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Page 24

by Candace Blevins

  “Please, Adam. Sir. Give me my last three licks.”

  Her little voice was full of tears, but I couldn’t back off. I let the three fly, one after another as promised, and then stood back and let her fight for the control to thank me for them. Her voice was barely intelligible, and I’d have made anyone else on the planet say it again, but I understood her enough and it wasn’t in me to keep my hands off her another second. I cut the twine holding her ankles to the table, bent under the table to cut the zip ties holding her wrists, lifted her in my arms, and sat on the sofa to hold her until she’d gained more control. We weren’t finished, but she needed me to hold her before we hit the next step.

  I gave her at least three or four minutes to calm before I reminded her, “What happens next?”

  “You get off and I don’t, Sir. How is at your discretion. I don’t get rewarded for being bad, but you shouldn’t be punished with a hard-on I don’t take care of.”

  She recited it, and yet I heard the understanding. We’d talked about it a lot before it went into the main document.

  “Today, you’re going to learn the beginnings of how to deep throat. You haven’t eaten in a while and shouldn’t have anything on your stomach, but we’ll bring a trash bin, in case you puke.”

  Some of the sweetbutt competitions had actually involved us trying to make one of them puke first. The first brother to make someone puke got to belt the girl, and the last girl to hold out got to be eaten to orgasm by the brother fucking her.

  We usually planned it for about an hour or two after a meal, so they’d have some food on their stomach but not too much.

  I’d also made men puke in prison more times than I could count — it was part of the humiliation of it, sometimes.

  So, if I made her puke, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but I’d make sure she wasn’t humiliated by it. It’s a natural reflex, and I hadn’t taught her to control it yet.

  I settled her on her knees on the sofa, with her feet still bound together. This was still punishment and I hoped it reminded her. Everything we did in this room while she was naked would be punishment or consequences, so eventually she wouldn’t need reminders, but they couldn’t hurt for now.

  Her hands needed to be free though, so she could use them on the base of my cock while her mouth was at the top.

  I settled the small bin from the bathroom beside the sofa and released my pants enough to get my cock out. With my legs spread, my pants would stay up. I pulled my shirt off and dropped it on the table behind me.

  “Lick me and get me slick.” I gave her close to a minute before telling her, “I’ll thin down a little and go into your throat. You’ll want to gag, but you need to suck and swallow. I’ll stay in your throat ten seconds the first time. Get a breath before I block your air. You’re going to gag and that’s okay, but fight it.”

  Her tongue had done a great job of swirling and licking until I was wet, and I wanted to jam myself down her throat and fuck hard, but no way would I let the animal inside me dictate during sex with my Half-pint. As promised, I thinned down a little and headed for the back of her mouth.

  And blood pulsed into my already-rock-hard dick when her throat muscles spasmed around me and tried to push me out. I pressed in a few more inches and started counting. The gagging didn’t entirely stop, but it wasn’t as violent near the end.

  She dry heaved towards the garbage when I pulled out, but nothing came up.

  “Good girl. Again.”

  “No. Please. I can’t do that!”

  “Of course you can’t do it yet. You’ll learn. This is a lesson. Open, Lexi.”

  She opened and took me in again, and handled it slightly better for this ten second session.

  Eventually, I worked with her on letting me go in and out, in and out, and then we went back to the long sessions. I went a few inches deeper and counted to twenty at least a dozen times. She had more recovery time in between, and she was starting to get the hang of it.

  Finally, I zip tied her hands behind her again and told her, “I’m going to be rough with you for one to two minutes. It’s going to be bad, but I won’t give you more than you can handle. When I start jacking myself off, you can sit your ass back on your feet, but you will open your mouth when I tell you.”

  I hadn’t made her swallow my cum yet, either. She’d just played with my cock, tonguing and licking before I fucked her, so far.

  I’m pretty sure she thought I was killing her during the face-fucking, but she survived, as I knew she would. By the time I had myself close, she opened her mouth and let me jack off into it — and then looked like she’d be sick when I ordered her to close her mouth and swallow.

  But she did.

  I put her back on the table on all fours and cut the zip ties on wrists and ankles. “One more thing and we’re finished. Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

  I got our third largest plug. She’d have trouble wearing it all night without being horny, and would probably be horny because of it, but that was the point. I knew she could sleep in it without disturbing her rest, though. I hadn’t intended to make her wear them on school nights until I’d seen how well she handled it, but she’d been fine.

  Tonight, however, wasn’t going to be any fun.

  I lubed the plug first, and then mechanically lubed her ass without any titillation. She had a hard time staying still while I put it in — she wanted to bolt so badly I’m surprised she didn’t, but those last three strikes were probably a reminder of what happens when she can’t control herself.

  When it was finally in, I told her to stay put again, went to the kitchen to wash my hands, and returned to lift her in my arms and carry her to the den.

  “Punishment’s over, sweetheart.” I adjusted her in my lap like a sleepy toddler, her head against my chest. “Just let me hold you.”

  We sat like that, in comfortable silence, until she fully settled.

  Perhaps twenty minutes later, I asked, “How much homework do you have?”

  “I need to look through my notes and refresh my mind in the styling class. This teacher’s a fan of pop quizzes and I need to be ready for them. No excuses. I also need to be ready for a Best Business Practices test, so I might be a while.”

  “I’ll take care of dinner while you study, and then I’ll play some video games back in the bedroom so I stay out of your hair after dinner.”

  “Thanks for keeping me on track.”

  I kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome, Half-pint. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”



  * * *

  I had no idea what to expect Wednesday. The night before, he’d told me a lot of people would be at the clubhouse later for kind of a mini party. “Jeans and a black shirt for this.”

  “I don’t own a black shirt.”

  He’d looked at me in shock. “Red, then.”

  “I don’t own a red shirt, either. It would clash with my hair.”

  I almost laughed at his expression, because he looked at me as if I was an alien from another planet, with green antenna and bug eyes.

  He’d gone to my part of his closet, looked through my clothes, and pulled out an eggplant shirt. “This, and jeans. Your sexy ones that barely cover your asscrack, and please god tell me you have a black belt.”

  I laughed. “Yeah. You’ve never cared what I wore before. What’s up?”

  “You got a problem with this outfit?”

  I shook my head no, and he said, “Good. Whatever shoes you want. We’ll eat late, probably around seven. It’s catered from the barbecue place down the street.”

  I went to the bike shop after school like he’d told me, and he sat me in the office with orders to do my homework so I wouldn’t have to mess with it later. I put my headphones on and got to work, and finished about thirty minutes before he was due to get off work, but he’d told me to come get him when I finished, so I did.

  He wiped his hands, put a few things awa
y, and then finally washed his hands. “Follow me to the compound. Park in the ol’lady section.”

  I stared. Dumbfounded. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive, Half-pint.”

  I backed my car into a parking space, right next to Gen’s super-fancy Lexus. I’d been given strict instructions to use the visitor area before. What had changed? Bubbles seemed to take offense at my asking him if he was sure, though, so I didn’t ask anything else. He wouldn’t steer me wrong with his club. This kind of stuff was way more important to them than I thought it should be, but I’d learned to just accept it.

  He was silent while we walked back to his room, and then he opened my bag and handed me my makeup. “I’ve learned your different makeup styles. You have one I call soft-and-sexy-biker-chick, with lots of that charcoal smoky stuff around your eyes, and purple lipstick, and more dark shit on your cheeks.”

  He’d never told me how to dress or do my makeup before, even when I’d asked. It was always, “I’m sure whatever you pick will be fine.” I wanted to bitch, but I was also glad he knew what was required for whatever was going to happen. I just wished I knew more about what was going to happen.

  The entire club seemed to be in the clubhouse. They’d brought extra folding chairs in, but people still stood around the edges. All eyes were on us when we walked in, and Bubbles took me to four large packages on a table in the center. They were wrapped in leather, with ribbon that looked like a huge zipper tied in beautiful bows.

  It took me a few minutes to realize the biggest package was an expertly decorated cake, and the other three were presents.

  “Open the square ones first, then the rectangular one,” said Bubbles.

  “What have you done?”

  He lifted an eyebrow and grinned. “Open them and see.”

  The first box was black riding boots, and he sat me down, put them on my feet, and laced them for me. I walked around on the hard floor and was amazed. I’d expected them to be horribly uncomfortable, but they were perfect.

  “How did you know my size?”

  “Took your favorite workout shoes to the boot place, and they used the length, width, and arch height to tell me which boots to buy.”

  “Thank you! I love them!”

  I went to hug him, but he handed me the larger square box. This one was a fancy helmet — lightweight like the one Bash had let me wear when I rode with him, and it was in a dozen shades of pink and purple — close to my hair color.

  “We’ll figure out the lettering in the coming weeks, and I’ll have it added.”

  He let me hug him this time, but then he stood me in front of him and put his hands on my shoulders. He looked so serious, my heart sank into my stomach.

  “The boots and helmet are yours, no matter what. If you don’t want this next present — if you can’t accept it for everything it means, you shouldn’t let me put it on you.”

  “You’re worrying me, Adam.”

  “No need to be worried. I wouldn’t offer it if I didn’t think it was time, I just needed to say the extra. It’s important.”

  I’d discovered with the boots, the packages were wrapped in paper that looked like leather, but not actually leather. I was careful to tear this one so I’d have some of the paper to keep. It was really nice paper, and the ribbons kicked ass, too.

  My heart stopped beating when I lifted the lid of the box and saw PROPERTY OF arched across the top, and then BUBBLES at the bottom. The center was the same as the emblem on the other ol’ladies vests, and I suddenly understood why he’d told me not to let him put it on if I couldn’t accept everything it meant.

  With tears threatening to spill over my lower lashes and destroy my over-the-top eye makeup, I held the vest towards Bubbles and asked, “Will you please put it on me?”

  I didn’t expect the clapping and cheers from everyone in the room, much less the feet stomping and table beating, but it seemed right. This made it official.

  I was Bubbles’ ol’lady.

  The cheering lasted several minutes, and didn’t stop until Duke jumped up on a table, and then it slowly died down, but didn’t completely stop until he began speaking.

  “Lexi has privileges in the back of the clubhouse now, and she can bring her pepper spray in.” He looked at me. “If you start carrying another kind of weapon, Bubbles can let us know during church. It’ll probably be okay, but we’ll need to give the okay officially.” He looked around the room again, and his gaze seemed to land on someone. “I usually do this next part, but Matty asked for the floor, so…”

  “Asked for it hell,” said Dawg. “The fucker begged for it.”

  The room laughed, but went silent again when Matty jumped up on a different table. “Lexi needs a name, and Bubbles has informed me she’s his half-pint, so we need something else. Since Harmony is already Buttercup, I hereby name Lexi Blossom, and that gives us the entire Power—”

  “Boy!” Razor’s voice boomed loud, and Matty stopped talking. “You call Bubbles a girl, I might let him belt your ass a dozen strikes before I finish you off.”

  Duke raised his beer and met my gaze. “To Blossom. With your hair and personality, the name more than fits. You’re good for Bubbles and we’re glad you’re here.”

  The entire room repeated, “To Blossom!”

  Bubbles stuck a beer in my hand, and I drank with them.

  We ate, and then we cut the cake, and we all drank — a lot. Etta had told me shapeshifters don’t get drunk unless they do a lot of shots one after another, and I watched to try to figure out which ol’ladies were shapeshifters and which were human. Harmony had to be something, because she drank at least a dozen Long Island iced teas and wasn’t the least bit sloppy.

  I had two beers before and during dinner, and then another one after. A fourth one would’ve been too much with school the next day, so I switched to lemonade. At nine-thirty, Duke jumped on a table again, and the room quieted.

  “Lexi and Bubbles are going to go into the conference room with everyone wearing a cut. Some of the brothers will be taking their ol’ladies in, but not all. We’ll all be back out shortly. Enjoy the food and what’s left of the cake!”

  I had no idea what was about to happen, and I was a little worried, but I shouldn’t have been. It turns out, this was when I found out what everyone was. Duke sent the wolves to one end of the room, and then the others gathered in little groups and told me what they were.

  Gabby is a bunny rabbit, and Horse is a fucking grizzly bear. I was speechless over that one. Nix was with the wolves, but he told me, “Tabby gave me permission to tell you she’s a deer, and to explain that’s why she isn’t often in the clubhouse when everyone’s there. It’s overwhelming for her.”

  And then there were the humans — Gen, Bethany, Nickie, Matty.

  Bubbles had stood me on the conference room table so I could see everyone, and now he lifted me off and put his arm around me. “Everyone still in the main room either doesn’t know about shapeshifters, or only knows what a few of us are, but not all. Your binding will stop you from talking about stuff in front of them, but you should try to keep it from having to.”

  I nodded, and then was overwhelmed when every person in the room formed a line and hugged me before walking out.

  It felt like a wedding line or something, and when I considered what the vest meant — that I was part of Bubbles’ family now — it kinda was.

  Texas and Sparkie were the last to leave. I’d met them and talked to them while we ate, but now it seemed more personal.

  “Even more than the MC family, you’re one of mine now,” said Sparkie. “We’ll see you at the run this weekend, but Bubbles needs to bring you to Atlanta for a weekend, and soon, so you can be a guest in our home. I know you have a sister here, and I hope we get to meet her.” At my look, she answered the question in my head. “Yes, I know who and what she is, and if she can get off for a weekend, she’ll be welcome to come with ya’ll and be a guest in my home as well. Your family is my fa

  “You haven’t met my mother.”

  She laughed. “Maybe so, and it’s possible I won’t like her, but she’s still family.”

  “I don’t see my foster family anymore. I mean, they were great while I was there, but then it’s like…I don’t know. They help a lot of kids, but I think we’re just all on our own once we age out.”

  “That’s too bad, and I’m sorry. We only help the occasional kid, the ones brought in who’re shapeshifters, and we’ve never had two at a time. Most shapeshifter families are tight, and someone is there to pick up the strays.” She reached up and brushed her fingers through Bubbles’ hair. “I’m thankful Bubbles came into our life. I’m proud of the man he’s become.” She met my gaze. “He went to prison because he did the right thing. Too bad society couldn’t see that.”

  When she saw I didn’t know what she was talking about, she glared at Bubbles. “She don’t know the story when you bring her to me, I’ll tell her.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yes, ma’am.”

  My mouth dropped open and Texas guffawed.

  “I like you already, little lady. Bubbles tells us you have a bedtime on school nights and he’s not givin’ you a pass tonight, but you’re gonna do the Texas two-step with me before he takes you off to bed.”

  “I don’t know how to do that.”

  “It ain’t hard. We’ll learn you. Bubbles and Sparkie’ll dance beside us and demonstrate.”

  I looked up at Bubbles. “You can dance?”

  He sighed, and I laughed and told Texas, “I clearly need to spend more time with ya’ll if I want to get to know him better.”

  Texas ordered a slow country song and walked me through the steps, which were super easy, but then Sparkie started showing me how to add turns and shit, and suddenly the music changed to something faster and Texas was twirling me around the floor. I’d never experienced anything like it, and before long Bud and Nickie, Bubbles and Sparkie, Brain and Harmony, and Dozer with one of the sweetbutts were dancing with us, all doing the Texas two-step with their own flare while the room clapped and stomped.


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