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The Discovery' (Alternate Dimensions Book 4)

Page 62

by Blake B. Rivers

  What Desmond noted was that it wasn't just nice to have that support; it was needed. There was no way a Tiro with needs like Sienna could be effective managed by one Maestro. There had never been a Tiro like her, and there would likely never be a Tiro like her again. They had failed.

  But in a way, Desmond thought, they had succeeded. They had learned so much about themselves, about her; about working through difficult situations, about managing over walls and under tunnels. They had advanced medical trials and survival rates in the locust gene, and relations with so many nations who simply adored her; who loved the fragile but determined Tiro.

  They had succeed

  Except, with her heart; her status; her training. They hadn't made her a witch; because they weren't ever supposed to.

  “I'll tell her,” Desmond said, getting up. “For old time's sake.”

  “Excellent,” Nathaniel answered, not looking at him.

  Sienna was not alone, as Desmond expected. She and Devon were snuggled up, playing her tablet. They looked bright eyed and awake; happy; young.

  Desmond saw himself reflected in the scene; his early days with Mariah playing in his mind. He couldn't help but clear his throat, despite telling himself that he wouldn't reprimand her.

  “Maestro,” Sienna couldn't help but jump, looking caught. Devon raised an eyebrow, with no intention to move, daring Desmond to say anything. “We are ready?”

  “To land? Almost. Nathaniel just got the landing instructions, so a few minutes left. I need to talk to you, though.”

  “Oh?” she sat up a bit more.

  “Alone,” Desmond glanced to Devon, who turned to Sienna.

  “Do you want that?” he asked.

  “Devon,” Desmond hadn't ever gotten a long with this boy. He had tolerated him, for Sienna's sake, but he didn't have any time. “Out, if you please. I can have two minutes”

  “It's alright,” Sienna said, after a moment. “Desmond probably just wants to go over my packing list and make sure I didn't forget anything.”

  Devon kissed her on the cheek and hopped off the bed, giving Desmond a smirk as he did. Desmond resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he left, sinking into a chair.

  “It is that, isn't it?” she asked, turning to him. “My clothes? My things?”

  “That's all packed,” he said. “I just wanted to talk to you about landing.”

  “Nathaniel is landing?”

  “He is,” Desmond answered. “We're cleared to land. But when we do, we'll be met with an escort guard”

  “What?” she asked. “Why?”

  “I think you know why,” he answered.

  “But....but...Nathaniel didn't mean to,” she said. “ It was an accident. Eliza was in danger.”

  “Sienna,” Desmond said, sinking into a chair. “I'm not going to sugar coat things for you. You are smart, you are educated, you know how many dangerous factors are at play here. We will be taking into solitary; into quarantine You'll go with Nathaniel, of course...but it will be a trial.”

  She paled, her hands twisting into fists and her eyes immediately flooding with tears. He hadn't quite expected it; but then, she had an emotional few days.


  “I don't want you to be scared,” he said. “When they approach. You know that there will be no violence, and whatever care you need, they will give you. But they will be quite serious about it, and every detail will be gone over. Your association with Devon probably won't help matters. Especially given the fact that...”

  “You and Mariah were already in trouble,” she picked at the blankets. “Why did Nathaniel send you?”

  “Because I'm better at staying calm,” Desmond said, bluntly. “And Nathaniel's scared.”

  Sienna gripped the blankets tighter.

  “I can't walk off a ship right now. Not on my own. But I'd like to.”

  “So, one last time,” he said. “Between the two of us, then, towards defying the Jurors.”

  “Desmond, do you have a plan?” she asked.

  “Why do you ask that?” he said, but a smile played on his lips.

  “Because you always have a plan,” she said. “Especially wen it comes to defying the Jurors.”

  “Ah, little one,” he said, and she felt the familiar surge of affection. “You do know me well.”

  She giggled, and the tension dropped between them.

  “We'll be alright, Sienna,” Desmond said. “Don't worry.”

  “I never worried,” she said. “Not when you were leading the calvary”

  “Calvary?” he asked, wondering if he needed to correct her on the translation. But he decided that it was fine; it made sense, even if it was a bit odd. He would miss that about her.

  Devon, the young witch potential, and the rest of the crew deboarded from the ship first, allowed to enter the acdamey; the city; roam free.

  Sienna watched Devon go as if she would never see him again, sandwiched in between her two Maestros

  “As soon as we hit the ramp, they will take us into cuffs,” Desmond said to Sienna, ready in case she fell. Nathaniel was silent on the other side of her, his jaw set. “They won't be rough, but we do have do as they saw. A witch's guard is the top of any police force; they govern every other body.”

  “You've done this before,” Sienna said, at last, looking up at him.

  “Many times,” Desmond answered. “And I've always walked away; lived to tell another tale. We will this time. It just might not be the same tale.”

  “Are you ready?” Nathaniel asked Sienna, and she nodded. He put his hand on the keypad, glancing to Desmond as the doors whooshed open. Everything was uncertain from this point on wards

  It was exactly as Desmond had described. They reached the bottom of the ramp, Sienna gripping their arms as they were taken into custody. They were gentle with her, as Desmond promised that they would be, and the quarantine rooms were not as cold and unforgiving as they thought. However, she still stepped back, not letting the guards get close; co warding behind her Maestros as she had done her whole life. She looked to them for comfort; for reassurance; for hope, and Nathaniel saw a flash of the child she once was, so long ago. That world seemed a million years ago, a different person; a different life. He put an arm across her, indicating that they were to stand down. He was the one that had committed the crime, she was just an innocent bystander.

  Luckily, they obeyed, and were only kind; only merciful as the process of booking them in began.

  At Nathaniel's request, they reattached IVs, although her vitals rose now that she was back at home.

  “Will you tell them the truth?” she asked, once they were settled in.

  “Yes,” he replied. “And I will hope that they make allowances if needed.”

  “It will be alright,” she said, comforted by the fact that they were back at home, in the walls she was raised in. “You will get us through this.”

  “Mm,” he said, leaning his head against the wall. He wanted to give her confidence; wanted to tell her everything would be alright and he would take care of it; as he had done before.

  “Do you have a plan too?” she asked. “Like Desmond?”

  “Yes, little one,” he said, his heart heavy. “ I have a plan that's best for all of us.”

  “I knew you would,” she replied, with a smile. “It's going to be alright.

  They were brought before the Jurors at dawn the next morning. Nathaniel had been in trouble with the Jurors before, but he had never felt as intimated by then as this moment. They were all in traditional garb, and their faces were expressionless Sienna had never seen them in their high court gear. Even Mariah's face was smooth, unable to offer her usual helpful and kind smile. In a circle; intimating faces all around then, she shivered.

  But then she turned to Desmond, to Nathaniel, and knew that it was going to be fine.

  The doors flew open, and Thomas hobbled in, also in high court gear. The Maestros dropped to their knees; their heads bent as was ceremony
Sienna was seated, but she dipped her head, staring at the floor and reaching for Nathaniel's shoulder to show solidarity.

  They had been in trouble before, and it had always been fine. Even when it seemed like there was no way out, her Maestros had always found a way. Despite the fact that Desmond would leave them after this, she had found a way to look forward to a future with Nathaniel; and the adventures they could have.

  She hadn't even thought about what she would say; because they had always taken care of it.

  “This court is now in session. Maestro Nathaniel, Maestro Desmond, do you know why you have been called today?”

  “Yes,” Nathaniel said. “The King of Natrine was caught in defensive crossfire while we were protecting the Queen of Jeffro. As a natural born leader, the laws of Nature were interrupted.”

  “That is the charge against you,” Thomas said, and internally, Sienna breathed a shy of relief. By procedural law, if they were being investigated for anything else, they would have to disclose it up front.

  She was sure everything was going to be fine now, because she knew Nathaniel had only worked in self-definse and he had not intended to kill.

  “Who fired the shot?” Thomas asked. “The killing blow?”

  “I did, and I alone,” Nathaniel answered. Thomas's eyes shifted to Desmond. “Desmond was in the room, but he did not fire.”

  “You are the sole cause of death of the King?” Thomas asked and Nathaniel nodded.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “And you have a defence?”

  “I do,” Nathaniel answered. “An explanation”

  “Then,” Thomas leaned back. “Begin.”

  “Jurors,” Nathaniel said. “It is no excuse for a witch to be distracted by any means,” he said. “But distracted I was. As you may have heard already, Maestro Desmond and I had decided that going forward, I would be training our Tiro solo. In the moments before the attack, I was distracted by her health, which as you know, has always been fragile.”

  “Sienna, you were not present?” Thomas asked.

  “No,” she said. “I---wasn'”

  “She certainly was not able,” Nathaniel answered, not revealing that it was her fault in the moment that she wasn't. “And so, like times before, we decided that her fragile health would mean she would stay on the ship. Normally, one of us would stay with her, but both of us were needed with the Queen...and I was her only Maestro. We both went. Her vitals crashed, as I heard the gunshots. I saw the Queen of Jeffro bleeding on the floor and the King of Natrine prepared to fire again. I acted out of shock and panic.”

  “I see,” Thomas said, taking it all in. The others stayed quiet, their hands templed at their lips or clenched in their lap. “That was not the only death during that quest.”

  “No,” Nathaniel said. “There was a young witch potential we were bringing back that died during an attack. I could not defend both my Tiro and the witch potential”

  “That wasn't your fault,” Sienna cried out. “It was mine. I was upset, I distracted you.”

  Nathaniel glanced to her, but said nothing.

  “Before we reach into the details,” Thomas said. “What is it that you recommend for the outcome of this case?”

  “I recommend,” Nathaniel said. “Given my multi failures in the protection of my Tiro and my quest assignees, that I be removed from Sienna's training.”

  “What?” Sienna said in shock. She felt like she was going to faint.

  “I recommend this as the best course of action for all involved. ” Nathaniel said, holding Thomas's gaze

  “You would leave your Tiro Maestro-less,” Thomas said.

  “Yes,” Nathaniel replied. “Sienna has a future outside of the path of being a witch and we encourage her to follow it, to serve Nature in other ways.”

  “Nathaniel---” Sienna cried, her eyes wide.

  Nathaniel couldn't look at her, or he would lose his nerve. He knew this was best, and he knew that she could flourish if she could just walk away from this place; see a new dream.

  “The Jurors will consider your please,” Thomas said. “Please tell us the rest of the story.”

  Chapter 21

  “Little one, listen to me,” Nathaniel said, as they stood just outside the Jurors chambers. It was the same place they had stood when they had accepted her as a Tiro, all those years ago. She was inconsolable, in disbelief. “Listen,” he got down to his knees, holding her wrists. “This is best. This is best for everyone.”

  “You promised me---” she cried.

  “I promised you that I would always take care of you,” he said. “And I am doing just that. Look at how much fun you had with Devon in the past few days, how many stories he told of his life outside of the Order. That is the life you are meant to have; the life you should have had.”

  “But---” she protested.

  “Sienna,” Nathaniel said, softly. “You love him, don't you?”

  She nodded, wordlessly.

  “As I love Eliza, and Desmond loves Mariah. But so long as we are within these walls, in this order, we cannot openly love them. We cannot hold hands down the street, we cannot live a life that the rest of the universe takes for granted. We cannot follow our hearts. But we can release you, little one, and you can do all those things for us. You can be anything you want; work anywhere you want, and love him if you want. Hold his hand downtown; live your life as you desire.”

  She held his gaze, her heart quivering.

  “You want to serve Nature, I know,” Nathaniel said, softly. “But this was not the way you were intended to serve, and we went against natural law for so long. There is another way you are intended to serve, and I know you will find it. Will you do that?” he asked, wiping away her tears. “Will you do that for me?”

  She didn't move for a long time, her head whirling and her heart nearly exploding out of her chest.

  “For us?” Desmond asked her. “We didn't fail, Sienna; none of us failed. We explored so much; we learned so much; and we made so many advances. Nature intended the three of us to come together, and now Nature intends us to separate”

  She looked between the two of them, unsure, but her tears had slowed.

  “We aren't never going to see each other again,” Nathaniel promised her. “This transition will be smooth and we will remain close.”


  “Do you love him?” Nathaniel asked her.

  “Yes,” she said. “And I've hated being away from him.”

  “And you always loved languages; diplomacy; negotiation,” Desmond said. “You are brilliant at those things.”

  “I am only good at them because I am trained as a witch. And I don't know where we would go..”

  “Ah,” at last, Nathaniel felt confident in telling her something. “It so happens that you'll have a place on Jeffro, because Eliza made you a Baroness.”

  “What?” she asked, in shock.

  “You are Jeffro royalty, if you want, so that even if no longer on the throne, they have to honour you. You are safe there.”

  “Oh,” she said, in shock.

  “And you know Jeffro's medical facilities are second to none,” he said. “As well as Jeffro's palace. There is a future for you, and it is bright.”

  Sh remained silent a long time, thinking.

  “I don't know if I am strong enough to do this.”

  “Sienna, you have been strong enough for everything else that came you way,” Desmond asked. “This is not the toughest hurdle you have faced.”

  She bit her lip, thinking of the death; the destruction and the hurdles they had made it over. In a lot of ways, this was not the hardest day of her life. Being unable to use magic; watching Devon's life fade and thinking for a horrible second she wouldn't be able to save him; those things were much worse.

  “I know that what you are saying is right,” she said, after a long moment. “I know that this is the right way, and I do think I've known it for a long time. I just promised me.”

  “We did,” Nathaniel knew he had broken that promise. “I'm sorry for that. Promises change, little one, as the world makes our purposes more clear”

  “I could be Eliza's translator,” she said, softly. “I could work along side her.”

  “That would make me happy,” Nathaniel replied. “I would know that you would be safe, and it would give me an extra excuse to visit.”

  “Nathaniel,” Desmond said. “You're on trial and your status of a witch is up for questioning.”

  “I take after my Maestro,” Nathaniel grinned. “Is this decided then? This is what we will do?”

  The three of them looked at each other, keeping emotions at bay.

  “Yes,” Sienna said. “This is what we will do.”

  She had feared this moment for so long. She had expected to feel abandoned; thrown away; angry; sad. Her heart was torn, but she knew this was the right thing to do; to serve nature.

  Her heart also leapt at the possibility of being with Devon without sneaking around.

  “Alright,” Nathaniel replied. “Let's go, then.”

  “The Jurors have taken your recommendation and your defence into consideration,” Thomas said, looking between the two of them. “And have accepted your recommendation to end Sienna's training.”

  She felt it hit her like a wave, and leaned against Nathaniel, who slipped a hand around her shoulders.

  It was sad, but they were free. Free of pushing, free of trying; free of hoping for something that would never happen.

  “You will..”

  “Excuse me,” Desmond broke in. “I will move on as well.”

  “What?” everyone turned to him in shock. Mariah squeaked, betraying her emotion.

  “I am past my prime, Maestro, too old to take another Tiro. And we both know that I have walked a grey line for far too long. Every time I walk in here, it's to argue semantics, and I imagine I would continue to do it until my death. Instead, I offer my honourable discharge; my retirement”

  Sienna had expected that as well, but it still shocked her. She couldn't help but exchange a smile with Desmond though. They were both sharing a secret; a life that would bring them happiness


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