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A Cozy Little Christmas

Page 6

by Laylah Roberts

  “Which is why you dropped the hot chocolate.”

  “Yes,” she said in a low voice that he struggled to hear. “I’m so embarrassed. Everyone saw me drop it.”

  “So? People drop shit all the time. Who cares if they saw? You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Did she really think that people would care that she’d dropped a damn mug of hot chocolate?

  “Fuck!” he swore, making her jump. “I just realized I didn’t check to make sure you weren’t burned. Did it get on your skin? God damn it. I can’t believe I forgot. Let me see your legs.”

  He reached for the bottom of her pants.

  “What? No! Damn it, Cullen!”

  “I don’t like you swearing.”

  “I hardly ever swear.”

  “I know. And I don’t want you to start. So don’t do it.”

  “You swear! Do you listen to yourself? Like, ever?”

  “Let me see your legs.”

  “This is the strangest sort of foreplay I’ve ever seen,” Marcus commented.

  Cullen sighed. Trust tonight to be the night he decided to take a quick shower. Seriously, the guy could spend an hour in the shower most nights.

  “I never knew you had a leg fetish, Cullen,” Marcus said.

  “I don’t have a leg fetish,” he snapped. “Why aren’t you still in the shower?”

  Marcus raised an eyebrow. “Should I be?”

  “That’s the shortest shower you’ve ever taken.”

  “Yeah, well, usually shower time is jacking off time, but I didn’t think that was polite to do with my bestie in the next room. You’re welcome, bestie.”

  “I am?” Ivy asked in confusion.

  “I can’t believe you just said that,” Cullen groaned.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Lord help me,” Cullen muttered.

  “Anyway, what’s wrong with jacking off in the shower? You’re the one with a weird leg fetish. I don’t think you should force Ivy to show you her legs.”

  “I’m not forcing her to do anything.”

  Ivy shot him a look.

  “I mean, not anything sexual. Jesus. I want to check that she wasn’t burned by the hot chocolate.”

  “I wasn’t,” she whispered. “I’m fine.”

  “Just let me look? Please?” he added.

  “Don’t worry if they’re hairy,” Marcus told her. “Cullen has got super hairy legs. Those things are a forest. Seriously.”

  “Marcus!” he chided.

  Marcus just smiled at him.

  “Fine,” she whispered, then she reached for her pants to pull them up, hissing in pain.

  “What is it? Your hands?” he asked.

  “Um, yes. You’ll have to pull them up. And they’re not hairy.” She went bright red.

  “I don’t care if they’re hairy,” he reassured her, drawing her pants up. There were no red splotches on her legs, he saw to his relief.

  He drew her pants down again. “All right, that’s your legs checked. Now onto your hands. What can we do for them? They’re sore right now, obviously. Do you need some painkillers? I could go ask for a heating pad.”

  “What’s wrong?” Marcus came over and sat on the sofa next to her. He was dressed in dark blue button-up pajamas.

  What was going on with her life? Seriously, a few days ago, things had been normal. She’d been busy getting the Ranch ready for Christmas. Decorating and organizing. And then along into her life came these two men. One was lovely and sweet and a bit of an over-sharer. The other was bossy and grumpy and strangely protective.

  She wasn’t used to male attention. She hadn’t had any in years. All she’d ever had was Davis. She hadn’t had any friends. Everyone here was lovely, and they would likely be her friend if she was willing to open up more. But knowing that she had to leave in a short time, well, she guessed she’d held back a bit.

  But there didn’t seem to be that option when it came to these two.

  “I don’t know what’s happening here,” she told them.

  “What do you mean?” Cullen asked.

  “I just, well, like, I barely know the two of you and I’m telling you things I don’t speak to anyone about.”

  “Like what?”

  “My hands.”

  “She has carpal tunnel,” Cullen explained to Marcus.

  She had to hide her wince. She did have carpal tunnel in one hand, but that wasn’t the main issue.

  “I’m so sorry I hurt you, Ivy,” Cullen told her.

  “It’s not your fault,” she said with a sad smile. “You didn’t know.”

  “How long have you had it? What specialists have you seen? What did they say? What should we be doing to help? Do you need an operation?” Marcus asked.

  She gaped at him, opening and closing her mouth.

  “Might have hit her with a few too many questions there, bud,” Cullen told him.

  She loved how close they were.

  “I have some painkillers back in my room and a heating pad. I really think I’d be better off going back there tonight.”

  Cullen made a noise of disagreement in the back of his throat. “Ivy, I know we’re strangers and you don’t trust us. And I didn’t help matters by basically carrying you off here and demanding that you stay, but I’m also not sure that leaving you alone tonight is the best idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “You couldn’t even pull your pants legs up,” he said gently. “How are you going to get undressed? Get your shoes off? I’d worry about you all night long, wondering if you were okay.”

  Ivy felt tears enter her eyes, then they dripped down her cheeks. “I’ll be a-all right.”

  “Fuck, she’s crying. Make her stop crying, Cullen,” Marcus said, sounding panicked.

  “I don’t know how. I don’t know what I said to make her start crying.”

  “Well, you obviously said something. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be crying. It’s your fault and you need to fix it. Now, fix it.”

  “I’m fine,” she told them. “I just need a tissue. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t need to apologize,” Marcus told her, jumping up to grab a tissue box, which he handed to Cullen instead of her. “Obviously, the big jerkface said something to make you cry and now he has to fix it.”

  The big jerkface?

  Had he really just called Cullen that?

  She had to bite her lip not to grin.

  “It’s okay. You can smile,” Cullen told her. “I’m used to his insults.” He drew a tissue out of the box and instead of just handing it to her, he grabbed hold of her chin and started wiping her face.

  “Hey! He insults me just as much, Ivy. Hurts my feelings.”

  Cullen rolled his eyes. This time she did grin. “Poor Marcus.”

  “I knew you’d be on my side.” Marcus sent Cullen a superior look.

  Cullen just shook his head. “You’re a brat.”

  She didn’t understand Cullen. Not really. He could be so gruff. Rude. Definitely rude. He spent most of his time scowling. And yet, he’d searched her out to apologize. He’d been really concerned that she’d burned her legs, that he’d hurt her.

  He claimed not to be a Daddy Dom. Yet, the way he took care of her just now, she’d gotten definite Daddy vibes.

  “Why were you crying, Ivy?” Cullen asked her.

  She shrugged.

  “Nope, no shrugging. I’d like an answer.”

  “Do people always give you what you want?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Yep. Now, tell me. Was it something I said? I upset you?”

  “You didn’t upset me. Not like that. I was just…it’s silly.”

  “It’s not silly, bestie. Tell us,” Marcus urged.

  “I’m just not used to someone taking care of me, I guess. Don’t get me wrong, everyone around here is wonderful. Really caring and supportive. But knowing that I’m not here for long, well, I guess I tend to hold back a bit.”

  “What do you mean, you
’re not here for long?” Cullen asked.

  “I’m only here to organize all the Christmas stuff for the Ranch. Christmas will be over in ten days. Then I’ll have to go.” She made herself sound casual like it was no big deal, when in reality it was actually a very, very big deal.

  “And where will you go after you leave here? Back home?”

  Home? Where was that? She didn’t have one of those anymore.

  “I was thinking of moving somewhere warmer.” A state where the cost of living was cheaper. Maybe Florida.

  “What about your family?” Marcus asked. “Where do they live?”

  She gave him a small smile. “I don’t have any family. The two of you are really lucky to have each other, you know.”

  Both of them looked at her with pity. Great, now she was oversharing.

  “I should go.”

  Cullen put his hands on her thighs as she attempted to move. She sucked in a breath at the feel of his hands burning through her clothes.

  “I think you should stay, Ivy.”

  “It’s not appropriate, and I don’t know you two very well. Besides, where would I even sleep?”

  “You can sleep in the bed,” Marcus said. “I’ll share the couch with Cullen.”

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “Well, I guess we could share the bed together, but I’ll warn you, I’m a hugger.”

  “Marcus,” Cullen said, shooting his cousin a look she couldn’t decipher. Marcus just grinned.

  “Or all three of us could get into bed together.”

  “Marcus!” Cullen barked.

  “You should see your faces. Don’t worry, I have no urge to put you in the middle of a Cutler cousin sandwich, Ivy. If anyone’s going to be the meat in a sandwich, it’s me.” He winked at her.

  Was she meant to understand what he was talking about?

  “Ivy will sleep in the bed, alone,” Cullen said firmly. “You’re on the couch with me.”

  “I have a perfectly good bed at my apartment.”

  Cullen sighed. “Fine. If you insist.”

  Okay, she was kind of surprised by how quickly he gave in. And if she was honest with herself, a bit disappointed. She shouldn’t be. She was getting what she wanted, right?

  “Marcus, can you pack us up some stuff while I get a jacket for Ivy, since she doesn’t have one with her? I’m starting to worry she doesn’t own one. Actually, maybe staying the night in her apartment is the best idea, then I can see whether she doesn’t own a coat, or she does own one and just keeps forgetting it.” Cullen gave her a stern look as he rose.

  “Wait, what are you saying?”

  “Sleepover at Ivy’s place!” Marcus crowed. “I hope you’ve got popcorn. And candy. And a really comfy bed.”

  “We’re sleeping on the floor,” Cullen told him.

  “Drat. Have you got a really comfy armchair? I’d settle for an armchair,” Marcus said.

  “You can’t come back to my apartment,” she told them.

  “But it was your idea,” Cullen said.

  “No…what…I meant I would go back. On my own.”

  Cullen leaned in and grasped hold of her chin. “No.”

  “Cullen, you cannot just say no and expect that means you get your way.”

  He grinned. Damn, he was gorgeous when he smiled. It made her insides go all gooey.

  Focus, Ivy.

  They think they’re coming with you.

  Not. Happening. There was no way that Cullen was pawing through her wardrobe, or Marcus was raiding her tiny, empty fridge.

  Nope. Nuh-uh.

  “We’ll stay here,” she squeaked out.

  Cullen gave her a look. “Good choice.”

  Bastard. He had totally manipulated her into that, hadn’t he? She sent him a dirty look while he just looked smug.

  Oh, she’d get him back for this.

  “You’re gonna get coal in your stocking.”

  His face closed up, and she instantly regretted saying that. How could he dislike Christmas so much? She didn’t get it. Christmas was her favorite time of year. She felt sad that he didn’t find any joy at this time of year…but that wasn’t something she had any business trying to fix. And she knew he wouldn’t thank her for it.

  “Yay! We still get a sleepover, but I don’t have to sleep on the floor. What do you want to wear to bed, bestie?” Marcus asked, practically skipping over to the closet. “Want a T-shirt? Boxers? Unless you want to go naked? I can totally do naked.”

  “Nobody is going to bed naked,” Cullen commanded. “Ivy will wear one of my T-shirts.”

  Marcus wriggled his eyebrows at her.

  “Ivy, do you need some help getting undressed? I won’t look, I swear. Or else Marcus will help you if you’re more comfortable with him.”

  “I…um . . .” She wasn’t particularly comfortable with anyone seeing her naked. She didn’t exactly have a sexy body.

  “Ivy.” Cullen reached out and grabbed her chin, tilting it up. “All we want is to take care of you.”

  “Which is really super sweet, but I don’t understand why. Why would you want to?” She wasn’t used to anyone looking after her. Not since her mom died, anyway.

  Cullen looked slightly uncomfortable at her question. “We just do.”

  “Because you’re my bestie, remember?” Marcus said. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll get naked while I undress you.”

  “Um, thanks, but it doesn’t. It kind of makes me a bit uncomfortable.”

  Marcus sighed. “I’ll never understand what the hang-up with nakedness is.”

  “It could be that not everyone thinks your dick is as pretty as you do,” Cullen said dryly.

  Marcus gasped and covered his crotch with his hands. “Don’t listen to him, little Marcus. He’s a bully.”

  “Little Marcus? Are you serious?” Cullen asked.

  “Yes, I’m serious. Haven’t you heard that if you talk to them, they grow bigger?”

  “I think you’re getting your dick mixed up with plants.”

  “Why would I want to talk to plants?”

  “Help me, Ivy. Seriously,” Cullen begged.

  She started giggling. “Okay, okay, someone can help me so long as you stop talking about your um, little appendages.”

  “They’re not little!” Both of them said to her with outrage on their faces.

  She laughed so hard that tears ran down her face and she had to hiccup for breath. “S-sorry. Didn’t mean t-to insult you.”

  “I should think not,” Marcus said with a huff. “Don’t you listen to either of them, little Marcus. You’re big and handsome. A king among men.”

  “Do you see what I have to put up with, Ivy?” Cullen asked.

  “You’re both very lucky to have each other,” she said, sobering. “I’d give anything to have a family.”

  I’d give anything to have a family.

  Cullen stared after her in worry as she moved toward the bathroom. She picked up the T-shirt he’d given her to wear.

  “Do you need help?” he asked.

  “I’m going to try and do it myself, thanks.”

  When the door shut, Marcus turned to him, his face serious. “I want to keep her.”

  “She’s not a puppy,” Cullen warned.

  “I know that, Cullen. But you heard her. She doesn’t have any family. After this job finishes, she has nowhere to go.”

  Yeah, Cullen had heard her. And he wanted to fix that sadness he saw in her eyes. He wanted to make her feel safe and secure. To wrap her up in his arms and never let her go. To take away the pain that pinched the corners of her mouth.

  However, he had to be cautious. He’d been hurt before by a woman who he’d thought was going to be his wife, the mother of his children. And he wouldn’t put himself or Marcus through that again.

  “She’s not Raquel,” Marcus told him, as though he’d read his thoughts.

  “I know that.”

  “You can’t blame Ivy for
what Raquel did.”

  “Damn it, Marcus, I’m not.”

  “Then why haven’t you laid claim to her? Go in there, tell her that she’s yours and you’re never letting her go.”

  Cullen gaped at him. “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we just met.”

  Marcus was out of control. What was wrong with him? Claim her? Really?

  “Oh, so you think you need time? Fine. I mean, you’re going to end up with her at the end of this holiday, so I just thought I could speed things up for you. By all means, date her, get to know her, then claim her.”

  “We’re not living in cavemen days.”

  “Says the man who carried her all the way here and is now insisting that she sleep in his T-shirt. Scent marking her.”

  “Scent marking her? Really? I’m not a dog.”

  “Do dogs scent mark their mates? I need to look into that. But then, dogs don’t really mate, do they? Fickle things. They’d hump anything. Including table legs.”

  “Why are we talking about humping dogs?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Marcus, listen to me. We don’t know Ivy that well. We’re helping her because she seems sweet and kind. But appearances can be deceptive. We’re only here for a short time before we have to leave. Don’t get attached. Okay? She’s not a lost puppy and we can’t take her home with us.”

  Don’t get attached.

  She’s not a lost puppy.


  Ivy quietly clicked the bathroom door shut. She’d opened it to ask them for help with her clothes.

  Better off doing it yourself, Ivy. You can’t rely on anyone else.

  She got why Cullen said those things. She really did. They barely knew each other, and it was obvious that Marcus got attached quickly. This talk of being besties, it was sweet, but she needed to remind herself that it wasn’t real. It was a bit of fun.

  And if she let herself believe, well, she was the one who was going to get hurt in the end. This was the exact reason why she shouldn’t let herself get attached to people. Taking in a deep breath, she let it out slowly.

  Tonight, she’d stay.

  Then tomorrow, she’d remember that she was on her own.

  And that was the way it should be.

  The only person she could rely on was herself.

  Undoing her pants was the worst part. But she’d bought this handy assistive tool. It looked like a pocket knife and was small enough to carry in her pocket. But it had all these little tools in it for helping to undo buttons and pull-down zips. Usually, she could manage on her own, but when her hands were really bad, this thing was a godsend. She ignored the tears that dripped down her cheeks. Her clothes were all big and loose to make it easier to get them on and off, so once the button was undone, they slid off.


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