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Bred by the Alpha (Breeding Season Book 3)

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said. “I love your ass.”

  He covered her body with his as he kissed her neck. He thrust in deep, fucking her, and she loved every second of it. She released little gasps, never feeling so full in her life. So completely taken.

  “I’ll never stop wanting you, Rebecca, or loving you. You’re my entire world. There’s no way I’d ever be able to live without you. I wouldn’t want to.”

  “I love you, too, Liam. Every single part of you. The wolf and you. I don’t want you to change for me, or to be anything different. I love you.”

  He pushed in deep, his cock pulsing inside her. Liam fucked her ass, and she loved being naughty with him, exploring her sexuality in new, filthy ways. Over and over, he pistoned inside her, the bed rocking.

  “Come for me, baby.” He reached around and teased her clit, a new pressure building. The dual stimulation pushed her over the edge, and she screamed as the most powerful orgasm exploded inside her. Liam came as she milked his cock

  As the intensity eased, he slipped out and picked her up, carrying her through to the bathroom. He set her on the counter and ran them both a bath. The humidity in the room grew heavy, the rushing water the only sound.

  “Did I hurt you at all?” He took her hand and led her to the tub. They eased in together, the water warm, soothing all her aches.

  “I don’t think I sounded hurt, do you?” She turned in his lap, straddled his waist, and wrapped her arms around his neck. His big, hard body continually amazed her. “Never do that to me again. I love every single part of you.”

  “What are we talking about?” he asked.

  “You ignoring me and avoiding me. I don’t like it, and you don’t need to do it.” She stared into his eyes and smiled. “What did you think I was talking about?”

  “Sex. Maybe the anal.”

  She chuckled. “No, I wasn’t talking about sex.”

  “You’re really okay with the wolf?” he asked.

  “More than okay with it. He helped to save me. So he’s in my good books.”

  “You realize we’re the same person, well, you know what I mean.”

  Rebecca kissed him.

  He leaned back, holding her waist in his hands. “I want you to move in with me.”

  “I thought I already had.”

  “No, officially. I want to go and get the rest of your stuff. No more apartment. You’re mine, and I want to take care of you. You and our baby.”

  “We may not have made one just yet.”

  He placed a hand to her stomach. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”


  “I didn’t use protection any time that I’ve been with you.”

  She placed a hand over her stomach. “You mean?”

  “I think you are. I’ve noticed you smelled a little different the past few days. I didn’t want to alarm you.”

  Was she holding her breath? She was in shock. Rebecca wasn’t fit to be a mother—or was she? “You’ve known all this time?”

  “Well, not all this time.”

  “We’re going to have a baby?”

  “Yes, and I want lots of them. I want to fill this house with them. You think you can handle that?”

  “With you by my side, absolutely.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. His lips took possession of hers, and she moaned, kissing him back with the same passion he showed her. She didn’t lie to him. This was where she wanted to be.

  This was home.


  Five months later

  “I don’t like this,” Rebecca said. “What if someone sees?”

  “You need to relax. The doctor said so, and it’s dark. The full moon is up, and you need to cool off. The heat isn’t doing you any good.” Liam removed his shirt and shorts, staring at his wife. She wore a giant dress that hid most of her body.

  They had discovered just the other day that she wasn’t having just one child. Nope, his woman was going to give him twins. Two boys.

  He was so fucking happy and proud right now.

  In the moonlight, his wedding band glinted up at him. He was a happily married man, expecting twins, and completely at peace.

  Grabbing the bottom of her dress, he started to lift it up.

  She put her hands out to stop him. “No. You’ll see me naked.”

  “Baby, I was the one that did this to you. I want to see my wife, pregnant or not.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You’re the sexiest woman alive. My mate. My beautiful, sexy mate.” He ran his hands down her back, gripping the edge of the dress and then tore it open, throwing the discarded pieces of fabric to the ground.


  She went to cover her body, but he wasn’t having that. She didn’t need to hide from him. Taking hold of her hands, he held them away from her body. The light coming from the moon showed her body to perfection. Her rounded stomach was ripe with his children, and he couldn’t ignore those massive tits. His cock hardened just looking at them.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Look at me, baby. I love you.”

  He took one of her hands and placed it over his rock-hard cock. “This is what you do to me. You are sexy as fuck. There’s no way in this world that you’ll ever repulse me. You’re perfect.”

  “You keep saying that.”

  “Because it’s the truth.” He led her toward the lake.

  The cool water touched his legs, and he helped her in. The last few months had been perfect to him.

  His pack were out patrolling the borders to keep them safe, not that he expected any other threat. Payne had been taken care of, and anyone who tried to take his female again, wouldn’t succeed. He’d fucking kill them.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he saw her pout. “My stomach is touching you.”

  “I love it.”

  In the past few weeks she’d gotten a little self-conscious about her body. She couldn’t sit up. Their babies were growing so fast. Of course, she was also bigger as she was carrying two children. They were big babies, which came with a whole host of problems. He wasn’t thinking about them now, but he was planning. There’s no way he’d ever be able to handle his woman leaving his side. So her care and attention had become the priority of the pack.

  They were all helping them during this pregnancy.

  With her being a delicate human, he was so fucking scared, but he wasn’t showing that.

  “This feels really rather nice,” she said, releasing a sigh.

  She kept her arms wrapped around his neck, leaning back, and he watched her. Her juicy tits captured her attention, her nipples big and dusky.

  His hunger for her had never stopped.

  “I can feel what you want.” She chuckled.

  “I can’t help it,” he said. “You’re the one for me.”

  “Is this how you imagined life together?”

  “I didn’t imagine anything, baby. For a long time, I didn’t think I’d ever have the chance to find the woman for me, let alone get her pregnant, or marry her.”

  “It was the best day, going to that grocery store,” she said. “I had always wanted someone like you.”

  “Like me?”

  “Who didn’t care that I was … strange.”

  “You’re not strange.”

  “I’ve been thinking a lot lately,” she said.

  He waited, knowing it would be about the baby. She was constantly worried about every single detail, from giving birth to the babies not liking her, to everything in between. She’d decorated the room for the nursery three times in different colors. She kept changing the color scheme in case their sons didn’t like it.

  There was a stack of fifteen books by their bed, all to do with babies and pregnancy. He, himself, had read through plenty.

  “And what have you thought?”

  “That it doesn’t matter if our babies love us.”

  “They will love us.

  “I know I’m going to love our sons and all of our children with my whole heart. They’ll hate me for a little bit, but that’s what kids do, right? Hate their parents.”

  He smiled. “I won’t let them hate you.”

  She cupped his face, kissing his lips. “Every time I’m with you, I feel like the luckiest woman alive. You gave me everything I could ever went, Liam. A family, a pack, a life, love, everything.”

  He held her close, kissing her, savoring his mate. Finally, he had his woman in his arms, and he couldn’t be happier.

  The End

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  Killer of Kings, 1

  Sam Crescent & Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “You think you can handle it?” Boss asked.

  Viper stared out across the parking lot. A lot of shoppers were milling around today, going about their own pathetic lives, believing they were the most important thing in the world.

  None of them had any idea that one of the world’s deadliest killers was amongst them. He was part of an elite group of mercenaries. He killed for the money. Whoever offered the highest bounty, he took it. He never asked questions, and he never cared about the people he killed. This was a job to him, something he was good at.

  “Why can’t I handle it? Send me a picture of the girl. I’ll do the rest.”

  “She has to die of natural causes.”

  Viper snorted. “No problem.”

  He had one month to find a woman, and to end her life. Piece of cake. He had lots of ways of killing a woman, and this would be no different.

  “Deposit the money, and I’ll call you if I need more.” Viper whistled as he made his way toward the car. He put the groceries in the trunk, got behind the wheel, and waited.

  Her picture came through his cell phone, and he stared at the girl in question. She couldn’t have been older than fifteen, but from what Boss had told him, she was nearly twenty-one years old, and had been on the run for nearly six months. Curious.

  The picture showed her cuddled up next to her mother, and she looked happy. Pepper was chubby, her cheeks looking like the kind you could pinch, and grandmothers cooed over. Boss had given him all the details over the phone. Viper didn’t do paperwork, reading, or worrying about something being tracked.

  He memorized everything. All the little details were up in his head, and that was where they would stay until the job was gone.

  Viper didn’t know why the woman in question, Pepper, was running, and he really didn’t care. The moment Boss called him and gave him an assignment, he did it. Now he just needed to figure out where she was staying.

  Good news for him, he had a special guy who owned equipment that could find him this woman. Leaving the grocery store, Viper made his way across the city toward the guy who he knew would hook him up.

  Whenever he was in between jobs, he would always stick around where his people were so that he didn’t have to worry about endless traveling. Working for Killer of Kings was rather lucrative. They were a company known for getting the job done. Nothing was too much, no job too hard. He had traveled all over the world to do what needed to be done, from killing people, to fucking women, to even rescuing people. If the price was right, he would do anything.

  From a young age, younger than any child should ever have to deal, he had been taught to hunt, to kill, and to do it without feeling a damn thing. There were scars on his back that all bled together that reminded him a past he wished he could forget. When he saw children with their parents, for a split second he felt envious, jealous that they could be having a wonderful life, a better one than he ever had. Of course they were having a better life than he had. None of them had ever gone through the hours of pain or the training that had made him one of the deadliest men on earth.

  Parking his car outside of one of the shittiest apartments in the city, he made his way toward his contact, Maurice. The guy was thirty years old, a slob, but damn good when it came to computers. He was the only one who gave Viper the facts without giving him files thick with writing and shit. Viper didn’t want to be studying. Cold, hard facts were what he was after, and he didn’t need paperwork that could be traced.

  Maurice lived on the top floor. He was a tall, skinny man who wore big, thick glasses. Banging on the door, Viper waited, and when Maurice opened the door his shirt was covered in ketchup and mustard stains.

  “I’ve told you to change,” Viper said, entering the room.

  “Yeah, well, I didn’t think I’d see you for a couple more weeks. You usually take time off. Why are you back after just a week?” Maurice asked.

  The apartment was littered with debris. Only the sitting room, the place where all the computers and equipment were set up was spotless.

  “You need to get a cleaning lady,” Viper said. He hated mess.

  Mess equaled mistakes.

  He was clean, efficient, and he didn’t have anything to leave behind. Even his apartment where he stayed during his vacations didn’t hold any personal mementos. Not that he would ever have those. Mementos would mean caring, and that wasn’t what he did. He didn’t have a family, a past, nor would he have a future.

  “Cleaning ladies touch stuff, and I know where everything is.”

  Viper looked around the apartment. “It stinks.”

  “So? It keeps everyone out, okay? This is my mess. My problem. Not yours. What do you want?” Maurice asked, shoving his glasses up his nose.

  “Fine.” Viper handed over his cell phone. “Get me everything on her.”

  “Do you have a name?” Maurice asked.

  “Pepper. I want everything on the face though. You’ve got your computers that can track CCTV. I want to know where she was last seen.”

  “This could take a while.”

  “Don’t care. I can pay.” Viper moved into the sitting room and took a seat. It was the only place he was willing to park his ass while he waited, and there wasn’t a chance in hell he was leaving until he got what he wanted.

  Something was bugging him about this assignment, which was strange because he usually didn’t care. Swift, efficient, done. That’s what he’d always been about.

  Maurice was humming as he got to work, scanning her picture, and then tracking it through the database. On the big screen in front of them, he saw several names and pictures as it did the recognition thing.

  The beauty about security and live feeds everywhere was anyone could be tracked or traced. Unless someone knew how to avoid the cameras and the recognition software, no one was untraceable.

  “She’s young this one.”

  “You’re not paid to worry about that.”

  “This isn’t a rescue mission though, right? I think I saw something about this girl’s mother a few weeks ago.”

  That made Viper pause. “What did you see?”

  “Only that her mother had died, and Pepper’s stepfather was taking over the company that should, by rights, go to this Pepper girl. We’re talking a billion-dollar company. Stocks, shares, and they have stakes in pretty much everything. I’m surprised you don’t know that.” Maurice munched on a potato chip as he spoke.

  Viper didn’t follow the news. He didn’t read the papers, nor did he care about pampered princesses. “Out of curiosity, what happens to this fortune if the girl dies?”

  “It goes to the stepfather.”

  Sitting back, Viper thought about the terms of his latest contract. Pepper needed to die of natural
causes, and the stepfather would inherit everything.

  He didn’t like the twist in his gut.

  This was just another assignment like everything else, and he wasn’t going to let feelings or emotions get in the way. Patting his fingers on his thigh, he watched the computer screen as faces all seemed to roll into one. This was the one part of the job that he hated.

  He was bored.

  When he was bored, he was able to think.

  Thinking made him remember the past, and he didn’t want to remember the past. He wasn’t someone plagued by his fears. He had no fears.

  “There she is,” Maurice said.

  Viper looked up as her image was brought into focus. It was a really clear image. “When was it taken?” he asked.

  “Three days ago. A grocery store near the coast.” Maurice rattled off several details and directions.

  Viper didn’t need anything else. He already knew where he was going. Pulling out a wad of cash, he handed it to Maurice, and made his way toward the door.

  “Viper,” Maurice said.

  Turning, he saw Maurice standing, holding his keyboard. “What is it?”

  “You don’t have to do this, you know? She’s innocent. There’s nothing on her. No criminal record, nothing. Her slate is completely clean. This is not like your usual kills.”

  “You don’t know what I’ve got to do, and remember, anything happens, any word gets out, and you’ll die, Maurice.” He wouldn’t want to kill the man in front of him. Even though he was a slob, he kind of liked him, and that wasn’t heard of much in his line of work. He shouldn’t use the same man over and over again, but Maurice had proven himself, and he didn’t want to lose a valuable asset.


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