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Branded Mage

Page 13

by D. W.

  His bladder full, Thad stood to make his way to the latrine when the room started to spin. He tried to catch himself as his legs buckled, but all he accomplished was knocking the blond soldier from her chair and landing on top of her.


  The next morning, Thad woke to his head screaming far worse than it ever had when he had overused his magic. Afraid of what he would find Thad opened his eyes slowly. He was relieved to find that he was asleep in his own bed and that Eloen was still snoring soundly in hers. He was in a state of undress but his clothes were haphazardly thrown on the floor giving him hope that he had disrobed himself.

  Thad slipped out of his bed quietly his stomach vehemently protesting his every move and dressed quickly. He knew he must have smelled like a winery but the inn offered no bathing facilities for men, and he wasn’t about to walk into the women’s baths. He would have to settle with a bird bath out of a basin of cold water. Thad opened the door, trying to keeping it from creaking.

  His efforts paid off and he was able to escape from the room without waking Eloen. The hallway was empty and Thad figured it must be much earlier in the day than he first thought. The main room had only a handful of people scattered around at tables eating a delicious smelling breakfast. The aroma reaching his nose was tantalizing and any thought of eating made his stomach flip-flop.

  The auburn haired lady that had greeted them the evening before was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a much younger lady stood behind the counter. She was slightly taller than him with long light black hair that almost looked pale gray in the dim light. She wore a smile on her young face that looked as natural as leaves on a tree. Upon seeing him approach the counter her face didn’t contort into disdain as it had on most the women he had come across in Tremon, but held its enchanting smile.

  “What can I do for you today?” She said in a high pitched bubbly voice that sent spirals of pain coursing through his head. Thad tried to smile though his discomfort but was unable to keep the charade up for long. The young lady looked at him with true concern in her face. “Are you ok sir?”

  “Yes I’m fine thank you, a little too much to drink last night. I was wondering if I could get a basin of water to take back to my room so I could get washed up before I get back on the road." Thad said holding his head in an attempt to keep the room from spinning.

  The young lady looked at him for a moment her face echoing her confusion then a slightly baleful grin replaced her smile. “Oh! So you’re the man that gave my mother such a fright last night. Well good for you, I keep telling her that she shouldn’t teat people in such a manner male or not. As for the basin if you want I could have a bath brought to your room along with some hot water.”

  “That would be wonderful. I’m in the second to last room on the left. I better head back before I dirty your floor. Thank you.” Thad said trying to return her smile and faring poorly at it.

  After hitting the latrine, Thad made his way back to the room. A score of slaves were already passing him in the hall carrying steaming buckets of water to his room. Eloen was still in bed but was holding her cover over her head moaning lightly.

  Once everyone had vacated the room Eloen slipped the covers from her face. Her hair was a mess and her face was an off shade of green. “Are you trying to punish me for something? Having a horde of people burst into the room making more noise than I would hear on a battlefield?”

  Thad couldn’t help but laugh at the way she kept bringing her hand up to her head and swaying slightly as she tried to sit up in the bed. She returned his laugh with a hastily thrown pillow that landed far from its mark only earning a few more laughs from Thad. It was funny, but the whole thing also made his head throb as if a small man was inside trying to break out with a large hammer.

  Though he was worried about the consequences of undressing in front of Eloen, the nauseating smell coming from his own body was enough to make up his mind. After a few brief moments of indecision he shimmied out of his clothing and settled down into the bath. The water was hotter than he normally liked, but it was far better than washing out of a basin of freezing water in the brisk morning air.

  Closing his eyes Thad let the water envelop him. He felt the water rise and heard as Eloen joined him in the bath. Cursing silently to himself he squeezed his eyes tight and fought the growing urge to open them.

  Opening one of his eyes, he quickly scanned the small table that had been set up next to the bath for the soap. He couldn’t find it, but the slight whistling coming from in front of him told him where it had gone. He turned to Eloen, happy to see that she had emerged deep enough that only her face showed above the water. In her hand she held the small bar of lye soap her face showing her enjoyment of the current situation.

  After a little teasing she handed over the soap and Thad quickly washed himself. After weeks on the road with no chance to clean himself properly Thad had to scrub hard to get the dirt that matted his hair and clung to every crease of his body. Once finished he handed the soap back to Eloen and looked around for his chance to escape.

  Thad soon gave up on escaping without being seen and let out an audible sigh. “Would you please close your eyes for a second?”

  Eloen let out a low giggle raking her eyes over him with a very amused look on her face. “Getting a little shy now? Here I was thinking that after last night some of your prudishness would have worn off.”

  The playful tone of her words let him know in no uncertain terms that he would get no privacy. Then as if slapped hard he remembered that he could still use magic. He wasn’t sure how magic would help him escape. He doubted that Eloen would fall for his disappearing trick. As he looked around the room for a clue of what to do he noticed the steam that was steadily rising from the hot water.

  It was simple really, he felt like an idiot for not thinking of it before. Non-tangible illusions were easy and caused very little strain even in his weekend state he should be able to pull it off with little effort. Focusing he went to work and slowly the room began to fill with a dense fog. Once he could no longer see Eloen through his magically created cover, he sprang from the tub and rushed to his clothing hitting his toe against one of the tables.

  When the fog cleared Thad was still hastily pulling his tunic over his head. He could hear Eloen laughing. She was probably enjoying the spectacle of him hoping around in a hurry to save his shattered dignity. Once dressed Thad grabbed his belongings and ran for the door to a gale of laughter from his female companion. Not even taking the time to look back Thad left the room shutting the door hard behind him.

  In the main dining hall, Thad found his other two female companions sitting at a table. He wasn’t sure if they would mind his company, but figured it was worth the risk. “Good morning Bonnie.” Thad said, giving the lanky blond a nervous smile. “It is nice to see you again Alice.” He said, bowing to the short brunet who was well muscled even compared to the men.

  “I see our drunken mage has sobered up. I must say, you gave quite the show last night. Though I would suggest next time you pick something other than frogs floating around the room. How about next time you try some birds. They are much more pleasing to the eye.” Bonnie said giving him a quirky smile.

  Thad sunk down in his chair covering his face with his hands. Had he really done that, he tried to remember but the night before was hazy with only a few clear moments. He knew he had danced with Alice at some point in the night as well as a few other women who he had never met before, but as to his antics with his magic nothing came to mind.

  Eloen joined them a short time later wearing her normal battle leathers with her hair pulled up into a tight ponytail. As they ate the three girls talked about any and everything that they thought would bring a blush to his face and succeeded more often than not.

  After the meal, the four made their way down the cobblestone sidewalk that ran in front of all the buildings. The condition of the road as well as the buildings slowly started to degrade. They finally stopped in fr
ont of one of the better looking buildings. It had a gray slat roof that only had a few holes. The walls were made of dreary light brown bricks that were chipped in many areas, but it looked like it would still hold off the cold for the most part. As bad as it was it was still much better than the buildings next to it. One had rooms that were all but nonexistent, and its north wall had a massive hole in it. The other ones roof seemed to be in decent repair but its walls had holes dotting the entire building. In some parts it only looked as if the boards that had been placed to stave off the cold were holding it up.

  The rest of their group slowly began to amble out of the building most of them looking as if they had spent their night on the hard ground instead of a soft bed. He was quickly greeted by his friends as well as his keeper, Captain Harmon who situated himself right next to the young mage. No one said much as they formed up and marched out of the town but Thad could almost hear a collective sigh of relief from everyone as they passed the threshold of the gates leading out of town.

  Thad was slightly anxious. It was only a two day ride through the narrow canyon that led to Southpass Fort. In the spring one could make the trip in little under a day but with the snow still blanketing the canyon floor traveling was slow and often tedious.

  The farther they went into the canyon the faster the temperature dropped. He was suddenly very happy for the pair of woolen underclothes he had gotten back in the duchy, even though they still offered little help against the biting wind that arbitrarily tore through the canyon. Even with his cloak wrapped tightly around his body, his face and hands were still exposed and were quickly turning red. Looking around he noticed that the others had brought thick gloves as well as hooded cloaks lined in fur to keep them from the cold. Cursing his own lack of foresight Thad tried to use his magic as a buffer against the cold.

  At first Thad had tried to build a wall around him. Much like a shield but to stop the wind, while it worked it also made it impossible to breath after a few moments. His second attempt he tried to block out just the fast moving wind but it still only helped to keep the worst off him. Finally he tried to mix up the first one while also trying to make a barrier that would hold the heat in. It took a while but slowly he was able to tell the deference. It wasn’t a huge strain on him but after a couple of hours the sweat on his brow started to drip increasingly. When his heat shield failed the cold wind ripped through him making him shiver as it raked across his sweat soaked body.

  When they finally stopped for the night, Thad could see the faint light in the distance that he assumed was Southpass Fort. It didn’t look like it was far away but even a small distance seemed impossible as the snow was now almost knee-high.

  Everyone was eerily quiet around the campfire that night. The meal was splendid steaks that Eloen had seasoned to perfection. He wasn’t sure when she had the time to pick it up while they were in town but was happy that she had.

  Everyone seemed apprehensive each doing their own unique preparations for what they may await them in the morning. Darryl oiled his favorite and most worn battle harness. Ballard used a whetstone on his sword even though it did no good to the magic imbued blade. Eloen simply sat watching everyone as she organized her pack.

  Everyone else went about their own routine as if no one else was there. Alden sat down beside him patting his softly on the shoulder. “Tomorrows the big day we are finally going to reach Southpass. Are you ready for it?”

  “It’s not like the battle is going to start tomorrow I don’t think even the Ablaians are dumb enough to try and force a march against defended battlements in this snow.” Thad said solemnly.

  “That’s true but whether the Ablaians show up tomorrow or next year when we arrive at Southpass Fort we will be there for war no matter when it comes. The second you lose that mindset is the moment you will find yourself in trouble. Complacency kills more soldiers than the enemy alone.”

  Thad understood what Alden was saying. If he wasn’t constantly prepared for the war to start then when it did he might find himself with his pants around his ankles. He wasn’t a born soldier and didn’t relish the thought of having to kill a fellow human, but if he didn’t get it in his mind that it was going to happen and soon he might not be able to act when the time came.

  As he lay down to sleep, his mind warred with itself on what he should be doing. Part of him wanted to run. He wanted to leave Farlan and everything with it far behind him. The other part wanted to help protect his fellow travelers, the soldiers who he had grown to care for as much as he would if they were natural brothers born of his own blood.

  “Why couldn’t life ever be simple? What I wouldn’t give just to be able to wake up go to work the fields then go home to an enjoyable meal, like I had on Joan’s farm. Why did I ever leave that place?” Thad asked to himself.

  He knew the answer. Joan’s didn’t have the excitement that he had craved. He had dreamed of being a great mage hailed by all those around him, but truth was far different than what he had dreamed about. He wasn’t an all-powerful mage, he could barely do a quarter of what he knew was possible. He had no clue how to defeat an army but here he was war knocking on the door and he was headed to answer its deadly call.


  Southpass Fort was a massive compound with walls that spanned nearly two thousand feet wide and fifteen feet thick. The gates were made of layers of hard wood that were banded in iron with three massive tree sized planks that held it closed. The wall was at least fifty foot tall with shielded battlements that soldiers patrolled constantly.

  Inside the fort there were large barracks that housed over five thousand troops. The armory was huge. It held supplies for ten times the number of soldiers. There were also small stalls that had been set up but were currently abandoned, most likely to be used again when the trading season started up again.

  Thad stared in awe as he looked at the sheer size of everything. He had imagined a large wall but nothing on the scale of what he now saw. Eloen and Captain Harmon escorted him to the main command center, located at the center of the fort.

  Inside the command center they found a spry older soldier who was still well toned even though age was starting to show its effects on him. His body was still heavily muscled, but his hair held a shimmery sliver shine to it, and his eyes looked dull and cloudy.

  “Captain Calisaren, Captain Harmon, and Master Mage Torin reporting for duty to General Foreman.” Harmon said loudly, in a sharp crisp voice.

  The general looked them over them for a long time. The man’s piercing eyes made Thad uncomfortable. “Good to have you men with us. Captains, you may report to Captain Long. You should be able to find him in the training yard working with some of the younger troops.”

  The two captains snapped to a ridged stance placing their fists over their chests and turned around before leaving the office. With his friends gone, the general turned to him giving him his full attention.

  “Now Master Mage Torin was it? I got a messenger bird the other day about you from the queen. Don’t know what I did for the gods to grace me with the likes of you when we are in such dire straits, but I am happy to have you here. Now as much as I’d like to start barking orders at you, I wouldn’t know where to start. Magic is a little outside my knowledge, so for the most part, if you need something ask for it. If you think you can do something to help shore up our defenses ask about it first please. While it may seem like a good idea to you, we are more experienced in the art of war.”

  “Yes sir. If possible I will need a heated room to work in. Currently I do not know what I will be able to do to help you defensively, but I have some ideas if you want to discuss them.” Thad said stuttering nervously.

  “No need to be nervous son. Oh, and none of that sir nonsense. You are a civilian as far as I’m concerned so I would be happy if you would address me as either General or Trent. My day is pretty much open and I could use a distraction from the normal monotony I face around here.” Trent said giving him a friendly smile.<
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  The two men talked late into the day. The General was very interested in what Thad could do with his enchantments. At the end of the day Trent ordered Thad to be given a room in the armory so that he could start work on enchanting the weapons. He also sent one of his men into Tremon to get a large shipment of cat’s eye gems, crystals, and a glass blower. It would take about five to eight days before the soldier would be able to return with the needed supplies and with only a handful of his own gems left there would be little he could do until they arrived.

  One thing they both agreed to was him magically enhancing the wood, steel, and even the stone of the wall so that even if they found a giant to knock on the fortress it wouldn’t so much as chip.

  Thad dined with the general that evening. He enjoyed the man’s company enormously. He was an intelligent soldier with more knowledge of battles than Thad thought he could amass in a life time. He had served in two prior Ablaian attacks, and both times had distinguished himself with his foresight and planning. He still wore his Slave brand of the queen proudly, although it had been covered by his hair when Thad had first met him.

  After the meal Trent poured them each a glass of bittersweet blackberry wine. It was much like the wine had been when he was in Tremon. With the memory of his last encounter with such a wine still fresh in his mind, Thad made sure to only lightly sip his drink. His hesitancy got a hearty laugh from the older man.

  “Now we have to figure where you should bunk. I could put you in the barracks with the soldiers, but I doubt you would be able to get much rest or planning done there. We don’t have any officer barracks available at the moment even your friends have to share. I do have a spare room in the command building, but only if you wouldn’t mind having to put up with a nosey old man from time to time.” Trent said cheerfully.


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