122, 185, 186, 192, 193, 209–210

  Sugar tax, 475

  Sullivan, Mark, 101

  Sundblom, Haddon, 151, 167, 246, 284

  Super Bowl ads, 372, 373, 390, 447, 455

  Supermarkets, CC and, 245, 249

  Super Size Me (documentary), 436

  Surge (beverage), 390, 439

  Sweet Southern Bouquet (Pemberton), 18

  Swerve (beverage), 423

  Swette, Brian, 403

  Switzerland, 226

  TaB (beverage), 262–263, 275, 281, 287, 296, 315, 323, 360, 376

  Tab Energy (beverage), 443

  Taco Bell, 296n, 354, 402

  Taiwan, CC in, 360

  Takanashi, Nisaburo, 261–262, 290

  Take-home market, 138, 241

  “Take the Pepsi Challenge,” 294–295, 315, 321, 329, 333, 355, 419

  Talley, John, 150, 189, 282

  Talley, Lee, 150, 212–213, 243, 244, 254, 257, 258, 259, 269, 285n

  Talmadge, Eugene, 172

  Talmadge, Herman, 252

  Tanzania, CC in, 391

  Tap Water Challenges, 463


  corporate, 113–114

  soda, 121, 172–173, 464, 474, 484

  sugar, 475

  TCC Beverages Ltd., 349

  Teagle, Walter, 146, 206

  Technical observers, CC, 187, 189–191, 197–198, 200, 211–213

  Teem (beverage), 268

  Television programs, CC-and Pepsi-sponsored, 239, 241

  Temperance movements, 25–26, 29–30, 105–106, 150

  Tenco, 257

  Thailand, CC and Pepsi in, 232, 243, 440

  The Energy and Resources

  Institute (TERI), 442, 459–460

  This American Life (radio program), 491–492

  Thomas, Benjamin Franklin

  “Ben,” 66–68, 71–76 passim, 98, 100, 103, 109

  Thomas, Mark, 460–461

  Thomas Company, 71, 72, 120, 132, 135, 172, 245, 263n, 287–288

  Thomforde, Albert, 189

  Thompson, Augustin, 13

  Thompson, Thom, 284

  Thomson, Samuel, 16

  Tiananmen Square, 481

  Tibet, 452–453, 481

  Toigo, John, 239

  Toni-Kola (beverage), 159

  Touchtone, Guy, 264

  “The Toxic Truth About Sugar” (Lustig), 475

  Tracy, Spencer, 166

  Trademark, 10

  overseas regulations and, 159, 175

  protection of, 31, 97–98, 171, 175, 179–180, 181, 268, 497

  Training, of Coca-Cola dispensers, 153–154, 155–156

  Traveling World of Coca-Cola exhibit, 408

  Treseder, Ross, 135–136

  Trinidad, anti-CC sentiment in, 227

  Triplex Liver Pills (Pemberton), 19, 41

  Tripodi, Joe, 454, 465–466, 469

  Tropicana (beverage), 402, 403, 418, 422

  Trotter, John Clayton, Sr., 297, 298, 314

  Truman, Harry S, 198

  Trust Company of Georgia, 122, 123–124, 145, 149

  The Truth About Coca-Cola (Dobbs & D’Arcy), 109

; Tuchman, Barbara, 479

  Tuggle, Clyde, 465

  Turkey, CC in, 439, 441, 461

  Turner, John P., 26, 487

  Tutu, Desmond, 350, 370

  Twain, Mark, 7, 8, 12

  2020 Vision, Muhtar Kent and, 458

  Ueberroth, Peter, 385

  Uganda, CC in, 458

  Ukraine, CC in, 368, 388, 408

  Unionization and labor violence, CC and

  in Colombia, 421, 424–426, 432, 460–461

  in Guatemala, 297–298, 313–314, 461–462

  in Turkey, 441

  Unions, CC Company and, 88, 253, 404

  United Arab Emirates, CC in, 366, 369

  United Fruit Company, 159, 230

  United Nations, CC and convention to create, 219–220

  U.S. Labor Education Project in the Americas Project (USLEAP), 461–462

  U.S. military army ban on CC, 105–106

  CC during Vietnam War and, 271

  CC during World War II and, 184–191, 197–198, 200

  The United States vs. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola, 81, 110–115

  Universal desires, appealing to, 496

  Universities, CC and, 383, 441, 442

  Uruguay, CC in, 229, 285, 383

  USSR, CC and Pepsi in, 269, 282, 293, 294, 332, 360, 366. See also Russia

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 11

  Vanilla, in CC formula, 487, 489, 492

  Van Loan, Bill, 300, 301

  Vanous, Lucky, 380

  Vanwagner, Laura Robinson, 490

  Vargas, Getulio, 230

  Vault (beverage), 439, 449

  Venable, Willis, 32, 33, 35–36, 54n

  Vending machines, 240, 361–362, 382–383, 403–405, 411, 419, 421, 456, 468

  Venezuela, CC and Pepsi in, 388–389, 403

  Venturing and Emerging Brands (VEB), 467–468

  Vietnam, CC in, 369, 383

  Vietnam War, 271, 288

  Vincent, Fay, 321, 322

  Vin Mariani (beverage), 20–22

  Vio (beverage), 467

  Vitaminwater (beverage), 448, 456, 457, 467

  Volcker, Paul, 400

  Voltz, Stephen, 448

  Vorkapich, Ed, 258n

  Waldrop, Harry, 489

  Walker, Austin, 18

  Walker, Candler & Company, 40, 42, 52

  Walker, Woolfolk, 30, 36–42 passim, 54n, 67

  Walk-Up Hospitality (training film), 269

  Walmart, 405, 445

  Ware, Carl, 319, 350, 370, 405n, 411, 414, 415, 416, 417

  Ware, Charlie, 264, 331

  Water, bottled, 418, 420, 423, 431, 457, 463–464

  Water issues, CC and, 441–442, 449–450, 453, 459

  in India, 426–427, 431, 432, 441, 442, 459–460, 461

  Watson, Jack, 293

  Watson, Tom, 88, 149, 172

  Wealth, 19th-century pursuit of, 11–12

  Weed, Jeane, 302

  The Weight of the Nation (documentary), 475

  Weil, Andrew, 329

  Weinberger, Casper, 325n

  Welch, Jack, 433, 434

  Wendy’s (food chain), 354, 402

  West, Carl, 210

  Western Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 86

  What Is It? Coca-Cola, What It Is (pamphlet), 84

  When You Entertain (Allen), 166

  White, Pearl, 86

  White, Walter, 145, 160, 161

  White, William Allen, 102, 103, 150, 183, 328, 343

  White Citizens Councils, CC and, 252

  White Coke, 141–142, 198–199, 488, 489

  Whitehead, Joseph Brown, 67–68, 71, 75, 76, 94

  White Motor Company, 145–146, 160, 161, 182

  Whitley, Matthew, 428–429

  Whitten, S.L., 86

  Wiezorek, Heinz, 367

  Wiggin, Albert, 123

  Wilder, Billy, 261

  Wiley, Harvey, 81, 100, 101–115 passim, 149, 474, 476

  Willard, J.J., 90, 96, 102

  Willard, Sam, 52, 61

  Williams, Joya, 443–444

  Wilson, Ian, 292, 294, 302, 310, 311–312, 317

  Wilson, James, 109

  Wilson, Woodrow, 114, 147n

  Wine Spectrum, 296, 326

  Wolfe, Thomas, 107, 136

  Wolfe, Tom, 271

  Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, 25–26, 105–106, 150


  advertising/marketing aimed at, 57, 87, 93, 166–167

  as CC bottlers, 94–95

  as CC employees, 251, 286, 482

  Woodruff, Emily Winship, 144

  Woodruff, Ernest, 122–124, 129, 133, 143–144, 145–146, 157, 330

  Woodruff, Nell, 207n, 271

  Woodruff, Robert W., 138, 146–157, 170, 180–183, 192–193, 219, 227, 243, 245, 251, 259, 268, 285–286, 303, 313, 316, 324, 330–331, 473, 477, 484, 494–499 passim

  Austins and, 286–287, 309–310

  Berlin Olympics visit and, 205–207

  bottlers and, 156–157, 171–172

  CC during WWII and, 184, 188, 189

  CC nickel price and, 237–238

  CC radio programs and, 168–169

  civil rights and, 252–253, 264, 265–267, 271–272

  coca leaf supply and content and, 150, 173–174

  fiftieth anniversary celebration and, 163–164

  Goizueta and, 289–290, 310, 316

  influence in Atlanta, 233–235

  Keith and, 205–206, 208, 213

  New Coke and, 1–2, 329–330

  overseas markets and, 157–160, 496–497

  politicians and, 188, 235–236, 256, 266–267, 271, 497

  short sale of CC stock and, 160–161

  soft drink tax and, 172–173

  World Cup, CC sponsorship of, 359, 465–466

  World Economic Forum, 449

  World of Coca-Cola Museum, 7, 371, 449, 469, 473, 492–493

  World War I, CC and, 120–122

  World War II, CC and, 184–200

  World Wildlife Fund, 449, 482

  Wyeth, N.C., 151

  Yemen, CC in, 293

  Yeomans, Jasper, 171

  Young, Andrew, 319, 350, 393

  Youth culture, soft drink advertising and, 251, 254–255, 257–259, 267

  Yum Yum (beverage), 40, 59, 493

  Zarubica, Mladin, 198–199, 200, 229, 488, 489

  Zash, Antonio, 314

  Zhukov, Georgi Konstantinovich, 141–142, 199, 488

  Zimbabwe, CC in, 391

  Zyman, Sergio, 315–316, 375–380, 385, 386, 399, 408

  New Coke and, 328–334 passim, 338, 341, 343, 349, 382

  Betty Molnar

  Mark Pendergrast, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, grew up on West Paces Ferry Road, once known as “Coca-Cola Row.” He developed a forbidden thirst for Coke when his health-conscious mother refused to allow it in the house. This book is his revenge. Pendergrast is also the author of Uncommon Grounds; Inside the Outbreaks; Mirror, Mirror; Victims of Memory; Jack and the Bean Soup; and Japan’s Tipping Point. He lives in Colchester, Vermont. To find information on his books or to contact him, see




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