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Page 14

by Candace Blevins

  “My arm’s black and blue with shades of purple, and my shoulder’s tender, but nothing that won’t heal.”

  “I teach a self-defense class. Talk to Bubbles if you’re interested. You have the right spirit and attitude, and a little technique already. You’ll be fun to teach.”

  The waitress brought their food, and I noted Razor had three burgers and a mountain of fries, Davy had a burger with no fries, and Matty had a burger without the bun, and he ate it like a steak. He also got a small salad, and I wished I’d thought to order one.

  My food showed up not long after theirs, and our conversation moved to stories about Matty racing. A girl named Micca showed up and the waitress brought her food without having to ask what she wanted. Davy left to return to work, and Gen came in with someone she introduced as Bethany, and they sat with us. It was a large round table, and there were still a few spots for more people, but it wasn’t even lunchtime anymore.

  I’d finished my meal and stopped the waitress from bringing me a third beer, so I was sipping water when Bubbles finally arrived. He pulled a chair between me and Micca, sat in it, and lifted me from mine to sit me in his lap, but I honestly didn’t mind. I’d missed him.

  “I told Hot Pocket I wanted you toasted when I got here.”

  “I drank two beers but didn’t want to be drunk around your friends.”

  Another beer landed in front of me as I spoke, and I rolled my eyes and took a long drink.

  “She met Davy,” Razor told Bubbles, “but he wasn’t too talkative. I believe my boy’s going to want to go with pastels in his hair when he makes a change next time, and you wouldn’t believe how long the two of them compared eyeliner brands.”

  Bubbles chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Glad you’re fittin’ in.” He lifted my beer and put it back in my hand. “Drink.”

  “Why do you want me toasted?”

  “Because you don’t have to work and won’t have to do homework tonight, and your ass is mine.”

  I didn’t especially want to argue with him about butt stuff around his friends, but my ass was not going to be his and it was important he understand. “There isn’t enough beer on the planet for that.”

  Bethany and Matty chuckled, and my face went hot.

  Gen told Bethany, “Shut up. It isn’t funny. Don’t embarrass her.”

  “Gen didn’t think there was enough tequila to make it happen, but Duke had other ideas. Good luck to you, but…” Bethany looked at Bubbles and back to me. “Yeah. Drink your beer.”

  I buried my face in Bubbles’ chest, and he wrapped his arms around me.

  “Hmmm. Perhaps I should clarify and just say you’ll be getting my undivided attention tonight. Don’t stress, Half-pint. You still have some time.”

  Great, now the whole damned club was going to know Bubbles’ girlfriend was an anal virgin.

  Of all the people to come to my rescue, I didn’t expect it to be Gen. “I get embarrassed when they talk about sex, too. It’ll be nice to have another ol’lady around who understands this isn’t conversation for the dinner table.”



  * * *

  Duke showed up with a man in a suit they introduced as Zeke. Duke sat by Gen, and Zeke sat by Matty.

  “I usually don’t meet with ol’ladies until they’ve been around a while,” Zeke told me once he’d verified his order with the waitress, who’d known what he’d probably want, “but since you’ve jumped straight into the deep end, Duke thought it would be a good idea to have my talk with you earlier, rather than later.”

  I looked at Bubbles, and he explained, “Zeke’s our main criminal attorney for local shit.”

  My stomach went into my throat, and I could only stare at Bubbles.

  “Nothing’s wrong,” Zeke assured me. “You need to memorize my phone number and also have it in your phone so you can get to it quickly. Alternatively, you can tag Bubbles and tell him you need me, but it’s faster to contact me directly. Other than your name and whatever is already on your driver’s license — like birthday and address — you aren’t to answer any questions from LEO without me present. Even simple shit, like where you were the day before, or whether you know who someone is. Also, you’ll need to take any biometric features off your phone and lock it with a password or pattern. You can be legally compelled to open it with a fingerprint, but they can’t force you to open it for them with a password.”

  “Brain will get with you on securing your communications,” said Duke. “He’ll explain this part too, but Zeke likes to be sure you’re aware from the legal side and not just the tech side.”

  I stared at Bubbles. He’d made me believe we could live a normal, law abiding life, and now I had an attorney coaching me in how to deal with the cops?

  “I’m cleaning your mess, Half-pint. Don’t act like this is club shit we’ve dragged you into. They haven’t been able to find the third guy who attacked you yet,” Bubbles told me. “One of the guys they have was on parole, and he’ll be going back inside a while, but the one who actually grabbed you is requesting another bail hearing next week. Zeke tells us LEO knows you and I are an item, which means they may come at you again with more questions — the assumption will be the Playas are after you as retaliation because you’re my girlfriend, which isn’t the truth. They’re after you because you fought one of them for a parking place and pissed him off. It’s true we’ve had retaliation go back and forth a few times since, but the cops don’t need to know about any of that — only about the parking space.”

  “And you can’t identify any of them,” said Zeke. “The original guy was in a mechanic’s uniform and wasn’t wearing gang colors. No matter what picture they show you, you can’t say whether it was him or not. You only saw gang colors when you looked at the other guys. You weren’t paying attention to their features.”

  I nodded. Bubbles was right. This wasn’t MC shit, this was my shit, and the MC was stepping in to protect me. I couldn’t be upset with Bubbles for any of this. “How much do I owe you for helping?” I asked Zeke.

  “Nothing,” Duke answered. “He’s on retainer with us. We pay him a substantial flat fee to take care of all members and ol’ladies.” He glanced at Bubbles and back to me. “You aren’t an official ol’lady yet, but close enough.”

  “She’s mine.” Bubbles’ deep voice claiming me gave me the warm fuzzies, despite the conversation. “It’s new, but she’s mine. We’ll deal with official shit later.”

  Zeke met my gaze. “That true? Are you his?”

  “Why can’t we say he’s mine? Why does the ownership have to just go one way?”

  Zeke smiled, Razor chuckled, and Bethany said, “Damned straight. I like this girl.”

  “Works for me,” said Zeke. “Just remember, be polite, but don’t answer any questions without me present. You can tell them your name, address, date of birth, where you work, and where you go to school. That’s it. They’ll try to make it sound like you’re guilty of something just because you want me there, they may even say they’ll have to take you in if that’s the way you want to play it, but hold firm. Odds are, they won’t take you in, but don’t freak if they do. Be polite and friendly, but hold your ground.”

  I hadn’t done anything wrong, though, so why couldn’t I answer their questions? “I’m the victim — they came after me. What’s the worst that can happen if I answer questions?”

  “You’ll get your boyfriend arrested for trying to protect you, which is a huge deal since he’s on parole.”

  I blew out a breath. “Okay. I’ll wait for you.”

  When Bubbles’ food arrived, I tried to move back to my own chair, but he put his arm around me and ate one handed, so I relaxed back against him. I liked sitting in his lap. His friends were a little overwhelming.

  They talked around me, and Bubbles kept giving me sips of beer. I leaned into his chest and listened while they talked about how the classic car division was doing. Razor and Matty left, but more bikers sh
owed up at random — Horse, Nix, Ghost, Bobcat, Slick, and a few others. When Bubbles finally stood and settled me on his hip, I was past toasted and approaching drunk.

  “I’m gonna take my Half-pint across the street. Don’t tag me unless it’s an emergency.”

  I didn’t pay much attention until he jaywalked and then carried me through a gate wide enough to drive through. We traversed a large parking lot, and I noted a line of motorcycles parked near one of the buildings. This whole block was enclosed by a tall, concrete fence, with multiple structures.

  “Where are we?”

  “Clubhouse. Compound. We’ll go over the rules later, when you’re sober. Just gonna walk you through the main room to the back, for now.”

  It turned out, he had his own bedroom in the back.

  He sat me on the bed and pulled his shirt off. I stared at the spot where his abs disappeared into his jeans. He touched my chin until I met his gaze, and he told me, “I share a bathroom with Dozer. If you’re in there and someone knocks on the other door, say something or they’ll come in. Always knock and listen. Neither door locks. Don’t ever go in Dozer’s room uninvited. The bathroom’s empty now if you need it.”

  I nodded and went, because I hadn’t realized I needed to pee until Bubbles had picked me up, but I didn’t want to have to announce it to the entire table.

  He’d pulled the comforter down a little when I came out, and he said, “I’m gonna take a quick shower. I want you naked and between the sheets when I finish.” He pointed to a television on the wall, and I stared at the people fucking. The sound was muted so I hadn’t noticed. “Remote’s on the table if you want to hear them, but don’t turn it off.”

  I looked closer. Was he in her butt? Damn, he was huge, and she looked like she was enjoying it, but she was paid to look that way. Still. Fuck, he was huge.

  I narrowed my eyes and turned to Bubbles. “Just ’cause he’s nearly as big as you and fits in her butt doesn’t mean I want to do butt stuff with you.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll make it a fast shower. You don’t want to know what happens if you aren’t naked when I come out.”

  The drunk part of me wanted to know. The sober part kind of did, but not enough to find out.

  Bubbles left the door open, and had his back to me to undress. His legs are built, and they lead to the most gorgeous ass ever. I lost sight of him when he stepped into the shower, and I turned, stripped down to my panties and bra, slid between the sheets, and then the sober part of me gave a flashback of how fucking bad his belt had hurt.

  Something on the television caught my eye, and I realized they’d changed positions, so they were kind of spooned, but the girl’s leg was in the air and it was easier to see his gigantic dick spreading her butthole wide open. I don’t know how long I watched, but the shower turned off and I sat up, took my bra off, and then skimmed out of my panties. I got up, ran to my bag, stuffed them inside with my clothes, and ran back to bed.

  “Did we change our mind at the last minute?”

  My head jerked to see Bubbles standing at the door. Naked, beautiful, and all man.

  “I don’t know. What did you change your mind about?”

  He cocked an eyebrow, and I added, “You said we. I’d need to know your side of it before I can accurately answer for both of us.” I stumbled over accurately, but it was close enough.

  He chuckled and stepped so I could watch him dry his naked self, and damn, even from across the room I could see how the water trailed over his muscles and down the ridges between.

  I glanced at the television and back to him. “You said I had time.”

  “And you do, but you have to know it’ll happen eventually, and it’ll take time to get you ready. Don’t want you to be surprised.” He gave a lopsided smile. “Also, nothing says I can’t start gettin’ you ready for me now so you’ll be able to take me when it’s time.” He stepped into the room, still naked. “Pull the sheet back, Half-pint. Lemme see you.”

  I’d mostly worn one of his shirts back and forth to the bathroom, but he’d seen me naked enough, it wasn’t too big of a deal to flip the sheet back and let him see.

  “Good girl. I’m glad you didn’t test me. I want tonight to be good, and it would’ve put a damper on it to have to punish you.” He tossed the towel and stalked towards me, like a wolf zeroing in on his prey. “As a reward, how about a fun spankin’?”

  I stared, unable to answer either way, and he cupped my cheek in his huge palm. “You can tell me it’s too much and I’ll back off — fun spankings are totally different than the punishment kind.”

  I was getting used to him picking me up, but my stomach still fluttered at suddenly being lifted. He sat on the edge of the bed and situated me on my stomach and over his legs, so my head and shoulders were on one side of him, resting on the bed, and my feet on the other side, also on the bed. My hips were right at the edge of his left leg and my bare butt in the air.

  He patted my bottom and slowly tapped harder and harder, but didn’t increase the tempo.

  The position was disconcerting and a little embarrassing, and I wasn’t sure how to react. I meant to speak, but it came out as a laugh. “That isn’t a spanking!”

  He slapped hard twice — enough to make me squeal — and he went back to lighter taps. The two hard smacks had hurt, but now my bottom was warm and I kinda liked it. I wiggled my butt, and he chuckled.

  The more he spanked me, the faster my heart beat, and the more my clit ached for attention. I wiggled and squirmed, but it didn’t stop him from hitting the mark. He never struck hard, but the constant drumming had me wanting more, and more, and more, until I finally begged.

  “Please! Fuck, please. I need more. You’re just teasing me!”

  My heart skipped a beat and my entire body shuddered when he jammed two large fingers inside me, but then I pushed my bottom up to meet him, shamelessly letting him know what I wanted. What I needed.

  He seemed to effortlessly get me right to an orgasm, but just before I came, he pulled his fingers out, grabbed a container of something, and began rubbing it onto my warm-from-the-spanking bottom.

  I whined, he smacked my now-slick butt a few times, and I moaned in frustration.

  “You had me so close! Why did you stop?”

  He rubbed my butt again, his hand as slick as me, and slid a finger between my crack to my bottom-hole.


  “Yes, Half-pint. Just a finger or two for now. Open up and let me in.”

  I tried to crawl forward when his finger went in, but he held me in place.

  “It feels wrong. Please don’t.”

  His finger slid in and out. In and out. In and out. It felt a little like I needed to shit, and my muscles squeezed around him tighter, which made me feel him so much more.

  My right hand went between my legs and I pressed on my clit.

  “Hands where I can see them, Lex. No gettin’ yourself off. I decide when you come, not you.”

  “I don’t like this!”

  He breathed in deep, and gave a low, sexy chuckle. “Yeah. You do. You’re just frustrated ’cause you didn’t get to come.”

  His finger went in and out another couple of dozen times, and just when I was having to struggle to keep from moving my hips with him, he stopped and I felt another finger trying to come in, but it stretched me too wide and hurt, and I couldn’t take it.

  “Please don’t! It’s too much!”

  “I know it is. Just a little — enough to give you an idea of where we’re headed. Breathe out and try to relax for me. Don’t hold your breath. You can do this.” He stopped pressing in and held still. “Relax, Half-pint. Show me you’re tryin’ and I won’t push in any farther right now.”

  I breathed in, blew my breath out, and tried my hardest to unclench. It took three breaths, but I finally managed, and he said, “Good girl,” and removed both fingers.

  He leaned to retrieve a box on the table, opened it, and showed me what was inside.

>   “Do you know what this is?”

  It looked like it was made of glass, and it was pretty, but I had no idea what it was. I shook my head.

  “It’s a butt plug, and you’re going to wear it in your little bottom while I fuck your pussy.”

  I shook my head again, and he gave my bottom a few more light swats and then two hard ones.

  “Don’t argue. We’ll get you ready for me before I take you back there, but it is going to happen.”

  If he hadn’t put both his fingers in and made me figure out how to relax, I’m not sure he’d have managed to press the plug into me, but he talked me through relaxing while the biggest part went in. I squealed and yelped because it hurt for a few seconds, and then whined because it held me open uncomfortably, but he ignored my complaints, opened a small drawer beside his bed, pulled some baby wipes out, swiped it over my slick bottom, and I assume cleaned his hands.

  “Knees and chest in the middle of the bed, sweetheart.”

  I’m not sure why he told me where to go, because he put me there while he said it, but I decided not to bitch about it, because I needed to bitch about the fact he was holding the plug in to keep me from pushing it out. It was huge inside me, and it held me open and filled me, and I needed it out.

  But I didn’t get a chance to bitch, because the next thing I knew, his cock was at my entrance, pressing inside me while Bubbles held the damned plug in, and bliss overtook me. I couldn’t talk. Couldn’t breathe. My heart raced. Heat filled my veins. Nothing mattered except his cock driving its way into me and the plug filling me. His warm body behind and over me. His hand holding my hip so I couldn’t move forward while his other hand pressed on the outside of the plug so I couldn’t push it out. The plug had been all wrong, but now it was… maybe not right, but something was working because my world spun and I needed more of everything.

  He sank as far in as he could, pressing hard but he didn’t go too fast. He pulled out about the same speed.

  Without warning, he thrust back in and pulled out. Fast. Before I could react, he growled at me and plunged in again.


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