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Lost Boys Academy (Book Two: Distraction)

Page 6

by Aaron Ferrara

  Mason turned cherry red in the face, thinking to himself if people even used the word "glamorous" anymore.

  “Hardly," Jake continued. "They haven't had a hit in a few years. All they've done lately is commercials and straight-to-DVD crap."

  "Oh." Mason looked down. “Well, still, they're on TV! That's incredible!"

  "Yeah, I guess it is." Jake flashed a smile full of pearly-white teeth.

  Mason began to get that feeling again as he met eyes with the ever-handsome Jake. His beauty was ever-present, which made it hard to concentrate, and he never really met with him one-on-one until this point, but it was going far better than he expected.

  "Can I confess something, Jake?"

  "Of course," Jake ran a hand through his hair.

  "Please don't take this the wrong way, but when I first got here, I was so scared to talk to you. You seemed like one of those people who was all about themselves." He looked down, scratching his arm nervously.

  "Ha!" Jake guffawed. "Everyone is all about themselves. We live in a very, vain world, Mason, but I get what you mean. People tell me all the time that I'm intimidating." He scooted closer to Mason.

  A chill ran up Mason's leg as Jake's brushed into it gently. The electricity was too much for him to handle, and he forced himself to shift his direction as all of the fibers of his body tingled.

  “But, you see," Jake went on, "I'm just a normal guy when you talk to me. Not just an actor, but a real, everyday, obtainable dude.

  Mason couldn't tell if this was Jake coming on to him, or if it was just his own perverted thoughts playing tricks on him. He had nothing to offer a hottie like Jake. He pushed up his thick-rimmed glasses as they were falling due to him looking to the floor.

  "I still can't believe that you're on TV,” Mason changed the subject.

  "Was, is the key word you’re missing,” Jake corrected. “But, I'll be back on soon…just as soon as I get out of here."

  "Why did your parents send you here?"

  "You see, when they fell in a rut with their careers, they started to dig into my money. I was the big success, and I was only in high school." Jake turned to Mason with a smile on his face, as if reliving the glory days. "Dude, it was amazing. I gotta say, being known. No, being famous is the best high in the world."

  "Wow," Mason followed Jake's gaze, clearly more intrigued and in awe than ever.

  "But," Jake continued, "Then I turned eighteen. I asked my parents where all my money was, and apparently, it was tied up in the house. I had no ground to stand on, and now I have nowhere to go. So, when Cam out-ed me in order to save himself, I was left thrown to the wolves."

  "And that's how you ended up here." Mason pieced together.

  "Yep," Jake sighed. “But, like I said, I'll be outta here soon, back on TV to earn some more cash. And this time, it's all mine."

  There was a long pause before Mason spoke. "Sometimes I don't know how I ended up here."

  "Whaddya mean?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

  "I mean, my grandmother just sent me here after she caught me looking at a guy. How did she know I, when I didn't even know myself?"

  "Hah!" Jake snorted. "Trust me. You know if you're into dudes. Even if you are a virgin."

  "But how?" Mason persisted. "I've never been with a guy, or a girl. So how do you know for sure?"

  Jake creeped closer to Mason. "I can appreciate a beautiful girl, just the way a straight guy can appreciate an attractive guy. The difference is sexual; it's how they make you feel."

  "Oh...?" Mason adjusted his glasses nervously, bracing himself.

  Jake's eyelids became heavy, almost seductive as he elaborated on the subject. "For example, when I see an attractive guy, I immediately notice his eyes. There's something so sexy about a guy that has darkness in his eyes, like he wants to take control over you. Thick, masculine eyebrows are a huge plus for me.

  Mason began to grow increasingly squeamish. Jake slowly moved closer as he continued.

  “Then, you begin to notice his tight body. Depending on what you're into, you'll check out his ass, or you'll notice a nice bulge in his pants. You'll start to imagine what he's packing under those fitted jeans."

  "I think I got the point." Mason scooted further away.

  Jake sheepishly smiled. "Nobody is going to punish you for being curious, Mason. If you ever need help deciding, I'm here for you."

  "Thanks," Mason blushed. "But I'm pretty sure you've helped me realize enough."

  “Oh," Jake smirked, shamelessly peeking down at Mason's crotch.

  "I'm ready to make a change and get back home." Mason decided.

  "Are you? Cause something in your pants says otherwise,” Jake pointed out.

  "I'm sure,” Mason said with a slightly shaky voice. “And I know you can change, too. I believe you've been through a lot, and if anyone deserves to be happy, it's you."

  "Thanks," Jake accepted. Suddenly, his face became serious. "So, maybe you could help me out when I'm feeling weak then. You have any prayers or anything that could help, when I get that—“ Jake raised an eyebrow, "urge?"

  “Sure, I can! I can show you one later if you come by my room."

  "It's a date!" Jake exclaimed. "I mean, well, you know." Jake put a hand on Mason's leg and shook it playfully, then patted it.

  As Jake's masculine hands clenched around his leg, Mason could feel his whole being float. Just a touch from Jake sent electricity running through his leg, up his thigh. He pulled away coyly before his mind wandered into dangerous territory. He knew he was still weak.

  "You bet." Mason tried to match his enthusiasm awkwardly as his voice squeaked. “Sorry, Jake, I have to get going on my chat, but I'll see you tonight?"

  "Yep, totally understand." Jake lifted himself up, standing in a slanted, relaxed position with his hips pushed out. He stretched slyly, flexing his arms as his shirt lifted just enough to show off his flat stomach. "But first, let me help you with that."

  He slowly leaned into Mason. Mason felt him approach in slow-motion, inhaling the masculine aroma of body spray mixed with aftershave. It was intoxicating. Mason bit his lip to resist temptation as Jake reached over him. His arms canopied over him, causing Mason to become wrapped in a tent of hot, manly body. Jake fidgeted with the cord behind Mason, and slowly moved back to meet eyes with Mason.

  "You should be all good now,” he smiled. "Internet cable was unhooked."

  "Th-thanks." Mason stuttered.

  "No prob,” Jake winked before exiting the office.

  Mason sat in the chair, paralyzed. Jake's scent still lingered in the air as he calmed himself down after the overwhelmingly charged encounter. He shook his head, forcing himself to snap out of the inappropriate situation. He was moments away from chatting with his highly religious grandmother, and he knew it wasn't going to be easy. As his mind wandered to Jake, he was suddenly reminded of the talk he had with Jimmy the night before. He wished he could see him now; Jimmy was such a great person. He would know what to do, and he understood that he wanted to change, like himself.

  But the thought of Jimmy, Jake, and the things he had been through at the academy began to play tricks on him. Was he doing the right thing? Who was right: religion, or the guys? Religion was never there for him physically, but the friends he made at the Academy were. He had half a mind to tell his grandmother that he felt something for someone at the Academy, but he knew that wouldn't be welcomed at all.

  Mason sat in place, unsure of whether to call out for Jake, or let him go. Never had he been so confused in his life. The possibilities raced in his head as he awaited the call. Time ran short, and he had no idea what he wanted anymore.


  The laptop alarmingly rang out like a phone. Mason peered at the screen in angst, watching his grandmother's home phone number flash across, written in big numbers. He let his hand hover over the keyboard, ready to pick up the call, but something held him back.

  He really had no idea what he wanted anymo
re. Coming to the Academy had only tugged him further into two opposite directions. He was beginning to grow fond of the boys he had met at the Academy. He wondered why a God his grandmother spoke so fondly of would punish them. So many unanswered questions; but if he went to seek resolve, he would be shamed and told not to ask.

  A few more rings lapsed, and he wondered if he should even answer at all. What good could come of it?

  It wasn't long before the ringing stopped, and Mason still sat staring at a blank screen. He went to close the screen, but the ringing commenced yet again. He sighed deeply, and clicked the ‘answer’ icon.

  “Hello, dear!" Mason's grandmother shouted into the microphone, to his surprise.

  The last time they spoke, Mason was whisked off to the Academy, cheek still red and sore from the slap she struck upon him.

  “Hello, grandma." Mason greeted reluctantly.

  "What's the matter? You seem upset, are they treating you well?" She inquired, squinting at the screen.

  "I'm fine, I just—“

  "Good!" she interrupted. Mason's grandmother wasn't up-to-date on technology, so she unknowingly cut him off.

  "Are you eating something besides burgers and fancy burritos?"

  "Yes, I'm in good hands." Mason couldn't help but crack a smile.

  "I'm sorry I couldn’t be there in person, but you know how I am with airplanes,” she apologized.

  "It's ok, I understand."

  "Are you learning a lot? Do they have a good understanding of our lord?”

  Mason paused for a moment. He contemplated questioning her religion, as he was in a relatively safe environment. This may be his only chance to get a word in edgewise without having to suffer the consequences. "Grandma, I have something I need to ask you."

  "Hold on, dear, you're breaking up a bit." His grandmother adjusted the screen, fidgeting as it became slightly fuzzy and pixelated.

  Mason then saw an unfamiliar hand helping out his grandmother.

  "Who's that with you, grandma? I thought you were alone?"

  "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise," she began but was interrupted by a man in a black cloak taking over the screen.

  "Hello, Mason!" The priest exclaimed. "I have a surprise for you!"

  Mason's stomach dropped. He felt his breakfast coming up a little as he looked upon the eyes of the Catholic priest he had grown up with. He didn't want him to know where he was, but apparently, it was too late for that.

  "The priest turned swiveled the computer screen around the room, revealing a full house.

  The sight was overwhelming. Mason's heart raced and he had to catch himself from falling over as he scanned the scene before him. Among the astonishing amount of supporters were classmates, family members from out of town, and even a few people he didn’t recognize at all.

  Mason's eyes lit up. He didn't recognize the feeling coursing through him at that very moment. Support, togetherness, and anything related was all new to him. All his life, he was used to people not caring. He was the kid in the shadows, in the back of the classroom with eyes glued to the floor, desperately hoping he would not be called on by the teacher. Now, there were people he’d never even met before now showing him love and support.

  "This is what you're coming home to, angel,” Mason's grandmother beamed. "Look at all of the people who are rooting for you to conquer this."

  The overwhelming display had Mason nearly in tears. This was what he would be coming home to if he could kick the so-called destructive habits of homosexuality. He had a choice laid out in front of him. He could either learn to conquer his demons, and come home a hero, or give into his inner feelings, and learn to face an onslaught—an ongoing battle of fighting for something that nobody in the crowd understands or thinks to be right.

  The taste of salty bitterness filled Mason as his tear hit his lips. Suddenly, he was finished with the horrible feeling of being put on the spot, and his decision was settled.

  "What was it that you wanted to tell me, dear?" Mason's grandmother squinted intently on the monitor.

  "I'm going to make you proud, grandma." Mason smiled. "I promise."

  Chapter Six


  Jake strode through the hallway of the Academy with a sense of purpose. His head was held high and his fists were clenched, swinging in tandem as he marched. Shards of an array of colored lights from the stained glass windows shone across his face like flashes of lightning.

  As Jake reached halfway through the corridor, he was joined by Jimmy, desperately trying to keep up.

  "Jake, can we talk?" Jimmy requested.

  Jake tilted his head slightly, meeting Jimmy's gaze then swiftly turned away. "Afraid I can't right now. I have a bet to win."

  "It'll just take a sec." Jimmy urged.

  Jake sighed. He really didn't want to be rude to his roommate, but he was running out of opportunities. "Two seconds." He offered, halting in place obnoxiously.

  "That's fine." Jimmy crossed his arms, eyes falling to the floor. "It's just about Mason."

  "Oh, yeah?" Jake raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

  "Yeah," Jimmy continued. "Did you guys...ya know?"

  "Ha!" Jake chuckled. The cocky smile on his face grew serious when he realized what was happening. “Oh, you're serious?"

  Jimmy shrugged slightly, nodding. "Well, you guys were alone for awhile, and I would hope that if you did do something, you would tell me. You usually tell me about all of your other guys."

  Jake thought for a moment, deciding to take ,advantage of Jimmy's obvious envy. This was the first time he had been able to get a rise out of him. Jimmy O'Brian was the most collected, mellow-tempered guy he had met. It was sort of a treat to see him acting out in this manner. The only question was, who exactly was he envious of?

  "Yeah, we fucked,” Jake admitted.

  The expression on Jimmy's face was transparent. Light swept from his eyes like a candle blown out, and his bottom lip quivered softly, but barely enough to notice. It was all too clear to Jake that he was not the guy Jimmy had his eye on.

  "Oh." Jimmy averted his gaze after a moment of silence.

  Jake couldn't bear it for a second longer. Jimmy was into Mason—even if he didn't even realize it himself yet, Jake knew, and he couldn't help but to feel somewhat hurt. It was a sting, but it was significant enough to put a damper on his ego.

  “Relax, Jimmy.” Jake gripped his shoulder. "It was a joke."

  within an instant, Jimmy's eyes regained their hopeful gleam, only confirming Jake's suspicions.

  "I wouldn't want to take your boyfriend from you,” Jake teased.

  "Why would you call him my 'boyfriend'?" Jimmy shrugged coyly.

  "You're totally blushing, Jimmy. I recognize that look. It's the look you gave me when we first met."

  "Ha!" Jimmy giggled nervously.

  "It's true. No need to be ashamed. You want that sweet, church-going geek all to yourself. It’s okay.”

  Jimmy still wasn't giving in, so Jake continued. "I don't blame you, he's a cutie. Just thinking about breaking him in for the first time is kind of a turn-on. Showing him how good it feels to have a big di-"

  "Jake!" Jimmy scolded, cutting him off.

  "Anyways, that's not my point. Point is that I get it. I'll back off. But, if you don't make your move soon, I'll have no choice but to show him what it's like to be with a man.”

  He paused, rubbing his hands together as he smirked. “Besides, you have nothing to worry about." Jake turned to the end of the hallway and rolled up his sleeves further, allowing his biceps to protrude. He tightened his belt, adjusting his khaki shorts so that they framed his lower body perfectly. "I have much bigger fish to fry."

  "You're running outta time, Jake. We agreed that two weeks from now marks the end of our quarter here."

  "You're absolutely right. And that's why I've chosen today to end it."

  "What's the plan?"

  Jake watched Mr. Pierce emerge from the other end of the hallway
, coming towards them with his head to the floor. Jake lifted a hand to the lower part of his shirt and smirked. With one quick swoop, he ripped a tear large enough to be noticeable to the naked eye. A flash of bare skin was visible through the slit in his shirt.

  "And what, Mr. Pierce is supposed to believe that happened by accident?" Jimmy challenged.

  "He'll believe me."

  Mr. Pierce finally reached the boys and lifted his head to greet them.

  "I'm so sorry, Mr. Pierce, I accidentally ripped my shirt.” Jake lowered his head, bringing his hand to the rip in his shirt. He outlined the slit with his finger, lightly grazing his own abs. "I was in my dorm stretching, and all of a sudden my shirt got caught on one of my drawers." He slowly lifted his head again to lock eyes with Mr. Pierce. His eyelids were heavy, and the slightest hint of a smirk was questionably visible across his face. "Am I in trouble?"

  Mr. Pierce's hands raised to his hips as though he were about to let Jake have it. To both of the boys' surprise, he did not drill Jake. Instead, he sighed, cocking his head sideways.

  "No, I'm not going to punish you. Clearly, this was an accident."

  Jake didn't need to see Jimmy to know he was rolling his eyes.

  "However," Mr. Pierce continued, "we will need to get you a new shirt. Why don't you go change and meet me in the lobby in ten minutes?"

  Mr. Pierce put his hands into his pockets and turned away, casually strolling back down the hall. When he was clearly out of earshot, Jake turned to face Jimmy.

  “Well, I thought he would take me to spend the day in detention with him, but this is much better. I’ll have that hot ass all to myself. ” He leaned into Jimmy with a sideways grin. "By the time we return, Mr. Pierce will be on his knees, begging for another taste of this."

  The ride wasn't terribly long, but to Jake, it felt like a lifetime. He tried to make small talk with Mr. Pierce, but he was evidently in no mood to chat. So, Jake was left to his own thoughts—a place he wasn't very fond of lately.

  When they finally reached the busier part of town, he began to notice every guy passing by on the street. A few hotties were spotted, and Jake wondered what it would be like to go to bed with them. He was so anxious lately, he couldn't tell if he was really horny, or just bored. Guys that weren't even his type were beginning to look more appealing.


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