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by Candace Blevins


  Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 12

  Candace Blevins


  Connect with Candace

  Dear Reader,


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Dear Reader,



  About the Author

  More From Excessica!

  Bubbles © August 2018 by Candace Blevins

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  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  * * *

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

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  This book is for sale to ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

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  Excessica LLC

  P.O. Box 127

  Alpena, MI 49707

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  To order additional copies of this book, contact:

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  Cover design © 2018 Syneca Featherstone

  First Edition August 2018

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  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Connect with Candace

  Candace loves hearing from readers! You can find her online at:

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  Facebook group – Candace’s Kinksters



  * * *

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  and get exclusive excerpts by joining her mailing list!

  Dear Reader,

  Bubbles’ story is the twelfth book in the RTMC series, and the thirty–second book in the Kirsten O’Shea Universe. It can be read as a stand-alone, but there are a lot of characters we’ve met in other books, so I’d like to take this opportunity to go over where we’ve met them.

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  It’s safe to skip this and head straight to Chapter One if you’re new to this universe, but you might want to come back afterwards, especially if a character or couple intrigues you.

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  If you’ve read the series, I hope this is a quick refresher before you dive in.

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  We met Duke (the MC President) and Gen in Duke’s story, as well as Gen’s best friend, Bethany.

  Bethany gets her story in Acceptable Risk, where we meet her three guys.

  We saw Cassie, Isaac, Cam, and Frisco (Gen’s brother) get their HEA during Safeword: Arabesque.

  Back to the RTMC series, Brain’s story let us meet Harmony, his true love. It also had all readers thoroughly pissed at Bash and Gonzo. Brain is the MC’s VP.

  Which brings us to Bash’s story, where we spend some time with Bud (the Atlanta chapter’s president) and his daughter, Angelica. We also get to meet Dawg up-front-and-personal. Bash is the MC’s Sergeant-at-Arms. Also during this book, we meet some of the Disciple Playas for the first time, and their new leader, Marlin.

  Next comes Horse and Gabby, where we dip into Faerie a little for the first time in the RTMC series, but it isn’t the first we’ve been there in this universe.

  Gonzo finally gets his story, and boy is this one emotional. I adore Connie. We add kids to the clubhouse with this one. Nix and Tippy are up next, and then Ghost and Hailey, where we get to see a good bit of Viper. Slick and Bobcat work at the RTMC’s hotel. We also meet the other members of Mythic Beast: Will, Silver, and Animal. Ghost’s parents, Darnell and Keisha, get their HEA in Uncaged.

  We meet Nickie when Bud finally gets his own book, along with Texas and Sparkie, Shadow, and other Atlanta brothers and their ol’ladies.

  And then Razor and Matty come along and upset the applecart, so to speak. Dozer is a bit of an ass in Razor’s book, while Bubbles goes out of his way to make Matty feel safe a time or two. Micca is Matty’s best friend.

  We met Britches/Briana during Gonzo’s story, and she gets her book in Careful What You Ask For.

  Zeke is the RTMC’s main criminal attorney, and we can see his story in the Hallowed Destiny novella, where he runs into Destiny a year after helping to rescue her.

  Pebbles and Jiminy have been around since Duke’s story. Jiminy is the local voice of the cartel and no one screws with him.

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  Other characters you’ll see in this book:

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  Aaron Drake, his wife Sophia, and their triplets. You can read Aaron and Sophia’s story in The Dragon King.

  Abbott, Master Vampire of most of the southeastern U.S., is an important character throughout the series. He has a short story (Leashed), where we meet Spence, but we see the ancient vampire a whole helluva lot in Only Human, too. We also see more of how the coterie is run, and get another view of Abbott, in Riding the Storm, which features Kendra and Eric.

  We first met Queenie in Bash’s story, when she was called Bambi. Gavin takes her home with him in Indentured Freedom: Owned by the Vampire.

  Nathan, King of the Lions, the Amakhosi, is an important character in the four Only Human books, as well as the Hallowed Destiny novella. He also has his own short story – Pride.

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  I hope you enjoy Bubbles’ and Lexi’s story.

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  Lexi is late for her cosmetology class. She races another car for the only parking space close to her building — and wins. She ignores the other driver’s string of not-terribly-creative cursing and threats, and scurries to class. However, when she comes out hours later, she freezes when she sees members of the local gang sitting on the hood of her car, waiting.

  * * *

  Terrified, Lexi rushes back inside to call her sister, who works for the local MC. Ten long minutes later, her sister tells her
to go to the athletic center and wait for some guys on bikes, who’ll take her to her car and keep her safe.

  * * *

  Bubbles can’t believe how tiny the girl with the pastel blue, pink, and purple hair is, and wants to lash out at anyone who scared her. He and Slick get her into her car and away from school, and Bubbles follows her home to be sure she’s safe. When he realizes she lives in the heart of the gang’s territory, his protective instincts kick in and he takes her home with him.

  * * *

  Lexi’s nineteen and has been with two men her entire life. Bubbles is in his thirties and has had every sexual experience known to man. He’s a felon who’s spent serious time in prison and is still on parole. He’s the last kind of complication she needs in her life, but for such a gruff, giant of a man, he’s gentle with her. He makes her feel safe.

  * * *

  Little did Lexi know how drastically her life would change because she hit the snooze button one more time.



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  I flew down Amnicola Highway and took the turn onto campus way too fast for my little Neon, but I forced myself to slow down in the Chatt State parking lot because I couldn’t afford a ticket, and the security guys were all about getting even more money from students. By the time I made it over the thousand speed bumps and around the buildings, I was fit to be tied because class was starting while I was still in my freakin’ car, and the parking lots were full.

  Like the sun shining through a cloud, I saw an empty parking space semi-near my building, and raced for it. Another car dashed towards it from the other direction, but my adrenaline kicked in and I got there first — though barely. My little lime green Neon kicks ass when I need it to.

  Triumphant, I grabbed my bag from the other seat and ignored the other driver, still idling right behind me — inches from my bumper. It’d been a race for a parking space and he lost. End of story. Go find another space, loser.

  The asshole wasn’t going to let me keep my eyes averted so we never made eye contact, though — he bounced out of his car and started yelling, waving his arms and fists around like a wannabe gangsta.

  “Bitch! You know what’s good for you, you’ll take your lily-white nasty ass back to that piece of shit green car and get it out my parkin’ space!” He made the gun sign with his fingers — one the Playas mostly use — but he wasn’t wearing colors and he came off as a wannabe.

  He was between me and my building, and while he didn’t scare me, I hate conflict, so I backed up and went around another car to get to my class without responding. Dude needed some anger management classes.

  I wasn’t terribly late to class this time, and it turned out okay. The rest of my day was pretty normal, and I didn’t think of the parking-space asshole again. I’m in cosmetology school so I can learn to cut and color hair, and the dude was carrying a navy shirt like the guys in the automotive building wear, so I figured he was learning to be a mechanic. There was no reason to think we’d bump into each other ever again.

  My last class let out at two thirty, and my stomach dropped into my feet when I stepped out and saw the asshole with two of his friends leaned against my car.

  I angled towards the library, my heart beating in my throat, and dug my phone out of my pocket to call Etta. I wasn’t afraid of one asshole alone, but three in gang colors was another story.

  “Whatcha need, baby sister?”

  That was my big sister, always looking out for me. We talk a lot, but I don’t usually call her right when class lets out, so she knew somethin’ was up. I told her about the guys waiting for me at my car, and about the race for the parking spot that morning.

  “He wearin’ gang colors?”

  “He wasn’t this morning, but he is now, and so are his friends. Blue.”

  “Fuck, Lexi. Okay. Stay put. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

  “Thanks, Etta. I love you.” Our mom has ties high up with the Disciple Playas, and she’d be a lot more likely to make a few phone calls if Etta asked her.

  I started to go in the library, but then I wouldn’t be able to answer my phone. I made my way to the cafeteria, sat so I could see both doors and no one would come up behind me, and opened one of my books to read the next assigned chapter. May as well make use of my time. I didn’t think the asshole had recognized me — my hair had been in a ponytail when I’d arrived and was down that afternoon, and I’d had a lightweight jacket on, but it was in my bag because the day had warmed.

  Etta called me back nearly ten minutes later. “Slick and Bubbles are on their way. Bubbles is as big as a house, but Slick can be just as dangerous. They’re both nice guys. Slick’s doing it as a favor, but I’ll be providing some services to Bubbles. All you have to do is be gracious and thank them. I’m handling payment. Don’t offer anything.”

  “Damn, Etta. I’m sorry.” I cuss in my head all the time, but I hardly ever do it out loud. I really didn’t want her to owe the RTMC for this, though.

  “Don’t be. Bubbles ain’t a hardship. It’s all good, baby sister.”

  Etta’s a workin’ girl for the local biker gang. At first, I hated the idea of it, and I kind of still do, but she’s never been roughed up unless the customer paid big-money for it and Etta agreed to it, and she doesn’t hate her job. She’s happy, she seems to be safe, and that’s enough for me. They call her Betty because they insisted she take another name for her working persona, and she wanted it to be something she’d respond to.

  Still, I’d assumed she’d call one of our mama’s people and get these guys to back off, but she’d called the bikers. I didn’t want her to have to service them on my account.

  “Maybe so, but I owe you big time. I’m in the cafeteria, where did you tell them to meet me?”

  “They’ll pick you up in front of the gym, and both’ll be on bikes. You won’t be able to miss them. Slick’s a lot smaller than Bubbles, so get on the smaller guy’s bike and point them in the direction of your car. He’ll have a helmet for you, so security won’t lose their shit.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Slick promised they’d follow long enough to be sure the asshole isn’t tailing you. Drive Mama’s car tomorrow and let her drive yours. I’ll go with you this weekend to trade your car in on another.”

  I loved my little car, but my sister was right, because I lived smack in the middle of the Disciple Playa’s territory. He’d tell his people to keep an eye out for a lime green Neon, and they’d find me. No one would confuse me for Mama — she’d be safe in it. Decades of drug use meant my thirty-nine year old mama looked like she’d long since passed fifty. Plus, all she had to do was call Marlin or Jiminy and there wasn’t a sane Playa in town who’d mess with her.

  Neither my sister or I touched the shit. Etta had kicked my ass the first time she’d caught me using anything stronger than weed, and threatened to do a lot worse if she caught me again. I was seven the first time I smoked weed, and nine when I tried crack. Hadn’t done anything but weed since I was fourteen, though.

  I stowed everything in my bag and made my way across campus. I didn’t have to wait long before two bikers pulled up, and Etta hadn’t been kidding about Bubbles. Damn, he was the biggest white-boy I’d ever seen in person.

  The other biker handed me a helmet and helped me fasten it. “Don’t worry about the fit,” he told me. “We’ll be in the parking lot the whole time. It’s just to keep security from stopping us.”

  “Thanks for doing this. I appreciate it.”

  “Betty’s one of ours, you’re one of hers. I’m Slick, this is Bubbles. It’s nice to meet you.”

  I smiled at Bubbles, and he smiled back. I hoped his dick wasn’t proportionally sized or I’d really owe my sister for this. I’d wondered about it being two against three, but with these two, it could be two against five and I’d bet on the bikers.

  Bubbles looked like he could be on one of those fake wrestling shows, though I doubted this man would wear anything
besides jeans and biker boots. His shirt stretched over cords of muscles, and I worried he might accidentally bend his handlebars if he got pissed while he was riding.

  Slick’s bike vibrated and rumbled under us. I liked it, but there wasn’t much time to properly like it because we were only a half-mile from my car. Slick and I went in front until we neared my Neon, and Bubbles came around us when the lime green came into view.

  The gangbangers were still sitting on the hood, and they turned to look when the bikes pulled up behind it and shut off.

  “Is there a problem, gentlemen?” Bubbles asked, still sitting on his bike.


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