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Page 27

by Candace Blevins

  “She asked for this,” Bubbles spoke softly into my ear, reminding me. He was right, of course. She’d hated having to be still for it, just as I did. I began to understand why Bubbles wanted me to take it without being bound. This seemed crueler from this side, despite the fact the actual cruelty was when you had to be still and take it.

  The five sharp strikes hit one after another, and Cindy’s screams were shrill and loud. When McGyver finished, he turned and watched the clock. I paid attention, and realized he gave her exactly sixty seconds before he gave her the next five, despite the fact she hadn’t yet recovered from the first set. He did this four times, and turned his back on her while he put his belt back on and fastened it.

  She was bawling her eyes out, but no one comforted her.

  Meanwhile, Duke pulled a leather strop off the wall. I’d always assumed it was there so they could hone their knives, but no — it was for whipping women. It was two or three inches wide and a foot long, including the handle, and it was made of layers of leather.

  Duke didn’t hit fast, one after another, but he only gave about ten seconds in between, and he hit so much harder than McGyver had. Cindy’s bottom was already bruising from the first thirty licks, and Duke’s strikes had to be impossible to handle. I was certain Bubbles had never struck me that hard.

  Duke made her kiss the strap when he finished, and he looked back to Dawg. “Twenty minutes in the corner to show off her ass, then settle her in downstairs.”

  I jerked a little when Bubbles stood with me in his arms, but I relaxed back into them when I realized he was probably taking me to bed.

  “And with that, I believe it’s time to take my Half-pint to the back. No idea whether she’ll be in any shape for company when I finish with her, so say goodnight!”

  Everyone laughed and yelled either goodnight or have fun or something comparable, and I buried my face in Bubbles’ chest, horny as fuck. I desperately hoped he’d give me as many orgasms as I wanted. Sometimes he keeps them just at bay, sometimes he gives me lots. I didn’t have a handle on his mood enough to even try to guess.

  As soon as we reached his room, he settled me on the bed and started taking my clothes off. “You liked that.”

  It wasn’t a question, but I answered anyway. “I never want that to happen to me, but watching it was hot. It wouldn’t have been if she’d been forced, but knowing she was choosing to accept it was…” Heated blood pulsed in my clit, and I nearly shuddered from the memory of the sound of the belt on her flesh.

  He slid my pants and panties off, tossed them to the side. I lifted my arms so he could take my shirt off, and then lowered them so he could remove my bra.

  “On your knees on the bed.”

  He unfastened his belt and started working on his zipper, and I turned around and went to knees and chest.

  “No, Lex. Oral training first. Knees. Not knees and chest.”

  I turned to look at him, confused.

  “I haven’t been bad!”

  “Blow jobs aren’t just for bad girls. Training when you aren’t in trouble will be more fun. In fact, go back to knees and chest for a minute, before we get started.”


  * * *

  I’d bought a vibrating butt plug, along with some other fun goodies, and had them delivered here. I dug my knife out of my pocket and opened packages until I found the one with the vibrating plug.

  I warmed her up so she’d be able to take the plug, and slid it in without too much drama. As soon as it was in, I turned it on low, and suppressed a chuckle when she moaned and wiggled her cute little ass.

  “Okay, Half-pint. Whirl around and give me your mouth.”

  It turns out, her gag reflex nearly goes away if you get her horny enough. She’d need to learn to handle me at other times, too, but once she was worked up, I buried myself a few inches in her throat without shrinking myself too terribly much.

  And fuck, her tongue on the shaft while my head was buried in her throat was damned heaven.

  I had to use every ounce of my self-control to stay in her throat thirty seconds without moving. I managed it five times and decided it was enough to call it a training session. When I could finally fuck her face, I was rougher with her than I’ve ever been, but she kept her hands behind her and thrived on it instead of acting like I was killing her.

  It probably didn’t hurt that I turned the vibe on high for that part.

  I didn’t want to push her too far, so I pulled out and ordered her to knees and chest. My voice sounded gruffer than I intended, but she didn’t seem to mind. I took the plug out, stuck my cock in, and sank in at normal width — a helluva lot wider than the plug I’d just taken out.

  While my beautiful, tiny Half-pint cried, screamed, and insisted it was too much — she pushed back on me, wanting more, and more. Her scent clearly told me it was a good hurt, and I plunged in, pulled out, and then went to town.

  I knew she was close, but I also knew she wouldn’t be able to handle this much after she came, so I didn’t let her play with herself and I didn’t work to get her off.

  Finally, when I was close, I ordered her to play with herself, and then barely managed to hold on when her orgasm grabbed her and threw her around the bed under me. Finally, it was time for me to empty myself into her, and fuck, I thought my balls turned inside out when I came.

  I may have only managed to get half my length in her, but I was full size, and I pounded the fuck out of her ass.

  “You aren’t a virgin back there anymore, sweetheart.” I sucked air into my lungs and collapsed beside her. I’m never out of breath, but her ass had done me in.

  “You weren’t all the way in. I didn’t feel your body against me.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You took me at full thickness.”

  She sighed and snuggled into me. “I’m not sleepy anymore. I feel energized instead of tired. Can we go somewhere? I want to be out in the night.”

  “You have your first self-defense class at noon, and then you work from four until ten, right?”

  “I can sleep in tomorrow morning, and I’ll have all day Sunday for homework.”

  I chuckled. “Wasn’t sayin’ no, just thinking of our schedules. Want to go for a ride? We could hit a club, or maybe get something to eat.”

  “A ride would be nice, maybe across the ridge? I bet the city lights are beautiful, looking down from up there.”



  * * *

  Two weeks later, we left for Atlanta the second I got out of class on a Friday, with the hope we could make it to Texas and Sparkie’s house before traffic was terrible.

  And he still hadn’t told me exactly what happened to send him to jail. When I’d pointed it out to him the day before, he’d just said, “Sparkie will tell you whatever she thinks is appropriate, and I don’t mind you knowing, but I’m never going to speak the words out loud. There are people who know what happened, but I’ve never told anyone and I don’t see that changin’.”

  I’m not sure what kind of house I expected them to live in, but it wasn’t the upper-middle-class home in the middle of a super-nice neighborhood I saw when we parked.

  However, everything fell into place when we walked in and the place looked like Alabama and Texas had argued over how to decorate a house, and Alabama had won, but then Texas had secretly accessorized — complete with what I hoped was an armadillo statue in the corner, but worried it used to be alive and had been visited upon by an evil taxidermist. And I say evil because it wasn’t one armadillo, it was two, and they appeared to be having sex.

  Bubbles laughed when he saw what I was looking at. “That’s new. Sparkie’ll find a way to send it to the garage. You aren’t likely to see it again.”

  “The hell she won’t. I won those armadillos in a card game and I couldn’t be prouder. It’s too humid in the garage for them. She sends them outa the house and she’ll feel my cattle prod in places she don’t want to.”

  I felt my eyes go
wide, but I couldn’t stop them.

  “Don’t look at me all bug-eyed, darlin’,” Texas said with a smirk. “We all heard you gettin’ your little bottom spanked. You know the drill.”

  “Watch your mouth!” Sparkie said, coming down the steps. “She may not know about the many perverted uses of electricity! She’s still a baby!”

  I looked at Bubbles in alarm, but he only grinned and kissed my forehead. “It’s kind of crazy here. You’ll get used to it.” He stepped forward, smothered Texas in a hug, and told him, “It’s good to be home.” He was gentler when he hugged Sparkie, but I still saw the emotion. “Miss you guys, but I had to make the move.”

  “We know you did,” Sparkie told him, rubbing his back. “We’re due at the clubhouse in an hour and a half. Take your stuff upstairs and get settled in. We have all weekend to catch up, and Lexi’s probably tired — she isn’t used to long rides yet.”

  I really wasn’t. My hips were sore, and my lower back was stiff. When the club rides, they stop a lot, and they take it easy, and there usually aren’t a million huge tractor-trailer-trucks barreling all around us. I hadn’t enjoyed the ride down at all.

  Bubbles looked at me and back to Sparkie. “We’ll leave early enough Sunday we can take old-forty-one back up. I was in a hurry to get here, but we might’ve been better in the truck.”

  I stretched out on the bed while Bubbles went to the bathroom, and I must’ve fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, he was waking me with a glass of Coke and a straw.

  He’d bought me this light-clock thing at home. The light started coming on gradually, and took thirty minutes to light the room before the sound went off. I was usually awake before the sound, but the trick was, he’d put it across the room, so I had to get up to turn it off before the horrid sound shrilled through the room. Once I got used to it, waking up wasn’t so bad. I mean, I still hated having to get up, but it brought me out of sleep slowly instead of just jarring me from somewhere else.

  But now, I felt as if I’d been jarred awake, and I couldn’t even figure out where we were.

  He put the straw in my mouth and said, “Drink, sweetheart. You’ll be okay. Give it a minute.”

  Sure enough, a few minutes later everything came into focus. I looked at the clock, then found the mirror and looked at my hair. It was a mess, and so was my makeup. “How much time do I have?”

  “Twenty-five minutes.”

  I nodded. “It’ll be tight, but I should be able to make it. Sorry I fell asleep.”

  “No, you needed it, and we’ll be out late tonight. The party’s to welcome me home and for everyone to meet you, so we won’t be able to leave early. You slept an hour, and you needed the rest.”

  My heart sank into my gut. “Are you happy in Chattanooga? Are you going to want to move back here?”

  “I’m happy wherever you are, Half-pint. Your sister’s in Chattanooga and I know how close you are. I moved up there because I didn’t fit here anymore. Too much had changed, and I kept trying to make it the same in my head. Lots of my friends had started a new chapter, so it made sense to follow them. This is my old home, Chattanooga’s my new one. I’m gonna want to visit my old one, but I live in the new one. Now, stop worryin’ and get your ass ready.”

  “My ass is ready, it’s my hair and face that aren’t.”

  Our evening was crazy and hectic, but I already knew enough people so it wasn’t like I walked in a stranger. I had fun, and I was so far past drunk when we left, Bubbles asked someone to take me home in their car. He put me in, followed us on his bike, and then carried me upstairs at Texas and Sparkie’s house.

  Parts of Friday night are hazy, but nothing can make me forget the wild fuck Bubbles gave me when he finally got me to bed.

  I don’t usually get hangovers, but I wasn’t up for breakfast Saturday morning. No headache, and I never puked, but that’s only because I didn’t have anything on my stomach to come up. Sparkie made me some ginger tea, and it actually helped.

  Texas and Bubbles got dressed and left, and Bubbles didn’t tell me where they were going when I asked — just kissed me, told me to behave, and he was out the door. I looked at Sparkie in bewilderment, and she smiled. “It’s just you and me today, and I’m lookin’ forward to it. I’m sorry your sister couldn’t make the trip down.”

  Bubbles had told me I could talk to Sparkie about anything, so I took a breath and told her what I hadn’t had the nerve to talk to the ol’ladies in Chattanooga about.

  “When my family comes to Atlanta, we stay with our friends in The Bluff.”

  I waited for her to take in what I was saying. The Bluff is Atlanta’s heaviest crime district, and where people go to buy drugs.

  Sparkie gave a slow nod, putting it all together. “Makes sense. I know who and what your mother is. She’s worked her way up so the cartel trusts her, and there’s no tellin’ how high her contacts go. She’s been in the business forever, so everyone trusts her.” She looked at me a few seconds. “Any conflicts of interest I need to know about?”

  I shook my head. “I’m not in the family business, but my mama and sister are black, and I may be able to pass for white, but I feel black. I grew up black. Last night, listening to the club talk about the war brewing over territories, it kinda sounded like a black versus white thing, and even though the MC has had problems with the Playas at home, I’ve never felt like it was about skin color up there.”

  “It’s about alliances, and it’s too bad Atlanta alliances so often break down by race, but they do. We have every major race except Asian in our local chapter, and that’s only because we’ve never had one prospect in. No one’s ever turned away because of race, and with the changes Razor and Matty brought to Chattanooga, and now with Bud and Nickie…” She stopped abruptly and seemed to change directions. “We’ve accepted you. You’re one of us no matter what race you decide to identify as.”

  She leaned forward and put her hand on my knee. “Leave your phone up here. We need to go to the basement to have a talk.”

  Something didn’t sound right about that, but she gave me a stern look when I didn’t comply, and said, “No electronic devices for the conversation we’re about to have. I know Brain takes care of everyone’s phones up there like Shadow does for us, but we all know there’s always a chance someone’s listenin’ in.”

  I put my phone beside hers and followed her down some stairs, through a large den, into a bedroom, into a closet, and then into a gun safe hidden behind the back wall of the closet.

  Gun safe isn’t the right word. This was an entire room full of guns and ammo. Sparkie pushed the door closed and nodded towards the chairs around the worktable in the center of the room. “I have music playing outside the room, and no one can hear us in here — even if the FBI is parked outside the house with all their toys, they can’t hear into this room.”

  She took a breath, looked at her nails, rubbed what looked like a rough spot, and started her story.

  “One of the sweetbutts was raped by…” She sighed. “It’s a long story. The short version is that it was her neighbor’s son, and he’d been in prison a while and just got out. He saw her, wanted her, raped her. She ended up in the hospital, which meant cops, but there was plenty of evidence to convict him.” She fiddled with her nails again before she went on. “The one time we needed the criminal justice system to work, it didn’t. His lawyer got some of the evidence thrown out, and then the arresting officer got fired for bein’ on the take, and the whole thing got dropped. We didn’t even know he’d been released, and he went home and raped her again. Nearly killed her.”

  She stared at the table a good two minutes, but I gave her time. Finally she asked, “Do you know what the enforcer’s job is?”

  I shrugged. “No one’s ever defined it for me, but I’ve been around…” It wouldn’t do for me to compare the MC to a gang. I started over. “I assume they do whatever it takes to enforce the word of the president, or to enforce whatever the club votes on.�
� I remembered that Bash seemed to be the lead scary guy, and added, “Or to follow through on whatever the Sergeant-at-Arms says needs to be done.”

  “Smart girl. The club voted the man had to die. Bubbles was burying the body when…” Her shoulders slumped. “Just a fluke. A team from the tech college in town was testing a new drone they were designing for the military — super quiet with night vision and infrared. They got perfect images of Bubbles with the body, and of the MC’s van and license tag. He heard something, but it was a half-mile away — and so quiet he thought it was farther away. The team submitted the footage to the police.”

  “I found news articles online, but they didn’t mention the fact the man had raped someone.”

  “The judge suppressed that, somethin’ about not demonizin’ the victim. It came out in court even though it wasn’t supposed to, but it never made it into the news.” She blew out a breath. “The attorney came up with a plan to say Bubbles had gone to the man’s house to have a talk with him about the second rape, found him dead, and then worried the cops would try to say Bubbles killed him, so he decided to bury the body and disappear him, because no one would be surprised about the asshole deciding to leave town after he raped again.”

  Her voice became more matter-of-fact. “There’s no statute of limitations on murder, and the way the judge ruled, they could try him again if more facts come to light. Ain’t supposed to work that way, but the law is stacked against...” She gave a bitter laugh. “I’m preachin’ to the choir, ain’t I?”

  I shrugged. “What happened to his parents?”

  “His dad was in the military. Killed in the whole Beirut mess while Bubbles was still a baby. His mom was human, but an uncle took over the wolf stuff and worked the boy through his first year after he changed.” She shrugged. “He did a good job. We didn’t have to help him control his wolf too much. Mainly just needed to aim him in the right direction. The, ummm… supernatural leader in Atlanta…” She stopped and took a breath. “He tried to send Bubbles to the local Alpha, but Bubbles’ uncle had been so adamant about him never joining the Pack, the boy kept runnin’ away, which is how he ended up with us.”


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