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Murdered By Wine: A Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery (Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery Series Book 13)

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by Dianne Harman

  “It’s probably inappropriate to say what a way to go,” Brad said laughing.

  “Probably so,” Josie answered. “You’d never think something like that could happen to people who are knowledgeable about wine, but several years ago a Spanish woman who was a wine specialist was taking a sample from one of the fermentation tanks where she worked, and she fell into it and died. What was even more tragic was that her uncle, who was the owner of the vineyard, was the one who discovered her.” She shook her body in mock horror. “Just the thought of it is enough to keep me from ever taking a sip from one of the vats.”

  “Are the wines in these vats stirred?” Julia asked.

  “Rarely. Angela prefers to let the lees, or the yeast deposit, sink to the bottom of the vats and remain there. She doesn’t like that much yeast to be released into the wine itself.” Josie looked at her watch and said, “I see we’re running a little late and it’s time for our wine tasting. Please, follow me up the stairs to the wine tasting room.”

  The four of them, along with Josie, walked into a bright and airy room with large windows looking out at the beautiful Moretti vineyard. An aged rectangular dark wooden table had been set for four people. In front of each person were five wine glasses, each filled with a different wine. Small individual platters containing different kinds of cheese, fruits, and crackers were also placed invitingly before them. Between the wine glasses and the platter was a printed legend describing each wine and which cheese, fruit and cracker best complemented it. A glass of chilled water was located to the right of the wine glasses.

  “These are the premier wines from the Moretti Winery,” Josie explained, as they settled themselves at the table. “I’ll be telling you a little about each of them, and please feel free to ask me questions. I urge you to taste not only the wine but also the suggested foods that best accompany them, and please, don’t pass up the chocolate which is paired with the last wine. It’s specially made for our winery with a little of the wine that accompanies it actually being one of the ingredients in it.”

  For the next hour, they listened intently as Josie told them about the wines. They tested, tasted, and tried the various wines and accompaniments. True to her word, Kelly only had one small sip of each of the different kinds of wine, but managed to eat everything on her platter. The cheeses had her mouth watering for more.

  “Josie, I have a question, but it’s not wine related. Where do these wonderful cheeses come from? Really, they’re the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Thank you, Kelly. We get our cheese from two local artisanal cheese makers. I’ll be happy to give you their names and how to contact them. Actually, when Julia comes by tomorrow to pick up the wine information I have for her, I’ll put that information with hers. There’s a wonderful shop on the square in Sonoma where you can buy these cheeses, but I’m told you can also order them online.”

  “Thank you so much. I own a coffee shop in Oregon, and I would love to have a cheese platter on the menu, although I have a feeling it wouldn’t be very cost effective.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe you can get it wholesale. I don’t order what’s served here, so maybe Jim buys it wholesale. The one thing I can tell you is that the chocolates are not available to the public. They’re made exclusively for our winery. Aren’t they wonderful?”

  Nodding heads affirmed they were all in agreement. “I don’t want to rush you, but we’ve gone over our two-hour allotted time limit, and I saw a car pull into the parking lot which I imagine is for you,” Josie said as she glanced outside. “If you do wish to buy a bottle of wine or join our wine club, please let me know, and I can process your request. Thank you so much for spending time here at the Moretti Winery, and Julia, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  “Well, Mom, Mike, what did you think of the Moretti Winery?” Julia asked as they rode back to town. She was holding on her lap the two bottles of wine she’d bought, which had been safely packed in a signature wine bag with the initials, M and W, intertwined in the form of grape vines.

  “I thought it was fascinating. I found out more in the two hours we were with Josie than I’ve known about wine in my entire life. I guess I’m a real lightweight, because there was no way I could drink all the glasses of wine we were given at the tasting. One sip of each was enough for me. Thanks for arranging it, sweetheart,” Kelly said, settling back into the soft leather seat of the car they’d hired.

  Julia smiled, clearly pleased with Kelly’s response. “I guess I’m the designated tour guide for our trip, because I made reservations for Brad and Mike to play golf at the Sonoma Golf Club tomorrow morning. I have a friend who has an in there, and I was able to get you two on the course as guests of a member. It’s quite famous and in the past, has hosted the PGA Champions Tour. You have an 8:00 a.m. tee time.

  “Mom, I thought we could have a leisurely breakfast, then head back to the Moretti Winery, so I can pick up the information Josie has for me. After that we can do some shopping. From what I researched on the Internet, it looks like there are some great shops on the square, and Mom, I even located a cooking specialty store for you.”

  Mike scratched his head, and with a sideways look at Brad said, “I rarely play golf, so if you don’t want me to embarrass you, I’d understand. You can play by yourself, and I’ll accompany Kelly and Julia.”

  “Sorry, Mike, you’re not getting off that easy,” Brad said in an easygoing tone of voice. “I checked after Julia made the reservation, and they have clubs for rent. From what the man at the pro shop said, there’s rarely anybody on the course that early on a weekday, so we should have it to ourselves. I don’t play that much myself, so no one will be around to make fun of us duffers.”

  Kelly elbowed Mike. “Mike, you should definitely do that. You rarely have a free day, and I think it would be good for you. Plus, we couldn’t ask for more beautiful weather. Enjoy, and I really would like to spend a little time with our daughter,” Kelly said as she smiled at Julia.

  “Okay, if you promise I won’t ruin your time on the course, I’d enjoy it. Julia, thanks for making the reservation. This comes as a complete surprise.”

  “I figured there was no way Mom could do wine tasting every day, so this seemed like a good idea. Golf for you two and retail therapy for us. Now, about tonight.” Julia looked around the car, and three expectant pairs of eyes stared back at her. “I made reservations at an Italian restaurant which is supposed to be fabulous, and it’s only half a block off the square in our direction. We can walk to it. Let’s go back to the bed and breakfast, relax, and meet up for our 7:30 reservation about 7:15 in the parlor room by the front door. Sound okay?”

  “Sounds great, and I might even indulge in a nap,” Mike said grinning. “The combination of wine and cheese made me sleepy, and the bed is nice and soft. I’ll have just enough time for a quick snooze. If I’m expected not to make a fool of myself in the morning on the golf course, I might as well get as much rest as I can.”


  Promptly at 7:15, they set off for Angelo’s Restaurant, touted as one of the best Italian restaurants in the Sonoma area. A few minutes later the four of them were seated in the secluded patio area. The evening was cool, and outdoor heaters warmed the air. They were surrounded by lush plants and flowers that defied the season, their fragrance intermingling with strains of violin music and twinkling lights to create an intimate ambiance.

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been in a restaurant with such a romantic feeling,” Kelly said. “Julia, if the food is half as good as the atmosphere, I’ll be happy.”

  Mike cleared his throat. “Kelly, if there’s one thing I like to hear you say it’s that something is putting you in a romantic mood. Please, hold the thought.”

  “Mike, you’re incorrigible, but I will hold the thought just for you,” she said as she smiled at him with an encouraging look of promise in her eyes.

  Brad shuffled his menu while Julia piped up, “Hey you two lovebirds, we
’re the somewhat newlyweds around here and just think, we have two more days to explore this area. I love it here. Thanks again for joining Brad and me.” She dipped a piece of freshly baked bread in a dish of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. She swallowed and closed her eyes. “Good grief, Mom, you have to try this. It’s fabulous, and it’s something you could serve at Kelly’s.”

  Kelly tore off a small piece of bread from the warm loaf, dipped it and said, “I agree. It’s wonderful, and a new bakery has just come in town. I’ll bet I could get them to deliver a couple of loaves a day and see how it goes.”

  “If you want my opinion, Kelly, and I’m sure you do,” Mike said, “I think you better up your order to several loaves. This is fabulous. Be my bet that everyone who tries it will want it the next time they come in. You could even have Roxie bring it out at lunch right after she gives your customers their menus.” He reached for a second piece.

  “I think it’s unanimous, Mom, this would be delicious at the coffee shop. So, what’s everyone having for dinner? I’ll start, because I read the menu before I came. The chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms, cheese, and herbs is definitely calling to me.”

  “Pappardelle with prosciutto in a cream sauce sounds delicious,” Kelly said as she reached for her purse.

  “Kelly, please don’t make a scene in the restaurant by taking a photo of the dish with your cell phone. Just enjoy the experience for once. There’s nothing wrong with leaving your work at home,” Mike said sternly.

  “All right, if you insist, although I wasn’t thinking of making it for the coffee shop, I was thinking of making it for us.”

  “Well, in that case, I suppose one or two photos would be okay,” Mike said sheepishly. “Just try and keep it very low key.”

  “Mike, in case you haven’t noticed,” Julia said, “everyone takes pictures of their food nowadays, and then they put it on Instagram or Pinterest. It’s kind of the ‘in’ thing to do. Believe me, Mom won’t stand out at all.”

  “It’s called food porn,” Brad informed Mike, who looked perplexed.

  “Hmmm, I see. I suppose you’re right, Julia. Call it an age thing,” Mike said with a grunt. “So as far as dinner goes, I’ve decided on the sea bass.” He snapped his menu shut. “I love it, and you don’t see it all that often on the menu.”

  “Risotto for me,” Brad said. “It’s pretty time consuming to make and something we never have at home.” He turned to Julia, “And I’m not suggesting that you stop taking care of the girls, the ranch, the wine classes, and everything else you do, just to spend an hour standing over the stove stirring something for me,” he said grinning.

  They were all talking about how wonderful the dinner had been when the waiter approached their table carrying a tray of desserts. “I’m sorry, but you must have the wrong table. We were so full we decided not to order any dessert,” Kelly said.

  “The chef is testing out a new dessert tonight, and all of the diners are getting a chance to try it. It’s complementary, but he would like to know what you think of it,” he said as he placed a small cup that looked like it was made of chocolate with a liquid inside in front of each of them. “It’s a chocolate cup with a little sparkling wine it. He thinks it would make a nice accompaniment to the tiramisu, which is pretty much our signature dessert here. First you drink the sparkling wine in the cup, and when it’s all gone, you cut up the chocolate cup and eat it. Enjoy!”

  The four of them began eating with ill-disguised gusto. “The things we have to do to help the chef,” Mike muttered, but devouring his chocolate cup in just a couple of bites.

  A few minutes later the waiter returned to their table and said, “Well, how was your chocolate experience?”

  “It was absolutely one of the best things I’ve ever had, and how clever of him,” Kelly said. “I’ve never seen that done anywhere, and I’m a big fan of the cooking shows on television as well as an avid reader of food magazines. Please, tell the chef that these are definitely worth serving. People will probably start ordering dessert before their main entrees when the word gets out.”

  “That I doubt, but I will definitely tell the chef that you approve,” he nodded. “Here’s your bill, and thank you for coming to Angelo’s. We hope you’ll return soon.

  When the bill had been settled, they decided a walk back to the bed and breakfast. A short walk and a good night’s sleep would finish off the day perfectly, and so it did. Little did they know it was the calm before the storm.


  At 6:00 the next morning, the phone in Mike and Kelly’s room rang. It was on Kelly’s side of the bed, and she groggily reached for it. “Hello,” she said, wondering who could possibly be calling at that hour. The only people she’d given the bed and breakfast number to had been Doc and Liz, who were taking care of their dogs and Roxie, who was managing Kelly’s Koffee Shop in her absence. A call from either of them was not a good thing at this hour of the morning.

  “Mom, it’s me,” Julia said. “I’m sorry to call so early, but we have a bit of an emergency, and we’re leaving for home in a few minutes.”

  “What’s wrong?” Kelly asked, sitting up in bed, wide awake, every motherly nerve of hers on high alert. “Is something wrong with you or Brad?”

  “No. I didn’t want to worry you yesterday, but Ella had a bit of a fever when we left home. She tends to run them occasionally, so I wasn’t too concerned. But we got a call from the woman who’s staying with them, and now we’re both concerned. She’s running a temperature of 103 degrees. I told Nancy, the woman who’s staying with them, that we’d be home shortly. It’s early enough if we leave now we can beat the rush hour traffic, so we should be home in a little over two hours. Depending on how she’s doing, we’ll either take her into emergency, or I’ll get her in to see her pediatrician as soon as possible.”

  Mike rolled over as Kelly whispered her reply. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. Can we do anything to help?”

  “I wish you could, but she needs her mommy and daddy. It will probably be one of those times when we get home the temperature will be gone and she’ll be fine, but we can’t risk it. As a matter of fact, you could do me a favor. I told Josie I’d pick up the wine information she was gracious enough to put together for me, so if you could get it from her, that would be a big help.”

  “No problem. I’ll send it to you. Give Ella a hug and a kiss from us. Actually, better do the same to Olivia. I don’t want to be the cause of any sisterly jealousy.”

  “I will,” Julia said laughing. “Wait a minute. Brad’s saying something.” It was quiet for a moment, then Julia said, “Brad says to tell Mike to go ahead and play golf. He’ll probably have the course to himself, and it’s supposed to be absolutely beautiful. He said please cancel his reservation. Mom, I really do have to go. Love you, and I’ll call you when I know more.” The phone went dead.

  “I heard everything,” Mike said, opening his eyes. “I hope Ella’s going to be all right. That sounds like an awfully high fever. Do you think we should drive over there?”

  “No. Kids can spike really high fevers, and then they’ll go back to normal in a matter of hours, but Julia’s right. You can’t ignore it. It could be something a little more serious. Fortunately, they’re not all that far from their home in the Sierra foothills. I’m thinking since we’re already awake we can have breakfast, and then I’ll take you to the golf course.” Kelly looked at him as he made a face. “I’ll wait an hour or so and then go out to the winery and pick up the information Josie said she’d have for us. You can call me when you’re through playing golf. Since you’re starting so early and probably playing by yourself, it shouldn’t take all that long, and then we can have a late lunch and do whatever.”

  Mike stretched his arms and silently yawned. “Well, I just hope I don’t have to play with anyone. I’m strictly a duffer, and it wouldn’t have bothered me to play with Brad, but I think I’d be totally intimidated if I was playing with a couple of really good golfer

  “You can always say you don’t feel good. Just make sure you get your own cart. That way you can head back to the clubhouse and call me. I can be there to pick you up in just a few minutes.”

  Mike squinted his eyes and said, “Yeah, having my own cart is kind of like having my own car when we go someplace, like here. The way it’s turned out, it’s a good thing I said we’d rent a car rather than have Brad and Julia pick us up at the airport.”

  “To change the subject, why don’t you let me take my shower first?” Kelly said. “I take a lot longer getting dressed than you do.”

  “Darling, I’d never noticed. I see that someone put a newspaper under our door, so I’ll read what’s going on in the world while you make yourself beautiful.”

  “Spoken like a true diplomat,” she said as she leaned over, kissed him, and then walked into the bathroom.


  Later when they pulled up in front of the traditionally styled clubhouse at the Sonoma Golf Club, Kelly said, “Mike, if the golf course is half as beautiful as the clubhouse, you’re in for a treat, plus it has to be one of the most beautiful fall days I’ve ever seen.”

  She eyed the rolling terrain accented by massive oak tree and could see a lake off in the distance. The course overlooked the sweeping Mayacamas mountains and neighboring vineyards. If Kelly hadn’t promised to pick up the papers for Julia, she might have been tempted to take up golf for herself for one day. “Forget about whatever you have going on back in Cedar Bay and just enjoy yourself. I’ll wait for your call.”

  “You’re sure you’ll be okay driving out to the Moretti Winery?”


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