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Alien Instinct

Page 29

by Tracy Lauren

  “We will have to name these things you know,” I tell her.

  “Woof, that’s a big job,” she ponders. “All I can think of when I eat it is papaya and pomegranate, but it doesn’t seem right to steal a name from something it doesn’t quite match up with.”

  “Perhaps a papayagranate then? Or a pompaya?” I offer.

  “Wow, I’m so tired I can’t tell if those are terrible or genius.”

  “I will save you the trouble then, sweet Kate. They are genius, all my ideas are genius.”

  She laughs heartily and snuggles into me while I continue eating.

  “I can hear your heart like this,” she says.

  “I am not familiar with this term.”

  “Um… which part?” She asks.

  “Heart,” I tell her.

  “Oh, ahh this,” she says placing my hand over my chest. I can feel the gentle drumming within, the drumming that I have felt since the moment I saw my mate--that only she has the power to make rage within me.

  “You know what this is?” I sit upright with shock.

  “What do you mean? Yeah… like your heart. It pumps blood… makes you live.” Her face reflects her confusion as I am sure mine reflects my surprise.

  “You have one as well?” I ask.

  “Yeah dude, right here.” She places my hand over her chest. She is right. I feel the drumming within her as well.

  “I have done this to you?” I ask excitedly, she has been having the same response all this time!

  “What do you mean?” She says with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

  “May I listen?” I ask. She eyes my horns.

  “Yeah… we can uh…” she stands and maneuvers her body so she may reach my ear and not be poked by my horns. I listen. I hear the clear and steady drumming of her heart. I put my hand to my own chest. They beat in time with one another.

  “Ha!” I laugh out loud and am up on my feet with adrenaline rushing through me. I grab my mate and hug her to me. “This is amazing!” I tell her. “This is some sort of magic!”

  “I think it’s just anatomy, but I’m glad you’re psyched about it. I don’t get it, Mr. I fly around in a spaceship--how do you not know what a heart is?”

  “Anatomy was not one of my points of study on Javan. But perhaps more importantly, my heart as you call it, only just began to drum when I met you. It drove me mad the first days we were together. I had no idea what this thing was inside of me--ruling my emotions and my choices, driving me.”

  “Your heart never beat before? How does your blood circulate then?” She asks perplexed.

  “That is a question better suited for Tennir.”

  “It really never beat before?” She asks.

  “It reacts strongly to you. When you have been in danger, earlier today when I heard you scream or me, when we kiss, when we do other things…” I purr the last words and bring her close to me once more.

  “Wow. That’s pretty amazing.” She places her hand on my chest and feels my drumming heart.

  Beep beep.

  “The comm, give me a moment.” She nods and sets down on the blanket again. I take the comm and step outside.

  “Rennek here.”

  “Bossan. Do you have news of the beacon?”

  “I do, brother. We located it in the forest. As we suspected, it has no obvious interface but Kate did locate six oddly shaped slots hidden amongst some tribal markings. I will leave it for you to uncover any further secrets.”

  “That is wonderful news.”

  “We also located ancient ruins and it appears we may have discovered the cause of the fate of Gorrard’s shipmates. It seems raiders may have been in the process of looting the ruins and shot them down.”

  “Are there any signs they have been here recently?”

  “No, all traces of a raid are many yets old.”

  “Then it was simply a tragic twist of fate?”

  “It appears to be the case.” Bossan is silent on the other end upon hearing this.

  “When you are ready I would like the group to join us at the ruins. I will ask Da’vi and Allison to retrieve the pod, they can make trips transporting everyone and our supplies. Bring all you will need to work on the beacon. I would also like the ship’s water filtration system and all the padding from the beds brought here as well. Does the synthesizer still function?”

  “We might be able to get it up and running for a short period, what did you have in mind?”

  “At least one more filtration system, a smaller one will do. We will also need certain tools and building materials. I will send you a list of specifications tomorrow. It is late and I must still contact Da’vi.”

  “Rennek, there is much to report on our end as well.”

  “Is everyone well?”

  “Yes, but--”

  “Then it can wait one rotation. I have had a long day and I am tired my friend.”

  Bossan and I end our conversation and I connect to Da’vi and tell him of the situation. He is hesitant to return with Allison. This either means he is making progress with her and does not want that to end or he has not yet made any progress and hopes the tides will still turn. I allow him one or two more rotations before they head back to the pod. This will give Kate and I more time together and I am as greedy as Da’vi when it comes to spending alone time with my female.

  When I get back to the warm glow of our room Kate is fast asleep on the blanket. I do not have it within me to rouse her. I tuck myself close to her body to block her from any wind that may steal into our room from outside. I can see her skin prickle and she unconsciously folds her body into mine. I wrap my arms around her. I will keep the fire burning through the night. Tomorrow I will build a door and perhaps I will start our bed as well.

  Chapter 45


  I wake as dawn breaks. I feel rested and eager to begin the mountain of tasks before me. Last night was the first night since we arrived on Elysia in which I was able to sleep deeply. Sleeping amongst the trees, one must always be wary of predators, but in the confines of our room I allowed myself to relax.

  I add a log to the red embers in our hearth for Kate and tuck the blanket around her. I hope to bring her a fresh kill before she wakes, but I have not seen as much readily available game in the past rotation. I may need to begin setting traps, I think to myself.

  I dress then step out into the courtyard to survey our mess from the night before. Something seems different to me, but it is hard to tell what. I walk to the fountain and get the scent of those primates again. I scan the area but there are no signs of them. Surprisingly, there are no tracks in the mud either.

  Likely the creatures were curious and explored the changes made to the ruins while we slept. It makes me uneasy to know anything snuck so close to where we slept last night without me having taken notice. I will be glad once the others join us… and once we have a door.

  I splash some water in my face and make my way to a young tree growing near one of the smaller wall fountains. I inspect it. Along the trunk are long, thick, fibrous strands. These will work perfectly. I begin ripping off the long strands. Once I have a fist full, I comb them straight and begin to braid a length of cord. I then cut a small patch of material from my waistcloth. Poking a hole on either end, I cut my cord into two equal pieces and tie them to the holes in the material. Outside the gate to the ruins, I toe the soil until I find a few rounded stones, I place them in a small hip pouch and head for the trees.

  I ascend the trees and crouch low near the trunk, waiting for the call of birds. Birds are undoubtedly one thing this planet has in abundance. Soon enough I see a small flock with feathers of red and grey roosting nearby. These creatures will make a perfect breakfast.

  They have feet seemingly too large for their bodies and long legs leading up to a fat, oblong body. The torso is a deep, claylike red and the only color variation on the birds lie in their grey collar feathers, which are much longer--hanging down low towards their dispr
oportionate legs.

  They coo and clamor together. I place one of the rounded stones in my new sling and take aim. I swing my arm around hard, with my eye on my target. My aim is true and the bird falls silently to the forest floor. The kill was so seamless the others in the flock do not even startle. I load my sling once more and take another down for good measure. Then I move to retrieve my kills. I pluck, clean and gut them before I head back towards the ruins, grabbing some sticks as I go. We will have to think of a name for this place. It will not do any longer to think of it as ruins.

  The sound of my return rouses my mate.

  “Oh, man… did I sleep in?” She sits up and rubs her eyes. The blanket falls away revealing her still nude body.

  “Rest all you like, my Kate. Breakfast should take some time yet--would you like some pompaya until then?”

  “So, we settled on pompaya then?” She questions and I send her a cheerful shrug in response. “Looks like you’ve been busy,” she says, noticing the food I have brought. “What do you have there?”

  “A bird of some kind. Would you like to name this one?” I ask.

  “Let’s just call this one chicken and pray that that’s what it tastes like.” This must be an Earth reference I do not understand, I think to myself.

  I squat at the hearth and lay out the sticks I brought with me from the forest. Kate stands and begins to dress, but I can feel her eyes on me. I shave the bark from them with my knife and whittle the ends so they are sharp. I take the longest of them and bore two holes through it. I then shove it through the back of my kill and secure each end with a smaller piece that I drive through the thigh and shoulder meat and through the bored holes.

  I prepare both birds in this way. The last two sticks I have brought fork at the end. I prop them with rocks in the pit with hot coals. Because of the size of our fire pit we can only cook one bird at a time. I lay the meat across the spit and arrange the coals so heat seems to be radiating evenly. I position our small bowl beneath the meat to catch any grease. When I turn, I find Kate watching all of this with intensity.

  “How did you hunt them?” She asks.

  “A simple sling, they were the first weapons we learned to work with on Javan.” I show her.

  “Do you think Allison’s learning this stuff?”

  “I do not know how Da’vi was trained. He may be teaching her such things, something similar at least.” She looks thoughtful, but does not respond. “Will you help me with this while I gather some supplies for my next task?” I ask, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Yeah of course, what do I do?”

  “Watch that the coals heat evenly. Keep them low, but stir them if necessary. I will return before it needs turning.”

  “What’s your next task?” She inquires.

  “A door.” She squeals her delight making me laugh aloud.

  “It is true then, it is the simple pleasures you wish for. I have heard of males courting their females with precious gems or the pelt of a powerful beast, even flowers--it seems the males I have been speaking to have it all wrong.” I slap her butt appreciatively--making her squeal again, and turn to head out.

  “Wait,” she calls after me. She approaches and runs her hands up my arms and over my shoulders, pulling me into an embrace. I shiver, her delicate touch has such power over me. It is as if my vision blurs and everything fades away except my Kate.

  “We’ve been so busy… and last night I fell asleep before we could…” But she does not need to continue. I have my mate down on our blanket before she can finish her thought. Her legs wrap instinctively around my waist.

  “Is it weird that I miss you? I mean, we only skipped one night of cuddle-time,” she rationalizes. I answer her with my kiss. It is not weird to me, every moment I am not touching my Kate is a moment that is missed. If I could survive on her kisses alone I would spend the rest of my days in her bed… a bed that I must make soon if I wish to remain sane.

  Kate’s arms wrap around my neck and her fingers intertwine in my mane. She pulls me into her. I dip my head to her neck and slide my tongue along her delicate jawline.

  “Sorry, I’m probably all salty.”

  “You are delicious,” I assure her.

  “Psh, you’d say that no matter what.”

  “I would, and I would mean it.” She smiles up at me and continues to play with my mane. Her smile is so precious--I cannot help but taste it. Her tongue teases mine, I suck on her full bottom lip and she nips at me, gently at first and then with more urgency and need. I can feel her desire not only in her kisses, but in her body as well. Her legs tighten around my waist and she arches her back. Through her clothing, her breasts rub against my body, it is no substitute for the feel of her skin on mine. I push myself up and begin to tear the shirt from her.

  “No! Wait, I’m running out of shirts!” She protests and I allow her to pull herself far enough away so we may get her garment over her head and off of her warm body. Once her soft skin is against mine we resume our kiss. The drumming in my core quickens. I know now it is the beat of my heart and that it beats for my Kate. I press close to her, trying to feel her heart against my chest.

  “Mmmm, Rennek. I can’t stand not touching you,” she moans as her hands skate between my wings and back.

  “I live for your touch,” I tell her. It is true. I live for her touch, her voice, her laughter, her fire and her spirit. She reaches up and grabs my horns, pulling my mouth to her breasts. I skim my claws gently across her pale and rounded flesh. I hear her suck in her breath. Her pink nipples pucker in anticipation. I stroke the tight buds with my thumbs.

  “Kiss me babe, I want your tongue on me.” Using my horns, she directs my mouth to the place she wants it and I oblige. I circle the tip of her breast with my tongue, sucking and teasing at her teats until she is grinding against me.

  My waistcloth is useless against my straining cock. I quickly unbuckle it and toss it aside. Silently, I regret not tearing her pants from her body when I removed her shirt. She must be having the same thought because she begins to tug futilely at the waistband. I help her pull them down, over her full and fleshy behind--taking care not to rip them. I know how precious these garments are to her after having gone so long without. She kicks her pants off the rest of the way and wraps her legs back around my waist. Now that she is naked the scent of her arousal becomes more potent. My cock twitches in response, slipping against her wet folds. Her scent alone brings me close to the breaking point. My heart drums faster and my senses seem to cross circuits.

  “I want you inside me so bad,” she whimpers and I have to fight myself to keep from thrusting into her cunt. “I feel so empty. I want this,” she reaches between us and wraps her fingers around my length and begins to pump… slowly, rhythmically. I freeze and let out a slow growl, biting back my own need for satisfaction. “Your dick is huge Rennek. It’s going to feel so good to finally have you inside me. How much longer are you going to make me wait?”

  “Not much longer if you keep speaking like this,” I grit out. She laughs a throaty laugh. She is trying to push me over the edge I think. She slides the tip of my cock against her entrance, coating it in her juices--then begins massaging the head, her fingers slipping and sliding over the wetness. I remain as still as I can, grabbing fistfuls of blanket on either side of me to keep from touching Kate. Touching her in this moment will surely send me over the edge.

  I bite into my bottom lip hard and squeeze my eyes shut. I attempt to regain my control, but her tongue is playing with my ear and I hear every breathy moan that escapes her lips. She arches her back again and rubs her soft breasts against my hard chest. The sensations are overwhelming. I battle between the desire to make love to her and the desire to fuck her.

  I am close to coming when I notice my mate slip her other hand between her legs. She plays with her clit before pumping her fingers inside her cunt. I will not have my mate pleasuring herself. Not when I am so eager to bring her to pleasure. I do not trust myse
lf in this position, with my cock so close to her entrance. I grab my mate’s wrists and pull her hands away.

  “Hey!” She whines. But before she can protest further I flip her over onto her hands and knees. She braces herself against the wall and I roughly spread her knees further apart. Her pussy is exposed to me and I can see for myself how wet and needy she is. She can hardly hold still, she arches toward me and begs under her breath.

  “Louder,” I tell her and that is all the encouragement she needs.

  “Fuck me, Rennek. Please. I want you so bad. I need you, I need you inside me. It will feel so good Rennek, I promise. Please Rennek, please fuck me,” she whimpers and begs, her body writhing in effort to make contact with me.


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