The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc) Page 4

by Cilla Lee

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Yeah,” he places his beer on the table giving me his full attention.

  “Well! What the fuck do you need?”

  “Not sure if you heard, but I want to join the club and be the first woman member.”

  “Fuck, I heard that, but I thought it was a joke,” he says, but I shake my head.

  “Nope, all true and I need a unanimous vote from all thirteen full members.”

  “Ava I just... you’re a...”

  “If you fucking say I'm a woman, I'm kicking your ass. You remember why you owe me the marker” he looks down at my hip where a bullet scar now is, and I can see he's remembering that night.


  The club had a debt that they were calling in a guy named Johnny Wu; he’d gone off the grid and was selling meth underselling the club. To say, Preacher was pissed was an understatement, the club was losing money, and that wasn’t good. Wu had been a good money maker until he went rogue, Preacher was not happy, so he sent out feelers to try and catch him. But Wu was a slippery fucker, evading the club for almost four months before they got a tip. Preacher asked if I could help, so I went along, Hawk Asphalt Knuckle and I found the dipshit in an abandoned house outside of town. Hawk and I entered through the back door, and just as we were coming into the kitchen. Wu appeared, spun and raised his gun. I shot him just before he could shoot Hawk, but as Johnny was going down his gun when off and it was like slow motion. I jumped in front of Hawk and was hit just above my hip landing on top of him “Shit Widow what the fuck?” he pulled up my shirt as I looked down, blood seeping onto the floor.

  “Fuck, I can't believe I got shot, look at this!” I'm fucking pissed I just had my tattoo done, the one of the tiger and Koi fish that cost me a fuck load of money and was now going to cost me even more fucking money to have it fixed.

  “Damn girl that bullet was mine”

  “Oh, don't be so dramatic, it was a tiny gun, I'll let you catch the next bullet,” I tell him.

  “Fuck Sniper’s gonna kick my ass,” Hawk says looking panicked.

  “I'm gonna kick your ass, it's fucked up my tattoo!” I tell him annoyed.

  “Damn it, Widow! Will you be fuckin’ serious!” he says annoyed like I’m not fussed that I’ve just been shot.

  “I fucking am, now if you don't stop blubbering all over me, I'm gonna put the next bullet in you myself” I try to get up but he holds me down.

  “Will you stay fuckin’ still!”

  “Let me get up Hawk.”

  “No, you've been shot” I look at him.

  “I'm fucking fine, now get off of me.”


  “Hawk, get me the fuck up, who knows what's on this floor,” he pulls me up, and I look down at my shirt.

  “Fucking god dammit!" I yell, and Hawk looks at me.

  “What?” he asks

  “I fuckin’ love this shirt,” I tell him and he rolls his eyes looking at my blood-soaked shirt.

  “Fuck you’re a pain in the fuckin’ ass.”

  “Fuck off,” I say wincing as my side starts to throb, I pick my gun up kneeling next to Hawk. The microwave explodes above us as Asphalt comes flying over the counter into the kitchen crumbling to the floor

  “Where the fuck is Knuckle?” I ask him, and he looks at me seeing the blood

  “Fuck Widow you’re bleedin’ darlin’.”

  “No shit! Where’s Knuckle?” I ask him again.

  “Behind the bar,” he tells me.

  “KNUCKLE YOU GOOD” I yell out to him as more shots ring out.

  “Yeah, all good” Knuckle replies when the shooting stops.

  “Who the fuck is firing?” I ask Hawk, and he peeks his head out a shot just missing his head

  “FUCK!” he yells landing back on his ass.

  “How many are out there?”

  “Two maybe three,” he says

  “What is it two or three?” I ask him, and he shakes his head

  “Fuck, let’s have a look see” I open the cupboards in front of me and the guys watch me.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Hawk asks me as I go through the cupboards

  “Shut up,” I tell him, I find what I've been searching for and change positions with Hawk holding the lid up, I see one of the guys stand up and walk towards us and just as he's in the open. I stand, and fire and bullets ring out again splintering all of the cabinets above us. I cover my head as wood falls down on top of us than the shooting stops.

  “Fuck,” Hawk says, and I smile.

  “I know I just fuckin’ had my hair done” Asphalt frowns at me, but I smile “Let’s end this shit, I pick the lid up again and have another look, I see both men run towards the door (oh fuck no). I stand again, and so do the boys, and we fire watching both men crumble to the ground. “Hawk,” I say, and he looks at me “You fucking owe me, and I'm calling it in,” he sits back leaning his head on the back of the sofa.

  “Fine, yes, you got my vote.”

  “Yippee” I yell jumping on top of him kissing him all over his face, and he laughs, with the worst timing ever my parents walk into the clubhouse and dads face drops walking straight over to us, and I stand up.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he asks, as Hawk’s goes quiet.

  “Nothing,” I say to my father, and he looks at the three of us.

  “Nothing man, I promise,” Hawk says with his hands up.

  “Then why was my daughter pawing all over you motherfucker,” I smile at my dad.

  “Just calling in my marker,” I tell him as his face drops, even more, shaking his head.

  “No, you fuckin’ didn't,” he says to Hawk.

  “Yep” is all I say walking over to my mom with a light skip, I hear a thud looking behind me seeing Hawk holding his jaw.

  “Why'd you hit him,” I ask my dad but he just grumbles at me, I know this is killing him but too damn bad.


  I'm sitting in my room Saturday morning when Justin comes into my room without knocking “Get the fuck out” I tell him.

  “What you don't want my help?”


  “Ok, so you don't want me to tell you how to get Preacher’s vote than” I look up at my brother.

  “You know how I can get the last vote?” he smiles nodding his head.

  “Yep, I overheard something at the clubhouse” I shake my head at him.

  “Who did you overhear this time?”

  “Bear and Doc”

  “Oh yeah! What were those two talking about?”

  “Apparently the Cali Chapter has started up a gym and are holdin’ fight nights there.”

  “So how is this gonna help me with Preacher.”

  “Well, apparently Razor and his boys have put out a challenge to all the other clubs” I frown at him.

  “What?” he rolls his eyes at me.

  “You know club vs. club fight night” I stand up and start pacing my room.

  “Shit do you think if I fought for the club that I could get Preacher's vote.”

  “I don't think so sis; you have to be a member so you'd have to get Preacher's vote before” I stop pacing.


  “Offer yourself up and make a deal, if you lose you leave the club, but still work for it, but if you win you get your full patch” I smile my brothers a genius.

  “Ya think he'll go for it.”

  “Only way you know is if you ask,” he tells me.

  Chapter Nine


  Fuck, I've been so busy since the fights have started, I’ve hardly had any downtime, I look down at Bliss as she sucks on my dick. I've fucked all the bitches, but for some reason, it's Bliss that I keep gravitating to, she's got this exotic look to her that gets my dick up, plus she got a talented fuckin’ mouth that's for sure. I grab her head, pushin' her down on my dick more, and she moans, as she swallows my dick suckin’ hard. I step back from her mouth, lettin’ go of my dick as I pull her up spinin’ her
around and push her to the bed, she looks back at me smilin’. “What are you waiting for?” she says as I grab a condom slidin' it on, the tightness of the latex drawing my balls up. I take a deep breath lookin' down at her on all fours, her ass in the air; I grab her hips spreadin' her ass cheeks and position my dick slowly pushin' in. She's not as tight as Gypsy, but fuck she still feels good. She moans as I slide further into her pussy and she starts to contract; I lean over her squeezin' her tits, they're a nice handful with dark little nipples. I move a little faster her pussy tightenin’ more. I lean down and lift her up, her back to my front and tug hard on her nipples makin’ her scream her pussy drippin'

  “Turn around and stay on your knees,” I tell her, I pull out of her, and she does what I tell her to do, she goes to kiss me but that's one thing I feel is too personal with a whore. I pull back before her lips can touch mine, I whisper in her ear “Grab your ankles” she does leaning back, and I step back lookin' at her tits in the air legs spread and her pussy wet and glistenin’. I run my hand between her tits, and she takes a breath.

  “Scythe please!” she begs, makin' me smile.

  “You want my dick darlin’” she nods her head as I step closer pullin’ her to the edge of the bed and adjust my dick in between her legs pushin' into her pussy, she moans louder as I take her nipples into her mouth and tweakin' the other one.

  “Yes!” she moans as she leans back more forcing her nipple into my mouth. I suck it hard her pussy quiverin' and her legs shake.

  “Scythe please I need to come!”

  “Not yet darlin’ you come when I say you can.”

  “I... I... I c... can’t p... pl... please let me come!”

  “Hold it” I pull out of her again and slowly slide back in; her jaw grinds as I pull out and ram my dick into her hard and she comes moanin' louder as she sucks on my dick with her cunt.

  “I… I. I’m sorry I couldn't hold it,” she says all breathless.

  “Naughty girl now I'm gonna have to punish you,” I tell her pullin' out of her still contracting pussy and push her to the bed. I reach for the silk rope, I have in my side table drawer, “Hands up” I tell her, and she holds out her hands for me, I tie her hands together at the wrists and tie her to my bed head. “See how hard I am,” I tell her as I rub my dick up and down her pussy as I crawl up her body and position my dick in front of her mouth. I pull the condom off “Open” I tell her as she opens her mouth and I slide my dick between her lips, her hot wet lips lickin' the tips of my dick as the bead of cum appears.

  “Mmm, you taste good” I smile at her.

  “Open your mouth,” I tell her again and she does what she's told as I slide my dick back into her mouth, I position myself a little better above her and start to fuck her. She gags a little, and I pull back, I slide back in stretchin’ her mouth wider. I can only get a couple of inches into her when she gags again. I pull out and grab another condom puttin' it on and movin' back down the bed flippin' her over and puttin' her on her knees “Hold on” I tell her as I thrust into her pussy hard and she screams, I pull back out and fuck her harder just the way I like it. By the time I'm done with her, she's fast asleep still tied to the bed, I untie her hands and lay down next to her. I lay there for ages when I hear music and people laughin’ out in the main room; I decide to go have a drink and leave Bliss to sleep.

  “Brother” Cookie says Saffron sittin’ on his lap “You ware Bliss out” I smile “Yeah you did,” he says punchin’ me in the arm.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I tell him.

  “Pool,” he asks, and I look over at the pool table seein' Cuff and Socket playin’.

  “Yeah, fuck it lets do it.”

  “So, the fights have been a good money earner what's next” Cuff asks me.

  “Nothin’ Brother just the gym and settin’ up more fights.”

  “And what about this club vs. club idea?” Socket asks me

  “What you don't like it?” I ask him

  “Fuck no! I love I've already put my name in,” he says, and Cookie and I look at each other.

  “You did! When?”


  “Who you lookin’ to fight.”

  “Fuckin’ Crash keeps hittin’ on my woman every time he comes to town,” he says makin’ Cuff smile.

  “He does it, so you get pissed off dumbass.”

  “I don't fuckin’ care I wanna pound his fuckin’ face in” I smile.

  “Fuckhead the Nomads are gonna be the referees there not fightin’,” I tell him.

  “Fuck off!” he says, lookin’ at me.

  “Sorry man, we needed someone who would be fair.”

  “So, you’re usin’ the Nomads.”


  “Dammit, I wanted to fuckin’ kick Crashes ass.”

  “Sorry Brother”

  “Who else has their names down,” Cuff asks me


  “Need to know to see who to put my money on”

  “Razor’s got the list man.”

  “It's gonna be fuckin’ great, I'm gonna win so much money,” he says smilin’.

  “You don't know fuckhead you could lose everything.”

  “Nope, I'm gonna be near Niya the whole time, so I'm not gonna lose” I look at the two of them, and Socket rolls his eyes.

  “Brother, you keep touchin’ Niya it'll be you and Colt in the ring.” Socket tells him

  “Fuck off! He loves me.”

  “You’re an idiot; he's warned you so many times to keep your hands off of her, look at the last time you hugged her.”

  “He wasn't seriously going to shoot me” Socket mumbles idiot.

  “Ok, someone fill me in what happened last time,” I ask, and Socket looks up.

  “Well, dipshit here thinks Niya is his lucky charm, so whenever he wants to bet on something. He thinks Niya has to be near him for him to win” I look at Cuff, and he smiles.

  “It's fuckin’ true man she's fuckin’ lucky,” he states, Socket shakin' his head.

  “Anyway, the last time was for the Super Bowl, dumbass here wanted to put a big bet on and Niya was here helpin’ Dover out with something, so he rides over to her house and finds out she's here, so he rides back, except so is Colt and Stryker. The betting box was only open for another thirty minutes, and he had to get around Colt, so he waited until Niya went to the toilet and followed her in

  “She was cool she stood there while I placed the bet,” Cuff says smilin’.

  “Yeah, but Colt was wondering why she was takin’ so long in the bathroom, he walked in on dumbass here huggin’ her in the ladies” I shake my head only fuckin’ Cuff.

  “Right and,” I ask

  “Well, Colt sees him walks back out to the main hall, pulls Stryker's gun he carries out of his back holster and was on his way back to the bathroom to kill his dumbass. Niya came walkin’ out and just as he was gonna pull the trigger Stryker pushes his arm up” Socket points up, and I follow his finger up to the roof seein' a bullet hole in the roof.


  “Yeah, fuck!” Socket says, shaking his head at the smilin’ Cuff “Razor was so fuckin’ pissed he didn't let the two of them back to the clubhouse for a month”

  “You fuckhead, you know Old Ladies are off limits,” I tell him.

  “It's not like I was fuckin’ her, I just.... I just needed some luck” I laugh at him.

  “So, did ya at least win” he smiles noddin’ his head.

  “Five-grand man.”

  “Fuck! Your serious!” he nods again.

  “She's my lucky charm.”

  “Yeah, and even Razor's sick of it he's forbidden him from touchin’ her”

  “You fuckhead,” I tell him.

  “What? She's been lucky for you, asshole,” he says, and I look at him.... Yeah, she fuckin’ has, I smile, maybe he has a point “Yeah asshole you get.”

  “Rack 'em dumbass,” I tell him smilin’.

  Chapter Ten

  Ava />
  Pacing back and forth in front of Preacher’s office my heart was in my throat, I'd wanted this for so long. I'm standing there when the door opens, and Preacher steps out runin' into me “Fuck darlin’! Sorry, didn't see you there.”


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