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Alien Instinct

Page 10

by Tracy Lauren

  Once we finish eating the conversation goes back to things we all might have in common and Allison leaves without saying a word.

  “Bitch,” Reagan says once she’s gone.

  “I didn’t want to be the one to say it…” April agrees.

  “Come on, this is hard on all of us in different ways guys. Allison is struggling like the rest of us. Let’s not make her an outsider,” I think of how unwelcoming the people were when I started working at the bank and how it felt like that had shaped my success... or lack thereof.

  “Kate’s right. Maybe she’s just one of those people who pushes others away when they’re stressed. We don’t know what she’s going through. Let’s give her time. It’s important we all support each other,” Vivian adds. Everyone grudgingly agrees.

  I realize this is the first time we have all really been able to talk. It’s nice, even if the subject matter is a little dark. Turns out, other than Allison, no one is going to be looking for the rest of us. We are all in our twenties, although we range from 20 to 26. We think we were all taken at night. Most of us had already gone to bed, but Clark and April had been showering last they could remember--which explains their nudity when we woke from the cryo bags. None of us have any memories of who took us or how. We are from all from the west coast, seems like we were on a travel path for whoever took us. But, that’s where the similarities end. Our jobs, educations and anything else we can think of are all unique to each of us. It seems we were just convenient to take and the right age for slaves, I guess.

  “So, we have been abducted by aliens and hopefully rescued by some good guys. Now what?” Reagan asks.

  “Now we meet this Tennir guy and Rennek’s government and they decide what to do with us,” I say, but it doesn’t feel right to be so passive about this. “We should all think about what we want for our lives, in case we get some level of choice or if we get to make requests. We should be prepared for that, maybe be on the same page. If we want to stay together, that is.”

  “I don’t know you guys all that well, but we’re all of humanity that’s out here. We should stick together,” Clark says.

  “I agree.” I’m filled with the confidence that this is the right move. We must be a team.

  “Well, I can’t promise to be friends with Allison, but I’m down for sticking together,” Reagan concurs and we all laugh.

  “I have to say Kate…” Clark begins, “What you did back there for us… I want to thank you.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, a little confused.

  “With the alien… the bad one,” her voice catches.

  “You protected us Kate, all of us,” April finishes for her.

  “Oh! Of course. I just did what anyone would do,” I shrug it off.

  “But no, you didn’t. You did what the rest of us couldn’t do. I always thought if I were in a life or death scenario I would be able to handle myself. Or at least if I were in a fight or flight scenario I would fight--but instead I just froze. You didn’t. Thank you,” April tells me and the rest of the girls echo it.

  “And thanks for the clothes. It wasn’t like anyone had much, but being so exposed was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. Thank you for sacrificing what you had to help us,” Clark adds.

  “Seriously guys, anytime,” I tell them all.

  “Don’t forget she was also the guinea pig for the translation thing,” Reagan adds.

  “Come on guys! You’re making me blush!” I tease, trying to lighten the mood. I’m not used to so much praise.

  “Well, hopefully we can return the favor one day,” Reagan says.

  “Deal, next time you get to be the guinea pig,” I tell her before Vivian pulls us all in for a hug.

  After a minute I put my hand in for a team hand stack, “Team Human?” I say.

  “Team Human!” We all cheer.

  “Oh, oh, oh and guys! Before I forget! We really need to curb the F-bombs…”


  Eventually all the girls head back to their rooms. I’m the last to my door… I start to go in, but I hesitate, considering my options. Just then, Vivian pops out of her room.

  “Hey, what are you up to?” I ask.

  “I was thinking I’d go see Allison. Try to bond or connect or something. I feel like she’s more alone than the rest of us.”

  “That’s a really good idea,” I say sincerely. “Do you want any back up?”

  “Let’s see if she does better one on one first. I don’t want it to feel like an intervention, you know?” She smiles sweetly.

  “You are full of good ideas. Holler if you need help!” I tell her as she heads to Allison’s room. I’m glad Vivian is offering an olive branch. Allison needs it whether she realizes it yet or not. I’m also glad because I had been considering going to see Allison myself, but now... I think I’ll go see about an alien instead.

  Chapter 17


  My door chimes. I have the lighting set to complete darkness and it takes me a moment to wake up and register the sound. Groggy, I go to my door and open it. There stands my Kate. Is this a dream I wonder? Her eyes go wide and travel down my naked form, stopping at my cock. She turns a lovely shade of red.

  “Oh, um sorry, you’re still sleeping! I’ll just…” Kate turns to hurry away, but I grab her arm. Our eyes meet ever so briefly before we hear Bossan and Kellen coming down the corridor. She looks down the hall and then back to me. Before I have time to think I pull her into my room. The door hisses shut and we are surrounded in darkness and Kate is wrapped tight in my arms. I instantly admonish myself for such an impulsive action, but my sweet Kate surprises me and her arms creep up around my neck. The drumming within me pounds again, it is like a song calling me into action. I can’t resist the call and I will not waste such a precious moment. My lips find hers in the darkness.

  The feeling of being near my Kate, of having her welcome my touch--it is like I am waking for the first time in my life. I have never been as sensitive to sensation and as aware as I am now, every part of my body reacts to this female. Every cell is alight with the fire she creates in me.

  My female is short, so I lift her to meet my lips. Just as I had imagined in the shower, she wraps her legs tightly around my waist. My length rests against her core and I press her back against the wall.

  Our first kiss is ragged and needy--desperate. I pull away and nuzzle her nose. Panting, we breathe in each other’s air. I run my cheek along hers and smell her delicate scent. My tongue slides along her earlobe and she lets a small moan escape her lips. She is intoxicating, my mate. I growl with neediness for more of her and devour her mouth. Her soft tongue plays tentatively at the seam of my lips, I suck on the tip and tease it with my fangs. Her hands run wildly through my mane, she pulls at it bringing me closer to her, controlling our kiss.

  Throwing her head back, she invites me to discover the sweetness of her neck. I lick the long line of her throat and scrape my teeth gently across the space where her shoulder and neck meet. She whimpers at this and our lips find each other’s again. She is as hungry for this as I am, I revel. I silently thank the Goddesses for aligning the universe in a way that brought us to this moment. My core swells with the joy and wonder of it.

  Her hands begin to explore my body--sliding over my arms and shoulders, up my neck and digging into my mane. Eventually find my horns and grips them tightly. I never thought my horns to be sensitive, but the image of her gripping them is the most erotic thing I can imagine. I growl uncontrollably, barely stifling a roar building in my throat. I feel my sack tighten, even though it was not long ago I spilled my seed in the shower. I feel I could cum simply from listening to the soft sounds she makes in the darkness. It is music to me.

  I take Kate’s lead and I start to explore her body. My hands find her hips, her wrap dress has spread open from the waist down and I am rewarded with bare skin. There is nothing between us but a thin scrap of material which covers her most private parts--the parts of he
r that belong to me now. I am eager to taste that sweetness, but there is so much sweetness to my Kate. I will take my time and enjoy every inch of her--slowly, again and again. I knead the curves of her hips and ass. She is all softness. When I grip the globes of her ass she responds by grinding her pussy against my cock and I nearly lose all control. I spin and throw her onto the bed, she rolls so she is on top of me, but pops up suddenly.

  “Is this okay? Your wings… is it uncomfortable like this?” All I can do is laugh, my sweet little human mate. I could feel nothing but comfort in her presence. Well, perhaps comfort and lust driven madness. I answer by pulling her back down to me and I feel her smile against my kiss. Her hands play across my chest and as we continue to kiss frantically she begins to ride me as if we are mating. I can feel her wetness through the thin scrap of fabric she wears. The scent of her juices fills the room and my mouth begins to water. I will cum if we continue like this. I grab her hips and lift her up to my mouth, eager to have my female cum before I do.

  “Whoa! Times! Timeout!” She jerks off of me. I sit up, unsure of what these words mean. “Lights! Lights! How do you turn the lights on?” Ah, she would like to watch me as I lick her cunt. My Kate is as smart as she is beautiful.

  Chapter 18


  Okay, that escalated quickly. Rennek turns the lights up so we can see each other. I trip out for a second because I realize I just had a make out/grinding session with a straight up alien. He’s all horns and tail and grey skin… and muscles… and complete hotness... Is it weird I think he’s so hot? That’s a little weird right? I look at him again. He draws himself up on his elbow and smiles at me. It’s a lazy, happy smile. He takes my hand and laces our fingers together. Claws notwithstanding, it feels natural.

  “Let me lick your pussy now, sweet Kate.” He says bringing my hand to his lips--his licks and kisses are like promises. I blush so hard I think I might pass out. I mean, I’m no virgin but I haven’t ever experienced such blunt talk before and I didn’t actually mean to come into Rennek’s room and do all this. Oh my god, he’s going to think I’m a tease. I hope I didn’t mess up anything for the other humans and myself by getting into this mess. I hope he isn’t angry.

  “Pump the breaks buddy.”

  “You have mentioned this buddy, what is this? And more importantly, tell me what you would like me to pump?” He laughs, sliding his hand up and down my leg that is still draped over his waist. I can’t help but laugh. He has this weird way about him, where one minute he seems so sweet and almost naive, but then I catch onto his sense of humor and his guile. I relax into him and he adjusts so I am laying in the crook of his arm. Our hands entwine.

  “You wish to stop.” He says, it isn’t a question.

  “I’m sorry. It just started happening faster than I intended… not that I intended, it just kind of happened. And then it was happening fast...”

  He tilts his head to look me in the eyes, studying me a moment before he speaks. “You do not owe me anything Kate, you do not have to do anything you do not want or are not ready for.”

  It feels good to hear those words. “I want you to know I don’t usually move that fast,” I tell him. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I haven’t been with a lot of guys, plus I don’t know how all this stuff works in space. I only know Earth dating rules... Not that we’re dating!” I add quickly, I don’t want him to think I’m clingy or that I’m under the impression we’re suddenly in a relationship just because we messed around a little.

  I can’t help but reflect on our encounter, though. It’s weird for me, because I never move this fast. I never chase guys or go looking for them in their bedrooms. Maybe it’s because Rennek saved me, but I feel drawn to him.

  “Some of the things you say do not translate well…” he tells me. “Kate, I need to know,” he sits up a little to look at me with a serious expression. “Have I frightened you? There has been much bloodshed under the circumstances. You have seen me kill.” The look on his face is so solemn it’s almost cute. He thinks I’m afraid of him because of the things he’s done to protect us. I try not to laugh. I mean, maybe you can chalk it up to the fact that I grew up with no parental controls on my TV and I’ve been desensitized by American action movies or something, but I have no qualms over anyone Rennek has killed. I honestly hadn’t even thought twice about it. I’ll wonder if that makes me a bad person later.

  “Yeah… no. No fear at all, don’t even worry about that.” I tell him. “Rennek you saved me. You saved all of us. Everything you have done since we met has been to keep us all safe. I don’t fear you, I trust you completely.” He rolls over me and looks deep into my eyes, with a look I can only describe as gratitude, before he kisses me.

  “Stay with me here, my Kate,” he says against my lips.

  “Okay,” I tell him, trying to channel Allison’s casualness, but inside I’m giddy--like something is starting here, between Rennek and I. We’re quiet in each other’s arms as he runs his fingers through my hair, playing with it. I think he smells me a couple times too, and god help me, I think it’s cute.

  “Rennek? What’s going to happen to us? Us humans, I mean.”

  “We will meet with Tennir in a few short days. I am hoping an escort will come and travel with us the remainder of the way. I am waiting to hear back from the UPC, but their communications go through Tennir.”

  “Why don’t they just talk directly to you?”

  “Tennir’s status. His relationship to the government,” Rennek says.

  “So, who is this Tennir guy? Is he like your boss?”

  “Yes and no. Tennir is my brother. He asked me to help with his scientific studies, so I retired my career with the UPC to aid him.”

  “Tennir is your brother?” I had not gotten that impression at all...

  “He is my half-brother, we share a mother. That is his connection to the government--our mother, Madreed, is an integral part of the United Planets Governing Core.”

  “Wait, what? Isn’t that your connection to the government too, then?” I’m up on my elbows now, looking at him.

  “Not in the same way. I am illegitimate, I am a product of war,” he tells me with that suddenly dark expression he gets sometimes.

  “I literally have no idea what that means.”

  He sighs, “Illegitimate means…”

  “No doofus, I know what illegitimate means. I don’t get this product of war thing.”

  “It is a shameful thing, sweet Kate. My friends here, my crew and myself, we are all products of war. Products of The Invasion.” He pauses and I swear I’m going to lose my shit if he doesn’t get on with the explanation. Finally, he begins, “The United Planets is a peaceful union. We favor diplomacy over war. It has been centuries since any such disruptions have plagued our people. We have the UPC as protection, but we were not prepared for any type of invasion. Many yets ago, a great ship of destruction came into our territory. It landed on the Mother Planet and forcefully occupied it. The only beings on the Mother Planet at the time were those who tend the museums and gardens and our government.”

  “Your mother!” I gasp.

  “Yes,” he nods. “Madreed was trapped there for some time before the UPC was able to retake the Mother Planet. You remember I told you our government is primarily females. The warriors who invaded… they were males and they did what any one might expect in war. They burned buildings, they ruined our historical artifacts, they killed innocent people, and they raped.”

  I gasp again, but say nothing.

  “I am a product of that,” he says.

  “That’s… that’s terrible Rennek. I’m so sorry, I don’t know what to say.”

  “It is a shame I carry with me every day.”

  “No! Rennek, you can’t! You shouldn’t! You didn’t do any of that terrible stuff. You don’t own that.”

  “No, it was my sire. My blood.” He says the words as if it makes his own hands dirty.

wait, are you guys treated differently because of this?”

  “When young, all males born of this invasion--and this is also true of any male with such a birth, were sent to live on an internment planet to learn peace and skills to help integrate us into society. It is done to ensure the safety of the communities within the United Planets.”

  “You were taken from your mothers as children? Wait, what happened to female kids or offspring or whatever?”

  “This is one way perhaps males and females are treated differently. Remember, it is males who have the capacity for acts of war and hate. So, females are treated a blessing and welcomed into their families and males are sent away to ensure they do not develop the traits of their sires.”

  “Oh my god. That’s barbaric. How old were you?”

  “I was seven yets, but I entered my internment late. Most fledglings begin at five yets.”


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